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Latest revision as of 18:53, 24 January 2022

Shopping in Glastonbury
Date of Scene: 18 January 2022
Location: Glastonbury, UK
Synopsis: In a little town, the Devil and his lover meet with a Witch who remembers Mr. Sinister
Cast of Characters: Lucifer, Sinister

Lucifer has posed:
Early morning tea and pasties was also filled with light conversation about trivial things. Lucifer has a difficult time trying NOT to mesmerize the waitress as she keeps checking on them and is almost relieved when they're all finished with breakfast and the bill is paid.

Upon leaving the cafe, time has managed to pass long enough that the shops are beginning to open and more people are filling the streets to go about their daily lives. Lucifer offers a smile to Nathaniel and then takes a breath of the air, perhaps using it to get a better feel of the town now that it's coming to life. What scents can he pick up? What fills the air most? Then, "So, do you have any preference of shop? Perhaps know some of the better places to go and browse around?"

Sinister has posed:
The restraint earned itself a grin or two during breakfast and tea. A chuckle even when there was a sense that that took TREMENDOUS willpower to accomplish. When Lucifer's in a good mood, he gets mischievous. Duly noted! The smell of bakery wafts on the cool air, as does a large volume of incense and jossticks, perfumes from the souvenir shops and 'mystical emporiums' and a certain sense of metal cleaner from the brick-a-brack stores that also hold a little sway; odds and ends where you can find that one man's junk is another man's treasure. There's a few bookstores, the local information booth and visitor's centre a pie shop, a tea room or two and at two saver-centres. There's also pubs, most of them quaint looking and none of them open yet.

"Well, it's not a huge town," and you had better believe that Sin's been here once or twice in his life, "but it pretty much has cornered the local market on New Age. Sometimes, there's some decent things though, like antique tarot decks. But I truly wouldn't know the real magic from the kitsch... at least not until recently." He points at the brick-a-brack however. "They tend to be a hit or miss for what you might find. I've found interesting parts once or twice, but frankly that's probably more my interests talking, than anything we could enjoy together."

Lucifer has posed:
"Ah, but the scents of the town are wonderful. Different, but they all come together in a perfect balance of life. It's an interesting thing when you stop and take a moment to bask in it all." Lucifer offers and then tilts his head one way and then the other. "You and I have interests in magic together, even if they are for different reasons. You seek to understand it because to the scienctific mind, magic doesn't make a lot of sense. I'm interested because I can perform basic things, and if I try really hard I might be able to pull bigger tricks out of my ass. I think what I am truly interested in is seeing just how far I can go if I actually put my mind to it." Lucifer offers this much and then proffers his elbow. "Lead the way my love. To wherever your heart desires for us to shop first. I am entrusting you with guidance a bit since you know this place. Sounds like it hasn't changed much...which might be a good thing."

Sinister has posed:
"Indeed, to me magic has odd rules which I have yet to fully comprehend, but there's principles behind it that I think, given enough time, I might at least understand." Ambling down one of the pavements at the side of the main roadway, past an opticians that seems to be having a sale on, Sinister pauses by a shop front that sells all kinds of pewter ornamentary, most of which have austrian crystals imbedded in them, of fantasy creatures. THere's also several very fine looking dragons on display, along with fairy folks and the usual trinketry of the 'mystical'. "I'm feeling all whimsical..." opening the door, there's a soft chime and an immediate smell of english-style herbal essential oils, soaps and suchlike. An older woman with short curly grey hair smiles as they enter.

"My word," from Sinister, as inside it truly does have a gamut of paraphenalia, including crystals, history of the area books and plushies of mystical things. To the magically sensitive, there's even one or two properly resonant crystals for sale.

Lucifer has posed:
And despite being the Lord of Hell, and deemed one of the most Evil beings in existance. When Lucifer walks into a shop that has plushies, it's where his eyes lock and he bee lines towards them. Realistic, toon, fantastical ... all sorts. There's even.. "Oh look! A unicorn!" White body, rainbow hair, a pearlescent horn. They even have a 'dark' version. Red horn, black body, and the rainbow mane is darker shades.

While Lucifer is going gaga over that. The older woman looks the men up and down a moment before her lips quirk into a smirk. "Good morrow, gentlemen. To what do I owe the pleasure of such fine looking men walking into my shop this early in the morn?"

Sinister has posed:
Sinister grins at the sight of Lucifer with the plushies. "I rather like the dark one," is offered over as the geneticist takes a look at All Things English in the fragrances. A couple of soaps that have bergamot and green tea are picked up and sniffed, as is a rosemary and rose one and some of the herbal hand and body lotions. That is until the lady speaks up and he looks up to meet her eye. "A little window shopping, browsing and indulging in the ambience of Glastonbury, madame." He glances over at Lucifer and grins again. "Plus, I think he might have found the perfect things for our extended family of half-pints."

Nope, not for him, nope, not at all. It's a fib, but not much of one. "He's never been here before."

Lucifer has posed:
"I'm going to get both. You know I am." Lucifer offers, taking up both to hold while he then continues to window shop. When the lady greets them, he looks up and over but waits until Nathaniel has finished explaining some things. "Indeed. Window shopping, but also some purchasing. You have a wonderful shop." He offers this with a grin.

