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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/04/16 |Location=Gotham City |Synopsis=Summary needed. |Cast of Characters=7, 39, 122, 85, 105, 36 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:7|M...")
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Latest revision as of 14:15, 23 October 2017

A New Dawn I
Date of Scene: 16 April 2017
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed.
Cast of Characters: 7, Faith Lehane, Amethyst, 85, Sister Reinhardt, Sarah Osborn

McFarlane (7) has posed:
    It is raining in Gotham City. It is the kind of heavy rain that soaks through the nicest slicker and chills you right down to the bones. But April showers bring May flowers, right? Not here. Not in this city. In Old Gotham rain kills homeless people. It floods underground parking garages. It causes car accidents. There are no flowers here.

    The sign for the Church of the New Dawn is in yellow and pink neon, glowing over the otherwise uninspiring door. One 'h' and one 'e' are out, but the words are legible, still. The sun is setting soon, and many folks are on their way home from work, or hiding in their homes from the inclement weather. Not everyone, though. Several intrepid individuals are out and about...and all honing in on the place for their own reasons.

    Peter is homeless, and all of the shelters are full. A buddy of his, Danny 'One Eye' Mason, mentioned the Church offers warm food and beds for people willing to listen to a few sermons. Not a bad deal. Suzanne has a friend...had a friend? Elisabeth Moorehouse, a struggling artist who dreams of being somebody important in the art community. She also struggles with drug addiction, and the hopeful, bright demeanor of the young girl has helped pull her out of it a few times. Now that Elisabeth has been missing near a week, she's traced her last known location to this place.

    Amethyst has felt...magic. Something odd. Weird. Unfamiliar to her. She has followed it here. Goblin-Girl, meanwhile, was told by her priest friend that one of their regular homeless patrons began coming only to this place...and went missing a few weeks back...

    By fate or chance or whatever, all of the intrepid people arrive at the door at the same time, just as a tired looking young man steps out into the rain. He has the tattoos of a West Side King, and two teardrops beside his eye. He hunkers down to cover his lighter and cigarette as he lights up, idly blocking the door.

Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith was dressed in her black leather trenchcoat and black jeans and a dark red tanktop. She was soaked to the bone, her hair plastered to her face. But she didn't seem to care... she was stumbling through an alleyway headed in the direction of this Church place, with a bottle of half-empty whiskey held in her right hand... and she was singing a song. "Guns'n'drums, and guns'n'drums... har-rooo.... HAR-ROOO!" She took a swig of the whiskey. "Guns'n'drums, and guns'n'drums, HAR-ROO, HAR-ROOO!"

Some thugly look guy walked past her, eyed her from head to toe... gave her a wolf whistle and a proposition to go follow him back behind that meat packing plant down the alleyway.

Faith stopped her sining, she stared at him... gave him a big smile. Then PUNCHED HIM right in his NOSE! The thugly man flew backward and into a bag of wet garbage bags, knocked out.

"Joooooooohnny, we hardly kneeeew ya!" Faith continued her singing: lifting her bottle of booze up for another drink whilst walking further.

Amethyst has posed:
Walking down the street, the blond haired princess is at least dry. Her magic protecting her from the weather as she follows the odd draw of magic. The smell of wet Gotham-wet cities really makes her scrunch up her nose. She would stand out, purple and gold armor with a tiara, but she at least has the good sense to use her magic to change her appearance, a little trick of House Turquois' illusions. She appears to stalk down the sidewalk in boots, jeans, a purple shirt, and a black leather jacket.
    Hearing the commotion from an alley way, Amethyst considers whether or not it's worth looking into, but the magic calls her a different direction and she follows it, still walking towards the church.

Peter Stanchek (85) has posed:
Peter doesn't really have friends. He mingles with the other homeless to blend in. They'd notice if he was too anti-social, peg him for a crazy. He doesn't want to be noticed. Sometimes he uses his powers to borrow an apartment for the night or a luxury hotel room, but you can only do that so much without drawing eyes. Harbinger Corporation isn't going to stop hunting him anytime soon. He can sit through a little bit of religious dreck.

