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Tiny little socks
Date of Scene: 14 August 2021
Location: Lucifer's Penthouse, Melville
Synopsis: Tiny little clothing items, some cute plushies and an absolutely magnificent dinner. Some tough questions had relatively easy answers too, followed by a flight out over the hudson river.
Cast of Characters: Sinister, Lucifer

Sinister has posed:
Tonight was a date night. An official sort of date night, rather than the unofficial 'getting out of the office' variety, with the promise of a home cooked meal worthy of a Cordon Bleu officionado. Some time is usually required uninterrupted for such things, so Sinister took a working lunch, meeting up with a business associate and eating virtually nothing at the aforementioned meeting. She then, well.. slipped into the submersiveness of humanity, blipping on the radar of thought periodically, with the usual wash of fleeting emotions and a constant background hum of contentment, plus an annoyingly catchy mental earworm.

It's a little before the appointed hour when the elevator doors ping and she steps out in a cruella de ville faux fur jacket, everything else beneath skintight monochrome Sin, plus studs, wearing a very odd look and carrying large paper carrier bags over one arm.

Lucifer has posed:
Preparing food was going to take all day, if only because not only is there a main course and dessert - but he's also managed to put together a tasting menu. Oysters Rockefeller? Yes. Lobster toast? Of course. Scallops? Indeed. Then there's some sort of fancy salad topped with quails egg, Figs with bacon and honey-chilie. The lamb is in the oven becoming perfectly pink, there's likely a tantalizing scent of everything filling the penthouse and dessert is...a special thing.

As promised, Lucifer is wearing his black not-so-formal slacks, and that off-white almost cream colored pirate blouse, the V untied but strung up at least. Billowy cuffs with nary a mess of food on them and he's just finishing getting the mint sauce for the lamb underway when he hears the elevator ping. A glance and he smiles, until he sees that sort of odd look. "Everything alright, my love?" He then comes over to help with the carrier bags at least.

Sinister has posed:
Sinister's head lifts, on that little elevated platform just infront of the lift doors, eyes closing and nose being tantalized. A rich array of aromas indeed, to titillate the palate and tempt the tastebuds. Epicurean, indeed! She smiles to herself, in a bemused way, owing to who knows what and opens them to the arrival of heels on the floor and that ever so distinctive voice. "I feel that before the delights of dinner get underway, I ought to answer that with a 'take a look'..." As he's coming to assist with the bags anyway, she opens them so the contents are easily viewed. Someone fell down a rabbithole filled with tiny socks and shoes and a few stuffed toys.

One is particularly adorable, in that it's a little red cuddly satan, complete with a golden felt pitchfork and a wicked little moustachio'd face and a T-shirt with 'Caution: Contents may be hot' on it. The other is a very round, very soft chibi raven. "I got...sucked in."

Lucifer has posed:
There's a notice of how the scents of the food catch her, and that just makes Lucifer grin. Then he's there to help with the bags and since he's doing that anyway, he peeks as he's asked to. Shoes. Tiny shoes. And tiny socks. Oh boy... "Are they really ever that small?" Babies, he means. Children. There was, once upon a time, a very big part of him that simply couldn't stand children. It's a very good thing he's over that now.

As he continues to look, he spies the stuffed animals and gives a laugh. "Oh now, those are absolutely adorable...the little satan and raven. Very fitting. I need Satan's shirt tho..." He smiles and then nods. "So it seems you did. Not that it's a bad thing. But! You're home now, and food...is..." Well it's not getting cold cause - Lucifer. But... "I just hope you enjoy what I've made."

Sinister has posed:
Sinister surrenders the bag, sliding out of her coat with a shrug of shoulders and letting it slither down to be caught. "They are. And that's the reason I'm wearing this expression. I felt compelled to come home and show you the insanity of this, because at the time, I was awash with feelings of supreme cute overload and impulse bought far more than a baby is ever going to need. By the time they've worn all of these even once or twice, they'll have outgrown them, I'm sure. But the plushies, well, couldn't resist..." She drapes the faux fur on the couch, swaying up to kiss the cook and slide her arm around his waist at his side. "I suspect I am going to be floored, particularly as you've cooked one of my favourites if my nose does not deceive..." The oysters or the lamb, one wonders? She fleetingly plays with the ties of that pirate tunic with a happy sigh. "We will need a nursery. Or failing that a vault to store my temporary insanity." She chuckles, looking at him sly.

