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Latest revision as of 18:52, 24 January 2022

Putting on the Ritz
Date of Scene: 21 January 2022
Location: The Ritz, Mayfair. London.
Synopsis: A little walk down memory lane and High Tea at the ritz. Everyone should experience that once in their mutiple lifetimes.
Cast of Characters: Sinister, Lucifer

Sinister has posed:
Mayfair was always the place of high society. It ever has been and even in the modern age, where new money and old money keep very different social calendars, the Ritz remains famous. There's one in London and another in Paris, but this one, the Great British Beau that it is, is a splended white carved building and hotel, straight across the street from Hyde Park.

Lunch here, involves dainties, perfectly made petite fours, crusts cut off and a truly excellent selection of beverages, alcoholic or non and the finest tea selection one is likely to find outside of private collections.

Edwardian stylings, antique settings, brass chandeliers and deco coving has been impeccably maintained, as has the silver service and midweek, lunch is rarely a reservation only affair. Even if it was, certain individuals have a cart blanche reservation status. /Because/ this is Status. "I haven't been here in a while. I wonder if the name is still in the registry," Nathaniel ponders.

Lucifer has posed:
"Even if it is, I wonder what sort of looks you'll get if they can see when you joined..." Lucifer quips with a chuckle as he glances around. "I've heard a lot of stories about this place, and yet even being who I am and likely able to come here and enjoy it...it's never crossed my mind to." Then again, there's not a lot that the man knows about this country - as it's been pointed out here and there - even though this is the country where he adopted the vocal stylings he uses. Either way... "But I feel well spoiled right now since we're coming here. You must be in a VERY good mood..."

Sinister has posed:
Sinister looks sidelong with a smile. "I can't /imagine/ why..." he murmurs, waiting until the Maitre D'Maison approaches. It's white glove, impeccable dress, definitely with a measure of 'front of house face' to the selection process of such individuals. Mid week, it's easy to look at. At the weekend and busy times, it's likely distinguished and infallably polite. Different clientelle, after all.

"Good day," Sinister smiles faintly, "carte blanche. Essex. Table for two." A swift check of the 'list' and it's "Right this way sir, your usual table is held."

This turns out to be in what was once the smoking room at back of house that looks upon mews and not the frontage of a busy main road. Vaulted fireplaces are stoked with real flames, masterpiece artwork and mirrors that are ten foot tall and gold inlaid. The table is intimate, but ultimately a little sheltered, affording a good view, but also a measure of privacy. Menus are set out, with tea list, wine list, liquor list and the name of the bartender. "It has been a very long time since I've been here though, it's... nice to see that it maintains its standards, even when old glory tends to fade."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer grins a little and then nods his head. "I could probably list off a few reasons..." He offers cheekily and then chuckles as he looks around at all the white glove attire staff among the crowd. When they're approached and Nathaniel offers his name, which is enough to get them taken to a table in the back, set a bit apart from others but not so much to feel isolated. It's an interesting set up and Lucifer nods his head in approval.

Upon being seated and given menus, he glances up and down the lists and spots a particular whiskey he has yet to try so he keeps that in mind as he browses further. "It's quite remarkable. Set food selections then? Is this lunch or afternoon tea? Also, are we doing tea?"

Sinister has posed:
"It is whatever we would like," Sinister replies, looking up with a grin. "Although High Tea at the Ritz is an experience and an indulgence that everyone ought to try at least once; they bring sandwiches, scones, clotted cream, tea and cakes with it all." He smiles, lightly and considers the tea listings as he looks at his own menu.

"I used to come here of an evening for the entertainment, before I left England. Sometimes, for business dealings. It has always valued the privacy of its regular clients, so I have no worries about being disturbed whilst we enjoy ourselves. Do you fancy the high tea? Or were you more of a mind for something less... frippish?"

Lucifer has posed:
"You know what." Lucifer offers. "I think High Tea would be lovely. So long as I can also get a glass of whiskey because there's a brand here I think is only available here and I would love to try some." He says this and then smiles while watching Nathaniel for a moment. "I really don't think Afternoon or High tea is frippish. I think it's an experience that people should have at least once in their lives. I'm just fortunate to have it frequently now... unless it's not something you enjoy and we should do something else?"

Sinister has posed:
"Oh, no, I rather enjoy it," Setting the menu down, Sinister simply looks up and over the room. This is enough to summon the hovering attendant who was discretely out of sight. "We'll take high tea and three fingers of your private malt, neat. Darjeeling please, the indian green cut out of Rajipoor with lemon slices and full cream milk."

"Very good sir," - these staff do not scurry, they walk with purpose and poise. It's definitely an experience!

