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The Waters of Lethe
Date of Scene: 21 August 2021
Location: Cove Cottage - Deep inside Dreams...
Synopsis: A nightmare had some surprising twists and turns and a revelation neither Sinister nor Lucifer were prepared for.
Cast of Characters: Sinister, Lucifer

Sinister has posed:
The last couple of days have been a little bit of this and that -- the chesterfield armchair recliners arrived, which might not have been Lucifer's choice of furnishings, but the fact that they help a very pregnant woman stand up and rest her feet, too, are a selling point. They might be traded out and sold when no longer needed. They're a lovely rich mahogany brown leather though and very comfortable, so perhaps they can be forgiven? One doesn't want to have to use one's abilities to do such simple things as get up. They now live in the livingroom, a wicker rocking chair similarly high and easy to get out of, now resides on the deck.

Yesterday was full of wandering about the little township and introducing themselves as the new young couple, yes they're expecting, no they're not yuppies despite how it looks, yes, they're a little odd, no, they don't want to be bothered or BE a bother and invites were laid out to various town events, one of which is a sea-food barbeque that happens in late august. That might be a yes, with bells on.

Ordinary evening, pleasant late hours, active fun before bedtime and then some late night cuddling, all close as can be, resting in each other's arms. Not alone. Contemplation of inner eyelids...

    It's the beating of a wing that likely wakes Lucifer out of the not-sleep. Only one, as the other is pinned beneath her shoulder and his arm, but the other is smacking the bed like a downed and injured crow, as if trying to fly away but doomed to fail. Flap-smack, flap... it knocks off the bedside lamp, flares back and smacks the ceiling, then seems to lose strength, flopping loose and quivering. The woman that it's attached to, makes a soft, almost hollow whimper in sleep, as she's very much slumbering.

THen, truly, slumber may come rather suddenly and without actual will on the part of Lucifer the Morningstar, as the subconscious crying in the dark reaches out for whatever anchorage it may find and drags him deep within...

Lucifer has posed:
Maybe those recliners aren't the first choice Lucifer would have for furnishing, but sometimes comfort just beats style by a knock out. He doesn't mind them. Wicker furniture on the porch and deck are interesting as well, the whole cottage will have a very ecclectic feel to it by the time they're both done decorating this or that.

In fact, while recliners were being bought and delivered, things in the nursery were being painted and put together. So that, after about a days worth of honest labor they have a functioning crib, dresser and bassinet.

Then a tour around town. Hi there hellos given. Yes, expectig young couple. Just as described. Invitations will be shuffled yes or no as they are given. As it stands, this first invite garnered a very enthusiastic yes. Potluck style? They might bring something either way just to show their gratitude.

Afternoon turns to night, turns to them laying in bed, limbs entangled in a certain way. Cuddling. Contemplating the insides of eyelides. When that wing does begin to go off in a sort of panic, Lucifer opens one eye to watch it, then sits up a bit as it knocks over the bedside lamp. Hearing that whimper then he's just about to reach and soothe when she reaches and holds. "It's alright. I'm here..." Speaking words to soothe as he pulls her close and lets her anchor, unknowing what might take place as he strokes hair and wing where he can reach, shushing gently to shoothe before letting eyes close once again.

Sinister has posed:
The soft down on the underside lays flat at his touch, the limb struggling still, because IT does not know what its dreaming owner is seeing in her mind's eye. A couple of half-arsed flutters later and it draws down over her head and his, lifted up like it might shield them from the dark and the horrors that lurk there. It's very dark underneath, not that there's much light to begin with; the sea channel outside has harbour lights along long-island, but they touch here only as a distant dim glow. The street is too far away that barely a trace of illumination reaches Cove cottage down its little gravel driveway.

    Where are we? -- Hush now. Hush now. Don't say a word, Daddy's going to buy you a mockingbird and if that mockingbird don't sing? Daddy's gonna buy you a diamond ring. And if that Diamond ring is brass? Daddy's gonna buy you a looking glass....

