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Latest revision as of 06:57, 12 November 2021

Midnight Scuffle
Date of Scene: 31 October 2021
Location: Streets of Bedford-Stuyvesant - Night
Synopsis: A strange encounter between an aardwolf and a telepathic henchmen.
Cast of Characters: Kit Killovarras, Berri Sundae

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Bed-Stuy is a hell of a place with a rich history and a beautiful culture... If you can see it through the blood-stains, poverty and pain that the place is notorious for. The people here live hard, some harder than others and this? This is the perfect place to wander at night if you're looking for trouble or stupid enough to not know better.

This particular individual could be either of these. He's about 5'7" in height visibly, wearing baggy cloths and a dark hoodie with his hands jammed into the pockets, walking along along and looking a little bit like he might be listening to music with the way his head is hung but bobbing slightly to an unheard beat. He's learned well how to hide the things about him that would trigger suspicion beyond just 'nerdy goth kid walking in a bad part of town'. Nothing of his body is visible outwardly, but underneath it all? His senses are on high alert, taking things in that most humans would miss, from footsteps to smells and everything in between.

Berri Sundae has posed:
There had been at time when Berri had lived in a place like this, the life of a runaway and thief desperate for her next meal while the appearence of her hair and eyes marked her as a clear mutant. Now? She'd learned a lot. Once they'd been a desperate struggle for survival, now they were a playground.

Of course, she was still eyecatching, that two-tone hair and the pink and brown heterochromia, her 'icecream' color scheme and the parasol over her shoulder made the girl an odd sight to look at.

For an apparent young woman on her own there seemed an almost eerie nature to how cheerfully she strode down the street.

Kit Killovarras has posed:
There's a little twitch from the hooded figures nose under all that cloth, a little twitch of his ear shielded from view with the way he bobs his head to the beat. The creature beneath those cloths doesn't have to 'see' you to see you and the strange sensation of a cheerful stride, the sound of a parasol against what little wind might be drifting through? Nope, this wasn't a normal individual, but were they worth the trouble to keep his attention on?

Eventually, the aardwolf tilts his head just enough to get a glance at the woman from his peripherals, studying her for a moment.

How curious..

Berri Sundae has posed:
A little twirl of her parasol over her shoulder and she continues walking. Lazily skipping her way along. She had a task, a little side-gig to send a message for some small-time types who'd been over-stepping. It wasn't the sort of job where she needed to gather a crew, and she was a little bored anyway.

A quick task, then she might as well go out for a milkshake!

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Well, the Aardwolf didn't originally expect a protection detail would be on the books for tonight, but a little shrug to himself and continued wandering would be the general rule for keeping tabs on what looks like an out-of-touch young woman wandering around in one of the most dangerous parts of Brooklyn.

He's good at not being obvious at least. Nope! Nothing weird here, just a teenager wandering around a bad part of town listening to music and keeping to himself.. maybe he lives nearby? He doesn't look overly comfortable, but he doesn't look too out of place either. About par for the course in a place like this.

Berri Sundae has posed:
And then...she stops, pausing midstride without a sound and simply looking over her shoulder. A pause, she seems to just...stare eerily, a little moment of silence and her looking straight towards Kit. She doesn't say anything, or try to stop him, it's as if she were simply just hinting she knew he was there...then she turns back with a quirk of a smirk of her lips.

She had some people's day to ruin after all...

Kit Killovarras has posed:
The aardwolf doesn't seem to notice the look, doesn't stop in his stride, doesn't look up. Nope! Nothing to see here, just an ordinary teenager wandering around.

Beneath his hood though there is a little smile that spreads across his maw. He's normally very, very good at blending in, making himself look as if he belongs somewhere. Maybe she was just eyeing him, but being noticed by someone your discreetly tailing in and of itself can be amusing.

Berri Sundae has posed:
A little lowering of her parasol, the pink-haired girl turns down an alleyway, approaching the site of the smalltime gang's hideout. Reaching to dig into the pocket of her figure-hugging pants, a small folded envelope brought into her hand. Her employer wanted them to get their warning to move on in writing...then for her to handle it if they didn't move on.

