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Latest revision as of 17:49, 12 January 2022

Man Colds: Immortal Edition, volume 3
Date of Scene: 07 January 2022
Location: Lucifer's Penthouse, Melville
Synopsis: Fully hale and hearty again, the Devil is back in Black. Now, to plan on the great purge of the Rogue element of Sinister. Can't have them being all free-willed and thinking on their own, can we?
Cast of Characters: Sinister, Lucifer

Sinister has posed:
Today, we should have an almost completely recovered, if not fully fighting fit Devil. That's the theory that some individuals are strongly hoping is true. Lured last night, there was fun to be had, music to be listened to, pampering to be given.

Who knows what all occured beneath the skin though, where eyes cannot easily see what's going on?

Coffee wakes the senses, set the night before on a timer. Somewhere on the balcony, there's a very determined songbird giving it his all in the wintery weather. Sinister however, is watching the ceiling in silence, on his back to provide an expanse of warmth to lie against.

Lucifer has posed:
Who knows what happened last night? The shadow know! Perhaps even the bedsheets. Good thing neither of those talk in the midst of the penthouse. Maybe in other realms or domains, but here, they obey their master. Their master who is, quite suddenly, a fit of giggles as he wakes up to the scent of coffee and then rolls into the warmth next to him to nuzzle.

"Oh I feel right as rain now, my love. The mind has cleared, the chest is light, and I do not feel at all tired or lethargic. Of course, I won't take my chances today. PLay it safe and all that. Mmn..but I have you to thank. However can I thank you?"

Sinister has posed:
"Good to know, but why the heck did you wake up with the giggles?" Sinister has to ask, as it's a slightly intriguing way to rouse oneself. "Did you wake from an amusing dream?" Turning his face to kiss the top of that head in the midst of dark hair, he gathers the rolling-in Samael for a one-armed hug with it. "I'm glad you're feeling peachy keen, my dear. Would you consider putting my mind at ease, as a way of thanking me?"

Lucifer has posed:
"Sort of? I woke up thinking about our time in Kiev. What a site it would have been if we had taken a moment to have a snowball fight out in the middle of the square or something." Lucifer offers and then hums gently at the feel of that kiss against his head. "I'm glad I'm feeling such as well. I cannot believe people suffer days feeling like i had felt. It's a wonder any one gets anything done when they're sickly..." He offers and then that last comment has him lifting his head to look down on Nathaniel. "Of course I'll put your mind at ease. What would help do that?"

Sinister has posed:
"We should have, although the waltz in the winter wonderland was very memorable," Sinister smiles, but there's a sparkle in his eye with it. "I think we might have convinced you that there's fun to be had in the wintertime, hmm? Ice-skating is on the list for things to try at some point. I feel it would be humorous." But then there's the question.

Sinister's left hand lifts, a twirl of digits and from his palm he extracts a scalpel. "Just prick your finger. I have been worried that the lingering effects are persisting, but you were sick and I didn't want to add to that." He proffers the handle toward the devil, looking sheepish with it. "Even knowing all we now know, I am terribly vexed over this and I'm hoping that the transitory effects were just that."

Lucifer has posed:
"They offer ice skating in central park this time of year. If you really wanted to go out and do something like that. I think it would be worth trying, sure.." Lucifer says this much and then leans in for a little more snuggling just before Nathaniel offers up his peace of mind request.

"Oh, of course." This and then Lucifer sits himself up onto his knees and takes the scalpel from the doctor. He then looks over his hand and decidedly cuts the padding of each one of his fingers, palm up so Nathaniel can watch. Just as soon as the scalpel stops cutting one to start the other, the cut is healed. Voila! A cured Devil, indeed.

Sinister has posed:
Lifting his head to watch, you could bottle that tension and sell it to freshman college students as a pre-exam wake-up! When it releases, there's a gargantuan sigh from Sinister and he closes his eyes, beatific smile finding his face. "Oh, thank the Powers for that!" yes, finger cutting, we have a winner for the peace of mind stakes. One eye cracks open. "I trust the wings are intact, also?"

