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Latest revision as of 14:27, 23 October 2017

Wounded Tigress
Date of Scene: 17 April 2017
Location: Fortess of Solitude
Synopsis: Summary needed.
Cast of Characters: Superwoman, Supergirl

Superwoman has posed:
    The Fortress of Solitude has a new tenant- one who's only recently been able to leave her hospital bed. Faora Hu-Ul currently walks with a limp as she paces around the large atrium that houses the statues of Kal's parents. She's dressed in a hospital gown and nothing but. Her body is a network of bruises and cuts, worst of all her face. Half of it is swollen and an ugly blue and black, her left eye is shut with the swell of her eyebrow, upper eyelid and the cheek below are split, but healing. Her breathing has a certain raggedness to it- but she walks, and that's it. Just walks. Pacing back and forth like a prisoner might in their cell.

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl couldn't believe what her cousin had told her. Not only had Faora Hu-Ul somehow escaped from the Phantom Zone, but now she was staying in the Fortress of Solitude? Didn't Kal know how dangerous this woman was? He said something about Faora having betrayed the military coup before it happened, but Kara found that hard to believe. So, She had come to the Fortress to see for herself the truth of the matter. On the flight to the Fortress, Kara had seen the records that kal had found, corroborating Faora's claim. But still....Kara was finding all this hard to accept. So it's with mixed emotions that she views the Kryptonian woman upon her arrival. There's still a certain mix of fear and hatred, but there's also sympathy for the woman's injurires; injuries apparently delivered to her by Zod. Kara doesn't know if this is for real or some kind of ruse by Zod to free himself and all those imprisoned with him.

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora turns as Kara arrives, she looks at the other Kryptonian and just stares for a long moment with her one good eye- one fierce, blue eye. There's nothing but quiet between the two, and she takes a slow and quiet breath. When she speaks, finally, its quiet and in Kryptonian. "You must be Kal's cousin, Kara." she says softly.

    "You... I'm sorry." Faora says quietly. Her voice quivering. "I am so, so sorry."

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl clenches and unclenches her fists several times, eyes closed and breathing deep to keep control as Faora speaks to her. "It's...it's giong to take time." She says quietly. "For me to adjust to all of this." Like she doesn't have enough on her mind already. "But. Kal-El has welcomed you here to his home. And so, you are welcome. I will not initiate any violence here." Again, she looks over the woman's injuries. "I know it may seem counter-intuitive. But the more time you spend out in the sun, the quicker you will heal here."

Superwoman has posed:
    "Not just you." Faora offers softly. "It seems we are very few now." she pauses a moment, a long moment. "Three. You. Kal. Me. If only Jor-El could see this." She laughs softly, shaking her head. "Oh... He." She looks to Kara quietly. "Did you know Jor-El?" she asks of Kara quietly, "He'd smile. Even when shit went sour, Jor-El had a smile. When I gave him the information on Zod... it was such a sad smile. Hiding his pain."

Supergirl has posed:
"Jor-El had much pain to hide," Kara replies. "And of course I know my uncle. Knew." The tension in her grows as old wounds feel freshly opened. "I don't know why you were sent to the Phantom Zone with the others, if you helped. But I know Jor-El would be happy for as many to have survived Krypton as possible. Regardless of who they were." Kara breathes again, getting back under control. "When did you escape? How long have you been on Earth?"

Superwoman has posed:
    "He was one of the best of us. Everything we should have been. I've been thinking a lot about the people. Its.. still difficult to wrap my mind around. To wrap my heart around it." Faora says softly, voice barely a whisper. "I still don't believe it. I keep thinking this is just more punishment. Punishment for my sins against our people. Some cruel joke... I don't want this to be true."

    Pausing for a long time, she then answers Supergirl's questions. "I didn't escape. Not in the sense you're thinking." Faora begins, " There wasn't an attempt at escape. It was more of an accident. More of a result." Another slight pause. "Are you familiar with your military history? Do you know anything about Doomsday?" she asks, "It might not have been a lesson you had. Doomsday is a bioengineered weapon. Something of Kryptonian make. A relic from a very, very violent past." she says. "Zod found Doomsday." She says. "And he found something else, all in the Phantom Zone. He found Warworld. A weapon by an alien race- something that had its own Phantom Zone projector." She just lets that sit for Kara to absorb.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara does understand the implications. Becasue her eyes go wide and all the color drains from her face. "Rao..." For a long while, Kara is mulling over the possibilities and much more. "This...this couldn't come at a worse time." Kara goes quiet again for a few moments. "Besides this Doomsday and this War World...how many does Zod have with him? How many more Kryptonians are there? And I am praying to Rao that there's a reason why they haven't come through yet if they have access to a Phantom Zone projector."

Superwoman has posed:
    "Because I blew it up." Faora states. "Those loyal to Zod.. I killed a dozen, maybe." she continues. "I blew it up. The Projector. Maybe bought us time. Didn't plan on surviving- he was using it when I threw the grenade. I was already injured. I..." she takes a slow breath, quiet. "I didn't plan on surviving, Kara." she states simply. "He wanted to send Doomsday through. Onto Krypton. He'd follow with Warworld. Save the day, prove he was right and the Science Council had been the real tyrants. Genocide first. Slavery second."