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Curiouser and curiouser...

When the Aardwolf notices where she's heading he sort of stops and tilts his head a little, studying the place.. Yup! He knows this place and more than likely, he's scuffled with this gang, but now he has to wonder what someone dressed so... Well, uniquely? Is that the right word? Maybe that's the right word, so let's go with that.

Berri Sundae has posed:
There's a moment where the door opens, the thug within looking quite confused about the sight of the young woman. Perhaps she was wondering if the girl was an escort of a very specific taste called by one of his compatriots. Till she offered the letter.

The door closes behind her, a moment of raised voices from within...

Then the sound of glass shattering and impact suggesting that things were going poorly within.

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Thaaats the sound that the Aardwolf was waiting for and with that? A pinprick strike of a hundred pounds of pressure each smacks the hinge-pins for the front door and it gets yanked open! The 5'7" thing that had once been in a hoody now steps into the building at 6'6" with his head and eyes focused strait on, his lip pulled up to reveal his fangs and is about to lay into the gang bangers here for what is likely going to be at LEAST the second time this month.

Berri Sundae has posed:
The scene is...chaos, that's the only way to put it. One tattoed and heavyset man currently clutching their face where shards of glass had clearly cut him up. Others were currently trying to turn their weapons around on a noticably smaller figure that was weaving between them. Compared to the giant 6'6" figure with fangs and claws. The figure in healed boots that barely broke 5 foot tall swept in close, whacking the closest figure with the parasol and then sweeps her leg upwards, slamming the heel across his face.

Clearly, despite the lethal danger, the bright 'pixie' of a combatant was smiling to herself.

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Well this is new..

Kit just sort of stops, lets his lip down and relaxes a bit as he leans in the doorway, watching the scene for a moment, studying her as he folds his arms across his chest. It's the occasional poke or prod at people who seem like they might be an actual threat through telekinesis at this point being the most he'll do as he observes the tiny colorful killer do her thing.

He'll step in before there's a fatality too if need be, but for now? Well, for now he doesn't intervene too terribly much.

Berri Sundae has posed:
Berri moves, drifting betwen the pair in a smooth movement as both bring their guns up...and then dropping with suprising ease into a split as their moment of having a drop on her turns into more of a...circular firing squad situation. Both men fall, one clutching his arm while the other catches his friend's bullet in the stomach. That one would probably be deadly if left untreated long enough, but in the mean time it would almost certainly hurt like hell.

Sweeping her legs back together and rolling backwards, she rises to her feet with the grace and ease of a ballet dancer. She hadn't killed anyone, if anything they'd hit each other more than she'd layed a finger on them. But well, that was half the point.

A little spring in her step as the men struggle to their feet the girl bends back, springing back on her hands and coming to perch sitting on the edge of the table, a tilt of her head and a blink of her eyes.

In just that moment her gaze shifts, meeting Kit's own and she smirks. There was almost a feline air about her, like a cat toying with its prey.

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Kit studies the woman for a moment, then pulls away from the doorframe with a simple, "Think they've had enough." as he walks over to the man who took the bullet to the guts. The massive creature leans down as the bullet wiggles it's way out of the wound, jamming a clawed finger into the wound after the bullet emerges on it's own.

He's keeping on alert, but until a move is made against him, he's not going to he hostile. "Not sure why you're here or who sent you," he says after a moment, pulling his finger out of the pans wound, a violet energy spilling out from it as he does. "But with the gun fire, you might not want to be here much longer if you value your freedom." he adds as the wound begins to seal, the flesh knitting together as the energy seeps into it. The process is anything but painless and it shows in how quickly the man went from screaming, to unconscious.