There's a little flourish and one-two swing as she dances out of and back into his arms. "Lead on, temptation waits... and my eyes want to behold the feast for the senses you've put on."

Lucifer has posed:
"We'll have both if we need. A nursery and a vault. Or something. I have plans.." Lucifer offers this and taps his head while giving that grin all the while. "If nothing else, we can offer them as hand me downs to other couples who might be in need of such items as our own babe grows." A pause. "The clothing anyway. The plushies we shall keep for eternity." A chuckle then as his shirt is played with and she claims he's seemed to have cooked one of her favorites. There's so many things tho! Then, with her in his arms, he leads to the table and pulls out a chair for her to sit in. The table is set with all the hors d'oeuvres so she can pick at them to her liking.

"Let me know what you think. I need to check on the main course." Oh the scallops are, of course, wrapped in bacon. And there's wine, cognac, and water to drink.

Sinister has posed:
Can't have the lamb losing its pink! It MUST come out at the suitable time to breathe and cook just that last precious amount. And that is a thing Nathaniel Essex and his feminine counterpart definitely diverge from the Lord of Hell with, in that they never mastered any of that patient skill to any degree. There were always cooks, always nannies and even now, before Sin opened his life to the possibility of sharing companionship... he had a housekeeper. Leave him alone in a kitchen and he turns into the Earl of Sandwich, slapping cold meat between bread. He's not too hopeless, but this? This impresses and that much is clear from the background vibe of pleasure wafting from the mindlink.

"Oh gosh, these look fantastic..." figs with their honey chilie drizzle selected, she sniffs one, nods to him and tastes ever so delicately. Manifest: The surprised expression, plucking a tiny bit of blue cheese to contrast that taste. "Where did you learn all of this?"

Lucifer has posed:
The lamb will not lose it's pink! Not on Lucifer's watch! In fact, he goes to pull the lamb from the oven, setting it aside to let it do it's resting thing while he checks to make sure the sauce is behaving. A strong aroma of meat and cherry wafts from the kitchen for a moment then as he does this. The mint sauce is taken from the heat to begin cooling and thickening a bit more in that regard, but he does give one little splash of minced garlic and thyme to the sauce. As he works, he feels that sensation of enjoyment from her as well as the excitement and he smiles. Then that question finds his ears.

"Late night binge watching cooking shows. And that's the honest truth. Everything from Master Chef to Worst Cooks in America. Chopped, Cutthroat Kitchen, Hell's Kitchen, most anything on food network. And then I just... started working on mastering techniques." He grins. "It helped a bit when I would hit on someone and then offer them breakfast in the morning..."

Sinister has posed:
Sinister laughs at that, "I never would have guessed, but I probably should have. That's how I learned how to create all manner of technological devices, from airplanes to hypersonic sterilizing devices, to neural net bio-steel. Well, the latter I didn't exactly learn from late night television, or any of it really; the internet and books and fiddling with things in the wee hours..." lobster toast, just a sprinkling of pepper on the top and bliss pops into mind as she crunches. "Mmmmm, gracious I have to stop or I'm going to spoil half the fun here. And I'm salivating like Pavlov's dog... dammit!"

She laughs more, turning in her seat and plucking up her cognac, looking over toward the kitchen to watch him as he works. Such a lovely sight, dat ass! Dose shoulders! Dem legs! She licks her lips. "I'll have to mumble something in your ear about crepes one morning."

Lucifer has posed:
"I might have even met a chef or two in my time. Gordon Ramsey has a couple of restaurants here in the city." Lucifer offers as he moves the lamb to a cutting board and slices into it. Perfectly pink! A couple of chops go onto a plate with a drizzle of the mint sauce and a couple of whole cherries to the side. Then there's the garlic and romano cheese mashed potatoes, and steamed rainbow carrots. He looks, nods, and then picks up the plate and brings it over to the table, placing it in front of her when he's able. "And for ze main course we have rack of lamb with un cherry glaze and meent sauce. Some potatas and carrots as a side." In the best, hacked French accent he can muster.

