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Getting Ready To Rumble
Date of Scene: 06 July 2021
Location: Bushwick (Mutant Town), Brooklyn
Synopsis: An evening of fight watching turns bizarre and deadly when the wrong elements mix at the right time.
Cast of Characters: Juggernaut, Deadpool, Hannibal King

Juggernaut has posed:
Mutant Town is a great place if you're a metahuman, mutant or otherwise person of interest and you don't want to stand out amongst the crowd. The various denizens with visible mutations are a dime a dozen and a person with wings is as liable to fit in as a person with four arms and one eye. And though it can be high on crime it does have a few note worthy places of entertainment that attract varous comers and goers despite the risk that they may entail. One of their famed fight clubs happens to be one of them. Fighting for fun isn't exactly legal..but..hey whose keeping track?

The fight club/casion/bar is built into what once was an abandoned subway station but now it houses a massive center ring and assorted entertainments for those who brave its underground depths. Mutant healers have a steady pay keeping the house fighters in good shape and restoring back to health any 'Whoops, hit them to hard' sort of happenings and the place is usually pretty rowdy. Right now the crowd is moderate in size as two mutant bruisers pound on each other in the ring. Their blows shaking the first few rows of the spectator seats.

Cain Marko is in the house tonight. A corner table is swamped over by his outrageous physique and crushing presence and he watches the proceedings with a look of complete boredom. Cyttorak is unsatisfied. Therefore he is unsatisfied. The urge for violence stirs in his blood but is quelled by a minor grunt or irritation as if confronted with the exisitentional futility of it all. Who here could stand against him? Who -anywhere- can stand against him? (or so his ego questions.) So what's the point?

A tee shirt sporting Godzilla looming over a skyline, stretches across his gigantic torso, swelling visibly and stretching under the behemoths heavy breaths. His muscles rumbling with the vague connotations of a seismic disturbance waiting to happen as he boredly contemplates his options and idly examines his own hand as he lifts it up and looks it over.

Deadpool has posed:
It was a random visit to the fight club to find proper victums or at least that was the story he went with, as Deadpool arives actually wearing a large cloak to disquise himself though he was wearing the Deadpool gear underneath minus the swords as they were rather noticable under such garb. He didn't really need them tonight he was hopping, and he was still armed to the teeth with guns, and other things. He had his ways to get into places like this, a bit of money to some a picture of a family member to others he usually did not have a hard time getting anywhere even with his weapons though he wasn't alone tonight.

On either side of him were large men or at least they looked like men they wore shirts that said 'Thing One" and "Thing Two" which made him laugh as that made him the cat in the hat. If anyone could detect they were vampires though the demon variety inhabiting bodies, though they would look human there were things like not breathing that might give them away to the careful observer. He said in a low tone as they enter, "Make any trouble here, and if I don't kill you myself your on your own." in a stern voice but he smiles a bit hoping that they would as he was curious.

The three walk in as Deadpool looks around to see who is fighting tonight, and is pleasently surprised to see his one and only BFF there looking like he was the one going in. With a little laugh, he speaks again, "Disapear but stay close. Your bosses want to see how it is done in this day an age.. So we are taking a look at the sights. I am off to make a bet." and from there he heads further in looking for someone foolish enough to bet against Cain, and to put however much money he has on him that Cain will win this fight even though he has no idea who he is actually fighting. He had faith in his friend as nothing could stop him he had seen it himself.

Hannibal King has posed:
    When straight, white, males, with no extra appendages, horns, eyes, or visible powers of any kind are in the minority, you know that you are pretty far from Wall Street. Not that Hannibal King would ever be caught on Wall Street, or caught period. He was too slippery for that.
    He was dressed in his normal attire for an event like this. Brown trench coat, black shirt, black pants, bulletproof vest, lots of weapons strapped to his person, although most of those were hidden from public view. He was taking in the fight, and as displeased as Cyttorak was. "Oh come on," he called out as he saw one of the fighters dance away from the other. "Do you need a montage or what? Maybe it's the Gatorade? Did they try and give you Powerade, or worse, was it the house brand? What's it going to take to get some..."
    Pausing in his heckling, King turned and sniffed his nose at Deadpool and his goons. He got up from his seat, taking his beer with him. He did a once over of the area, making sure that they were the only vampires here, or at least that's what his senses indicated. In a crowd this size, it was easy to blend. He made his way around one of them, shooting it in the back with a sun dog, which lit it up from the inside.
    Immediately after firing, and with the light blinding as a distraction, he put the gun away, pretending to be sipping his beer, and he joined in with the crowd, looking surprised as the man seemed to just burn from the inside. The fight even stopped for a moment, but would soon start up, with many patrons cheering the brief the light show.

