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Latest revision as of 13:53, 15 July 2021

An Interesting Discovery
Date of Scene: 12 July 2021
Location: Columbus Park - Chinatown
Synopsis: Diana happens upon Groot one fine early morning in a park in Chinatown. Kit wanders in, gnawing on a skull.
Cast of Characters: Wonder Woman, Groot, Kit Killovarras

Wonder Woman has posed:
The hour is early, right around dawn, and the grass of the park is misty with dew. There is a hint of fog that rises up from the water, touching the air and drifting ito the park. It will likely be a fair day, though the grey of the sky gives little in the way of indication of this. Standing near to the water is a woman, black-haired and blue-eyed and standing six feet in height.

In her right hand is held a reusable thermal mug, the lid of it secured in place. Steam rises from within it, through the hole for drinking, and the aroma of Chinese tea rises with that steam. She favours the silver needle variety of it, and has for some time now. The woman is dressed simply, a pair of blue jeans, a comfortable pair of shoes, and a light grey t-shirt. Her black hair is left to fall lightly around her shoulders and down her back. Lifting the mug, she takes a sip of the tea, and then she lifts her free hand to lightly pull her fingers through her hair. It's her day off, or supposed to be, and she intends to do her best to enjoy it.

Groot has posed:
And then? Then there is a ... tree? Yes. A tree. It looks for size rather like a sapling. But it's far too wide to be that young of a tree. And then it moves. And what obviously is a head turns to look at the woman's approach. The eyes within their sockets are kind, gentle, but often appearances can be deceiving.

In this case, the emotions of the tree are... different. Contentment at the feel of the fog upon his skin, the emerging sunlight upon his leaves and the top of his head. Groot is happy where he is, for the moment, even if most people haven't a clue what he's saying. Or that he's anything other than a big, dumb, tree man. "I am Groot." There's a sense of welcome to his emotions with the words.

Wonder Woman has posed:
A tree. But it happens to be a tree that is rather unlike any other. Especially given that it moves. One of Diana's eyebrows quirks up a touch as her gaze is drawn to it when it does move, and a flicker of curiosity shows in her blue eyes. A smile touches at the corners of her lips, and she watches the tree as it moves, and her steps have meanwhile stopped.

She tilts her head a touch to one side, taking notice of the emotions that come from the tree. She inclines her head towards him, watching him, and her free hand comes to rest upon her mug of tea as well. "Good morning," she says softly, a warm tone to her voice. The bracers that are a sign of her heritage are present where she always wears them, around her wrists. She takes his words as an introduction, as meaning what he says. "I am Diana," she offers, introducing herself in turn. "Do you like this time of day? The world in its awakening?" she asks, a note of curiosity to her voice.

Groot has posed:
Not only does the tree move, it has emotions. And it can talk. After a fashion. If Groot notices the bracers, he pays them no mind at all. It's entirely posible he has no idea what they are, or who the woman is. Groot nods his head once, firmly, at Diana's question. "I am Groot," he replies. Which he'd already said, hadn't he? And then, once more. "I am Groot."

The accompanying emotions seem to indicate agreement to both questions as he had repeated the words of introduction. Groot turns then, and walks the few paces toward the woman. "I am Groot," he adds, as though for good measure. Contentment, again, and joy.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Though it is the first time that Diana has come across a talking and walking tree, she has see a number of strange things before. A bit surprised, she is, but not unduly so. There's a smile that easily returns to her features at the nod her question earned, and there's a flicker of curiosity that shows in her eyes at the repeated phrase. "The mornings are beautiful. Often peaceful, tranquil. Before the city comes awake and the people flood the streets," she says, her tone thoughtful.

"I suspect that what you mean is more than what I hear in what you say. There are many languages that I know, but yours... it is not one of them. And yet, though you do not speak the language that I do, it would seem that you understand it," she adds, studying him. "I can sense that you are content, that you have joy," she comments, pleased and curious at the same time.

Groot has posed:
This universe does seem to be full of strange and interesting things. Groot just happens to be one of them. "I am Groot." There seems to be agreement that comes along with those words.

"I am Groot." This said a little more firmly, the agreement even stronger than the last had been. He nods. He really is content and with joy. Groot turns himself, now that he's beside Diana, to look to the water anew. His head tilts up. His eyes close. He lets the sun wash over him.

Wonder Woman has posed:
"I like to come to a park, with a mug of tea, and listen to the world wake up. Each morning gives everyone a fresh beginning, a new start... a chance to make the right decisions," Diana says softly, a thoughtful note to her voice. She lifts her thermal mug of tea, taking a drink of the brew. She takes a moment then to look out over the water for a moment before her blue gaze returns to the tree.