Sinister has posed:
Sinister laughs at the impersonation. "Ze vittles zay are looking, 'ow you say... Magnifique, oui?" She gestures to the opposite side of the table, setting her napkin on her lap and duly waiting for him to actively join her, because the Dining room proudly presents... your dinner. Yes, a little bit of disney humming occurs here, as she sets up her cutlery just so. "Did you have anything to do with assisting him setting those up? I can't help but think it's a little too coincidental otherwise," hell's kitchen, indeed.

"Gosh, this looks fabulous."

Lucifer has posed:
"Now now. I cannot let out all of my secrets, my dear." Lucifer offers and then returns to the kitchen, because he's not going to cook all this food and then NOT eat some of it. Come on! Besides, he has a PLAN, you see? Dessert comes after dinner which you can't have unless you've HAD dinner. So. There.

He then joins her at the table, and gets a smaller side plate of a few little dishes. Lobster toast, scallops and oysters of course. "Also, thank you. I am glad you have enjoyed everything thus far and do hope you enjoy the rest."

Sinister has posed:
"Hah," just that one word declared in that tone and her best little butter-wouldn't-melt smile, Nathanielle's red eyes sparkle as she lifts her cognac to him as he takes his own seat, ignorant of his dessert plans! She, however, indulges in at least two Oyster rockafellas with relish, before she touches the lamb. Testament to how good those are, they get an almost orgasmic 'mmmmmm' and eye-roll from her, head rolling back in exaggeration. Maybe three of those. Yes.

As she tucks in, delicate and with perfect cutlery control born of many years of finishing school and etiquette training, she comments "It's strange, how food became a chore for me, when it really should have remained an indulgence and appreciation. I think it was probably because it took time out of my schedule, when I was less organized than I am now. I think I was probably... oh...seventy or eighty when I just stopped and only ate for effect on meetings and the like. I only really got back into it in the last thirty years or so, as the world of gastronomy got wider."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer does watch her for a moment, perhaps trying to be a bit sneaky about it. Sure he's cut into his lamb...sort of. Swirled it in some sauce. His moves are deliberately slow until she takes a bite and he feels the emotion that follows. A wide grin spreads across his lips and then he takes his own bite. Mmn. Better than he anticipated it being. That mint sauce does something to the senses and with that little tart from the cherry? Whoo!

"Food has always been something I used for sex before..." He gestures. "I mean before I realized and actually believed that maybe I could find love and settle a bit..." He's trying not to poke the jealous monster too much. "And even then, it always seemed like...a chore...to be honest. This.." Again, a gesture. "This was more than. Definitely more than. This was fun. I loved cooking, loved thinking of foods you'd like, and what to serve, how to serve it. It..." Another pause and he thinks on his words a moment. "Inspired me, I guess you could say." He takes another bite. "I hope that all made sense."

Sinister has posed:
Sweet and sour, aromatic versus tart, it is a symphony on the senses that have long been appreciated. Mint is such an unerrated little herb, with its aromatic oils. Once it was even considered bitter! It definitely is something approved of in the moment though; a taste of the lamb on its own, then with its companions, each little aspect of the dish sampled alone and with company, as if it were a metaphor. Which it isn't, but the eye of the beholder can find symmetries in so many things. The green eyed beasty isn't stirring though, not for this. No, no.

"Understandable, really. I used it for manipulation. Persuasion. Occasionally torture." Matter of fact that, but a memory of anaphalaxis and peanuts does briefly surface. She listens though, intently -- hanging on the words, there's a grin at the end, small but rich for it and she pauses to lean over the table and give the cook a kiss; a mwah sort, on account of being endearing. "It did make sense. Being in love... there's no experience that really compares to it, until you find it you never know what enrichment it can bring. What you feel and know you could do, for another... even out of character for yourself, because suddenly? They mean more than you do. It's scary sometimes, amazing other times, wholey worthwhile no matter what. You are an -amazing- cook and this? /Incredibly/ thoughtful. You really outdid yourself with the complimenting flavours... it all works together, even the scallops which I always thought just tasted of whatever you put them with. Lovely protein, rather subsuming in cuisine."