Juggernaut has posed:
Well now -that- was interesting!

Cain isn't a master at his craft for nothing. Little escapes his attention and while he's hardly someone known for subterfuge..he knows his surroundings and can tell when things might be about to pop off and the unusual is afoot. Thus the flash of light indeed draws his attention even if he doesn't quite catch the precise nature of what went down..and his curiousity and mood is drawn away from making his way down to the ring - and possibly making Wade a very rich person tnoight - towards trying to decipher just want the hell is going on.

"Hmmm? Things are about to get kinda heated in here, eh?" he muses while leaning forward thoughtfully and pressing his great weight against the table infront of him.

Meanwhile the crowds do attempt to recover though those nearest to the light show are reacting a little more excitably and violently - attempting to get clear of the man out of fear of some sort of mutant power possibly getting ready to go out of control. Such has happened before after all.

Deadpool has posed:
As the vampire dies, and the one that does it turns maybe he doesn't see, or maybe as the crowd cheers he doesn't hear it but a small canister drops out of the vampire as it turns to ash. It hits the ground once though scarred on the outside it gives a weak beep before there is a loud explosion right behind where Hannibal is walking away from. It isn't much about a fist full of c-4 he implanted inside of the vampire which obviously was healed over as the vampires healing factor took effect, but it was now not even covered by the vampire set to go off on impact.

There is a loud "Boooom!" as pieces of metal of the container, wood of the chairs, tables around it all go flying out followed by the wave of fire it puts out. Even Deadpool was surprised at the explosion though he was away from it only getting a few pieces of wood, and other pieces stuck in him as they are forcefully expelled out from the other side of the room. "Damn it.." he mumbles he didn't expect his trick to be used so early, but then gives a loud whistle to the other one in the room that quickly appears behind him. He is burnt half the shirt gone and some of the skin from the side that was closest to the explosion regrowing already it looks injured though healing.

He was lucky it was still alive though it seems as it is was realitivly closer then he was it looks upset though it seems to obey Deadpool as he is already asking "What the hell man.." ignoring the now what would be frantic movements around the place. He reaches under the cloak to pull out a sub-machine gun looking around, pulling his cloak hood off to reveal the Deadpool mask. "I don't like others breaking my toys.. Come out.. Or I will find you the hard way." and seems to be aiming in the general area where the other one was ready to just start shooting.

Deadpool didn't really care much about innocin bystanders, he knew at a place like this there was no such thing, and would start shooting soon. Though he waited for a moment for whoever it was to speak up so maybe he wouldn't have to. He didn't give Cain another look for now as he was busy, and nothing that small could stop the big man. He stood still in the rush of people just waiting to see if they wanted to do this the easy way or the hard one.

Hannibal King has posed:
    And that was why Hannibal King hated magic. When you dust a vampire, they, everything on their person, clothes, weapons, items they might be holding, as well as anything inside them, turns to dust. Or that's how it normally went. A few magical items could survive the process, and King assumed that the canister of c-4 must have had some powerful enchantments to survive the dusting process. It came as quite a shock to him. He was probably more shocked by it than the crowd.
    The explosion blowing up a few chairs and table was also why King made a habit of wearing a bullet proof vest. It was really hard to have a piece of wood lodge in his chest when even a bullet couldn't. The crowd that had been cheering the light show began to panic with the explosion and the injuries. Security were already rushing in, trying to figure out what the hell just happened.
    Hannibal King got jostled, pushed, forced away from the explosion sight as people gathered up, trying to get away, screaming, some bleeding, others just panicking like a herd. There wasn't even an opportunity for a witty quip as the noise was thunderous, and the smoky haze from the explosion in a confined and poorly ventilated area had people coughing too.