He keeps his hood drawn up, his features a bit in shadow. His eyes turn up, though, as violence breaks out. He keeps his hands in his pockets but remains tense in case he has to defend himself. Chick seems a bit loopy.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne manages to make it to the church, tugging a leather jacket to keep the rest of her body dry, which is a futile gesture considering. "Elizabeth said she'd be here, but why would she play in a church?" she says softly and makes a face. "ugh. Hope she didn't start again." She says as she looks at the others showing up. "This...is weird." She says as she looks at all of the people there.....

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah drives her motorcycle up to the area, checks the locks on the saddlebags and the security system on the bike...anyone trying to steal THAT bike will get what they deserve. This should not be fatal...but it will not be comfortable.

She is dressed as Sarah, the green body suit is under her leathers, though it is a bit hot in this weather. Well, except for the Helmet, that is on her head but without the extras. The rest of her gear is in the saddle bags, that is why she akes such good care that nobody else get into them. She is not going to wear the goblin mask into here, or the weapon belt sand bandoleer either...at least not yet.

McFarlane (7) has posed:
    The man topples from Faith's punch, and he does not get up again. Not from a Slayer's punch. Her drunken singing is heard from the door of the church, and the inked gangster glances up curiously as he takes a drag on his smoke, and he squints in the direction of the alleyway. As Amethyst moves down the street she feels that weird magical throb emenating from the church. Well, from the converted hotel.

    He then spots the various folks arriving and he sighs, flicking his cigarette into the gutter, where it is washed away swiftly. "You all here for dinner?," he grunts. Without waiting too long for an answer, he turns and pushes the door open and strides inside.

    The lobby of the hotel has been converted into a soup kitchen and church. Pews have been set out in front of an altar. A tapestry of Jesus bleeding on the cross, with people around him catching the blood in cups, replaces the usual crucifix. A few homeless people, or what appear to be addicts, are sitting at tables, eating what smells to be delicious soup, or sandwiches. A few people work the line, or clean the altar and pews to prepare for sermon. They are dressed normally, and many look to be gang members or similar...but none of the ink or styles match one gang. In fact, most appear to be from opposing ones.

Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith reached the doorway and she saw others piling up near it too. "Well now, I didn't know it was gonna be a party here!" She said with a big smile on her rain-dripping face. She turned to the man at the door and nodded her head at him. "Dinner is a sure fire way'a gettin' right at my goods, big daddy." She said to him with a flirtatious grin before the man turned and went inside.

Another drink of her liquour was had and she went in after him, a cocky stride to her step as her boots splashed through the standing rain water on the ground and she went inside after him.

Faith's large brown eyes looked around the interior. "Kinda got a... cult vibe goin' on in here, don't we?" She asked no one in particular. Her head started nodding. "Fine by me.... fine by me, gents. I'll drink the Kool-Aide. Point me toward the punch bowl."

And the Slayer started drunkenly swaying-walk her way toward where the food was.

Amethyst has posed:
"Uuum, dinner, right." Amethyst nods and looks around the interior of the church and the line of servers before eyeing the others coming in. Nothing about the interior of this room at least screams magical to Amethyst. She looks at the thug looking fellow who spoke up. "Where can I wash my hands please?" She asks, hopeing to slip past this room filled with violent looking men to snoop about for the magic.

Peter Stanchek (85) has posed:
Peter Stanchek keeps his head down again. Faith seems like she'll attract plenty of attention, with her looks and behavior alike, and that's fine by him. Get his plate, find his corner, get some sleep.

He didn't worry too much about the sermons. One god or another, he'd never found much use. Some of the others, they'd thought maybe they were gods now. With the powers they had. Maybe their god had just been another pesky mutant who wouldn't die.

If so, Peter could be grateful that his followers at least gave away soup.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "Violent...aren't you?" Suzanne wasn't there for a fight, if she could help it. She was there looking for someone....and she would rather go around the slayer if she had to.

