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Channelling Sloth. Current deadly Sin of choice.
Date of Scene: 22 August 2021
Location: Cove Cottage - Conneticut
Synopsis: Sloth may have been the watchword of the day, but then the Leviathan came calling. 2nd sign checklist: BIG ol' tick.
Cast of Characters: Sinister, Lucifer

Sinister has posed:
And on the seventh day, the creator went 'sod this, I'm sleeping in until midday, you can bring back your complaints first thing on monday morning. -- Gospel according to those that loath the workweek.

Honestly, it's been a busy little while for some. What with one thing and another, fitting new fittings, getting attacked, realizing things are a lot more and less complicated than you realized, there's times you just go 'Nope' and write the day off as so much of a bad mess.

This is why, despite the dawn's light sneaking in and painting the room in its colours, inching up the horizon, going on its merry journey up to the zenith and beyond, there's been zero effort to get out of bed today. Nathaniel(le) Essex is staring at the ceiling, doing that mindless thing where you're seeing patterns in the stucco, like the ultimately lazy kind of cloud watching. Not even any effort was made to stir more than eyelashes, so that eyeballs can do thier work. She seems thoughtful though, in her staring at paintjobs of seasons past, off in thoughts that have claimed animation to a deeper, lazier place.

Lucifer has posed:
Dawn may have brought laziness to Nathanielle, and that's surely alright. She's been through a lot of things lately, all while on this path of love and family with one Lucifer Morningstar. The Devil, himself, would have decided on sloth instead of busy-ness, but he wanted to do at least one small gesture for his lover fair while she lazes about in bed staring at stucco color patterns.

Of course to keep the surprise a surprise, he's had to block the thought from going through their mindlink, and there's also a barrier in the doorway between kitchen and hallway to the bedroom. This way sounds and scents don't penetrate the lazy and bring a curiosity to the one enjoying such. Lucifer has found it very hard to surprise his lover, and so he's experimenting on something to see if it works. Meanwhile there's a full English breakfast being prepared in the kitchen, in the very traditional sense. He even has traditional black pudding! Beans, grilled tomatoes, sausage, fried eggs, bacon, fried bread (traditional you know), and mushrooms. While all of that is finishing cooking in one way or the other, he puts the kettle on in order to serve a nice cup of tea with the meal. All in all, he's got a bit of a pep in his step, like he's finally on the other side of whatever anger issue he was having a row with before.

Sinister has posed:
Sinister just doesn't often get surprised. It's not that there's not things that will surprise Sinister, but getting the drop on him and/or her is a work that takes a lot of effort, particularly if she's had the time to establish a mental rapport. TO be fair, it does serve her rather well, in a world that would quite like her not to be in it sometimes, but it has its downsides. She smiles up there on the pillows, /knowing/ that something is going on, but aware that there's a quiet 'la la la la' going on that says 'please don't poke this wall!' and so she does not. Bacon is a persistent aroma though, which she will stoically ignore, by tuning out her nose-hairs.

There's a memory slipped southward down the stairs of a gentle but cheeky smack to the bottom for the chef, however. Because you can only be so good about not being bad. Idly, she floats the bedroom mirror up so it's horizontal to the bed and looks at herself in it, head tilting on the pillows as she waits for the Pep-in-the-Step to finish his work below. Leg up, move it that-a-way, attempt to make yourself look like a pin-up doll. Grump when you still manage to end up with some masculine traits, frown, try again, with the angle of the head. Nope, down a bit. Up. No, definitely down. Sloe-eyed? Doe-eyed. Point the toes, shift the hips a little bit, so you're a nice-girl being just a little naughty. Nibble finger.

Lucifer has posed:
The plating of everything is systematic as well. Somewhere someone decided that things had to be plated a certain way for a full English, and Lucifer follows this tradition as well. It's a serving plate, as there is enough for two or three people, then two smaller plates, two mugs, lemon, milk?, and sugar for the tea. He gives a little chuckle when he feels that pat to his ass. "Naughty..." Said aloud just for kicks.