Juggernaut has posed:
"What the...WADE?!?"

It's not a friendly sounding cry of surprise. More like highly irritated deep rumble that seems to have the promise of an earthquake on the verge of throwin a localized tantrum. It's not the explosion in and of itself it's that..there was flash of light, then a burning guy, an explosion and now he sees Deadpool. So naturally this is all his fault. Hannibal isn't even noticed yet in all of this chaos. He has no reason to stand out to the giant brute. There's really only one person here who does.

"What do you think you're doing, messin' up one of my favorite places to be bored in!" he thunders, slamming a fist down onto the table infront of him and crumpling it up like so much tinfoil.

Cain stands, lumbering up to his full height now, a roadblock more immovable then a block of adamant which forces the fleeing crowds to try and stampede around him as he lifts a huge arm and points towards Deadpool, "I said I was gonna rip you in half if you gave me a reason...so here's a reason!"

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool looks and doesn't see the person that did it standing up and is about to shoot into the crowd before he hears Cain, "Whoa... Big fella this isn't my doing." he points over to where the explosion went off. "Someone over there did it. Must of rushed in to kill some big vamp without thinking." he holds his gun up looking at Cain. He looks over at the crowd with a glare, "I don't think they are done yet either. There is still one more they are going to strike again."

He looks back at Cain not looking like he is having fun or enjoying his time as he usually is he just frowns at the big man his mask holding many expressions as the Vampire behind him whispers something into his ear, at which Deadpool smacks him with the gun in a flash of movement. "Suggest that again and your next." he says in a cold tone. He looks at the man pointing at him, "That there is my best friend, and if you conisder hurting him if he doesn't kill you I will." then turns back to the man pointing at him.

"Don't be tricked by this person, they did something that triggered that, and they are still here help me find them, because the only way I know is to shoot till I find someone who dodges." he grins at him for the first time again, "Or stay clear as this is going to get complicated quickly my friend.. I would suggest running away other then ripping me apart honestly." and gives a shrug as he doesn't want the big man involved in this mess as he considered it. It wasn't his mess so he didn't want to drag him in for nothing.

Hannibal King has posed:
    Hannibal King was pushed away, along with the mob. Most of the people near him were getting crushed, and security was doing its best to break it up, but there really wasn't an easy way to calm a panicked mob in a confined space. At least the ones towards the end could see nothing more had happened, so they were able to calm and return to their seats, although the security guards were trying to figure out what to do. A bomb had exploded in the club. Soon, the lights would likely be coming on full brightness, and they'd start taking names, gathering evidence. This was a crime scene now. Except, they didn't want the cops as it was an underground fighting club, so they really were in a bind. King did not seem ready, or able, to have much say in the battle until he got a bit of breathing room.

Juggernaut has posed:
"Hn..hurt me..?"

That very implication gives Cain more to consider then anything else. An urge to crush everyone infront of him into paste boils up but he pushes it back down..at least physically. The twitch in his eye speaks more volumes then anything else.

But he at least -does- listen. Logic and reason stops The Juggernaut. Sometimes. "Keep calling me your best friend, Wade, and I'm going to throw you into the Atlantic! -Who- did this then? Find 'em!"

He pauses and then hastily adds, "No, wait! IF you just start droppin' bodies you're going to just make it harder! Are you nuts?? We don't need some sort of club massacre and this place aint legal to begin with! It'll have authorities swarmin' all over Mutant Town! Just find the guy!"

Indeed there's the panicked fleeing crowd and then likely those who are going to be more..well not at ease..but professional about it all. Easy early suspects. Either way the security guards were doing their best and indeed the lights are coming up now as the announcer now speaks up and attempts to calm everyone.

"Now now, take it easy! You all know the protocols. This isn't the first time somoenes powers have flared up and caused a problem! Healers are coming."

It's not completely helping but traffic is at least moving better now.

Deadpool has posed:
Between explaining to Cain, and not knowing really what to look for he has no idea Hannibal has already been dragged away from the crowd, but sighs at the noise of authorities coming. "Looks like time is up." he looks out to see the numbers and see if they are worth staying and then back to Cain like a puppy wanting to play, but knowing he would be scolded for it. Finally he just sighs again, "Meet at safehouse alpha fourteen." he says in a low voice, as the vampire behind him disapears again. It doesn't actually dissapear, but the thing moves inhumanly fast and plays with the shadows it is just gone fleeing away out of mutant town away from the situation to return at some meeting point.