Gangbangers didn't see Elizabeth's style, but then again she was using drugs in the past, so her only hope at the moment was to find her friend, and that she wasn't missing. She DID have a picture, thankfully. "Have you seen this woman?" She asks a gang-banger near her as she makes her way away from the slayer. That woman just....didn't seem right to her....

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah surveys the people inside to see if any of them match the description she was given. She also glances over the new arrivals. That one lady packs a punch...and looks familiar. The tapestry is very strange, shile many christians speak of drinking the blood of Christ, the they are talking transsubstantiation not literally blood. Something is off here. The presence of members of rival gangs seemingly working for the church is another slightly odd thing. One thing is for sure, she will be glad tonight that she isalmost immune to intoxicants and poisons...her girst guess is this place will have narcotics or hallucinogens lacing the food and incense.

Sarah joins those waiting for food, a side effect of her metabolism is hunger. She might as well have a bite while taking care of business. She just hopes there is nothing gross in the food...actual human blood for instance. Not that she could necessarily tell.

McFarlane (7) has posed:
    The doorman grunts at Faith, checking her out idly as she moves on to the food line. His attention is drawn then by Ameythyst. He gestures to a hallway leading off from the other side of the room. "To the left."

    The man cleaning a pew glances over as Suzanne shows the picture. He blinks and shakes his head. Someone who is decent at reading people might notice him exchange a quick glance with the man cleaning the altar, though. "Never seen her."

    The food being served at the line is simple, but good. Beef stew, salad, ham or turkey sandwiches. Hardy fair. Seconds are given out as well, without issue.

    As Faith stumbles about and does her thing, she feels a very familiar crampy sensation. Vampires. Somewhere nearby. Vampires.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah hears a voice asking about someone missing and turns to look. A glance at the picture identifies it as the same person she is looking for. She steps out of the line ans says, "I have not seen her personally, but the girl has friends. Another Friend of hers asked me to look for her."

Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith acquired her food in the line. She got some of everything onto a tray, though she'd kind of slopped it on there and didn't do a terribly good job at keeping it well organized.

She laughed a little while in the line, looked around at others and just kind of bobbed her head the whole time to non-existent music until she'd gotten everything she needed or wanted.


Faith made her way right toward where she believed they were, toward those in the room that she thought MUST be them. She looked at these people, smiled at them and sat down with them. "Damn." She said with a heavy exhale. "It is raining cats and DOGS out there, yo." She said, her hands going up as she started to gather her wet, dripping, hair into a bun that she lifted and tied at the crwonf of her head.

Her head then stretched to the right, then to the left... each time, exposing and causing the muscles in her long, rain glistening, neck to fles. "Whew! Been a long day... this food smells great though, yeah?" She asked, looking around at those she's chosen to sit with.

Amethyst has posed:
Nodding, Amethyst seems to remember after the fact to hunch her shoulders as she slips down the hallway. Unless she sense some magic coming from the bathromms-the horror, she wanders instead. Glancing over her shoulder back to the main room, she tucks her hands into her coat pockets and snoops a little deeper into the "church".

Peter Stanchek (85) has posed:
Peter Stanchek raises an eyebrow at Faith's statement, "Your nose is generous," he says, grabbing his share and slouching by the woman. She's already slugged somebody, yes, but if she's that psycho to attack him for a bit of sarcasm, best to get it out of the way now and against someone who can actually take the hit.

Well, provided he got his force field up in time.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne looked over to Goblin-Girl and tilts her head. "Seems she does." She then smiles a bit, but she does catch the look towards the man cleaning the altar though. She was good at reading people.

So....just like that, Suzanne walks her way over towards the Altar.....and gestures for Goblin-Girl to follow. "You seen this woman?" And she shows the picture.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
There are times when carrying her weapons is inappropriate, but for some reason Sarah feel like she might be needing them soon. She looks around for what might be to hand if she needs to improvise, even as she follows Suzanne. She does not look menacing, but she is a LOT tougher than she looks. Hopefully she will have time to grab her gear if things get out of hand...of can buy the time.

