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Latest revision as of 07:31, 12 November 2021

Hunter at Sunrise
Date of Scene: 17 October 2021
Location: Central Park, Manhattan
Synopsis: Kit watches the sun rise in central park with a psychopath in red pajamas.
Cast of Characters: Kit Killovarras, Deadpool

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Central park is a beautiful place when the sun is up, a place where people can go to relax, socialize and just sort of enjoy the feel of the world. On the opposite, it can be a terrifying place in it's own right when the sun is gone, where every twist and turn can bring a new fear to life.

This is where he usually hunts, wrapped in his black pants and hoodie, a steel-cage shielding his maw and magic that can cut through the darkness, these are the tools of his trade.

Today though, the Aardwolf sits at the base of a tree near the old Seneca Village site, his steel muzzle on the ground next to him and his hood pulled back, revealing his deformity to the world as he watches the sun rise. He's gotten used to this sight, watching the park go from nightmare to nature-trails in those brief few moments between when the sky begins to burn and the sun crests over the distant cityscape.

Deadpool has posed:
Through the common commotion of the park came a rapid set of footsteps, sounding almost frantic and desperate in their attempt to flee whatever was asailing them. These footsteps belonged to one, Wade Wilson who was currently fleeing from a confrontation he had started, and a rather petty one at that.

If someone was to take notice of deadpool's state they would find blood around the mouth of his mask and noticable stains of blood on his chest from when his rips had previously been cracked, these injuries and the heavy bag were likely what aided in his sudden fall after tripping on a root beside the base of a tree, falling face first onto the floor with a loud and sudden "dammit!" escaping his lips as he tumbled face first into the dirt, now revealing the icecream that covered his back.

Once deadpool pushed himself up to look at where he landed, he took note of the Aardwolf beside him and tilted his head ever so slightly, making the rather rude comment of "did i slip into an episode of the discovery channel or something?"

Kit Killovarras has posed:
"Did I just slip into an episode of the Outer Limits?" the aardwolf asks with a little chuckle, giving a glance to the man in red for a moment before his attention turns back to the sunrise. "Hey Red, long time no see. If you try to shoot me again I'll tear your lungs out.." is said, though the tone doesn't sound too threatening.

His ears twitch a little after a few moments and he gives Deadpool another sidelong glance, tilting his head a little as he muses, "Those crashing sounds earlier were you then I take it?" flicking one of his ears as if to emphasize them in some way. Having the ability to hear termites scratching in a mound from more than a football fields length away? Means he probably heard a lot of what has happened.

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool finally properly raised himself up from the ground, dusting off his red suit and mask which he pulls up a little to take in a deep breath "nothing sticks with you like getting winded from cracked ribs" then smirked and turned his attention to the aardowlf beside him "firstly, i don't allow pop culture references i don't understand, second...when did i shoot you? because you must have me mistaken because if i shoot some one, they often don't come back and complain about me shooting them" even though the events that occured less than a few hours ago were contrary to that 'fact'.

Seeing really no better alternative, the merk with an exposed mouth decided to take a seat beside his forgotten aquaintance and let out a small sigh "and yeah, those sounds might have been me, of course if you talk to any cops...it was james norton, apartment 7B, just across from Gino's pizza"

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Kit gives the man a glance, studying him for a moment before he just shakes his head and explains, "You shot me to save face with an employer. Wooden bullets don't typically kill people who aren't vampires." before letting his attention once again go back to the sunrise. "As for the references you don't understand? Oh well, they exist in spite of you."

Then he starts to whistle the theme-song of a Disney movie from, of all places, India! Just to emphasize that point a little. It's a catchy tune to be sure and it has that obvious Disney flare, but being able to identify it would be maddeningly difficult.

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool sat there with a confused expression, well it was a little hard to read as all that was showing was currently his mouth but nontheless he was pondering something "so...i was told to shoot you...and i didn't," clearly, something wasn't adding up "do you owe me money? were we working together? were you blackmailing me? honestly i'm beginning to think you're just making stuff up"

With all the strange goings on in Deadpool's life it was truly making him begin to think twice about the people around him "come to think of it...i think ealier some one said they knew me or something but then again," his face suddenly grew to a smile as he brought his arms to his side and pointed inwards, gesturing to himself "how could you not know about me?"

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Kit stares at the man in red for a long few moments, then shakes his head and chuckles. "Maybe it's better that you don't remember it.." he says with a little sigh, that smile of his still never really fading. "Most people wouldn't want to remember working for vampires.. Helping them hunt down innocent people." Then he gives a little shrug and looks back to the sunrise.

He reaches into his hoodie for a moment and pulls out a small snack-sized bag, popping a few roasted termites out of it to toss into his maw as he observes and musing, "And no, like I said, you shot me. Wooden bullet to the shoulder, probably to be able to have something to show to that employer to explain why you had to flee." Then he gives a little chuckle and adds, "I'm guessing I had you to thank by the way, for the vampires I fought a week later actually looking concerned when they saw me."

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool paused for a few moments longer, the cogs almost audibly churning in his head as he began to piece things together, granted they were going together like a jigsaw when you get two wrong pieces and slam them together, but still, a picture was forming in his mind. "So what you're telling me is, i did work for vampires and faked shooting you...huh, yeah, i'm thinking a few parts of the past...well no clue how long, are missing," he then opened up his duffle bag and began searching through it, pulling a pistol magazine out from the bottom and looking into it "guess that finally makes sense of these," he then let out a bit of a laugh "thought they were just used for a fun evening" he snickered and tossed the magazine back into the bag.

With things having finally calmed down for Wade, he decided to actually try and relax for a moment, shuffling down away from the tree and laying on the floor, using his bag as a rather uncomfortable pillow "so, how many of my deep, dark, embarrassing secrets did previous me end up telling you?"

Kit Killovarras has posed:
"Just the one," the aardwolf says with a little chuckle. "Actually, the is only the second time we've crossed paths. Though hearing how much you seem to get slammed around, I'm guessing this also isn't the first time you've lost your memory." The aardwolf gives a bit of a yawn, letting his massive tongue loll out of his maw for a few moments as his mouth opens impossibly wide, putting his fangs on full display.

"Anyhow, I should probably start heading back.. It's been a long night and I have a history test today.." Kit says after another few moments more spent looking at the horizon, then stands up, collects his muzzle into his hoodie pocket and gives Deadpool one last look and tilt of his head. "Try not to lose your memory again before the next time we meet, hmm? I don't want to have to remind you of shit every time we talk.."

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool just laid in his spot with a satisfied smirk on his face "hey, maybe we'll run into each other again, you seem pretty alright...but remember" he then sat up, pointing two of his fingers at the aardwolf with his thumb up, then dropped it "next time i end up shooting you, might be with live rounds" he then gave a small chuckled and dropped back onto his back.

Kit Killovarras has posed:
There's a moment of pause where Kit just looks at the man in red, tilting his head slightly before he shrugs and smiles. "You wouldn't be the first or the last. I deal with gun-wielding rejects on a fairly frequent basis." Then the Aardwolf sets off, waving to Deadpool over his shoulder, giving a simple, "Later Red."