Then everything is lifted by telekinesis and that barrier is taken down so the waft of FOOD premeates the air. It's soon followed by the arrival of the tray and one Lucifer, giving a pause as he finds her in such a precarious position. He forms a square with his fingers. "Click." and then steps further in. "My wonderous love. I present you with a breakfast fit for the queen that you are. No need to do much more than perhaps sit up a little and enjoy." He smirks then, moving to join her in bed, of course, so they can enjoy the meal together.

Sinister has posed:
Milk?! Pfffffshaw! Not when there's lemon. Not with Earl Grey! But some people are uncouth savages, it's true enough. "Always," is the reply that rings a little in mind aswell, grinning wide as she continues to play with posture.

But when there's the arrival of the Devil with his delectables and he goes and uses her "click" she all but laughs, propping herself up on her elbows as the mirror remains exactly where it is, hovering above the bed. "I have created a thing..." she chuckles, sits up just enough to prop up the pillows and thread a boulster from beneath the bed up under them all, so that indulgence can be had without making a mess of oneself, though she pulls the covers down by hand, adjusting to favour him with the full frontal. "Oh my King, you outdid yourself. Breakfast of Champions!" She declares with a grin, reaching immediately for a triangle of fried toast, held delicately by the very edge of the crust. "Yay! Black pudding! It arrived!" The toast is bitten of, taking a corner off of it and then she gestures up at the mirror. "I was practicing. This is just about the longest I've been feminine in my lifetime."

Lucifer has posed:
"And you're okay with that?" Lucifer questions gently. "Being feminine this long. I mean I know you have your others who can go in your place if your male presence is a necessity but...I don't want you thinking you absolutely have to remain female." Then he smiles. "Of course, you know this. I just want you to know that I know this, so we both know this. And thus it is all known." Circle talks. Lucifer is the King of them. Of course, this pales in comparison to the joy he saw on her face at the presence of black pudding. "Yes. Arrived, and the rest is stored for later cooking, but I figured you probably would like a little taste of it as freshly as possible."

He pulls an egg, some bacon and beans, as well as a sausage to his own plate and then grabs a slice of toast. Fried toast. It was interesting frying it. "And by the by, you are absolutely gorgeous in whatever angle you choose to pose in." A wink as he scoops up some beans and then reaches to pick a tomato and some mushrooms, all on the toast from which he then takes a healthy bite. "Aside from this I really hope this becomes one of the laziest days we've had in a while. I really do not wish to do much else but eat and lie here in bed with you."

Sinister has posed:
"I'm planning on being incredibly lazy..." Sin assures, taking beans, mushrooms, TWO slices of black pudding, and a slice of bacon. The beans are drizzled over the toast, a tomato balanced in the middle and squished with her knife juuuuuuuust a little, the rest allowed to surround the fried fruit emperor on its triangular throne, like adoring masses. For at least a little bit. You have to eat that quick, or it goes soggy -- swapping out the partly nibbled for the dressed in red, she swiftly devours that. Meanwhile, the question is contemplated.

"It's doing a few things to my thought processes, but I can't really complain overly. At the moment anyway. Even if I become male for a while, I still have to keep the oestrogen factories intact, which might do odd things. I mean, I don't know, that might be interesting for -you- of course, but the hormonal equasion remains the same. Are YOU okay with it? It never really crossed my mind before, but do you have a favourite me? Or is it more like trying to compare an orange to an apple?"

Lucifer has posed:
"Apples and oranges my love. It is YOU that I love. All of you. When I look at you, male or female, it is still you. It took me a couple of times to learn that. It took me being male or female to learn that...but I learned it." Lucifer comments. Watching the way she eats her full english is intriguing. All the mixes of textures and flavors. It has to be an interesting sensation in the mouth and on the palette. "I'll take you any way you come, with whatever hormonal factory is in charge. My main concern is that you are comfortable in whatever you you're being." Say that ten times fast.

Meanwhile, something stirs in the air. A scent of atmosphere if one will. Like a door between worlds is being summoned and opened - but it's sort of faint. Two lovers enjoying a breakfast and tea might not take it in at first. It's just there, for the moment, almost like it's waiting.

Lucifer eats a bit more beans and toast, cuts into the tomato and forks it up with some mushroom for another mouthful. "This stuff really is delicious. Should make this more often...among all the other things I plan on making for us." He offers this and then reaches for tea. There's no milk. Just lemon, of which he adds a slice to his cup and then takes a sip. "Lazy is good. Lazy is just how this day should go..." A pause. "No surprises."