It's a white washed wall. A clean looking wall, but without decoration that would make it seem normal. Focus brings it to recognition - an institution of some kind? A hospital? It's dark outside, the grounds aren't easy to see, but there are bars on the windows. To keep them from getting out. Cries in the hallways are heard, like a fogginess to the senses. "Help!" whispered. "I'm trying. Sssh. They'll hear." A nun trundles past, but her eyes are black as sackcloth, inky filth clots her tongue, dribbles down her chin.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer blinks and blinks again, lifting hands to rub at his eyes and then blinks one last time before looking around. Is he in a room or a hallway? Seeing the nun, he takes a few steps closer until he spies the black within them, the filth that seeps from her mouth.


Here he has to be careful. How did he even get sucked into Sinister's dream world? He'll likely have to answer that question later, as for now he needs to find the safe way out of here. So he follows the voices that he heard, perhaps trying to see if they're in the same room as him or different. Barred windows, so there's no getting out (supposedly), and he still hasn't determined hall or room. "...Nathaniel?" He asks, the male name, just in case. That is a boy's voice he's hearing yes?

Sinister has posed:
It's a hand that darts out from under the bed, grabs Lucifer by the foot. "Here!" it's a hissed whisper. "Come under. THey'll see..." -- it's a .... no, that's a young girl's hand -- Nathaniel's voice comes softly. "Lucifer?? THis isn't my nightmare. Get under the bed, there are rules in here... Quick, before they come back..."

And provided that the archangel crouches, what is a cot bed on top, in a room in a sanitorium? Yes, this looks like an early 20th century sanitorium. It could be anywhere where such institutions were found. But underneath? The underneath is vast and Sinister can be found there, flat on his belly, one arm around the form of a young girl. She can't be more than seven or eight, with pitch black hair in pigtails but eyes that are CRYSTAL clear blue. They look so familiar. "Come on!" She whispers, gesturing fearfully as she looks out at a world full of feet. "We have to -hide-."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer blinks and then he crouches. You do not have to tell the Devil twice to hide from something in someone else's dreams. At this point he could be dangerously tampering and that's not something anyone wants.

After he crouches, he finds the underside of the bed expanded like another separate room. Slithering, he gets into the room and shifts to crouch away, trying to be as silent as possible. Can they speak in the mind here? Questioning eyes look to the girl with the bright blues, and then to Sinister. Confusion within them as well. In as low a whisper as he can he asks, "What's going on? Can we speak..." He points to his forehead then.

Sinister has posed:
"I don't seem to be able to," SInister replies, honestly to Lucifer, casting a glance outside of the Underneath. "There's a pervasive feeling of helplessness, of being trapped in this dream and I have a feeling that's significant..." he says it in hushed tones, looking back at the little girl in his arm and up to the Devil. "She doesn't know who she is. I asked..." he explains and looks a little apologetic "...you were the only one I could reach. I tried breaking out, but this is... strong." A little wave of his other hand around with a finger pointing hither and yon. "Weird thing is, I recognize this place, kind of. It looks like a hodgepodge of Bedlam... that is Bethlehem institution for the insane and a clinic I worked in that treated Tubercolosis patients in the thirties. The outside is black though, I tried to sneak out that way and found a void. THe dreamer doesn't know the world outside."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer frowns again and then nods his head. "Yeah I feel that too... but I also feel that it's tied to Sister Mary Pungent who keeps pacing around..." Still speaking in hushed tones himself, of course. He attempts to snap his fingers to summon hellfire. If that works, then he has power here. If not, then he's likely powerless and will have to come up with some other plan. "It's fine. You had a frantic wing and then reached out to me. Of course I would come." He might have to talk to the nun though, which is scary, but if he has powers here, then there might be some light at the end of the tunnel. He's the Devil for goodness sakes, Dream worlds shouldn't affect him, but it's all up in the air, depending on who is dreaming and why he supposes. "You both will have to trust me, soon as I find out what all I might be able to do here."

Sinister has posed:
Now then, the summoning of hellfire. Click go the fingers. At first absolutely nothing happens.