Lucifer has posed:
The medley of flavors is something Lucifer actually enjoys. It was a risk, slightly, to serve the lamb with both the glaze and sauce but to him it seems to work. It also seems to have Nathanielle's approval, so he considers it a win all in all. The mashed potatoes and carrots are delictible as well. Carrots were sauted in the finest butter with a bit of rosemary. It compliments the garlic and thyme of the lamb and cheese of the potatoes. Yes. The Devil can Cook.

"That makes sense, what all you said, and yes. It's all quite true. This has been an experience. All of it. With a mixture of practically every emotion within since we did sort of get off to a rocky start." He offers this and then smiles. As she speaks on the meal again he grins and nods. "Mmn, I am truly glad you have enjoyed it all. Just make sure to leave a little room for dessert. Not much. It will be a fairly light one." A grin then.

Sinister has posed:
"We did a bit, didn't we? Some of that was my fault, I know." She waggles her fork around, dismissing the foolishness with a frown as she purses lips on the words. "I got in my own head. A bad place for me to be, most days," and that is not elaborated on, as he well knows what is there, the Army of One. The fork ends up gesturing again at the dish. "Western and a little of your middle-east origins in here..." she winks at the figs. "Maybe I shall attempt to learn how to prepare a few things. You can watch me get annoyed with a sushi roller." She winks, helps herself to a little salad for the greenery and then simply finishes off the dish in moderate time, the bones picked clean and her plate nearly spotless. As is customary, she tosses her napkin over the plate after dabbing her lips appropriatedly.

"I feel incredibly spoiled. Excellent company that always thrills, the promise of dessert... Drop dead gorgeous to boot, I really didn't stand much of a chance, realistically speaking, did I?" She leans again over the table, a hint of vinaigrette, cherry and mint on breath as she gives him a longer kiss at the corner of lips in appreciation. "Every day a little deeper."

Lucifer has posed:
"I think we both got into our own heads. Where we're used to dwelling, and clashed a bit. However, we also worked it out, and learned how to actually talk about things." Lucifer offers. "Growth. It comes with the territory I'm sure." A smirk then before he nods. "Yes. Little bit of origin, little bit of western. Seafood was a given because we both love the sea." He says and then he finishes his dish a little behind her, about to stand to gather their dishes when he's caught with that kiss at the corner of his lips. He grins, then gathers plates. "Indeed."

Plates are put away and then he goes to the freezer and pulls out two cups. "Oh! Close your eyes..." He offers, waits for her to do so, and once she has he'll move to place one of the cups in front of her along with a bag of..something. It crinkles - the bag does. Once he's settled, he grins. "Okay. Open your eyes." She'll find a pink slushy FROM the stand they bought them at on their first 'date-not-date', and a bag of kettle popcorn, the same from that time as well.

Sinister has posed:
Sinister helps a little with the cleaning of plates, a handwave ferrying the salad bowls to the kitchen, sweeping a washcloth in to buss the table and generally tidying things up, because this is Essex. There's always a modicum of the obsessive cleanliness about them, the delight in tidiness. "It was rather inevitable that it would happen at first, we are both used to being forces in our own right, we had to come to understand how we could mould and bend around the other. And I will admit on my part, coming to the realization I didn't have an angle, which left me stumbling a time or two..." but when bidden, she closes her eyes, stifling a grin as she lifts chin, cleaning cloth wandering back to the sink on its own. Rinse, wring, drape over the faucet.

When bidden to look, she spends a moment just staring, then barks a laugh, putting hand over mouth and looking up at him with a smile in her gaze, also. "Kiwi strawberry," another short laugh and she rises from her chair, lifting the cup to clink it. "You. You're amazing, you know that? Well, of course you do." But those last five words don't sound like their meaning is what was spoken. You can't hide warmth, easily.