Sinister has posed:
Sinister taps her head. "The mind is the same, the shape's just different. Although I do tend to act feminine, because I discovered rather quickly that when you stomp around in your stride, you get the wrong attentions half the time and the right attentions less frequently than you can make gravy stick to the wall." The fascination has her looking at him curiously, because he does seem to get fixated on the oddest of things, until she thinks on it more. It's all about the experience, novelty, newness, shared sensation, a journey that hasn't ever been taken by him before. Somehow, that realization ends up making her blush again, that fetching silvery pink. "But then I remember I made mention of other shapeshifters getting themselves lost in the faces. You have to be careful, it's easy to do. Seen it far too often. One individual went rather mad when I gifted him with shapeshifting. Killed his brother, took his face, ended up siring on his brother's ex-wife, it was altogether biblical." She sniffs, wrinkles her nose and smiles afterwards, in reassurance. "I've a strong mind. I believe I always did, which is probably why it broke the way it did when it did. Too strong, not enough bend. I worked on that."

Ignorant of the Dimensional door opening, she takes her own tea, sipping it black, sans lemon or sugar for this time. "It's one of the few things I can do, cooking wise. Short of heating the oil up too high, it's hard to screw up, but believe me, I did once or twice. Formative years having people that did all of that, was hard to break out of. Speaking of lazy, I remember I also mentioned that's why I gave up on eating for a good while..." she winks, glances over his shoulder and nods. "I want to rub your back after breakfast, if you don't mind. I feel as if I should sooth them." A flick of the eyes and back tells what she refers to. "Thank you, by the by. I know... you're doing a lot. Honestly, I do. And that sacrifice wasn't trivial either. It means a lot."

Lucifer has posed:
"Oof. That's certainly a story..." Lucifer offers as he sips his tea. "Course we saw it happen to me...but it's been fixed in a permanant sort of way. I'm Lucifer and Luci, depending on which form I take. Same mind, same me, just a different form of vessel." At least he hopes to keep it that way from now on, and it hasn't been tested yet. Perhaps a bit out of fear. Either way. "I am glad that you can keep it all succinct between one and the other. Fluid in a way...or...maybe that's not the right way to say it.." He falters and then tosses the idea altogether.

"Oh that would be nice. I think there was an idea about giving each other massages and maybe even walking on backs a bit. Perhaps we can even unlaze ourselves for long enough to ... mmn there's no hot tub here... ah well." He chuckles then. Inter Dimensional portals are still not even considered. He is simply enjoying his breakfast and idle conversation with his lover.

That portal, however, is finally connected and opening. Spitting out the serpent dragon creature to the ground where it slithers a moment, in the yard of Cove Cottage, before actually shifting to wrap itself around the entire cottage and peer with one eye through the window of the bedroom...

Sinister has posed:
One day, one day. "I think... I get what you mean there," black pudding devoured, she mops up the bean juice and ink from the mushrooms with her remaining piece of fried bread, cleaning off the plate. "Keeping the mind and mannerisms intact is a fluidity. I won't even shy of saying liquescence -- that ability to pour the substance of myself into whatever shape I take and keep myself intact, always knowing what my truth is, underneath the masks. I think people have called me confident to the point of arrogance, superior, haughty and a few other words. I call myself proud. Pride might be a deadly sin, but everyone's proud of accomplishments, of who they are. Or they ought to be."

The subject of walking on backs brings a laugh. "I certainly can do that, too. And vice versa," she wrinkles her nose. "The outdoor hot tub is persona non-grata at the moment, until a new one arrives. I am not even going to consider that..." eyeball "...dragon at the window. Did you invite a dragon over?"

Lucifer has posed:
Everything sort of stops in a moment. Since Sinister had commented on all Lucifer had to say about the person she is whenever she is either one way or the other closes that conversation. Then they were talking about massages and walking on backs. Not doing hot tubs here until the new one arrives...but then... "Dragon?" Lucifer follows her gaze and then gives a chuckle. "Levi!" He offers, and then sort of groans. "Probably best you take a different shape than the serpent dragon, good sir. The front door is unlocked, so you can come on in. I'll meet you there..." He offers this and then looks to Sinister. "You stay lazy. Also, side thing cause I skipped it earlier. It's fine. I do the things I do for myself and you out of love, and the want to do it. As in, I never feel forced to do any of the things. Always know this." He leans over then to kiss her forehead then shifts to stand from the bed, stepping into jeans and a tee shirt while continuing that step to walk towards the front door of the cottage.