The little girl in Sinister's arms watches the attempt. "What are you trying to do?" she whispers, nervousness in her tone. "This is Lucifer," whispers Sin. "He's the Morningstar, the archangel of light in the darkest places. He's trying to bring his fire..." "Ohhh," -- POOF -- but it's not hellfire, or at least not in the most classical sense of it, in that that tends to smell awful an have that dangerous look to it. This looks just like well... if one were to summon phosphorus, it's so bright. But at the same time, it's also small.

This brings a flicker of a frown to Sinister's face and he looks at the little girl. "Why did you call me?" is asked. "You were the only one I could find."

Lucifer has posed:
"Well. That was anticlimatic..." Lucifer offers and then grunts. Of course, he's still hushed, because he doesn't want to frighten anyone. Still. "Not only that, my little one, but I am also the Devil. Ruler of Hell. Which means..." He begins to slither out again. "I think me and that nun need to have a chat..." A pause. "You two just stay down here, all quiet like." Demons, after all, are his domain.

So he slithers back out of the hole, looking back and then forward to find that pacing nun. The nun that isn't a nun. Walking right up to her from behind. "Sister Mary Putrid. I, Lucifer Morningstar, command you to turn and face me. To tell me the TRUTH about what is going on here."

Sinister has posed:
"Luci!!!" -- That little curt call, followed by a hiss and a lot of cussing from under the bed. "Ssh. I did not say those words..." muttermumbling into silence. Maybe this is exactly what needs to happen. Those crystal clear blue eyes that look so familiar watch from the shadow beneath the bed, though the little girl has her lips pressed together. She looks from one man to the other, then the pair of them seem to shrink further under the bed. Dreamland is weird.

ANd you never know, this might work, right? Like she was on coasters, the figure of the penguin with a filthy mouth, though she does not seem holy in the slightest... turns. "What are you doing here?" she demands "I can't eat -you-. GO away, lightbriger."

Lucifer has posed:
"No. You can't eat me. Even if you could, I probably wouldn't taste good anyway. All sulfur and brimstone - can't be a healthy diet." Lucifer offers, giving a grin. "Also, what am I doing here? Well, that's tricky. Short of the long, I was called here. Can you believe that? Someone called the DEVIL because YOU were too scary to deal with. Well. You don't scare me, obviously. You probably couldn't if you tried. Also also, I am not going away. Not until you show me how to get out of here. Cause see, this isn't -quite- my domain, as you well know. I'm stuck. As it were." Then he pauses. Thinks. "What are you trying to eat here anyway?"

Sinister has posed:
Sinister slowly puts a hand over the little girl's mouth, watching astutely as Lucifer does himself, in spades. It's a magnificent thing, sometimes.

The nun doesn't move. Presumably there's hands in there somewhere under her habit and whimple, but nothing but her face shows anywhere. "We get angels down here, you know, Lucifer. Not often, but sometimes even they get lost. You know where you are, I'm sure..." she turns her head, suddenly and almost too quick to see, left, then right, a motion that makes it look exceptionally alien. "Very well, what is going on here, is what always goes on here. THey either find their way out, or they are devoured. This one doesn't know where the way out is and we are not going to tell them, are we? We get hungry." Ohh, that's probably ominous as heck to whomsoever is stuck. No wonder powerlessness permeates. "Puragory belongs to the Leviathan. Interesting that you were called here though," the nun's head cocks at a fortyfive degree angle, which looks weirdly like her neck just randomly broke. "Why would one trapped here, know -your- name? Or have the power to bring you."

She sniffs the air, suddenly a little more alert to the scenario and begins moving along the wall, sniffing.

Lucifer has posed:
"Oh for Father's sake. Seriously?" Lucifer offers, and then he listens, like he does. To everything the Devourer says. "You must stay very full because I have never actually heard of someone making their way out of Purgatory..." He offers this much more and then watches as she nun suddenly goes to move along the wall sniffing.

"LEVIATHAN?!" Lucifer calls out, not sure if it will work. If it will call the one who owns this domain. He could try though. Roll of the dice. Might not be so lucky.

