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Latest revision as of 17:48, 12 January 2022

Man Colds : Immortal Edition, Vol 2.
Date of Scene: 06 January 2022
Location: Lucifer's Penthouse, Melville
Synopsis: Lucifer and Nathaniel discuss events for lux, and music, and genetics. Then they go off to continue tending Lucifer's recovery from sickness.
Cast of Characters: Lucifer, Sinister

Lucifer has posed:
So Lucifer was good with followiing doctors orders, especially the first day when Nathaniel just kinda went - oh let me fix this so you don't, like, go all out with your immune system and DIE! ... He even got rest! Though now, into the second day, with an illusional spring in his step - Lucifer is doing things! He's up out of bed, he's done some cleaning, some paperwork, made sure things down in Lux were still running smoothly, and is currently sitting on the chaise lounge in the living area smoking a cigarette, and sipping on a whiskey. Ah, to be free of such things as head congestion and sinus muck. A breath through his nose - which has remained clear all morning. Nothing can stop him. Nope. Not a thing. "We should go dancing."

Sinister has posed:
Zen and the art of not having a freak out about what you were thinking when you were observing yesterday panning out. This has been Essex over the day and though he is a calm, cool and collected clinician, not known for getting in a flap, there are things that get to him. Mostly those things are self-induced, he can be his own worst enemy... but not all of them. He could not be called withdrawn today, but he definitely is a little tired seeming -- or rather a little more reserved than he usually is, keeping a solid eye on the devil and his vitals in optic at least.

He did work, but never far away, working on his laptop in silence, without even any typing because he doesn't need to, to interface. Thinking is all he needs to do, so the chances are fairly strong he did quite a LOT of work whilst sitting there silently with his computer on his lap. He's also wearing his regular face, perhaps the extra work of shaping himself with all the fine details, is a little beyond him at the moment. "Oh, really now? What kind of dancing, my dear?"

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer is slowly slowing down, if only because he's beginning to feel a bit on the lethargic side. Luckily, his vitals have remained steady and normal all day - well as steady and normal as a celestial's vitals can be at any given time. Has he noticed that Nathaniel has been quiet and withdrawn today? Perhaps a bit, but sometimes he leaves the man to those moments. Let's him work things out himself - but then other times he gets overly curious and perhaps this is leading into one of those moments of curiosity.

"I don't know. Salsa maybe? Perhaps ballroom? Disco? Maybe we could just head down to Lux one night and take a few laps around the floor. I don't mean tonight, I'm beginning to feel..a bit spent.." He stands then and walks over to where Nathaniel has placed himself. "Are you alright, my love?"

Sinister has posed:
"Disco night could be fun. All the glitter and sparkle and liberty, plus there were a few very good sounds in the seventies... I had some interesting times in the dark, in the seventies." Sinister agrees, inclining his head. "Although... I would have to actually practice salsa. I feel latino dance is possibly a thing that Nathanielle is better suited to. I'd look cute in a little cocktail dress and fascinator, I think, what do you think?" Juggling the girls he doesn't have, he squints briefly and gives the faintest of grimaces.

"I was hoping you weren't going to notice..." he admits "...I'm fine. I just am still a little in my own head, thinking about this..." he gestures around, but then mostly at Lucifer. "Most of me knows it isn't likely to stick. But a tiny portion of me is noting rather patiently and calmly, that it might."

Lucifer has posed:
"Should we make a whole thing out of it? Decorate the club, hire a decent DJ. I'll have to look into all that maybe. As for salsa dancing..." Lucifer smirks, and kneels next to where Nathaniel sits. "Perhaps Nathanielle would be better suited. Mmn... a cocktail dress indeed... I could see it all now..." Then there's a tilt of his head at the grimace.

"Well... perhaps I noticed a bit, and then wondered... and here we are. Overall I feel fine, and am still no longer congested. I might have pushed myself a bit today as I am already feeling a bit lethargic and overall exhausted...but I think what you did yesterday helped tremendously. But I understand the wanting to make sure of it all...it's the caring lover in you... as well as the doctor just a bit i suspect."