Sinister has posed:
Kiss to cheek reached for, touched as the words are said "Levi? Oh! Oh my gosh, the Leviathan!" Running her hand through her hair, Sinister looks at the eyeball, then down at herself utterly naked on the bed where she sat up. Opening her mouth, there's a moment of shaping words, then she simply shrugs and slides out of the bed on one side, bothering only with a robe and her squaking raven slippers. Squak squak, squak squak, all the way downstairs, chasing Lucifer's tail.

"Being grateful has nothing to do with desire and being forced, it's a matter of giving thanks and aknowledgement for it. You're not particularly used to being thanked other than effusively, are you?" she chuckles, heading to the kitchen whilst he goes to the front door, in order to examine bottles in the wine cooler and offerings in the drink's cabinet. Those both were top priority, after making sure that the electrics were up to code. "Red or white do you think? No never mind, wait until he's in and you be the host there. I'm going to set up a cheeseboard..."

At the front door the 'folding in' of space is making for odd sounds in the reality outside of the portal. By the time Lucifer gets there, he's greeted by a silver haired figure that is tall but lean, that perpetually hungry edge embodied in a human face that bespeaks 'wolfish'. Not so much with the nicely shaped five o'clock shadow, there's a perpetual haze of a stubborn beard of the same hue that will never completely leave. "Samael, lightbringer. You called on me?" Deep, like the ocean, even the human voice has a ring of the fathoms to it. "And then vanished again. You are a troublesome fellow to track down when you are not where you were supposed to have been."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer looks back a moment and shakes his head in the negative. "Not really. Still getting used to that one. I feel like every genuine thanks deserves some sort of explanation..." He pauses. "I'll work on that. Also. I love those slippers." This and then he smiles and makes his way further for the door whilst Sinister prepares cheeseboard.

"Okay well, that's partly my doing and partly not. See, I...we...had been in your space drawn in by .. well .. our own child. Which has yet to be born. Your devourer...Sister Mary Putrid...was all being lurkful and wouldn't tell me how to get out of the space I was in..." He explains. "Not to mention, despite that, it has been some time since we've actually been in each others presence. I did call to you, to find our way out, and then we figured it out and wound up disappearing anyway. I do apologize for that." There's a smirk then. "Since you're here though, you should stay for a spell. Surely those poor souls can wait a little bit, hmm?"

Sinister has posed:
Levi peers at Lucifer beneath thick, stern kind of brows, taciturn lips turned pensive a moment. He glances behind himself at the door, as if that were the portal back and grunts. "THey do get overly zealous at times, it's their job. You could no more expect a devourer to be helpful than you could a demon to break character in one of your hell-loops. Mind, there are situations where prudence is called for." He sniffs. "I will deal with her..." he looks back, looking beyond at Sinister for a moment, down the robes to the slippers and back up, looking at Lucifer with a look of perplexed inquiry. "I can stay for a drink, I am sure. Sacrificial wine, the blood of the lamb? Or are we talking something a little more pedestrian?" The Leviathan is as old as Lucifer is, so the scriptures say, another of God's minions, though it's unclear if jehovah /created/ him. There's a few rumours here and there that say he just sort of folded into the doctrines. Much in the same way as some of the titans stuck around, when the olympians took over.

He looks around, turning slowly on the spot. "This is very different from your usual, Samael. It seems... idyllic. Was that what you were trying for?"

Sinister looks back over her shoulder, raises eyebrows at Luci and with an amused headshake goes to find the capers and the crackers.