So he goes with option two already, cause even if option one works, it might take a long while. "Devouerer!" He calls. "I place the one who called me, and the one who called them under my protection. They are NOT to be harmed by you or anyone else." He takes a few steps forward. "Go find another meal elsewhere. I am sure there are plenty more stuck here that you can seek out. One lost is not going to kill your appetite in any way. You won't starve to death. This much more I do know." A smirk. "Lest you desire to find yourself having a little taste of the pits from what spawned you..."

Sinister has posed:
Purgatory, there's very rarely any way out of, if you're an unfortunate lost human soul, one not destined for heaven or hell, but only lost in the mists. But it IS home to the monsters, when they die. ANd they can sometimes get in or out. After all, for a human soul to find its way out, they'd have to find where they belonged in a faith that they don't have, so very often. The lost, the dispossessed, the ones that didn't know what the purpose was in life, or were knocked out of it too soon to understand...

Occasionally, other things end up in purgatory, because of a holding pattern where things are not quite clear whether they will or will not... be. A horrid state of existence THAT is.

Unsurprisingly though, there's no reply to the yelled 'LEVIATHAN!' but who honestly expected there would be? The cosmic recycler of spiritual energies is a busy monstrosity.

The nun though, pauses in her sniffing, stopping to turn and look at Lucifer. There's a scoff and briefly her mouth starts opening impossibly wide, until there's a soft "Nooo!" from under the bed, all muffled because of a hand over it. Abruptly, the wall eats the nun and any doorway that was in or out of this room is completely gone. They're in an exitless room? Well, that's good. Bars on the window, at least there's a window, but still.

Sinister lets go of the hand slowly. "What in the name of... well... Hell is going on there?" He crawls out, draws the little girl with him with a bit of coaxing. "DId you do that?" She looks sheepish, fussing at her nighty. "Couldn't let him get eaten. Something ate my brother and he isn't here any more."

Lucifer has posed:
"Huh. Well ain't that something..." Lucifer offers as the nun gets eaten. Then again, did their only way out get eaten as well? "So not dream land. Purgatory. Where the demons eat you." Then he looks to the little girl who caused the wall to eat the nun. "So you don't know who you are, but you can make the walls eat things..." He offers this and then kneels down to her level. "You have the prettiest eyes I have seen in a while. So blue..." He offers, lifting a hand to stroke her hair - but it's a two fold thing. While stroking her hair, he's attempting to probe her mind. To pull out that which Purgatory can cause you to forget. Things like self is the first thing to go for reasons. So they can eat you. So you can't leave.

Sinister has posed:
"Yeah, sometimes I kept my brother and me from the bad people like the woman in the black dress. He could talk them away sometimes, like you did. I can't, but I can sometimes push them out." Up closer to the little girl's face, there's something in her bone structure, those high cheeks, an aspect of strong eyebrows that's familiar. There's a dusting of pale-ish freckles across her nose, the ghost of sunshine she's not seen. The shape of her fingers is familiar, too, the shape of her nose, with a strong bridge. The odd thing is, there is no name. Or rather, there's a half memory of a name which she really isn't sure is her own. She can't say, because she simply doesn't know. "Thank you. I'm supposed to have my daddy's eyes, but I don't know if I do or not. I don't know how long I've been here, but my brother... he went away with the people that wore robes. They said he had somethin' to do but they left me behind." She pouts, looks at Sinister, who is squinting at her, narrowing eyes down to slits.

Abruptly, Sinister's eyes widen again, brows elevating a little bit as he puts his own hand over his own mouth and looks wide-eyed at Lucifer.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer looks the girl over now that he's closer, and he begins to see. Begins to put two and two together. The eyes, the bone structure, the little bits of him and her in the child before him. "I think you just might have your daddy's eyes..." He offers, his voice low, and then he shifts forward a bit to hug the girl close. Then his gaze shifts to Sinister and he shakes his head some. "Can you remember anything else about the people in the robes? What they looked like? How they sounded?" The lightbulb has clicked in his head, but he's not sure how they got into this purgatory pre-birth sort of...space.