Wade looks at Cain and smiles as he listens to the announcer go to work, and walks up closer to Cain now pulling the cloak hood back up, and putting the gun away he walks up to the big man he lightly taps him on the side of the huge arm and whispers. "We have a bit to discuss, but this isn't the place." he keeps his head down so the people looking in would think maybe he is just some deformed mutant. "I am sorry you have your place messed up, but there is a hero in here somewhere hero means narc.. so I can't discuss it here." and then steps back.

"I have no idea who he looks like, I am not Logan I can't sniff em out, but I think whatever light that was that got the crowd going at first was them." he glances around again. He is mainly keeping an eye out to see if the vampire is followed out by anyone since everyone is panicing or running someone going off in that specific way would be noticable. "We can only wait to see if they mess up again, but I should go." he glances back at the authorities, "If they find me here, they will not be happy."

He seems at that point to reach into his cloak to fiddle with someting, though he doesn't leave yet. He was watching for a follower as said before, and hoping to set up a way to talk later with Cain, though he couldn't come out and say it as there were too many eyes, and one of them were most likely some hero in disquise. One he guessed was surprised and not able to take a blast like that so it narrowed down a few people at least.

He breaks the silence with a snap of his fingers, "You remember where we fist met, that city.. There is a bar there named after my favorate thing.. How bout we meet there I will explain the best I can what is going on?" he asks hoping Cain would notice that he is being cryptic in his words.

Hannibal King has posed:
    Whatever Hannibal King's intentions for the night were, they are very different after Deadpool's terrorist attack on the civilians, not that King knows Deadpool planted the magically enchanted C-4 in the vampire. King, once he could get free, decided that rather than stick around, it would be best to leave with the rest of the crowd, so as not to arouse any suspicion, and because he had to alert the Nightstalkers that some lunatic was enchanting explosive devices inside vampires. Of course, most Nightstalkers liked to kill vampires at range, but they did sometimes go melee, so they had to know. Plus he probably should let Faith the Vampire Slayer know too.

Juggernaut has posed:
"I don't -want- explanations Wade. I dunno what kind of situation you got yourself into but I aint in it!" exclaims Cain, knowing full well that he's going to get dragged into it anyway.

"That bomb that went off is just going to drag the wrong sort of attention here. I'm out. And if you're smart you'd get -out- of whatever it is you're involved in! Tth..what happened to the job you first approached me for about that vault?? Are you just wastin' my time?"

Cain makes a frustrated gesture and then turns. Now that the crowd has dispersed more there's more room for him to move around and to follow the flow of the crowd without actually trampling over anyone. "I'm out. You better make a smart move here Wade and get th'hell out of dodge."

Deadpool has posed:
Wade listens and holds his hands up, "Then you won't see me again big guy though I wish I could follow that advice but we are talking big picture stuff here so I am kind of stuck to my role.." he sighs and watches him get up. "And the other thing. It seems your the only one that will take that risk.. I am working on it give me time." he shakes his head, "So untrusting I tell ya." and gives a bit of a laugh at that. He glances at the others as he is told to git and smiles a bit.

"Ya know if you were not my BFF I would not take this from ya. But what are friends for but to check ya when things are going wonky. You are such a good friend Juggy." and with that before the big man can spin to yell at him or hurt him.. Poof.. He is there one moment gone the next the smell of ozone being left in his wake. He did not see the Vamp being followed, and he figured it wasn't only the authority he should dodge after calling the man his BFF yet again. The belt was adjusted for a specific location earlier as it was what he was fiddling with under the cloak, though he had it set to a location not far from here it was hopefully far enough away that he would be where they were not looking so he can just walk away without anyone noticing anything at all.

Juggernaut has posed:
"Did you just...call me Juggy?"

But it's to late. Deadpool is gone. Cain sighs and just shakes his head.

"I'm gonna hafta kill 'im.." he grumbles before turning to begin to stalk out with the last of the evacuating denizens.

Well he -was- complaining about the night being boring, wasn't he?