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Latest revision as of 14:49, 23 October 2017

Bust a Move....or rather a burger
Date of Scene: 20 April 2017
Location: Big Belly Burger
Synopsis: Summary needed.
Cast of Characters: Crusader, Zatanna Zatara, Amethyst

Crusader has posed:
Wedsday is an odd day to hold events! But that what Big Belly Burger was doing. They were hosting karaoke night with dancing. The place certainly was made for it, but some people came. At least for the food. The place had more people than most nights, so the advertisement must've done something.

And well, Bjorn, a rather massive man, has walked in and was eargerly placing an order. A rather large one suitable to his statue "Oh, Bjorn want large fries...burger...shake...soda. Make that three burgers. Yes Bjorn like the large" he says cheerily, only getting strange looks

Zatanna Zatara has posed:

"Alright, fine," Zatanna says, throwing up her white gloved hands in the face of a stagehand revolt. "I'm outvoted. We'll go there. Once."


The rest of the half-dozen stage hands and affiliated tradesmen who cooperate in making "ZATANNA" (the show is not currently having a themed name) come to life have already trickled in. Zatanna herself had lingered on the outside. Now she's entering, wearing yoga pants and a sweat-shirt, biting her lower lip a little as she scans the menu in the hope of a vegetarian option.

Amethyst has posed:
Earth! Oh man, Earth food. Walking into the Big Belly, Amethyst pauses and takes in a deep breath. The blonde is in jeans with a leather jacket, street wear. There's no mistaking that she radiates magic, to those sensitive to it. The young Lord of Order looks up at the menu practically drooling. She scrounges in her pockets for dollar bills and her belly growls.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn having placed his order, already walking away with a large chocolote smoothie in his hand. But when he turns around... he can't help but notice all the people trickling in... and than Zatana herself! "Ohhhh, you the magik lady! Bjorn love show!" he exclaims quite suddenly upon seeing her.

Never one to miss a beat, he noticed Amethyst taking a deep breath of the food. He chuckles deeply "Like the big burger eh? Bjorn like belly buster burger special best!" he exclaims to her. The man has no qualms seeming to engage....anyone he comes into contact with really, having even greeted half the stage hands and other strangers

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna blinks at Bjorn, and it's like you can see a switch being flicked. One moment it's a tired, baffled woman, and the next moment - well it's Zatanna-on-TV more than on the stage, but she's there. "Oh! Thank you, Bjorn! I love to meet a fan! So what are you getting here?" And then she laughs as she's given that question. "I uh - actually, I came here with my team, and I don't actually eat..."

Her eyes are slowly drawn to the blonde woman. Amethyst can probably read 'oh, I've been spotted' on Zatanna's face, though she's not shouting. Her head tilts ten degrees to the side, like a quizzical dog. "Good evening," she says with a surprisingly careful formality.

Amethyst has posed:
Looking at Zatanna and startled from her food reverie, Amethyst looks from Bjorn to Zatanna again. "I'm just here to eat." She says a little gruffly, her purple eyes weary as the other woman tilts her head and she fidgets a little unsure if she's been made herself. She tucks her blonde hair behind her ears and straightens with a regal loft of her chin. "Were you going to order? Or still considering?"

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn takes a good gulp of the smoothie, evidently immune to brain freeze "No need to put on a show! Were just happy to see you. Love magik shows." Of course Zatanna shows are top notch, but the man is easily amused. He looks around "Thiz explains why so many people suddenly be out to comming the" he says seeming to actually get several words out of order.

Looking at Amethyst he laughs "Well of course! Why would you not be here for the eating?" he looks back his nose twitches as more food get put into friers and sizzling on grills. "Oh, Bjorn will like this" the man for all intents and purposes seems obliviouse to any magical going ons

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"I'm trying to figure out if there's anything here that isn't made out of beef," Zatanna hazards, before gesturing forwards, still watching Amethyst. "Please, go ahead."

"Maybe just a milkshake and fries," Zatanna muses to herself.

