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Latest revision as of 12:20, 12 October 2021

Hunting Things. But Not Monsters.
Date of Scene: 11 August 2021
Location: Fort Joseph, Haven
Synopsis: Faith is on the prowl. Alexander agrees to be her wingman.
Cast of Characters: Phobos, Faith Lehane

Phobos has posed:
    There are times in life when a young Olympian finds himself alone, and perhaps wanting to be alone. Not necessarily out of exhaustion from spending time with others, perhaps it's more simply from the fact that others can be very busy and with his current lot in life he does not share whatever might make them busy.
    Like now, the meetings that are being held about his most recent mission weren't ones he could attend. He had been there, saw what transpired, saw what cost the life of Agent Perkins, but the decisions about what to do were above his pay grade. And if he had decided to share what insight he had of the thing... then there would likely be questions about how he could tell anything about it. Which raised some other questions on their own.
    So when the young God of Fear was to wander, it often led him here to the outskirts of Bludhaven. To Sunnydale. Far enough away from Manhattan and responsibility. Close enough for him to be able to return quickly if needs be. Though that was a rarity.
    Yet it left him time for now. A block and some away from The Bronze, close enough to hear the music of the place, but not close enough to partake. Instead he rested on a bus stop benchseat, taking shelter from the drizzle under the plastic windows of that stop, thankfully with no company to bother him as he sat there and worked up either the gumption to go to The Bronze, or to just head on back home.

Faith Lehane has posed:
This was Sunnydale. A peaceful night was a rarity. After all, this was the place where all the monsters liked to visit. It was ridiculous really. Especially when they knew they had the Slayer to contend with, yet came anyway.

Many of them knew who the Slayer was by reputation. A few knew her by name. Which made it even easier for the /other/ Slayer to go on the hunt.

At this point in the day, she was through with her patrol. Three vampires less in Sunnydale for her troubles.

Which had her itching for some action. And thus, she was now heading for the Bronze. Because she wanted a beer. No, she deserved a beer. For keeping the citizens save, even though they never knew it.

She had on a pair of leather pants, her boots with the clunky block heel and thick sole, a red tank top with a light weight black leather jacket over it to help against the weather. Her dark hair was soaked, looking more black.

She spotted the familiar figure on the bench. So much for his quiet night. "Well lookie what the cat dragged in. How you doing, hotness?"

Phobos has posed:
    At first when he heard her voice she'd hear his scoff of amusement/annoyance as he affected a roll of his eyes as if the world was punishing him for afflicting Faith upon him in such a chancey hap-hazard way. And yet when he looked over his shoulder sidelong toward her as she peeked into /his/ bus-stop, well his smile was warm. Perhaps giving the truth of the matter that he didn't /really/ find her annoying.
    "Technically." He says with all the aplomb of a nerdy kid correcting someone for thinking that Mandalorians were a race of people in Star Trek, "I'm outside, so the cat would be dragging it out." He even goes so far as to breathe out his nose with a snurfly laugh that sounds more like a 'fneh' than anything else.
    But then he eases back to his normal tone, "I'm doing ok. Faith... was it? That was your name right? That or Buffy, I get so confused." Yet that twinkle in his eye likely lets her know he didn't /really/ think her name was Buffy. For one thing Buffies can't pull off leather quite that well.

Faith Lehane has posed:
"Technically, I'd be more worried about other giant fuzzy things around these parts instead of a cat," Faith rebutted. She walked the rest of the way to the bench, stopping by the end but not actually sitting down. She glanced around the area, a nonchalant scanning of their surroundings. But to a professional such as himself, he would realize she was making sure there was no immediate threat to them.

Until he said those words.

"You did not just call me Buffy. I am the far superior Slayer. If you ever get confused, look for who is whining and bitching about the burden of being the Slayer instead of getting what a great thing it is and embracing it."

Phobos has posed:
    "Are you sure? So hard to tell you guys apart." As he says this he has the good nature to at least laugh a little at the end and then /leeeean/ aside and away, but as he turns his head just so he _winces_ a bit, making a small 'ack' of sound as he rubs at the back of his neck and makes a face.
    "Ow." But then he takes a breath and hrmfs then tells her, "So what has been going on for you, Faith?" He turns sideways to face her more directly, bringing one foot up onto the seat beside him and resting his hands upon the bent knee. Very nonchalant and very casual looking, yet his gaze drifts over her and then perhaps following her cue he considers the area around them just in case.
    "Last I heard you were hassling the various guys in that gang of like-minded peoples who deal with all the supernatural craziness."