A marble ashtray with smoke and ash sleeve is floated over and set between them both. The entire hotel is no-smoking, but this never usually poses an issue, considering the control over the smoke that can be conducted. They're hardly going to set off the detectors and nobody will even notice. "Do you actually have any comparable experience? I know there's been quite a number of classy establishments in the Americas that were all the rage in various ages."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer really does love it when Nathaniel sort of takes control. Orders for them both, sets things into motion. In a world where it would seem the Devil has all the power, he just simply loves letting it more seem like the power is not all his to have and use.

As the attendant goes to put in their request, Lucifer looks around once more and then produces his silver case of their smokes, taking one and lighting it while offering the case to Sinister. "Not really, no. But do remember, I sort of faded in and out over the years, and only really let myself loose since these times of running away from Hell completely. Really if there's been anything exciting, I don't quite think I've been there. Maybe to a show or two in Vegas, a little line walking in Egypt... or maybe it was Turkey. I forget. The crossroads was always a hoot. Oh and this little place down in New Orleans with a voodun priest. Exciting really. Almost got my head shrunk, im sure."

Sinister has posed:
There's an outright laugh at that last, shaking his head. "Unless that voodoo priest was connected to the amazon rain forest, you were probably safe from -that- at least. Although, mind tricks of a shrink nature, I have no doubt. Anthropology is something I've studied too, by the by. Occasionally, myth, legend, burial rituals and such preserve in an uncanny manner. And there's always a grain of truth in stories." If he is aware of the power exchange, he keeps it very quiet. He is after all, a man used to being in charge, also.

The cigarette is taken, lit and indulged upon, the smoke from each drifting precisely as Sinister designates it should and the waiter when he returns, does not even seem to notice it. Mind tricks are Jedi, yes? It's a white tablecloth'd dolly, with a cake carousel, a sandwich carousel, little silver tongs, freshly curled butter, scones, clotted cream, fresh jam and a large pot of tea, with lemon slices cut in clever spirals, so that they 'stand up' upon the plate. It is left precisely at the perfect distance for serving oneself and the requested three fingers of private malt are set down with a bow. "Enjoy."

Lucifer has posed:
"Oh I bet, but I also didn't want to take my chances, you know? It's always better to just make the voodoo priests happy, regardless of what they can or cannot really do to you." Lucifer offers with a chuckle and then straightens up and sits back a tad when the food is all served along with tea and whiskey. It's a lot, but then that's High Tea for you. A bit more fare than afternoon tea, and less than a full on lunch. Not like they need to eat, this is just for the experience.

"Thank you. I'm sure we will." Is offered before he tilts his head and then takes a selection of a couple sandwiches, a scone upon which he puts on some clotted cream and jam, and a piece of chocolate cake. The whiskey is taken up first, however, sniffed, swirled, and sipped. The glass is set down while he swishes the whiskey twice in his mouth and then swallows. Smooth. Immaculately. "Oh. Oh my... you should try this, my love." Gesturing to the whiskey itself.

Sinister has posed:
"If I ever run afoul of a voodoo practitioner, I will know I have Remy Le Beau to blame. But I will take your word for it. You never know, I might run into such individuals in my newer lease on life."

For him, 'tis fishpaste sandwiches, which are considerably different to just plain tuna and mayonaise, watercress and cheese, ham and dijon (all of which are tiny little things with the crusts cut off and house made bread) and a napoleon slice.

"I believe they have a distillery in Scotland," Sinister observes as the water of life is sampled and appreciated. He reaches for it, sniffs, takes a sip and sets it down. "My goodness, a flame in the throat, and stomach, but smooth, with a capital Smoo." He also takes the moment to pour darjeeling into the fine china, adding a slice of lemon to Lucifer's.

Lucifer has posed:
"Do you think this Remy Le Beau person would send a voodoo practioner after you? Is this something I need to keep an eye out for? Cause I will cut a bitch who tries to harm you." Lucifer offers in a very serious tone. Though he grins, because of the thought, but he's serious none the less.

Watercress and cheese for him, with one cucumber and lemon curd he finds tucked away. Those are, secretly, his favorite. "This is not a whiskey you just down, or even drink in two or three swallows. This is a whiskey you sip and enjoy. It's a warm hug... though they don't compare to your hugs of course." He grins. He smiles at the lemon added to his tea and gives a slow nod. "Thank you love."

Sinister has posed:
"Oh, I would happily cut that bitch myself. I have in the past. But he's not really all that much of a threat, so much as he's connected. He's tied in with one of the Thieves guilds in New Orleans and they /do/ have one or two houngan and bokkor on their payrolls. Maybe I should invest in a charm of protection? Of course, there's almost no guarantee it would work as it's supposed to... All in all, you're probably a luckier charm of protection than anything others could cook up." He grins, blows an air kiss with a smoke ring that'a'way and flicks ash to be whisked up the chimney.