Amethyst has posed:
"I bet they do a decent grilled cheese-if you ask." Amethyst suggests and nods to Bjorn at his comment. "Yes." She steps around Zatanna and orders a cheeseburger and fries for herself. Handed her soda, she sips it and makes a happy sound. "Mmmmn soda, I haven't had soda in ages!" She exclaims with delight and moves aside so Zatanna can order, keeping an eye on the woman as well.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn takes a double take on Amethyst and raises a brow "Years? SOunds like you been on a long adventure to the dark est congos! Your still a wee teen if Bjorn be looking at you right!" he exclaims
    He looks to Zatanna than "Bjorn highly recommonds the smoothies. Chocolate smoothies are best smoothies!" and slurps his own happily.... actually he looks in it and see it is all gone "....mabey must order another"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Huh," Zatanna says. Then, "Thanks," and oh there's Amethyst going. Up she goes to the counter. "Yeah, a... medium? Um. Can you do a grilled cheese for a #1 there?"

Those fries look satanically good. "And make it a shake," she adds, before looking at Bjorn. "/Wow/, you've got an appetite, huh!" Her eyes cut towards Amethyst because /she's/ obviously curious too but she does not want to just butt in, perhaps in case Amethyst is a demon or goddess who has decided to tool down to the burger shack. Would not be the first time.

Amethyst has posed:
Delighted with the sweet cola, Amethyst looks at Bjorn and shrugs. "You know, millenial diets, or something." she offers and looks sidelong for a moment. She stands around a little awkwardly, waiting for her order and shifting her gaze between Bjorn and Zatanna.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn cants his head "Your a millenial?" he asks blinking "...good lord, Bjorn was not aware they extended generations! That or Bjorn not know what a millenial is!" he says laughing. He was certainly an at ease person

Bjorn food is soon up, and yea, three burgers, large fries, etc latter. He is holding two trays of food at least "....Ummm... well, Bjorn like to eat! Keep body strong!" and well the dude is nothing short of beefy to say the least, but even than it was a tad bit excessive

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Millenial diets, huh," Zatanna says to Amethyst. She doesn't seem to be buying it.

"So what do you like to put ON them? - Hey, take a moment, appreciate them!" Zatanna then asides to Bjorn, grinning as she does. "Actually, do you want to see a trick?"

To Amethyst, she asks, "Do you want to be my assistant on this one?"

Amethyst has posed:
"Trick?" Amethyst asks and looks dubious a moment before shrugging and walking closer. She tucks her hands into her pockets and looks at Zatanna, deciding trying to sell her story is only going to cause more trouble with Bjorn so she leaves him to hoover vac the food on his trays.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn was happily sucking up those fries. It could be viewed as amazing, disturing or even both to some individuals how that man seem to just eat food. But at the offer of seeing a trick Bjorn eyes become wide with child-like glee. There was even a spark to them...litterly like lightning dancing momentarily in front of his eyes

"Bjorn would love too!!!!" he exclaims. He shakes a nearby person should "We get to see trick, we get to see trick!" he says enthruasticly.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna claps her hands once.

She then leans over to tell the late night guy something. An addition to her order, apparently.

"Alright," she says, looking towards both of them, "this one needs a little background - are you familiar with that old story about Jesus, and the wine?" For some reason she glances at Amethyst here.

Amethyst has posed:
"Uhhh, sure." Amethyst agrees and furrows her brow. "Water to wine or something right?" She rubs her nose and tucks her hand back in her pocket. She looks from Zatanna to Bjorn and offers a hesitant smile. Look at her being such a good assistant.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn nods "Aye, Bjorn know that one right good" his eyes were sharply focused on them both. He seem the type to simply watch to figure out how something worked. What will the trick be? Who knows...but he had uncontained exctiment that was for sure

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Alright. Well, I'm not Jesus - and I've had enough people in bad suits yell at me about Jesus - but you know, I always thought water into wine was a great trick, but not that hard, right? Because, I mean," Zatanna says as the order for this trick arrives - two small sodas - and she picks up the tray, walking to a nearby table, away from the counter. If Amethyst or Bjorn are sharp they may notice that there's only one straw on the tray.

"You could do that with a tablet, right? Maybe not the alcohol, but condensed grape juice... Now what would really be trickier, I think, is turning lemon-lime into Soder Cola. "Miss," she says to Amethyst, "I'm going to stand HERE, on the other side of the table - can I ask you to check for me that the lemon-lime really is lemon-lime, that the Soder is Soder, just pass them here, over to me?" She's out of arm's reach, on the opposite side of the table. "And turn one of the lids over for me while you're at it, just put it here in the center where everyone can see."