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer feels the tension not only as it has built up to the point of being sellable, but also as it breaks in that moment of Nathaniel gaining peace of mind. "Not sure if it's the powers we should be thanking..." He quips gently before shifting to straddle Nathaniel and in a moment his wings burst from behind him. Brilliantly white and flap a few times to sate Nathaniel with a bit of cool wing-stirred air. "Yes. I believe they are."

Sinister has posed:
Sinister's smile breaks, the ray of sunlight one that defies his general demeanor to produce it. The one with the dimples. It soon fades to the half-thing it usually is as he raises hands from the bed to stir the underfluffies of those wings with a brush of fingertips outward, then inward. "You're all unfurled and glorious. Huzzah! It is good to see them. And you in all your glory... this has been a trying couple of weeks! For you infinitely more, I must assume." He strokes once more, this time from undercarriage down to the ends of the curtain feathers and down to Lucifer's knees, where both hands rest.

"By the by, you should know... most humans cannot afford to take time off work when they end up sick with such colds. So they come in, sniffling or highly medicated and soldier on through. My human employees get two full weeks of sick pay a year, which can be claimed as a holiday bonus if they don't use them."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer grins. That grin that he has which is both nefarious and intriguing. What draws and scares at the same time. The grin that Nathaniel has come to be compelled by in so many ways. It comes with the smile that Nathaniel gives, and softens to a smirk as Nathaniel's own smile quells. "It has been trying, but together we got through it. I do not know if I would have without you... so thank you." A pause. "Well, I am glad for that. Most employers are asshats if that is the case. Work like that? I don't see how people do it..." A shrug then, and after all the quivering of feathers from the attentions given, they soon furl and retreat back so the Devil can freely flip and finally exit bed. "Coffee's getting cold... and we should perhaps get our day started, yes?"

Sinister has posed:
"You are so -very- welcome, you could be a mat." Sinister replies drolly, laying there with a freeze-frame flit of a grin as the wings furl and the devil flips off of his straddle. "Right," he'll just lie there for a little bit longer to master his body, then roll off to follow. "It should be fine on the hotplate, but honestly, that just stews it." Gesturing to the feathery robe that was gifted him for christmas, he slips into it and looks inherantly like he ought to be in an Edgar Allen Poe short. Sliding hands into the claw-mitts, the silvered tips slide over his digits as he follows on out. "Love you, Samael," goosing as he walks past, he heads to take a coffee, black as night and sugarless, then wanders to the wall-high windows behind the piano, to gaze out at the world.

"I suppose... we should consider the hunt, at some point."

Lucifer has posed:
"Bah!" is given as Lucifer is goosed and then he side eyes the berobed Nathaniel and gives a chuckle. "That robe really does suit you. Add it with your raven slippers and you're practically my little gothic dream." He offers this. "I love you too, Nathaniel." This as he makes his own cup of coffee, creamed with a touch of sugar and irish'd as usual. He then shifts to follow Nathaniel all the way over to the wall-high windows and tilts his head one way and then the other. "The hunt? We were hunting for something? ...I didn't forget something important did I?"

Sinister has posed:
"The rogue me's. I could do it without assistance, but I have found lately that multiple eyes see more than just one," setting the coffee to his lips, he sips, smiles, sets it floating and bursts into a dozen ravens, all of which flitter about Lucifer, one landing on his shoulder to lightly beak at his hair in an affectionate groom. It's weird to have the voice come from all minds in the vicinity at once. <<Even when I can have multiple eyes,>> -- they take flight again, flitting around one another and the devil, before they kind of collide with one another behind him and amalgamate back to the shape of man. That man then places a kiss on one of Lucifer's shoulders and reaches beyond him with wing'd robe, to reclaim his coffee.

Lucifer has posed:
"Oh. Right. Mmn, yes. We should go hunting for them soon. With the way Constantine felt about it, I doubt we'd want to include him..." Lucifer says this much, sipping coffee just as Nathaniel bursts into ravens. He smirks, listens, nods in understanding, but remains stoic even as the ravens flit about. One landing on his shoulder earns a rub of finger against the breast while it plays with hair, and then all collide into Nathaniel once more. Behind him, and he smirks. "Where should we start looking?"