"There is something about the morning sun," she says softly, looking up to the sky and admiring the dawn. Only time will tell how quiet of a day it will be and if she'll actually get to enjoy the day off or not. Something always happens, and today will likely be no exception to that particular rule. Each thing in its own moment, though.

Kit Killovarras has posed:
A cryptid is a cryptid is a cryptid and it's still a cryptid, even when it's walking through a nice, peaceful park at dawn, casually gnawing on what looks like a human skull!!

Kit just ambles along, casually nomming on the properly proportioned cranium, his typical jeans and hoodie on but for some reason? He doesn't have it pulled up and isn't hiding his face. It is, after all, still around dawn and not many people are around, so he can generally keep enough of a distance from people that they might mistake his inhuman form for a weird outfit and mask.

Wonder Woman has posed:
The scraping of tooth to bone is a sound that's rather identifiable, perhaps especially to someone with senses that are more than normal. One of Diana's eyebrows quirks up slightly, and she turns her head to look in the direction of the sound. A flicker of curiosity touches her blue eyes as she looks over the cryptid first and then the skull that's being gnawed upon.

Her gaze follows him, and she shifts her thermal mug of tea slightly in her hands. "I apologize, but I find there to be a need to ask. Where did you find the skull?" she asks, a touch of curiosity and a bit of concern to her voice. There are a number of innocent explanations, but there are some nefarious ones as well.

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Kit just sort of pauses and glances Diana's way, still gnawing on the skull for a moment. Then he bites down a bit harder and there's a distinct sound, almost like porcelain breaking, rather than bone. "Found a weird candy shop a couple nights ago." he says after a moment of crunching on the detached pieces of skull, tilting the thing to reveal some sort of brightly colored slime inside it, more than likely some kind of candy. "They do a pretty good job at making them look real."

Kit is apparently getting used to responding to people who don't flip out about his appearance, regardless of how few and far between they can be. Conversations that don't end in someone fleeing in terror are always welcomed.

Wonder Woman has posed:
The appearance of the skull had caught her attention, though she hadn't paid much heed to the smell of it. She perhaps ought to have given the smell of it more attetion, but her nose was a bit distracted with the smell of her tea. A flicker of curiosity touches her eyes, and then she chuckles softly at the explanation before giving a nod. "Ah, that makes more sense than the direction that my thoughts had taken," Diana says, her words touched with a mild Greek accent.

"I have not come upon that one yet, myself," Diana says, her tone thoughtful. "It does look quite real, yes," she agrees, giving a nod. Diana has a few different reasons as to why she doesn't flip out about his appearance -- she's not unfamiliar with cryptids (one of them works at the consulate as a chef), and she's fairly old, not that she looks the part. She looks briefly towards the tree who is yet basking in the sun and looking the part of being just a tree again, and then her attention turns back to the aardwolf. "My name is Diana," she offers, a smile coming easily to her features.

Kit Killovarras has posed:
"Kit," the Aardwolf says in response when Diana introduces herself. Then he studies the 'tree' for a moment and tilts his head to one side as he breaks off another piece of skull, crunching on it a little before he adds, "And yeah, I could understand where certain thoughts could go, seeing a giant animal chewing on a disembodied skull." There is a noticeable Egyptian accent to his voice, which would make sense given his outward appearance weirdly enough. He continues to stare at the tree for a few more moments, then looks to Diana and adds, "Did I see that thing move as I was walking up or am I just losing my mind a bit?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
There's a soft chuckle from the woman, and she gives a small nod of agreement to his words. "It is somewhat disturbing, especially given how life like it appears to be. I should have paid a bit more attention to the smell of it," Diana says, inclining her head slightly towards him. She lifts her mug of tea, taking a drink of it. The Egyptian accent that he speaks with is noticed, and the correlation drawn between it and his appearance.

She glances towards the tree before looking back to Kit, and the she gives a nod. "He did move, yes," she affirms, a smile coming to her features. She falls quiet for a moment, looking as though she's listening to something far off, her brow furrowing a little bit and a slight frown touching her lips. Then her gaze turns to Kit, and she inclines her head slightly towards him. "Forgive me, my presence is required elsewhere, it would seem. We will meet again," she says, giving a small nod to him. And then closes the lid of her travel mug and launches into the air to fly for somewhere else.

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Kit just sort of watches Diana fly off, mid-nom on the skull and gives a simple, "Hmm.." Then he looks to the tree, gives a curious little sniff for a moment before giving a shrug and leaving Groot to enjoy the day. After all, he's got classes to get to eventually.