Lucifer has posed:
"You didn't have an angle, and I was waiting for an angle to show. For something to come of it that was more...tit for tat. With a premise of love. Or..something." Lucifer offers. "And betrayal. Something about my existence always seems to bring that out in people." A pause. "But we've learned, and moulded, and here we are. I am happier for it." This and then he's presented dessert, a grin on his face as such things are revealed and taken in. Kiwi-strawberry indeed.

Glasses 'clink' together and then he shakes his head. "I'm not really all that amazing. I just happen to remember things, important things. And use them any way I can." He's the one who will never forget a date. Never be shy about celebrating such things either. "You're amazing yourself. So you know."

Sinister has posed:
Sinister sips the slushie, her cheeks hollowing in, then she lifts a finger, sets the cup down on the table and steps up to him, looking up at him as she can in this form. 'Tis a sweet smile she offers, then a slow approach, so that their faces make the shape of eternity, going from eternal hourglass to candlestick on the approach.

Against his lips: "My forever," the skin tickles, against the man that will never forget. Remember every slight, every dagger, but also with it, every moment you can never forget, every newness and every tiny realization of how little you really knew. Then, as she did then in her masculine aspect, she moves in to hold him close in a hug, hands going up to rest where his wings appear. A gentle tugging forward presses the negative space from the two; but this time there's no need to teleport elsewhere with a whisper, it is just what it is. She rests her cheek against his shoulder, face turning to the hollow of throat and her forehead rests against his jaw. Within, there is peace. Knowledge that you are -precisely- and -exactly- where you were meant to be. Fate? No. Destiny? Maybe. Luck? Definitely? Choice? Hardly. Not when she realized what elusive thing she'd been hunting for.

And then she goes and spoils it a bit. "What are we going to tell Vlad?"

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer is quiet for the moment as Sinister shifts from her spot and walks over to him. There are no other words he can offer to compare to her whispered ones, and besides, he's taking pleasure in what comes right after. Every press, every fold, to bring their forms together in such a way. The hug is returned, and there's a pulse under her fingers as if even his wings are showing their appreciation of her. As she rests her cheek on his shoulder and faces the hollow of his throat, he simply holds her there. One hand shifts to brush fingers through her hair while they simply sit together.

"Hmm? Ah. I...I need to talk to him about a few things, anyway. Suppose while I am info dumping on him..." He pauses. "Unless you'd like to be a part of such a discussion. I...honestly didn't think about that until this moment. It's as much your news as it is mine. Ours. And such."

Sinister has posed:
Sinister's hands shift a little... one moves up to cradle the back of his head, curling fingertips there and gently scratching scalp, playing with short strands of dark hair as a sigh of contentment escapes. Having hair played with and stroked is so relaxing; truly one of the tenderest things that can be experienced with the right person. The other spreads further over the pulse beneath, sliding across, that her forearm stretching there gives them their own hug. And the reply is a long while in coming, having dwelled upon thought.

"I do not know him as well as you do, beloved. I don't mind being there, to share... but I wonder if it would alter the experience simply by the Observer effect. There's something quite magnificent about the notion that he would be a guardian to our child also, at the same time as being quite terrifying."

Lucifer has posed:
There's a sound that comes from the Devil that likely has only been given a handful of times before. It is the sound of complete relaxation. Utter contentment. There are only so many times Lucifer has felt this way and he shifts subtly to nuzzle as he can against her in such a position. "I love you."

Then they're speaking of Vlad and he smiles. "I am sure Vlad would be honored to be considered a guardian to our child. He will likely take the role quite seriously as well. We should tell him...I can call upon him to visit whenever you're ready to share the news." A smirk. "Terrifying that we'd consider, or terrifying that he'd be guardian because he can be a terror?"

Sinister has posed:
Sinister's hands still a brief moment at that sound. Oh, that was a good sound, apparently and an encouraging one. The attentions continue, with the addition of the spread hand at his back stroking the line of one wing's housing, brushing over the other by dint of 'that's how arms work'. Tiny circles of fingernails on scalp, then a sweeping stroke or two, tuuuugging that magnificent skull to rest more against her own. Rinse, repeat.