Amethyst has posed:
"Ummm, sure." Amethyst shrugs and follows Zatanna over. She picks up the straw and picks one of the cups up and sips it. "Lemon-lime." She announces with a nod and draws out the straw to place in the other lid. "Cola, that's easy." She smiles and takes off the lid, turning it over as instructed before handing the drinks to Zatanna a little curious.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn peers with scrutiney as Amethyst checked the soda. They were certainly easy to tell apart... but he was criouse to what the trick actually was! He looks to zantana as she takes the drinks still watching carefully

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna says, "Thaaaank you," as she takes that cup and puts it down, then as she takes the other cup and puts it down, and then she pauses and switches them around, explaining as she does, "I have to get the chi right, here..."

Inwardly she is wondering what the HELL she just touched. She is now extremely suspicious of Amy, no doubt.

"Now," Zatanna says as she swiftly dips a straw into the Soder Cola, looking up to the two, the assembled people in the background, and saying as she gestures at the straw, "This is brown sugar water, right? In all its diabetes inducing glory." She sweeps both hands up, as if to sensuously outline a Coke bottle around this, despite the brand confusion.

"But if we all think together... Think about how much we WANT Lemon Lime, and how OVEREXPOSED Booster Gold is... Are you thinking about that? Are you thinking all the anti-Soder Cola thoughts you can? Build them up in your head, everyone. I need every little /bit/ of energy you can /gather/..."

Amethyst has posed:
Watching Zatanna a little confused, Amethyst nods along. The Booster Gold comment seems to have gone clear over her head. She watches the straw though, thinking of lemon lime, refreshingly clear, lemony lime thoughts.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn grimices....him and vitamin c, found in lemons and limes.... was not exactly as healthy for him as it was other people. But Dang it, he wanted to see magic! He concentrates alll his mind on the lemon-lime soda. His brow forward in intense concentration
    Much of the crowd follow suit. Subtly and perhaps unconciousely the crowd drew togeather concentrating on that soda. Someone of them seem to not even be blinking. But hey, they were needed!

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna leans back, striking a pose as if overwhelmed. One arm goes up as if to hide her face. (She peeks beneath her forearm just a tadlet, to keep an eye on Amethyst.) Her free hand, trembling with everyone's dreams, goes down and picks up that straw, finger on the top.

"If you'll extend the Lid of Proof, my lovely assistant..."

And when Zatanna lets go of the top of that straw, its contents come out with an extremely tiny 'sploop'.

The *clear* contents.

Not a single bit of magic was used. "I can't look," Zatanna claims. "Did we change it, everyone...?!"

Amethyst has posed:
Confused, Amethyst looks at the clear soda. She looks at Zatanna dubiously but offers the lid to Bjorn. "It's lemon-lime." She observes of the clear liquid. "Magic." She passes him the lid, her order waiting on the counter, even the staff distracted by Zatanna's performance. She walks over to collect her meal.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn takes the lid and everyone crowds around to check. Tentivly he takes a lick of the drip and his face brightens "It be of the lime of lemons!" and the crowd cheers in glee at the magic trick! Applouds and laughter ring throughout, even from the staff members "You really are magik!" Bjorn exclaims with a wide grin! "You und...um" he gestures to Amethyst not actually knowing her name "Give good mini show!"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna raises her hands, tilting her head forwards with a practiced humble smile. "Hey - I just thought I'd bring a little magic into your life... It's everywhere, if you can see it. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a date with something hot and yellow."

A moment later she's right behind Amethyst. Very quietly, as she moves to get her own tray, she asks her, quietly, "Hey-- Don't take this the wrong way, but I felt something when I touched you." Pause.


The pause extends. Frowning slightly, Zatanna continues, "Do you know what I mean?" The frown deepens after she says this. God dammit, she thinks to herself. Reflexively, she looks over her shoulder to see if John Constantine is smoking over by the ballpit.

Amethyst has posed:
Stilling as she collects her own tray Amethyst nods slightly. "It's called the Prime Catalyst." She says just as softly. "You reek of old magic." She breathes and looks over her shoulder at Zatanna. It must look odd, the two women briefly exchanging whispers but then she picks up Zatanna's tray and offers it to the performer. Collecting her own she walks over to a table.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn cants his head at the whispering of of the ladies. But it was none of his buisness. And such, despite his curiosty, he let it be and simply continued to enjoy his own meal. But before that he does smile saying one last time "Well, thank you ladies, for bringing bit of magic!" he says, before heading for his own table

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna blinks. "Wait," she says.

Amy moves along. "Wait!" she calls after her. Bjorn gets a beam and a call, "Come to the show sometime--!"

