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(Remy and Nick meet again and do a bit of shopping)
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Latest revision as of 05:02, 18 September 2021

A small world.
Date of Scene: 26 August 2021
Location: New Lots, Brooklyn
Synopsis: Remy and Nick meet again and do a bit of shopping
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Gambit
Tinyplot: DiggingUpThePast

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The employee at the convenience store near Angelo's is experiencing some peace tonight. The number of customers has been low today, freeing him up to finish with restocking a little early. Now, he has relocated himself behind the bullet-proof (in theory, please don't test this) glass barricade that separates the cashier from the customers. The quiet of the store allow for the small revolving fan to have the most say as it whrrrs along, turning side to side repeatedly. As for the cashier, he's seated, resting an elbow on his side of the counter while watching a small tv that's been paced in his work area.


The door to the convenience door chimes as it opens, permitting entrance for a young man who looks be in their early twenties. The cashier sighs, turning his head away from the TV to instead watch the new guy.

Nick starts to drift down the aisle, seemingly taking stock of what the store has to offer first. No point grabbing at things only to put them back when something better is found, right?

Gambit has posed:
Less then a minute later... BONg again and the tall lanky figure of Remy LeBeau wanders in as well. Unlike Nick he knows exactlly what he is here for, heading directly for the soda cooler and taking out a bottle of Mountain Dew, and a Pepsi. He turns as if he was going to go right to the check out counter with his purchases when he notices Nick. "Well 'ey dare mon ami. Been a while."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick, who had been closer to the bottled water, glances up quickly when someone starts speaking to him. The right hand balls up into a fist. Not lifted up but seemingly waiting for confirmation of the intent. But upon the familiar face registering the hand relaxes.

The pony tailed musician gives a small smile. "...Yeah. Funny meeting you here." He gives a small chuckle, "How're you doing?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins a bit lopsidedly, "Well ta quote a dear friend of mine, I am experiencing identical forms of excrement on separate chronological units." He says with a grin then translates it to "Same shit, different day." He nods to the younger (appearing) man"what got yah out shopping middle of de night?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick blinks at the answer, trying to figure it out. Shitty week maybe? When the Cajun provides the translation, it gets a bit of a laugh. Ok yes, kind of close. He glances to the shelves as Remy asks what he's doing out so late. "Ah. I'm kind of watching a friend's place...making sure the tv don't walk out while he's away. And just realized, pantry doesn't have anything decent to eat and I don't trust the stove."

He turns it back on the teacher. "How about you? Normally not around here are you?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau head shakes and shrugs. "Had a meeting yah might say. De kind of folks who don' like ta be seen in certain circles." He shrugs a bit, grinning "And de guy not even leave yah any take out menus?" He says with a grin, considering. "Dare actually a decent Thai place not too far from 'ere. Great noodles." He adds as he seems conetnet to chat with the musician while he shops. the only other thing he needed was cigerettes.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick hasn't even grabbed a thing as he kind of strolls along with Remy. He's still in the determining what the store has to offer stage anyways. "Not a menu in sight." He admits, "...Thai place? They got take out?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau snorts slightly, "Mon ami, it's Brooklyn. McDonals had delivery here years 'fore anyone evah 'eard of DoorDash." He says with a wicked grin and a shrug. "Oui, dey got take out. Trust me, yah gonna love de noodles." He says with a grin. Riana an' I order from dare when we in de neighborhood and she already tried to commit dinner."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The confirmation gets Remy another smile. "Alright, consider me interested." Nick replies. The smile fades as he glances towards the entrance, and sees the cashier just watching them. Ah yes. He can't blame the guy really. Night shifts are the worst. "Where is it?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins a bit, "About two blocks from here, Ah c'n walk yah past. Ah left mah bike up dat way anyway so it's not any trouble." He grins a bit. "Might pick somet'ing up mahself and give her a surprise by stopping by."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick glances over to the shelves containing cereal boxes and then to the fridge area containing milk. "...Yeah that'd be great. I might pick up this stuff later. Thai sounds so much better than cold cereal right now."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau nods a bit, grinning, "Fair 'nough. Heck we c'n walk ovah dare, yah place yah order, come back here grab yah cerial an' by de time yah get back ta yah friend's place yah food almost delivered an' yah got breakfast foh tomorrow." He says with a grin, heading up to the register and adding "Need a pack of coffin nails, unfiltered si vouz plaite.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Well, I'd rather pick up the food myself than do delivery." Nick replies, strolling up to the front of the store but opting not to crowd Remy at the register, "Kind of a habit picked up as a kid. Also one less person holding on to my food before it gets to me."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau shrugs a bit, "Dat hardly unreasonable." he says as he pays for his purchases and scans a credit card... which inexplicably reads 'Scott Summers' and then heads for the door. "So den shall we?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick nods, following Remy to the door. "Yeah. Let's go."