McFarlane (7) has posed:
    Faith ends up at a table with three homeless men...and Peter Stancheck, too. Two are sipping the soup, while the third is reading the Bible. The third one is a vampire. She can feel it in her gut. They blink at her as she sits with them, and the vampire shrugs, watching her. "Yeah. Rainin' pretty bad. Nice in here, though, right?"

    It is at that point that the door behind the altar opens, and in strides an older man. He looks like he is in his forties, with grey at the temples in his dark hair. Handsome in his own way. Very fit. He has a lot of tattoos, like many here do, and he is dressed in a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, a jacket and a priest collar. Several people stand and go to greet him as he arrives, and he smiles and shakes hands. "That's Deacon Jacobs," someone is overheard explaining to someone else. "This is his Church. Well, he runs this one...but the faith is all over the country these days..."

    The man at the altar glances up at Suzanne and shakes his head quickly, clearling lieing. "Scuse me," he grunts, trying to pass the two women to approach the Deacon.

    Meanwhile, Amethyst feels a flow of magic coming from a door in the hall that is certainly not the restroom. The door is locked, however. Using her crystal magic, of course, the girl can easily get through. Beyond is horror. The room is cold, but not as cold as a freezer. The floor is tiled, with drains, and she almost slips in a bit of spilled blood. Human bodies are strung up upside down on hooks, akin to meat in packing plants. Tubes slowly drain blood, though the bodies are clearly deceased, draining them into racks of IV bags. A small green orb glows on a pedastal at the far corner of the room, giving off pure necrotic energy.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne stops, or tries to stop, the one at the altar with a strong hand. "Please....." She says holding up the picture. ".....tell me where she is if you know where." She seems to want to find her friend....badly.

Faith Lehane has posed:
Right after hearing Peter's out-of-left-field comment, Faith's eyes landed on him and she narrowed them for a moment and then relented and showed him a big smile. "Rude, dude." She said at him. "My nose is lovely. I've had lots of people tell me that."

She would look over at the Vampire Hobo beside her and she'd give him a little elbow nudge. "Can you believe this guy? Look at me... Tell me I don't look like a Greek Goddess." She'd even then pose a little for the Vampire. She'd then laugh a little and nod her head. "I don't know about all over the country, but Faith is definitely in this room."

"Right, padre?" She'd call up to the man of the hour, the Jacobs fellow. She'd lift her whiskey bottle up for another swig from it then before setting it back down between her legs where she clutched it there between her wain soaked jeans and thighs.

Amethyst has posed:
Gagging a little, Amethyst covers her mouth with her hand and scowls at the scene before her. Taking a moment to focus, she gestures and creates a sword of the crystal that is her namesake and a buckler shield on her other arm. Deciding obviously this is bad magic, she crosses the room with all the bodies carefully to snatch up the item. She looks to the bodies again, curious to see if anyone is even alive enough to save. The horror of the room puts a chill up her spine. She just wants to take the object and bolt.

Peter Stanchek (85) has posed:
Peter Stanchek isn't reading minds directly as of yet, in part just because he doesn't care what these people are thinking about. One of the downsides of being a telepath is just hearing other people's thoughts generally - people are nasty.

But he was reading enough to get the tension in the air, looking at Faith when she calls him rude, "I was referring to your sense of smell," he says. "But take offense if you like, I could care less," he says.

He keeps his hands in his pockets for the moment, though, considering whether or not he should take his food and go. They couldn't make him stay and he was starting to feel less tolerant of supernatural gibberish.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah tries to make it look easy, though she actually has to change her balance and brace herself to lift someone bigger than her, no matter how strong she is she has to use leverage and account for the center of gravity. No, it is not as easy as she makes it look as she grabes the man trying to flee with one hand and picks him up off the ground, "The lady asked you a question, perhaps you might be kind enough to answer it."