"I don't know what to do from here...this is...very new territory. I could try calling Levi again..." Cause of course he'd be friends with The Leviathan.

Sinister has posed:
"Um," says the little girl from over Luci's shoulder where here face is now located in the hug. "They looked like they were very tired? They said they'd been waiting for him a long time and now he had to go be who he's supposed to be, or something. I didn't understand." She wouldn't, she had no frame of reference. "I don't understand why they left me behind."

Sinister crouches, beside father and daughter, his voice pitched soft. "Because there wasn't anything written about you, sweetheart. They only accounted for one. Not two. We broke the rule." He looks at Lucifer, then at the room, which seems smaller somehow. "They didn't know who you are and why you were here. This is an awfully small place."

"It's ok, it was big enough for the two of us."

"It will be again, I guess. Was your brother's name Morgan?"

The little girl nods.

"Luci, we need another name. And to keep her secret, I think."

Lucifer has posed:
"It's alright, little one. It will all make sense, and now nothing will bother you here. You won't be alone for long...I will make sure of it, okay? And when they come for you they will be friendly. You will be able to trust them, okay?" Lucifer offers this, letting fingers stroke through hair again before kissing her forehead. "I cannot wait to see you again..." Then he stands and takes a step back.

"I got it. Eleanor Daisy Essex." He smiles. "Even we did not know you were here. But we do now. So it will all be okay." A pause. A glance to Nathaniel. "I think we'll be leaving here soon, but we will see you again, little one. Do you understand?"

Sinister has posed:
The little girl nods as she's kissed, looking up at him with HIS eyes. Well, his other face's eyes. They do not resemble his darkling guise's peepers /at/ all. "Eleanor Daisy Essex..." she tips her chin up, then smiles and THERE's her mother, in the smile. One hundred percent butter wouldn't melt, but one day wicked as heck. Beware the human race. They're going to be in trouble. "I have a name!" It's not very noticeable, but the walls seem less stark and the atmosphere a little less scary, for the sake of a name. "I understand," she gives the Devil a squeeze of a hug, then kisses his cheek as she looks over at Sinister.

ANd abruptly, Lucifer's got a face full of feathers again, because the wing never moved. Mind, he isn't the only one and Sin snorts slightly at the tickle on her own nose, lifting the limb up.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer blinks once, twice, and then he sits up after pulling himself out of the entanglement of limbs and wings. After a moment he looks down and over at Nathanielle and gives a little smirk. "Twins." He says the word and then shakes his head once more. "...I can't believe it. I mean...I suppose I can...but I also can't." Lifting a hand to run through his hair, he thinks on things for another moment. "I guess I should get more items for the nursery huh?" A chuckle from him then as he lies down, turning to his side to face Nathanielle. "That was kinda weird tho... I wonder why they were in purgatory..."

Sinister has posed:
Sinister rolls back onto the pinned wing, winces a bit at the whole 'waking up' to having extra limbs and with a grunt, withdraws them. By the sudden 'oof' she forgot that she was being propped up a bit by the one underneath her and rubs at her face where she lies, looking up at him when he looks down at her. "That was definitely one way to find out," she offers, looks down at herself and fusses the sheets aside so she can give her belly a bit of a rub. "It might be wise, although the crib you got is big enough for a pair of babies. But we will need an extra basinet..." She shuffles herself to get flat on her back, rubbing her palm over her womb with a slow care. "Give me a second..." she frowns, staring at the ceiling, her expression going rather vacant, then round-eyed with brief surprise. Were she not herself, were she not able to shift things around with ease, there might have been concern following.