Lucifer has posed:
"I know she was just doing as they do...but it should have been a big red flag that I was there confused and not really by my own terms." Lucifer offers this to Levi and then turns and gestures for him to enter. "I mean, I probably could find a bottle of sacrificial wine... I owe the Vatican a trip or two... but for the moment I am afraid all I have is the more pedestrian stuff." This and then, "Well. Yes. Sort of. I guess you didn't get the memo that I no longer reside in nor am caretaker for Hell. I'm on an extended vacation. Hopefully for eternity." A gesture to the kitchen. "The woman there is one Nathanielle Essex. The love of my life." One of them anyway. "Who also happens to be carrying our children. So yes. Idyllic is sort of the frame for here. Maybe next time you can come see my Sin Den and Penthouse up in New York. That'll remind you of me fairly quickly I think."

Sinister has posed:
"They're not the smartest, my friend. The hunger tends to rob ... aah, nevermind. As I said, I shall deal with her," Levi bows his head, "I shall take what is on offer then. May it slake my eternal hunger." A smile is offered toward Sinister, one that is just a little too wide, for he cannot help that, the teeth being long and even. And a few too many. But! "A pleasure then, mate of Lucifer Morningstar, Nathanielle Essex." She's regarde with a kind of side-long tip of the head, around the hip region. "How interesting, you have brought out domesticity in the Fallen..." and back to Lucifer, there's a soft tsk. "I am sure from the simple title of Sin Den, it will." The Leviathan considers Lucifer overall then, with a long head to toe regard. "You seem considerably more comfortable in yourself, as an observation. Life on earth seems to be agreeing with you."

Lucifer has posed:
There's a nod given to the first thing that the Leviathan says and then Lucifer listens further. He sees that smile offered towards Sinister, then shifts to sit at the table. "It is an intriguing thing. I have learned that I longed for it even when I did not know precisely what it was. I used to despise children, target the married and desperate... I mean I still feed off the sins of the wicked... but that's just my nature." It's a yinyang thing, a give and take. There is nothing that the Devil does above that affects the below. And he can still be a mean sumbitch when he needs to be. "I am more comfortable in myself as time goes on and I learn more and more about myself and those around me. I have a club for people to indulge in themselves, a penthouse above when I'm there. This cottage was a recent purchase by the and the missus. A little place away from all the bustle that is our lives of depravity and leeching in the city." He takes out a pack of cigarettes then, one for himself and offers the pack to Levi. "Partake a mortal vice or few?"

Sinister has posed:
Sinister meanwhile, serves the cheeseboard on a piece of beautifully buffed beach log. She found that somewhere artsy, no doubt about it. The cheese-slice is impaled in a block of cheddar, but there's smoked applewood, capers, crackers, brie and a kind of herby soft cheese too, for smmmmmmmmmmmmmmmearing. She settles at the table beside Lucifer and hooks her elbow over the back of the chair, leaning juuuuuuust so. She smiles, gestures at the drink's cabinet and it opens for Lucifer to pick a poison.

"Intriguing. I have rarely left my domain. I believe the last time, was to take the Mary Celeste. I hung around in the Spanish main for a while afterwards and sampled the local flavour." He plucks a cigarette, sniffs it and looks at it curiously, taking cues from the other two.

Sinister plucks one of Luci's and lights up with a lean toward the Devil, an ashtray manifested out of her palm and made rock hard with it. It's set down with a clunk. It gives the Leviathan the clue he needed to set the butt to his lips. "Soul searching I know a great deal about though. It seems to be an endless pursuit in my realm."

Lucifer has posed:
"Oh. Well. Levi, buddy, you should get out more. I mean surely you can't be having too much fun wheeling and dealing souls around all the time. Must get boring." Lucifer says this, lights his and her cigarettes, and then Levi's when he takes note and does as he witnesses. As the poison cabinet opens, he'll actually determine that what this party needs is some whiskey, levitating that out to the table and three glasses with hit.

"I have decided something a little different than wine. Maybe this will tickle your taste buds. If you actually have any..." He smirks then, takes a drag off the cigarette, and then flicks ashes. Pours drinks.

"Ah. Yes. The poor unfortunates who search and likely never find. Few and far between are the ones that actually do find themselves right? And then you recycle the ones who could never..." Leaning back in his seat then, he crosses ankles and tilts his head. "You see darling, Levi and I are in the same business, sort of. He's just my dealer. On occasion..."

Sinister has posed:
Sinister's cigarette is sucked upon, a slow curtain of grey exiting the side of her mouth. She learned that somewhere, how to smoke hollywood silver screen style. "Oh, I believe you," she muses, though the existentialism of it seems to elude her a little.