Faith Lehane has posed:
"Yeah, I don't hang out with them much. More working acquintances than friends." Though that was Faith's own doing. Not that the Scoobies hadn't tried to let her in. At first she'd been pretty well accepted by them but she tended to keep everyone at arm's length. She had damn good reasons for it too. Reasons they didn't need to worry about. Or ever know. Though the reality of her Watcher's death had been shared with them thanks to the Council having really big mouths.

She noticed that he had a crick in his neck for whatever reason. Must have slept on it wrong. "So I hassle them when it suits me but otherwise, kind of work on my own. Better that way. I don't work well with others. Now I do PLAY well with others," she says with a big grin. "I got three vamps earlier so I'm feeling kind of...antsy. Need to work off some energy in some way. And since you have a girlfriend, I figure I'll have to go find some other target. Or just have a few beers and dance." She doesn't seem to be concerned about their surroundings now though she still doesn't sit. Probably since she knew she was on her way elsewhere and he probably didn't want to be saddled with her company for longer than necessary.

Phobos has posed:
    "Yeah," Alexander says with a small nod, "I do." As if it were so sad of a situation. Then he adds, "And she's pretty great, too. So there's that to contend with." His lip twists crookedly.
    "Though hey, I did tell her you were responsible for us getting together." The Olympian youth rests his chin on his knee and looks so very thoughtful there, listening and chatting with her so amiably and with an ease. Other folks might feel antsy around her, but Alexander has always felt a curious kinship with her devil may care attitude.
    "That you encouraged me to chase after her, even though I thought she was out of my league and all that. So if we're ever at a party and a redhead with evil eyes comes up to you and thanks you, that's her." He gives a nod of his head as if that description summed her up entirely.

Faith Lehane has posed:
"Redhead with evil eyes. I'll remember that," Faith promises. The thing is she can get along with others. She even likes being around others. As long as it's casual. The Scoobies tended to want to get into her business and understand her and help her be a better person. As if she needed to be a better person? She was fine the way she was. Certainly she wasn't as high class as they were but that didn't mean she was broken.

Though, in truth, she was horribly broken. She just didn't even recognize that about herself.

"Well does miss evil eyes let you dance at least? Beer on me." If he says no, she won't be crushed. It is just a cause offer to someone she's found easy to talk to. And he doesn't pry!

Phobos has posed:
    "Sometimes, when I'm off my leash." Alexander offers as rejoinder, smirking as he pushes himself up to his feet. "Though if you want to pay for my vain attempts towards intoxication then who am I to say no?"
    Adjusting the hang of his jacket, the blond youth tilts his head to the side looking back down the street in the way of the Bronze, then back toward her as he stuffs his hands into his pockets and gestures with a nod for her to lead the way. "Though are you sure you want me hanging around with you?"
    He does look thoughtful as he starts walking along the cement sidewalk, footsteps quiet as he strolls. "If there's some cute guy he might presume I am your boy and thus not approach you. Could be the love of your life and you'll totally miss out."

Faith Lehane has posed:
That earns him laughter. Outright, bright and filled with amusement at the very concept he had just suggested. She was already starting toward the Bronze and had to reach up a hand to wipe a tear away from her eyes. "Oh my god, that's hilarious. Love of my life. So rich." Because such a concept? Is insane to her. There is no such thing in her viewpoint.

"You forget, I do the approaching for one. And second, ain't nobody looking for love. I just need someone to scratch my itch then I head out the door and go back to my place." Often with the cash out of the guy's wallet if the has the opportunity. Or at least some of it.

Phobos has posed:
    "Hey, I'm just sayin'. I'm looking out for your best interests. What sorta wingman would I be if I didn't?" As he says that he's strolling along, shrugging at her laughter but smiling even though she totally disses him and his offer to help.
    "But if you want we can decide on a signal if you want me to bail. You can like lean over and, I dunno, caw like a crow and I'll suddenly sit all bolt upright and declare, 'Oh dear it's almost tea-time.' and then run out the door."
    He bobs his head slowly in a nod as if he were oh so serious even as he strolls. Then his lip twinges with amusement, "Unless you had some other idea."

Faith Lehane has posed:
"As epic as that might be, I think we can pass on the bird calls."

Faith takes a glance at an alleyway as they pass it, considering the darkness within, but not slowing her steps. Nothing there she could see and she has pretty good night vision.

"How about this instead. If there is a moment I need you to bail, I'll tell you go away. Simple. Precise. Unless you want me just to stay get out of here so I can get a fucktoy for the night? I mean I can do that instead if you're more comfortable? Then you announce tea-time and book."

Phobos has posed:
    "We'll wing it," Alexander offers in counter-point as they continue their casual stroll down the street. To the Bronze. And Adventure!