The woman narrows her gaze a moment, looking Lucifer up and down and then her gaze shifts to Nathaniel. A raised brow is given and then she scoffs and turns to tend to some items on a shelf that need a bit of straightening. "You're the spitting image of your father, Nathaniel." She offers without further hesitation, but doesn't look back over to the man.

Sinister has posed:
"Of course you are," Sinister grins again, looking over fondly at the Lord of Hell.... with unicorn plushies. There's a little chuckle, which trails off fond. And then his expression sobers in a heartbeat and he looks sidelong across his nose and cheekbone at the lady.

THere's a little heater in here, but one might imagine that the temperature just dropped by several degrees. "I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about, madame." I do not look like my father! Except that I probably do, these days. Although I'm taller and... "Although you clearly have me at a disadvantage."

Lucifer has posed:
"Used to come into my shops a time or two, for this or that. Herbs, medicines, tinticures. Course times have changed over the centuries, and you are indeed a bit taller. Maybe a little more defined in the chin area... but... I will never forget those eyes. So full of promise. Of curiosity." The crone drones on while still never straying from her task at hand. "I used to give you little sugar candies on sticks back then. Kept you quiet while the grownups talked. Green was always your favorite."

Even Lucifer has grown a bit leery of this woman, looking over to her. "Centuries? And if you were an adult even while Nathaniel was....well.." He doesn't say much more, just gives a shake of his head.

"Ah, and I've likely made a pact or few with your lessars over the years, dear Lucifer. The wonders of being what I am."

Sinister has posed:
"A true witch," Sinister says in a mild tone, recollections spinning up into his mind of times past. Green candy -- "...they tasted of cooking apple." He looks over at Lucifer, arching both brows up at the devil and back to the woman. The intriguingly alive woman that's centuries old.

"I suppose I ought be calling you Nanny, Granny or Old Mother, hmm?" He supposes, setting down the soaps he'd been sniffing. "That's a phenomenon that's shared by some individuals of a psychic bent, is the Sight -- it doesn't matter if you're mystical or mendacious." He frowns, then grunts slightly. "You... are an apothecary, also? I've frequented -those- shops for extracts a good deal more than the likes of this place."

Lucifer has posed:
"Or you could just call me Gladys. It's what everyone else around here does." The woman responds and gives a little smile. "I hope I didn't stir any ill memories, my dear. It's actually nice to see you...I always wondered what came of you and your family when you all stopped coming around these parts." Though, there's also a hint of curiosity in her tone, but she doesn't otherwise show it.

Lucifer just chuckles. "Ah, I suppose there might be a pact or few out there, but honestly when they're made by covens or coven members... I suppose I try not to collect on those so much. If at all." He offers and then chuckles, but tries to remain a bit sober for Nathaniel's sake. "So a true witch. Not many with the full craft left around."

Sinister has posed:
"Well, my father and mother died, then my wife died shortly after giving birth to a stillborn child. This was after my son died at a tender young age. I suppose after that, I didn't really have much family spirit to go around and only went shopping for specific things. Or sent a servant to do it. Life can deal you some real duff hands sometimes," Sinister replies mildly and with very little inflection, other than matter of fact. "And I spent a good two hundred years getting my head together, working out the kinks and rounding off immortality. I had a little help polishing that one." He nods toward Lucifer at this, finally giving a smile. It seems even this spanner in the works cannot dull his mood all that much.

Several soaps and one of the natural 'local' products, likely made by this Witch, are placed for purchase. He also gathers a rare ruby quartz crystal and several high purity smokey quartz and sets it down for purchase, a high end item that is. "I can never have enough of these. Luci? Is there anything else tickles your fancy?"

Lucifer has posed:
"Well. We never know what is coming on the path that we walk. We can only walk it and find where it takes us. For what it is worth, you have my condolences." Gladys offers this and a kind smile before walking over to the counter. A few of the items are rung up. The crystals and one plushie, plus half of the other things Nathaniel grabbed.

Lucifer shakes his head. "No, I think I'm good with just the unicorns for now. We don't want to get too overburdened with items in the moment." He offers this with a smile.

Gladys gives a total, and then she motions. "If you ever feel an itch to get a reading... tarot, tea leaves, runes... you come see me. If you want to learn anything, you come see me. If you're interested." A smirk and she reaches under the counter to bring out two sugar sticks - what's now commonly called 'rock candy' - a green and a red one.

Sinister has posed:
Sinister takes out a wallet and produces several large pound notes, setting them upon the counter. He then pauses a moment and after a moment of concentration, sets a silver shilling atop the lot. "My thanks, Gladys..." and with it, a voiceless laugh at the rock candy. He takes them both, red and green and shakes his head at the memory, handing the red one to Lucifer. "That will be cherry flavoured. I just liked the cooking apples as they reminded me of having a slice of bramlea when cook was making sauce, sprinkled with a little sugar."

He inclines his head to Gladys. "We will be back, I have a feeling. But for now, we've a few other sights to see. And indulgences to have. To your health, Mother." And with that, the purchases in a paper bag, he heads out with an arm around the Devil himself.