"Both? Neither. Either? Oh, I don't know. It feels like a casual, but important thing of two people involving another that they care about in important news, you know? But it also feels like the King of Hell and his sinister consort asking the Lord of Vampires for his input and protection. I don't think you can quite equate any of that to normalcy in the slightest!" She laughs at the last. "You plural, that is. Eavesdropping flies on the wall would have conniptions, kittens, a cow and cold sweats."

Lucifer has posed:
"This is us, darling. Whatever in all of the universe does this, us, as a whole of you me but and also he... equates as normal?" Lucifer asks and then gives a soft chuckle. "I think you are fretting over nothing. Vlad will likely be happy for us, and will accept guardianship, and will likely hold himself to such a thing for all our days." A kiss is offered to Sin's cheek, or corner of lips, wherever he can muster a reach. "I'll call for him tomorrow. We'll all talk. It will be fine." He soothes and caresses, nuzzles and hums. "Let flies have kittens, I care not. Trivial things really. I care more about those close to me. Flies die anyway."

Sinister has posed:
Sinister stills at the kiss, nods oh, so slightly, offers another squeeze and withdraws enough that she can settle to sitting astride, reaching both her hands to his scalp now, to comb hair with fingertips, watching her work and his gaze by turns with it. A little playful time, when she sweeps it all to the side, to see how he'd look with a comb-over style a'la roaring 20's, moves through the decades, to the 50's attempting a pompidor without any hairspray, a mad ruffle of all over the place for the 60's. Slicked for the 70's... it's a thing. She grins to herself. "I'm in a funny position iconographically. From my perspective, I'm in a menage a trois with two historical figures," She snickers softly.

Hands leave off in the 70's, probably because she's having trouble deciding which 80's look to fiddle with, bringing hands to his face instead, cupping cheeks, then tracing bone structure with fingertips and thumb, smoothing his eyebrows, caressing his jawline. "Thank you for dinner. It was really very special." Bringing the slurpies up to hover, she settles back on her heels, in his lap, taking a kettle corn in fingertips to contemplate. To gift to him, or to tease him with. She toys with it. "I should take you to the gotham aquarium out of hours later and let you hear the songs of fish, or perhaps... we can take a flight out over the water and listen to it at some hidden bluff."

Lucifer has posed:
All that musing with his hair just allows him to revel in the feel of it, and continue to be quite contented. He makes sounds between the words he speaks, but otherwise he holds and cherishes the moment. Responding to each fluff of his hair even though he can't see what she's doing to him. "So you are... interesting thing that. Especially considering we've all existed within each others moments of becoming historical..." Well, maybe not his own and yet - somehow - he feels that statement holds truth all around.

A smile is given at that thanks and he nods. "Of course. I am glad you enjoyed it, and will have to do this more often. Well, perhaps not as grand of offering as this but... the idea. Cooking dinner. Or any meal really." He smirks. "I do recall something about whispers for crepes." Then he kisses her forehead. "You've been meaning to do that for some time now. Perhaps we should make an evening of it. Would you prefer the aquarium or a bluff?"

Sinister has posed:
Sinister seems to have decided on the 80's and manages to induce a Duran-Duran style in that slightly shaggy black wave. Her name was Rio and she gives me all she can... Hands are held up in the rectangle infront of her face. "Click," a grin and she pops the kettle corn in her own mouth, settling back and just gazing at him a few moments. "Hmm? Well, I suppose we have, in that I've existed. I think it's more truthful between yourself and Vlad, there. You are in the details though, so I suppose... hmm. Now there's a strange little thought." She shrugs though, with a nod.

"Yes, one morning, there should be crepes," she manifests a hairband, sweeping her own hair back studiously to tie it in a ponytail, loose but out of the way and considers. "I think I want to fly. Flying in an aquarium is a little bit self-defeating. We could wing out across the Hudson bay, pass by our place? I've been doing some work there."

