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Latest revision as of 18:53, 24 January 2022

A Night at the Lux
Date of Scene: 16 January 2022
Location: Club Lux, Melville
Synopsis: Lucifer and Sinister enjoy a night among the patrons of Lux.
Cast of Characters: Sinister, Lucifer

Sinister has posed:
The lights are all a'flashing tonight, courtesy of spinning rather old tunes on the turntables. Occasionally, it's good to channel your inner Nostalgic and that's what's happening tonight; Disco at the Lux, tunes from the '70s and some from the 60's and 80's too, if they fit the bill. It's brought out those that love to sparkle, show off a lot of leg and turn tricks on the dance floor. There's even a dry-ice smoke machine, so that the laser lights will shine through the particulates and create more of an atmosphere.

There are a few people in the world that should never wear cordoroys or flares. Nathaniel Essex is one of them. Tonight, he's got a poet's shirt with a few rhinestones around the collar and cuffs that catch the lights and black slacks and 'kinky boots' as in those short but well heeled disco shoes that were once very popular. His hair is loose, which makes it fit the theme somewhat as he circles Lux like a wolf on the hunt.

Lucifer has posed:
Who can pull off a cordoroy look? Likely not many, but one who is going to try is one Lucifer Morningstar. His cordoroy attire is black pants, and he matches them with a tie dye tee shirt of a purple and red skull and cross bone. His hair is longer, shaggier than normal, and he's got on a pair of red tinted perfect circle framed glasses.

As Nathaniel prowls, Lucifer moves to his normal roosting spot where he looks over the entirety of the club. A perfect vantage point, as he holds a glass of whiskey with a couple of ice cubes - which is a bit different for him but there one goes. He watches the lights, the smoke, the dancers and listens to the tunes. A decent start to the night if he says so himself.

Sinister has posed:
That's definitely a different look for Lucifer, for sure and certain. One more prowl until he comes to the stairs upward and Sinister ascends to the upper level, to come lean against the railing, elbows propped there and hands dangling down as he watches beneath, hipshod. "There was something about this era of music that /promoted/ dancing. Dancing like you didn't care if the dawn was coming. It was different than any era that came before it," he comments. "You look interesting like that. Alluring in a different way than you usually do -- like... an adventure could take off at any moment and you'll never know where it'll go. I ought to call you White Rabbit when you're dressed that way."

Lucifer has posed:
"White Rabbit? I think I like that..." Lucifer says this much as he takes a sip of his whiskey, a hand moving to rest on the small of Nathaniel's back. "I like this music, it is very moving. How does the crowd seem to be responding to it?" Cause he knows that Nathaniel has likely prowled around the area a few times already before sidling up next to him. "Have you a thought to go and get a little crazy on the dance floor?" Taking a sip of his whiskey after he asks that question, eyes never leaving the dance floor and the crowd that occupies it.

Sinister has posed:
"It was the spirit of an age. It came out of an underground movement that wasn't about anything but the right to exist, enjoy and mingle in a way that still wasn't utterly accepted. When you moved on the floor, it didn't matter if you were black, white, brown, mocha..." Sinister muses "...and the drugs took you to an altered state of consciousness. It was interesting watching people back then. Less of it these days, or rather, different things, I suppose. And a different kind of escape saught in dance and trance..." He quiets though, when he thinks about that deeper, clearing his throat. "Sorry. It's interesting psychology. People have saught to escape who they are, for decades now. Different aspects of who they are." He looks over his shoulder, plays with the hint of a smile and nods. "If I do, will you?"

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer listens and then shakes his head as the man apologizes. "Don't you ever apologize for getting all excited about explaining something. I love it..." He says this and then smiles before giving a nod of his head. "Oh absolutely. Did you think I was going to send you out to that crowd all by yourself anyway?" He downs the rest of his drink, sets the glass aside and then shifts to head for the dance floor, grabbing Nathaniel by the arm to pull him along. Ready or not, here they come!

Sinister has posed:
Sin looks sidelong as he's admonished and spills that crooked smile out again. "I suspect it's telling, isn't it? My word, but there's a lot of people that wouldn't think I'd have noticed any of that." But he does. Just because he doesn't care about the microcosm of existence, doesn't mean he doesn't see it and absorb it all. It teaches a lot of motivations, it does. "But I shall remember I have license to expound my thoughts..." he looks back, seeking a space, but there isn't one. Therefore with a glance again to Lucifer, he hops himself up onto the bannister of the stairwell and slides down it sideways, going straight into a stalk across the dance floor, wending in and out of dancing bodies and slowly... creating a space to dance in the middle of it all. Grey eyes look up and flash red in their core, seeking Lucifer in the dark.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer isn't too far from Nathaniel when he hits the dance floor and gets people to part so he can make it to the middle of it. Ice blue eyes that burn hellfire in the center as he prowls and the DJ begins to spin a very popular disco song and Lucifer strikes a pose before beginning to dance. circling around Nathaniel for a moment with a gallop of feet and a wiggle of hips as he discos, shimmies and shakes while also trying to encourage Nathaniel to join him.

Sinister has posed:
Sinister keeps his arms still at his sides, but his hips both thust up and twist in almost a belly-dancer kick, one foot tapping as he watches himself get circled. Strangely enough, there's a small space being made around the proprietor of Lux as the Beegees belt out their distinctive vocals. Then his knee joins in, and of a sudden, he's moving with the beat NOT like a two hundred year old white dude, but like he has some Funk in is soul, somewhere. Shoulders move with it too, tossing his hair in a way that keeps it moving counter to the way his body is moving. A spin and arm thrust is tossed out. SERVED!