Berri Sundae has posed:
A telekinetic creature, how curious. It's enough for Berri to pause, but unfortunately while he's warning her and trying to appeal to the girl's sense of mercy the criminals aren't quite so forgiving or greatful to Kit and his...less than traditional appearence. The trio of men immediately reaach for their weapons and open fire, the man who'd been glassed takes a shot, a round cutting across Berri's own arm staining her white jacket red and immediately earning an actual audible exclaimation of pain from the silent girl. She'd been caught off-guard, that was more than a little infuriating.

Of course, of other two, the still concious faced with the choice between the pair, decide to start unloading his weapon at Kit.

Kit Killovarras has posed:
It takes only a breath, only a twitch and the Aardwolf's paw comes swiping across the air, forming a barrier to catch the bullets mid flight as he stands full height, walking towards the man opening fire at him as his paws arcs in geometric patterns, catching each and every shot before he's right on top of the man and slamming him into a nearby wall. He's not super strong by any means, but he's at very least at the pinnacle of what he should be for his age and then some due to the side effects of his magic and it shows. Add to that the fact that he lets his massive tongue loll out as his maw as his jaws part and his lips curl back, revealing the teeth of some massive predatory beast and the fact that due to his fur, his body visibly becomes much larger than it was and this slender thing has quickly become a thing of nightmares.

As he's doing this, the glass shards in one of the mens face start to vibrate and jerk in time with some chaotic melody. The aardwolf clearly knows how to inflict pain, but fear is what he truly knows how to use to his advantage. Not many can boast that they've stared down a seemingly invulnerable creature with a tongue like a serpent and fangs like a werewolf without needing a new pair of trousers afterwards.

It wont be immediately visible, but a trained eye might notice the new small hole in the hoodie. It's not visibly bleeding, but there is both an entry and exit wound in the cloth and unless the creature is remarkably skinny beneath these cloths, there's likely a new hole somewhere in his body too.

Berri Sundae has posed:
For her own part, Berri seems to have vanished from where she sat before, vanished indeed from the whole room to the gunman who'd tagged her and indeed anyone not telepathically shielded. Then the gunman's eyes roll back, his weapon dropping from his hands with a pained scream and coming to his face only for blood to leak out between his fingers.

It's only when he hits the floor and lays still that Berri reappears. The glass shards vibrating probably hurt like hell, but the full telepathic 'blast' that seemed to have fried his brain was a hell of a thing.

With the remaining gunman's weapon very much empty, he was clearly focused on Kit and trying to reload with fumbling hands when he's flung back into a well. It left him completely unaware as the icecream colored girl reached for one of the overturned chairs and reached hefted it upwards, intent to bring it down into his face.

Kit Killovarras has posed:
A flick of the Aardwolfs free paw sends four blades of violet energy into the uplifted chair, his fur still bristling as every bullet suddenly falls out of the clip the man is trying to load, sending them clattering to the floor. He gives the man one last slam against the wall and snarls out the word, "Sit..." between bared fangs, even pressing him down by the shoulder before turning his attention to the woman finally. "You're going to want to leave.." he says, licking one side of his maw before pulling that impossibly long tongue back into his maw. "Even you should be able to hear them by now.. Response time might be shit, but they do eventually come.."

Good ears are a thing and just as he was trying to point out earlier, there is the faintest sound of sirens in the distance by now. Problem is, response time is indeed shit here, so something or someone had to have put in a call roughly the time all of this started to go down for them to be responding this quickly.

Berri Sundae has posed:
For all Kit's warning, Berri herself doesn't seem particularly bothered. Even the loss of the chair in her hands brings only a moment of silent indignation before she reaches into her pocket and draws out a pink handkerchief, drawing it to dab at her own wound and seemingly completely unphased by the prospect of the police officers that were almost certainly going to be arriving in a few moments despite his warnings.

It was strange, entirely so...yet as the uniformed officers made their entry? She moved to stroll right past them, the cops apparently completely unable to percieve the girl who opened her parasol and lightly began to walk away in that same carefree stroll.

She'd need to wash her jacket, but it was very much time for a milkshake and to relax.