Sinister has posed:
"Depends on a few factors," Sinister muses, also chewing on the truth about Constantine. He slides his left arm about Lucifer's waist, silver clawtips little pinpricks of heat against the Archangel's side. Coffee is sipped again. "I feel we should apply him with caution. He does not understand century-scapes of work, in quite the same way. I think he thought me considerably younger, until he found out the truth." Another sip, eyes turning to the window out into the world in white and off-white thanks to a city in snow. Up here, it looks cleaner. "But irregardless, the biggest factor is whether jungles or cities is where we want to look first. Myanmar, I believe my facility is deeply out of the way. Singapore, it is in the heart of things. Hong Kong, the operations is Essex Corp headquarters and those clones are expert facechangers. Their purpose is to whisper in ears and change minds."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer seems to think on this for a moment. "You've said this before. About John. Yet even recently when we were first talking about all this he was saying you should kill all of your clones." He scoffs. "That man deals in extremes. Or makes everything extreme, some big deal... no matter what... it's.." He stops. Shrugs. "Anyway. More importantly..." A sip of coffee taken then. "Is there a chance that once we start taking out this bad batch of clones, from place to place, they'll be able to warn the others? So perhaps we should start with the most difficult first... if any of them are any more than the other... work our way down the list...so to speak."

Sinister has posed:
Sinister gives a sigh, withdrawing from behind Lucifer to turn about and lean his back against the glass wall, looking inward into the penthouse and raising his coffee to lips again, looking fierce over the top of the mug. "How dangerous do you suppose I am, my love? Honest question. And with a purpose, I swear."

Lucifer has posed:
"It still seems a bit loaded, my dearest..." Lucifer quips gently and then looks pointedly at Nathaniel. "Here? Now? Without my DNA within you. You're probably fairly vulverable. Yet... I do not know. You have genetics that give you super strength. Healing capabilities. And when you're with your equipment? ..." He then laughs. "I feel like we're preparing to go to war with like... Bruce Wayne and Wolverine... only as one person...."

Sinister has posed:
"A little bit, yes. Only, this..." he taps his forehead "...is the worst weapon. I know you have telepathy, but it's very limited. If there are ways you can enhance your ability to get into a mind and screw with it, that would be of -great- help. My others... they have the same powers as me, in varying degrees. Some are stronger than others, until they carry my consciousness, but it does mean that at least the potential is there, for them to do as I've done... and implant connection with another." He gestures with his coffee cup at Lucifer. "I would know instantly, if you were in trouble. As you know I am. It doesn't matter where we are, or even if we're on the same physical plane, I can call your name and you would hear. In our case, I think it is enhanced by the token you gave me, but the psychic connection is strong, also. I really don't -know- if they've made a conspiracy. Because if they have, they've been capable of knowing things, since we took out the first. And they likely know that he is ... where he is."

He presses his lips together. "I am more than just strong, I just... rarely have to show that. It's never come up, really."

Lucifer has posed:
"Then we should come up with a plan of action before just... diving into it perhaps." Lucifer ponders a moment. "I wonder if I could go to one of your labs, or your place in Hong Kong. Pose as a business man. Get some intel...or..something." He then shrugs. "Ideas. We should get some together."

Sinister has posed:
"Yes, we should, my love...." FInishing off his coffee, he floats it to the kitchen and raises a silverclawed hand to Lucifer's cheek. "A plan. And failsafes. I think if I were able to work a shield on you, which might take a while to weave, that might work. Posing as a business man with some Power behind him. It isn't about flocking to the wake of power, but more about what that power can do for an agenda. We'll have to make you into Temptation itself, Lucifer Morningstar. I imagine it will be an absolute chore." With a grin, he walks past then, on the way to the bathroom. "I'm going to wash up and get dressed. You're welcome to join me in the shower if you like..." is called back over his shoulder.