The Leviathan on the other hand, takes one single drag of the cigarette and it burns all the way up, his eyes rimming with black and the pupil taking on the shape of a deep-sea creature's, alien and froglike in an 'x' shape. It is exhaled in a long belch of nicotine and he eyes the butt, before putting it and the ash in the tray. The whiskey is considered, sniffed and seems satifactory. THey had rum on the Mary Celeste and numerous other ships that fell to the depths. THIS is far more familiar, it seems.

"Correct. I consume them, mind, memory and soul. When they are rendered, they return to innocence to find themselves again. Sometimes they never do and eventually, they obliviate. Occasionally," he gestures to Lucifer "...they remember where they belong."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer takes another hit off his cigarette and then picks up a cracker and some of that smmmmmmmearable cheese to make a little caper cracker canape, popping it into his mouth all at once. He also takes up one of the glasses of whiskey and washes his bite down with it, humming thoughtfully a moment.

"So." He begins. "Did you really travel all this way just to find out why little 'ol me stood in the middle of somenoe's purgatory and called out your name? Or is there some other dire cause that brings you here? Or..perhaps..just mere curiosity. Since, as you claim, it's been a very long time since you've graced this realm."

Sinister has posed:
THe Leviathan's eyes on the cheeseboard travel in their alien manner over the offerings. He makes up a cracker sandwich with all the cheeses and several capers, sniffing it as he does, licking it once and then devouring the whole thing in one bite. It is a swift and purposeful guzzling and he makes another. "I do not get called by my name often, Lucifer. Not by one that has power, so, I came when called..." but perhaps that inclination to question was correct, as he looks from the archangel to Sinister once again. "And to find out what was within that bubble. Now it makes a great deal more sense. I shall be free to swim the seas again, soon. For a time. I imagine a little sooner than later. There are answers to be had and frankly, they seem quite eager to be born. I suspect they may have a hand in determining when that is, as they apparently already interfered." He looks at the happy couple, smiles and raises his whiskey to them both, shooting the firewater back with the same all-consuming as his other little habits.

"...The pregnant woman, whose offspring they wish to devour..." Sinister murmurs that, puts a couple of fingers over her lips and blinks.

"Indeed. I shall be making quite the example there."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer glances over to Sinister for a moment and then back to Leviathan. "Well, I suppose you have a point there. Next time I won't yell so loud..." Or perhaps, not use the name of power. Or maybe, if things continue to go the way they seem to be going...they'll be seeing a lot more of each other either way. He takes another drag off his cigarette and sips more of his whiskey. "We have some privacy afforded us nearer to the jetty here... if you want to take a little time and swim around the sea...without fear of being seen by anyone or any other thing..." He gestures. "I'm sure such a thing could be arranged." A glance to Sin, he smiles, offers a kiss and a nuzzle. "Have I told you lately how much I love you?"

Sinister has posed:
Sinister leans into the nuzzle, but does turn her face to eye Lucifer amusedly at the sudden need to tell her this. A gesture is made to the Leviathan and then a look to the ceiling and down at the floor, looking up afterwards. "Not recently," she smiles sweeeeeeeeeeeetly, leaning in to nip his earlobe, perhaps just a little hard. "By all means, please... do make use of our jetty. The channel is deep."

THe leviathan smiles at this, devouring the second cracker sandwich and rises, inclining his head. "That consideration might be worthwhile, but you never know. You may have to shout loudly sometime. But...I believe I shall. I might find the atlantic if I keep to the east. Do have a pleasant morning." The old wolf sees himself out, but can be traced through the window to the deck as he moves through the back yard, toward the slipway. The unfolding of the reality that keeps the great sea-serpent entity contained makes the eyeballs want to water, but some oceanographer is going to have one HELL of a night, when reviewing the sonar, no doubt.

Once gone, Sinister slips from her seat and stands to the side of Lucifer, her hands on her hips and her robe slipping open. Nothing but it and the raven slippers. "I feel like I ought to pick up a book I consider poppycock and review the footnotes. Now then Lucifer Morningstar, now that we've loosed the Leviathan on the world for a while, should I give your back an inspection and massage and resume our lazy day?"