McFarlane (7) has posed:
    "I'm sorry, miss," the Deacon offers instead of the man Suzanne was calling out to. "I don't recognize your friend, there. Why don't you have a seat, hmm? We can go over the ideas of loss in tonight's sermon. It might help you." He glances over to Faith when she calls out, and he furrows his brow a bit, looking confused. Faith can tell he is a Bloodsucker as well.

    The man seized by Sarah cries out as he is lifted, flailing at her but unable to do anything. "MISS!," calls out the Deacon, and people begin rising to their feet, looking rather...unkind towards the girl at the moment. "Put him down this moment! This is a House of the Lord, not of violence! Cease this insanity!

    When Amethyst grabs the orb there is a wave of magical energy that erupts outwards, invisible to all but her, Faith and Peter. Faith feels it in her gut...like some kind of...super-duper-vampire-thing. Peter feels it as magic. Amethyst feels her hand go almost entirely numb when she grabs it, like someone touching dry ice. It is so cold it hurts. One of the hanging bodies twitches, and a head turns towards her.

Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith didn't react to the violent outbreak and the Deacon respoding to it, nor did she react when everyone started standing up to get all defensive about it too. She just forked at her food (having not had a bite of any of it as of yet). "Now the party's starting." She said with a sly grin before looking to Peter. "Hey, Guy... Ya don't have to be mean to the girls on the playground to let them know ya dig'em. That tactic went out the door years ago in our lives." She teased Peter.

When the magical burst eminated from Amethyst's actions, she closed her eyes for a moment and then went to lift her whiskey up for another drink. "Damn. That felt... nice." She said, releasing a heavy exhale. "Gonna need a cigarette after whatever the hell that was."

Beyond that, the Slayer remained where she was, forking at the food and humming a little song to herself.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne looks over her left shoulder. "Maybe we should avoid a brawl." She says to Goblin-Girl. She then looks to the Deacon....almost glaring. She had her answer.....but she was thinking there would be more in his sermon than what this scared little twit would say....

Amethyst has posed:
"Ow ow ow ow." Amethyst says quietly. She doesn't want to drop the orb, though now she's considering destroying it outright. She raises her pained hand high and throws the orb at the ground, determined to break the bad magic thing that is hurting her and clearly is evil. She looks to the door, ready for trouble after the wave of magic she felt burst through and she catches the head looking towards her where it hadn't before and screams with alarm.

Peter Stanchek (85) has posed:
Peter Stanchek pushes up from the table and puts his hands in his pockets. He's hungry, but not that hungry. This place was starting to feel like trouble. When the padre starts getting tossed around, that pretty much confirms it.

"Don't worry, I'm rude to everybody," he says. "No crushes here," he says, starting to slowly back towards the doorway until Amethyst's scream cuts through. And then his eyes begin to glow with golden light that wraps around him and shields him from harm.

"I'm starting to think this Church might not be on the up and up."

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah drops the man, literally, from about a foot off the floor, and says, "You call, she is your friend." She glares at the Deacon, "You have not seen my violent, and you do NOT want to." This intimidation stuff workd better in the goblin mask...

McFarlane (7) has posed:
    The boddies that are hung up begin to struggle on their meat hooks, arms reaching out for Amethyst. The orb hits the ground and bounces, rolling out the door...and right into the church room. None of the struggling corpses are able to reach Amethyst, thankfully...but they are trying. One happens to look exactly like the picture the lady in the other room is showing around, of course.

    The Deacon glowers and is about to say something as the man is tossed to the ground...when the orb rolls into the church. "NO!," he cries out. "Get the Orb!" Some of the people look confused, suddenly, while those Faith has keenly marked as vampires leap to their feet and sprint towards it.

Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith glanced back toward the hallway where Amethyst's screame emitted from and she lofted her dark eyebrows up some in mild curiosity. "Sounds like the real party is going on back there, I guess." She quipped before turning back to her plate of food. She picked up one of the rolls she'd gotten and she ripped a chunk of bread out of it and then placed it in her mouth.