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl is shaken by those words. And the thought of what Zod might do to Earth when he learns that Krypton is gone... "Faora...we need to know how many Zod may have to bring over. If there are even 10 Kryptonians that follow Zod...with the power that we have here on Earth..." She never thought this would ever happen, but Kara is pleading with Faora now. "Earth couldn't withstand such an attack. We need all the help we can get to be able to drive back just Zod and his men, to say nothing of what this Doomsday and War World would be capable of."

Superwoman has posed:
    "There were twenty five implicated in our plot. A dozen are dead in the Phantom Zone. At least a dozen." Faora says softly. "As for the number of total Kryptonians in the Phantom Zone, that's a matter of record- likely in Kal's files. Not all of them are combat capable. Many are insane. Madmen who aren't capable of following orders- not Zod's type. Zod desires control."

    Faora pauses, wincing. She's a bit out of breath from all the talking. Taking slow, easy breaths. Taking a long moment. "I destroyed Warworld's projector. Zod will need someone to put it back together. They'll need a lot of materials. Special materials. Zod doesn't have the knowhow to put one back together, and neither does anyone else loyal to him. They'll have to find a scientist- and one that Zod can control. A possibility, certainly, but difficult." Another pause, another few breaths.

    "Next. They'll need the materials. There are no native materials in the Phantom Zone." Faora says next. "They will have to scavenge them."

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl sighs and nods. She's trying hard to keep hope alive, but a possible dozen of Zod's men? Plus however many previous criminals have survived? "Well, it's not like we never sent any insane but brilliant scientists into the Phantom Zone..." she says sardonicly. "We need to be prepared. And not just for the attack from Zod. We are a delicate matter here on Earth. Humans were just coming to accept Kal-El here, in awe of all that he could do, but understanding he was the only one, the only Kryptonian still alive by his account. And then I arrived a few months ago. And now, you're here...."

Superwoman has posed:
    "They don't know that I'm here." Faora begins, "But Kal wants me to... help." she says softly. "I know how to fight, Kara. I'm a soldier. I am.. I am not of the House of El. I am of the House of Ul. I don't know anything about Earth, Kara. I don't know anything about humanity, except what I am learning in the crystals." She takes a slow breath, "All I can tell you, Kara of the House of El, is that while I breath." She stares into Supergirl's eyes now- one fierce blue star in a world of bruised flesh. Bloodshot but unbowed. Unconquered. "While Faora Hu-Ul breaths, no one will be a slave. No one will be conquered by Zod. No alien on this world or any other will hurt the people of Earth. I will *never*. *Never*. Be able to make up for *my* crimes on Krypton. I will spend the rest of my existence on a second chance I have no right to have. Rao's grace has blessed me, Kara. That much I know. And while I breath, I will not. I *can not* and I must *never* again allow myself to betray the Oath I took when I was young, and when I graduated from the Academy."

    "I, Faora Hu-Ul, swear to always be a bastion for the good and truth. Always must I be vigilant and guard against evil. My honor lies in the defense of the innocent and my duty will always sustain me."

Supergirl has posed:
"The public didn't know I was here until a few days ago," Supergirl says. "Now it's not just Kal-El that survived. And not just me. And then it's not just you as well, but a dozen or more Kryptonian criminals?" She shakes her head. "I don't envy Kal-El the task of choosing when and how to explain all this.

The oath does take Kara bit bit by surprise. And she's still unsure about the newest Kryptonian on Earth. "Faora...I know that we will appreciate your help here. But I need to urge you to think about your actions beforehand. Kal-El is a champion of humanity and defends them from all sorts of threats. But, there are many things you need to consider. Not the least of which is the level of power that you now possess. Kal and I will stop normal human crime, since we are all but impervious to normal human weapons. But you need to learn fine control over your powers before you engage a human directly. Even a slight miscalculation in the force of a blow could easily lead to your target's death. Even a holding manuever that you have mastered could break a human limb or worse more easily than you think."

Superwoman has posed:
    "I think you will find that I am far more disciplined than any other Kryptonian you have ever met." Faora says softly, "I don't think control will be an issue. Don't think I'm saying you're wrong, Kara. You're very much so correct." she states softly. "I have much to learn. Languages. Cultures. Psychology." she just lists a few. "But, I will learn. I can't let it happen again, Kara." she pauses again, "I almost let it happen once before. I turned back before the end, but... Never again. I have more to lose than ever before."

Supergirl has posed:
"*We* will never let it happen again," Supergirl replies with a smile, emphasizing that Faora is far from alone here. "Kal-El is accepting of you, and I follow his lead. And there is great strength here on Earth; much of it strength for good. There are several Green Lanterns from Earth. There are the Amazons, whose Princess has strength to rival Kal-El's and a fighting prowess to match yours. There are human champions as well, normal humans who use intellect, skill, and power of will to fight evils; sometimes far beyond their physical capability. With Kal-El leading us, we will be well prepared to face whatever Zod might arrive with."

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora nods quietly. "Thank you, Kara." her voice again quiet. "Thank you." she says again. "I'm tired." she says next, so very softly. "I'm going to lay down."

    Faora then begins to walk back towards the room she had been staying in, back towards her privacy.

Supergirl has posed:
"Sleep well, Faora," Kara says in reply. And to her surprise, it's sincere. "And remember what I said. Your body absorbs the radiation of Eath's sun, granting you your powers. The more you expose yourself to the sun, the faster you will heal." Supergirl waits for the Kryptonian woman to move to her sleeping chamber, then sighs. Another wonderful crisis to deal with. And to notify her friends and allies about...