"I think I know why. Maybe. Morgan-blip I can feel. I couldn't feel her, because she was right behind him. Apparently, both the eggs were from the same tube, so they must've settled close to one another. Too close. Classically, if that happens, the one twin consumes the other invitro. I just moved her further away."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer will give her all the time in the world, really. Though that look on her face while she rubs a hand over her womb has him giving a sort of concerned look. When she begins to speak on why they were unaware it was twins, he gives an 'ah' look and nods. "Well, good to move her away so she can exist, cause now I cannot imagine Morgan-blip eating Eleanor-blip." He offers and then he reaches his own hand over to rest on her womb, rubbing it gently a few times. "But they're fine yes? Both growing well and...everything is okay?" There's genuine worry in his voice, almost like knowing that Eleanor was left behind causing him to fear that she might be lost in the long run.

"That explains why she reached out to you, why that place looked familiar. Still doesn't explain why Sister Mary Putrid was trying to eat her..." He frowns again then before shifting to sit up a bit. "They're going to be okay yes? The both of them?"

Sinister has posed:
"Well, this plane of life is all about the life, isn't it? It has nothing to do with the soul. Apparently, if Morgan had eaten her, Mary Putrid was there for the rest. I don't think she needs to worry about it now. Oh, dear. Now I have disturbing thoughts about how many times other fraternal twins have had that happen, caught in the not-quite, until fate decides which is going to be and which is not. I never thought I'd be saying that." She looks down at her belly, at the hand on it and along the arm up to his face. Reassurance is needed and so: "I guess our peanuts were important enough that a ... what? Was she a leviathan? Whatever she was, was willing to come and wait for dinner. They'll be fine. I just didn't know. Now I do, because she was kind enough to tell us... they'll be fine. Lift and separate. And I'm well..." she shrugs, with a small smile "...fluid? Liquid? Give me a sec..." She closes her eyes, rests her hand on his on them, focuses hard on herself and in the air between the corners of the bed, in sight of them both, an illusion of shape forms in the air. Both are literally the size of peanuts and look considerably like well.. tadpoles at the moment. The illusion grows so that it is easily visible. A spine can be seen. An obivious head, a digestive system and circulatory system and the blip of where an eye will be very soon. What IS there already, is ears. There's a little patch on either side of the head. Transparent skin shows movement inside it in both peanut tadpoles.

Lucifer has posed:
"I think she knew. Even before I showed up... she was likely just buying her time. Playing dumb. It's obvious she knew someone was there the entire time. But no. She's not a leviathan. She's a devourer. THE Leviathan is a mighty creature who reprocesses souls or..something. I forget what he really does." Then Lucifer chuckles. "He'll probably come calling to find out why the hell I screamed his name here soon. We'll have drinks. It'll be fine. If you want, I could introduce you." Then he sees the tadpole like beings, their babies, all floaty happy in their development. "Blips. Lovely blips. I can't wait until they're humans."

Sinister has posed:
Well, that's a thought. "I hope she's excluded from Ellie's little cell, then. Violently. Maybe even worse things." Yes, visciousness may happen, in dreams, in the astral. Sinister can be vindictive when she feels like it and the mind is a powerful tool for such things... now she knows the way to that place through the subconscious. Then offers. "I... uh, would be happy to meet the Leviathan, if he does arrive to find out what you were yelling about. I want to think there's working relationships with the rulers of realms of extra-planar existence and that would definitely be a thing. Maybe he'll come calling for tea. That would be weird."

But then, he makes her laugh softly. "Honey, they aren't ever going to be humans. But they can make a good show of seeming like they are." Sinister opens her eyes then, the illusions of the blips vanishing. "Do we want to do amniocentesis, a'la me, when the time comes?"

Lucifer has posed:
"I believe she will be. Especially since I specifically said that Ellie and you were under my protection. She didn't like that, but... then Ellie did a thing. I doubt she'll be back." Lucifer offers. When Nathanielle goes on about being open to meeting the Leviathan he nods. "Levi isn't a bad...thing...being...whatever. He just has to act it when he's on the job." Which is a weird thing to say, but it also could make sense? Just like Lucifer. Maniacal and evil when he's torturing a soul but otherwise, nice guy.

"I will look up what that word means and get back to you. Meanwhile...I think we should contemplate the inside of our eyeballs for a bit longer." Shifting then, moving to cradle-snuggle her in his arms just so.