Lucifer has posed:
"I think I'm going to stand by what I said." Lucifer quips with a grin while she takes that snapshot of whatever she's done to his hair. After a moment or so, he watches her put her hair up in a loose ponytail and then tilts his head to the side. "Is this an indication that you wish to do this now? Not that I am against it, I'm just making sure I'm reading everything right. A flight over the Hudson, listening to the sounds of fish and stopping by the place we bought sounds like a wonderful idea." THen he tilts his head. "What have you been working on>

Sinister has posed:
"You'll see when we get there," Sinister replies with a wink and a 'mwah', stretching herself up then and rolling her arms one at a time. "Unless you don't feel like flying tonight? It's a nice evening, there's plenty of other things we could be doing..." putting the question back to him, she leans in, plays with the strings of his pirate tunic and tilts her head to the other side.

Lucifer has posed:
"I'm always up for a flight, my love. And I think it would be a perfect segue from tonights offering so far." Lucifer says this much while watching her play with the strings on his pirate shirt. "Not to mention, it must be something amazing to hear since you keep saying we should go have a listen." A smile forms across his lips then as he gives her a proper kiss, something tender but deep, held for a lingering moment. "Mmn...shall we take off from the roof and go have ourselves a good time?"

Sinister has posed:
"It's indescribable. I could try, but I'd fail. Part of why I find watching fish so soothing and engaging, any..." what was she saying? It's forgotten in the moment she's kissed, eyes closing on the moment and drinking it in. A deep, happy inhale later and she nods. "Off the roof," she agrees, rising off of him and with a glance back, turns about to walk backwards to the stairs, crooking a finger in beckoning -- though there's a fairly safe bet that there isn't a king sized four poster waiting for them on the room.

Roof access opens as she moves that way and she turns to trot up them, racing to the fresh air with repeated rolling of her shoulders.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer chuffs softly and then stands after she does, watching as she heads for the roof access, walking backwards and beckoning him with a finger. His eyes turn wicked, like he's a wolf stalking prey, as he hunkers down a bit and follows her a pace or two behind.

No, this time there isn't a king sized four poster bed waiting for them. It's just the roof, with a 360 degree view of downtown New York City. As they reach the top of the club and penthouse building, Lucifer flexes his shoulders letting white feathered wings sprout and flare up and out a moment, giving a few testing flexes and flaps before watching Sinister closely. Curious as to what sort of wings the Missus has. If she chooses to use them.

Sinister has posed:
Wicked eyes hunting her up the stairwell! Well, she was fleetingly chased... and skipdances free of the doorway so that she can turn on the spot and take in the view, then him as the white wings manifest themselves. They are so very large and luminous, they draw their smile as they always do, even if sometimes it's but fleeting. She catches the look though, glancing behind herself and considering with a deep breath. She covers her eyes with one hand and bows her forehead, flexing shoulders forward into a curl until she's curving her spine juuuuuuuust so, then flexes back sharply.

The pinions errupt and flare as is their want to do, put on display as if they must always go 'HELLO WORLD' dramatically when free of confinement. And what colour are they? Black, with the red fringe, just as they are when she's a man. The only exception that makes any difference is there's one white feather in each of the primaries, for no real reason at all and the 'tail feathers' are also white. She peeks between her fingers.

Lucifer has posed:
As his own wings settle Lucifer looks at the span that sprouts from her, admiring the colors and how they fit with the outfit that she's wearing. Then he spots the few white feathers here and there, which causes him to be curious. "That's a little new. Don't see the white when you're male." He comments this much with a smile. "Now then..." He walks to the edge of the roof and then flares his wings again before looking back behind him to her peeking through her fingers. "You alright, my love?"

Sinister has posed:
Sinister looks back, letting her hand drop and arching her wings forward so she can see. Well, all but the tailfeathers, which she has to look under her arm and back to spot. "Um. Yes. I just wondered if I was going to follow your example with the colours from male to female and was all kinds of worried I'd look odd with wings matching yours. I think it'd look strange if mine were white..." she hurries to the edge of the building though, a precarious position that would put the fear of falling in may individuals, as there's only a paltry guard rail between them and a loooooooooooong way down. But when you've got wings, that's simplicity itself, right?

"I feel positively like a Magpie. One for sorrow, isn't it?" She winks at him, then launches, downbeats strong and loud, but sure with it.

Maybe she's been practicing a little or maybe it's simply that oversized wings on a smaller body make for better lift, but she seems to have the knack of this better than her other form. Off toward the Hudson Bay on the dark of night!