Sinister has posed:
"Definitely the former, probably the latter," Sinister observes, setting his computer aside and closing the lid, that he might reach out and fingergroom. He does seem to enjoy doing that, brushing imaginary hairs back because they're very rarely out of place. "You'll probably feel about ninty percent tomorrow, if not fully better. They never last long, really.." pet, pet, don't think about mortality.

"Seventies night... I could entirely see that being another 'era dance' and it might be better than the roaring twenties. That's a niche crowd. Disco night, we might have more turn-out. Not that I care, I'll be focused entirely on one possibility." There's a grin. "Have you always enjoyed dancing? Curiosity speaking."

Lucifer has posed:
"Nice. I'll work on setting that up some time soon." Lucifer offers while leaning into that finger grooming. He'd purposefully mess up his hair just to get this from Nathaniel because he does love the feel of it. "Well good. I felt about eighty percent today ish, so that tracks perhaps? You did say the next couple days would mostly be for recovery..."

"Oh that's a great idea! People can dress up and everything.." Lucifer offers and then shifts to actually move to curl up in Nathaniel's lap. "So what would it take to get you to come back to bed with me. Share some vodka orange juices and put on some background noise while we cuddle and maybe snog a little."

Sinister has posed:
"I'll take that as a yes. When you were not dancing around the fire, there was the horizontal mambo. Or the upright one!" Sinister chuckles, pausing the combing, for the sake of the shifting to the lap that's going on, arms opening wide to anticipate the space requirement, then honing back in again, once he's got a man straddling his hips. There's a grin, gliding hands up to shoulders and digging in for a bit of kneading there as he looks up.

"Screwdrivers and snogging? Eh. I suppose dragging me off might do it. Or you could just give me the look. That generally does the job quite well." He's a man, it really doesn't take much to get the motor running. "What kind of background noise are we talking here? Barry White? Capital years? Maybe some rock music? Maybe classical? I draw the line at christian soul."

Lucifer has posed:
"Oh! I thought I answered you... but... must have been in my head. Yes. I have always had a love and interest in dancing. The ways a body can move to the rhythm of so many different musical styles is impressive." Lucifer answers more thoroughly and then snuggles up while he's in the lap. A chuckle at that next comment and then he shakes his head. "I figured giving you the look would be a little too dirty of a thing to use on you just yet. Gotta keep that in my back pocket when I really want to convince you to do something you may not quite be in the mood for." A smirk and a wink at that before he shrugs. "Rock might be good. Some jazz maybe too? Or... have you heard of this thing called lo-fi beats? It's like... chill hip hop...customer introduced me to it a few weeks ago."

Sinister has posed:
"No, can't say as I have. I'm rather an old fashioned fuddy duddy in many ways, people don't usually suggest new musical styles to me. I don't know what it is, it might be something to do with the way I look at people, what do you think?" he winks, massaging a little more, before he drops hands to hips and laces them in the small of Lucifer's back, holding him steady in the straddle as he gazes up. "You know that the ability to recognize and perceive the complexity of a rhythm is genetic? Not every animal has it. Humans do, horses do, oddly enough... I suppose because of the drum of hoofbeats. Parrots and corvids do, also. Not even every great ape does." Random factoid of the moment. "But I doubt any of them would get sold on lo-fi. I guess it's similar to the regular hip-hop, only more of a stoned vibe?" Because just because they don't talk to him about such things, he does his own research. Helps when you're doing different personas. It's a different kind of consumate actor.

"You know, now I'm picturing you getting fascinated by watching the first camp-fire shindig and trying to get your hips to swing that way, or given certain dance styles, attempting to twerk."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer enjoys the massage for the moment longer that it lasts until it is over. "Genetic ability to feel rhythm. That's interesting. And I suppose if not every ape can gauge it, we must have evolved into it somehow." He offers and then chuckles. "I suppose you can call it stoned beats? It's like...I don't know how to describe it. Relaxing hip hop, where it can usually sound violent and energetic... lo-fi beats are more soothing and just something to nod your head to." He explains a bit and then shifts to climb out of the lap of his lover. "Ha. Around the campfire indeed, and no. I don't twerk." He offers this and then his hand, to draw Nathaniel up and lead him to the bedroom for drinks, cuddles, and general relaxations.