Then Zatanna catches up enough to plunk her tray down and plunk herself down afterwards, at the same table as Amethyst. She may avoid this, of course. "Look," she says: "I had a hell of a long day so I won't belabor you, but: Do you intend any harm to anyone in this plane?"

After this she unwraps the cheeseburger sans burger, though her eyes stay steadily on Amethyst. "Please excuse me for my poor diplomatic skills," she says. "But that was a HELL of a jolt."

Amethyst has posed:
Looking back at Zatanna as she sits across from her, Amethyst sighs mid fry and sets down her dinner mournfully. "Look, I lived on Earth for a while. If you're so concerned look up John Constantine. He's sort of my liason to Earth. I come and help sort out things when he needs an extra hand and I get the delicious Eath food of my choice and hassle him till he opens up my gateway home." She picks up a fry and chews it before adding "I don't have any intention to harm Earth, my plane came from Earth."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna's face falls.

Her shoulders slump and she buries her face in her hands without further comment as Amethyst explains the rest of things.

Finally, she grinds the heels of her hands lightly against her eyes, takes a deep breath, and straightens up. "So," she says, "You're... just visiting." Oh my god how old is she, Zatanna thinks. /john/

"That's fine. I'm sorry. I'm Zatanna." Several more seconds pass. "How... long have you known that man you mentioned?"

Amethyst has posed:
"Well, I love the food but I have a nation to rule." Amethyst points out sensibly and eats a few more fries. "I don't know John terribly well, but there's one crystal that connects my world to yours and he has it. At least he's over the whole joking about stalking my mother thing. You've heard of him?" She wonders and picks up her cheeseburger and takes a few bites, delighted. "This is so much better than our roasted lizard." She sighs and picks up her coke.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Oh for the goddess's sake, Zatanna thinks, but it doesn't reach her face.

"I used to know him quite well," she says, with deliberate noncommittance. "I'm glad he's over that." After a moment, she says, "How long has he had that... crystal?"

Then she says, with a little laugh, "It's probably the salt."

Amethyst has posed:
"Ummm, a few years?" Amethyst considers. "I went back to my country as a teen. Oh, salt. Yes. And hot sauce. I smuggled a bottle home." She admits and wipes her hand to offer before thinking the better of it and setting it on the table. "Princess Amaya of House Amethyst, nice to meet you Zatanna." She grins and works on her dinner. "And cheese. We don't have cows, cheese is a little different. No fridges, or like, technology either. It's like living in a renaissance faire."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna clasps her hands before herself momentarily and then picks up her fries. Not all of them at once, but several. She does 'em without ketchup.

This lets her think, at least.

After swallowing, she asks, "You're happy, there, though?"

Amethyst has posed:
Shrugging, Amethyst seems more indifferent. She leans back in her seat, blonde locks spilling over her shoulders. "It's my duty. I am...intrinsically connected to my world. I theory as long as I live it will as well-as I understand it. I think I can even be here and the magic is safe...but I am the ruler...so." For a moment she looks frightfully young to have that kind of responsibity on her shouders. "Still miss Earth. I was hidden here until I could claim the magic and my birth right. Met John around then."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"... I see," Zatanna says.

She looks at her sandwich. After this she takes a disconsolate bite. Then she holds out her hand, turning it over and then back and then /oh look/ it's a business card. "I have an office at the Palazzo, the big casino near the boardwalk at Atlantic City? If you ever need anything, drop me a line." Her voice lowers in a friendly-conspiratorial way, except that there's something kind of true when she says, "I know you might not be able to get hold of John when you need him, or something like that."

Amethyst has posed:
"Do I scream marrooned that readily?" Amethyst asks dryly and accpets the card. "Thanks." She smiles and sits back and sips her soda with a slow slurp before snatching up some fries. "I'll track him down soon enough. I need to check on on Gemworld."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"It must be the royalty rubbing off," Zatanna says wryly as she gestures with the sandwich. Then: *chmp*

"I think this cheese is fried," she says, afterwards. She sounds slightly horrified.

Amethyst has posed:
"That's off putting." Amethyst makes a face and polishes off her burger. "Well. I have a vamoire to hunt." She tells Zatanna. "It was nice to meet you, sorry for the scare. I guess if you ever need a way to reach me umm." She considers for a moment on how to manage that since she doesn't have a card. She makes some finger gestures and presses her palm to the table. Lifting it there's a small, round disk of amethyst. "Scry me some time." She offers and slides out of her chair. "Have a good night."