The Slayer remained at her table as the others got up and started to react to the orb's arrival. Faith's head just shook right to left while she chewed on the bread in the corner of her mouth. "Its like this place is turning into an Old West salloon." She'd glance then at Peter. "Careful, Grumpy... Ya might get thrown through the front window."

Faith remained where she was at her seat in front of her plate of food.

Amethyst has posed:
"Oh damn it." Amethyst curses and runs out after the orb with sword in hand. She dodges the bodys, eyes a little wild and doubtlessly leaving bloody footprints behind her from the spill on the floor. She's more interested in getting to that orb.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne just happened to look up JUST in time to catch a glimpse of her friend...hanging upside down from hooks. "What the hell!? ELIZABETH!!!" She cries out for her friend who is quite well dead......

Peter Stanchek (85) has posed:
Peter Stanchek starts to rise up from the floor, telekinetically levitating himself off the ground. "Not me, lady. Anybody comes at me is gonna regret it," he says.

The arrival of the girl with the sword is certainly unexpected. He's not exactly sure who the good guys and who the bad guys are, if there is such a thing in the real world. Regardless, he's putting on a bit of a display of power himself, in part to warn either faction to feed him no lines and keep their hands to themselves.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah does not know what the Orb is, but she gets the feeling that it has something to do with why the person she is looking for is hanging like an animal being drained of blood. She quickly decides the Deacon is not to be trusted, which means it is likely the lady with the sword is a good guy. Sarah quickly breaks a wooden chair into several rough short spears...or stakes if you prefer...and scrambles for the orb...

McFarlane (7) has posed:
    So, some people are running after the orb. Others are levitating. Some are screaming bloody murder and others are calmly eating their soup. It is pretty decent soup, really.

    One of the inked men reaches the orb before Amethyst and he grabs it, picking it up. "Stay back, bloodbag!," he snarls...fangs bared. "You have no idea what you're meddling with!" The man cries out as he holds the orb for longer then a moment, however...and he explodes. No, really. Blood and viscera erupts outward in a fifteen foot radius or so, splattering everything with cold nastiness. Notably, it is cold...not warm. It is dead. The orb hits the ground again.

Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith's eyes watched idly over at the madness as people rushed about after that ball-thing that she barely caught any sight of. She then turned back to her food and was about to lift it up with a load of stew when the... guy blew up.. and his bits went all over the room.

The Vampire Slayer sighed and set the spoon back down. "God damnit." She muttered. "Every, time... I'm about to enjoy a nice soup, someone blows up. Its like, clockwork." She said outloud. Her eyes started to look around at the bits and pieces strewn about in front of her and ON her and she curls a lip up in disgust and then shoves her tray forward on the table.

"Now I gotta figure out new dinner plans..." She glanced over at all the chaos in the room. "Dinenr's ruined, but there's still a Show going on, at least."

Peter Stanchek (85) has posed:
Peter Stanchek can at least keep all the viscera and goo from hitting him thanks to that telekinetic shield. Still, the shock of it is a bit much - he's seen a bit of death in his time but, if anything, it's made him more bothered to see it, not less. He's far from immune to gore.

"No, no, no," he says, starting to float backwards. His telekinesis reacts to his emotional state and all the windows in the place start to tremble as his glow increases, rising higher and higher in the church.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    And just like that Suzanne dives behind one of the pews, but her pants are covered in blood. Of course, she's also frozen tot he floor cuz she had just found her friend....who was hung up on hooks.......and dead.....

Amethyst has posed:
"Oh I'm gonna be sick." Amethyst gags and slams her shield down on the orb drawing on her enhanced strength to try again to shatter the orb at the center of the splatter zone of the once vampire.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah racts in timt to vover her head with her arms, so hot much of the garbage gets in her hair and on her face. Her leather jacket is probably ruined, she decides touching the Orb might not be a good idea, so she plants herself next to the orb and growls, "Anyone trying to reach this toy has to go through me." She brandishes a wooden stake in each hand threateningly. Of course, people might take her more ceriously is she were ot a cute blond girl...