He gazes over the empty room, half lidding his eyes as he does so and exhales a sigh. Ghostly shapes, form, then obtain substance from memory, of the turn of the last century, in pastel coats and pleated skirts for the women, dapper suits for the man, with fascinators and pearls, idle chatter over the latest thing, neatly groomed moustaches and retrograde perms. He seems content with the illusion of memory's company and looks back to Lucifer.

"You are quite welcome, of course. And I am so very glad my hugs rate comparably and favourably with oak casket aged whiskey. It makes me feel warm inside." He winks, the once. "Is there a story behind when you first discovered Ouisca-bahn?" He points at the tumbler of scotch.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer gives a nod, but he doesn't really say much more on the subject matter. He knows the few stories behind Gambit and what the man has done in Nathaniel's life. Most importantly trying to steal something from Nathaniel's lab - or some sort. Dumb ass. "Well, perhaps for you I am a lucky charm, and we'll surely make to keep it that way."

As the memory floods in, he looks over at the ghostly shapes of a time forgotten and watches them for a moment. Conversations can't really be heard, but it sure does seem like the Ritz was a place for high class and fashion. He takes a bite of his scone while watching and follows it with a sip of his tea, humming gently as the flavors meld beautifully on his pallate.

"When I first discovered this particular whiskey? No. I don't think there could be since it's a private selection and I've never been here. First time trying it and all." He offers, unless he's mistaken by what Nathaniel means.

Sinister has posed:
"Oh, not -this- whiskey... whiskey in general. It's an old liquor, but it hasn't been around forever. I'm curious." Sinister explains with a grin, leaving the whole Remy issue in the past. He after all, got the better end of the deal in all respects, even WITH the thievery.

There's even a pall of cigarette smoke that hangs below the ceiling. After all, it was not just fashionable once, but was promoted as healthy for you. Facial hair was definitely a more refined thing in those times. The people come and go from the memory, evening dances with crystal embroidered frocks and nevertheless practical patent leather shoes, though the band playing seems to fade in and out of audible. People talk, men in military uniforms and older spinsters and widower women that wore their wealth in the form of jewels, they too pop in and out.

Lucifer has posed:
"Oh! Ah...." Lucifer has to think on it a moment and even then he's not really sure. "Was just something that I picked up after coming topside this last round I suppose. I had to go a lot of quick adjusting to the way things were, styles and such. Whiskey was one of the first liquors I was shown... I like the color and the way it burns." He pauses, giving a chuckle, and then sips his glass of whiskey. "Boring story I know..."

He eats the rest of the scone, takes a bite of sandwich and chases that down with cake. It's all about how one can take pleasure in eating anything they want in any order that they desire. All washed down with alcohol and tea which is certainly not a bad thing. "Did I ever actually tell you the story about how I wound up with Lux?"

Sinister has posed:
"Ahh. Well, you already know why I'm partial to cognac," hopefully, it's even remembered! Sinister smiles to himself, letting the players in his mind-scape fade away, but not the soft music. It's better than the stuff piped through the sound system these days, in his opinion. At least when enjoying things in no particular order (WHo are we kidding, he's eating his sandwiches first!) with very fine tea and equally fine company.

"No, not in specific details, as far as I recall. I would love to know." He replies, with a lift of his cup in toast to that notion, sipping his chah black.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer takes another sip of his whiskey before setting the glass down. "I was looking for some excitement in the Big Apple. It was troubling having acquired money but not having much of a place to call home since I had decided to leave Hell." He offers. "The previous owner used it as an underground boxing ring. I found out about it, placed a few bets. Kept winning. Pissed him off. So he bet the building, and I won." He smirks. "Course. I may have cheated. Juuust a little. Not much though."

Sinister has posed:
"Cheated? You? I have a hard time believing that. Stacked the odds, because of being naturally lucky, I would believe, but cheating?" Sinister clucks his tongue in disapproval of that notion, shaking his head. Finally, he's on the napolean slice and twirls his cake fork over it with a smile of anticipation. The flakey pastry, cream, jam and royal icing feathered on the top, makes a satisfying 'crunch' when he presses down in the middle of the little cake and satisfied, he looks up again. Sometimes it's all about the 'knack'.

"I'm glad you won it though. It has a certain style and the space works well for a bar and piano lounge-slash-dance club. I certainly appreciate it. Mind, as you know, I've felt homeless for nearly a hundred and fifty years and didn't care. I have properties all over the world but no connection to any of them, which frankly is a bit ironic as I can actually -create- connections to places, if I wish." He taps his head. "That one popped up seemingly at random, when I was trying to work before GPS had been invented."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer nods. "Well, you have a connection to somewhee now and I am glad that somewhere is with me." Stating this and giving a smile. Even though the shades within the memory have faded that music remaining is something pleasing to Lucifer's ears as well. He'll enjoy it, the company, and the food until they've eaten and drank their share of everything. What will come next is uncertain - but he might just decide to splurge on a room here for a couple nights, just to experience everything the Ritz has to offer.