McFarlane (7) has posed:
    The orb explodes when Amethyst puts her full strength behind her shield. It pops and everyone is blown back. The explosion of green, crackling energy erupts outward, and everyone, force-field or not, is picked up and slammed against the walls. Tables are torn apart, pews are reduced to splinters. Normal people are hit hard enough to bruise or possibly even break bones. People groan and shift once the eruption is gone, and now the room smells like old, old death.

    A woman stands where the orb once rested. A beautiful, alabaster pale naked woman with wild red hair, and criss-crosses of scars and red tattoos. She has pointed ears and pronounced fangs. "AT LAST THE QUEEN OF BLOOD IS FREE!," she shreaks.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:

And Suzanne is sent flying through the air to hit the back wall of the church. Then she lands on the floor with a thud. "Ow...." Yeah, she had no power, what so ever. Of course, she moves to stand and.....nope. "OW! Shit....ankle hurts like helll..."

Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith was slung across the room by the blast of the orb-magic-grenade and she falls down to the floor after hitting the wall. A grown escapes her lips and she crawls forward, grabbing her unbroken bottle of Jack (those things don't break that easy) and she pulls it back toward her.

Rising up to her feet, she releases a heavy exhale. "Nice going, ya'll." She mutters aloud, looking around at the entirity of the room in dissaray. She looked specifically at the naked woman and tilted her head. "Judging by your lack of clothing. I'm guessing you've been Free for a lot longer than just now." She replied back at her in a weary voice.

Amethyst has posed:
Blown back, Amethyst pushes to her feet and narrows her eyes at the vampire. She gives her sword a light spin and recenters her grip before rushing in with a warrior's scream. All she knows is the orb radiated bad magic and this must be the source of it. At some point in the blast Amethyst lost control of her illusion magic and is back to her battle armor, still covered in gore and zeroed in on her enemy.

Peter Stanchek (85) has posed:
Peter stares at the suddenly revealed woman, at that moment, his power unleashes enough to shatter those windows, sending shards of stained glass outwards in every direction.

"Screw this," he says and, with that, he casually blasts a hole in the ceiling and flies off. Ain't no meal worth this kind of hassle.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah is skilled at taking a fall, is armored in both her street leathers and her padded kevlar...and Goblin-girl is WAY tough. She Hits the wall and bounces, landing on her feet. Nothing but a few cruises, and those will heal in minutes.

Goblin-girl rushes forward, ducking and weaving, jumping over and bouncing off obstacles. She weaves in and does a quick one-two with her improvised stakes...wishing she had her proper gear. She has good reflexes, some training, and great strength...but likely she will be just the distraction for the babe with armor and a magic sword...or vice versa.

McFarlane (7) has posed:
    The pale woman gestures, and a magical forcefield (Which AMethyst would sense as insanely powerful chaos magic) erupts around her. She then gestures with her other hand, and the various other Vampires in the room explode...much like the other one...and red, crackling energy flows from them and into the woman. She takes a deep breath and then cackles.

    She glances about at everyone, smirks...and explodes. Not into blood however, but into bats. She flutters about the room and then erupts out the door, flapping up into the sky. The room is suddenly left extremely quiet...and bloody.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah says, "Somehow, I get the feeling this was NOT a happy ending."

Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith watched the chaos only continue as bodies began to explode and bats began to flutter all about the room. She recoiled here and there and winched here and there, but otherwise remained steady where she was standing near the wall she'd slammed into.

Once the Vampire Queen-thing had fled, the teenage Slayer looked down at herself, now covered in blood and bits. "Fantastic." She said. "Just... fantastic." And with that she started to walk, her boots crunching and squishing and slopping on the floor of the once-church. Her bottle was slong up onto her shoulder and she went for the front door at a lazy pace.

"Now I'm -glad- its raining outside." She announced on her way out.