Lucifer has posed:
So it's a dance off! Of course two can play at this game, and after watching Nathaniel bust a few moves, he actually re-enacts the iconic dance from Saturday Night Fever. Pretending to wind a watch on one wrist, and then the other before locking his fingers together and doing a wave with his arms. A couple of spins and then he does the man-splits, holding before standing again and then strikes his own pose. REBOUND!

Sinister has posed:
Oooh, man splits, eh? Clap-clap! Heels do the work, fancy footwork all over the place, almost like a cossack dance, Sinister goes down upon his heels and bounces up at specific points in the beat, CLAP CLAP then back go his hands to his hips, it transforms into jiggery and then into the electric slide, with graceful swoops of the arms and a bow over the extended leg. Pow!

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer finally just joins in. Matching Nathaniel move for move, like they're mirrors of each other. Then there's that electric slide, and then swoops his arms. Right along with the other man. Posing at the end right with him and then he laughs and looks around. A bit of applause from the small crowd that's surrounded them.

Sinister has posed:
Sinister beams, but he doesn't look at the crowd. Instead his eyes flick to the DJ booth and he nods as a very familiar song begins. Hello Freddy Mercury and those iconic vocals, and of course, this dance begins sedately, then kind of EXPLODES into movement. Advancing five steps, driving Lucifer back as they match step for step, he hooks a leg, dips the rub-spectacled devil, then sweeps him back up so that they can engage in a kind of disco tango affair, each movement matched perfectly to the other's -- this is at least partially achieved by the fact Sin's mind is wide open and therefore intent can be read a moment before it happens, making synchronicity a piece of cake to achieve.

Lucifer has posed:
And that synchronity is surely achieved. Matching move for move, letting it seem like they've practiced this dance over and over when really they're making it up on the spot. No one will know, and Lucifer will enjoy the moment. The song is an iconic one and he has to smile and give a sort of laugh as they dance along to the tune. He hooks, he slides, pushes and pulls, along and against Nathaniel in flowing luminosity until they strike a pose at the end of the tune. Lucifer grins. "...I think I might need a small break...."

Sinister has posed:
Sinister murmurs in the ear. "Take your bow then, my Gracious host," somehow the meaning of those last two words has capital letters in there, inferred by some quality of tone. And Sin steps back after this, to bow to the Morningstar, both arms swept out to the side and essentially giving the man the spotlight with it and the hearty round of applause that is spilled his way. He slips back with it, so that he can forge a path to a spot and get the bartender's eye with a mental nudge, to have refresher drinks brought to that little nook, ready and waiting for the lord of Lux.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer drinks it in, all of it. The bow that Nathaniel gives, the applause from the crowd, and he gives a bright grin. His own bow given in that moment, and he fills with the adoration that the crowd gives him. A moment later, he walks the path that Nathaniel cut for him and moves up to the nook where his lover and a drink are both waiting for him. "Well. I surely call this night a rouding success." He offers this, taking up his drink and takes a long swallow of it. "How are you feeling?"

Sinister has posed:
"Good. I'm feeling..." Sin trails off as his gaze unfocuses, his head turning around the crowd of people. A stuttering breath is taken in and he pitterpatters on his chest. "...the crowd." He laughs breathlessly at this, gesturing with one hand and a wrist roll. "There's a lot of groupie endorphine rush going on. They are entertained and we the entertainment." He grins, taking up his drink which tonight appears to be hurricane, complete with the obligatory fruity edges and umbrella. He sips through the straw. "The mood overall is extremly positive. I think this is a theme night that may have to pop back a few times - most everyone knows at least a few of the songs from this era, so..."

Lucifer has posed:
"Yes. I am surely feeling the crowd. They're giving off...a lot. I'm surely enjoying it..." Lucifer says this much and then side-eyes Nathaniel once more. "Shame it has to end, but definitely one that goes on the have it again list. I wonder what sort of crowd we'd get if we throw something from the late eighties and all the nineties..." He laughs at that and then considers. "Course the next major event will likely be for Valentine's Day. Because. Why not?" He nods. Theme nights are good, probably what he should throw from time to time just to get things out there. "For now, for us, what shall we do?"

Sinister has posed:
"You know, I never really understood how that day became so commercial. It annoys me now to a degree, or did anyway. I suppose that's the jaded fellow that did not have anything to celebrate coming out. This year might be considerably different..." he ponders though, mouthing 'eighties and nineties' and pressing lips together. "There was a rebellious spirit to those decades, in a very different kind of way to the sixties and seventies. We might find the club filled with individualists." But then, he's looking down at the floor, spotting a few young lovers who might be getting lucky tonight. "Aah, the mating courtship dance of the lesser spotted human. The young males must show that they have rhythm to court the most attractive females. Or Males, considering that there's the same qualifier for a mate there too, a lot of the time." He rests his chin on his palm, elbow on the table with a smirk. He doesn't actually smirk very often. Wry is his usual style. "What do you feel like doing?"

Lucifer has posed:
"I think it's more funny that the day is named after a Saint who was less known for love and more for beekeeping... and was also beheaded. Not so love-filled there now was he?" Lucifer asks this and then cackles. "Then there's the Valentine's Day Masacre in Chicago from...1929 I think?" He shrugs. "Still, if there's money to be made, lets make it. Not to mention I will surely get my fill of pride, lust, and envy that night." He offers this much while taking another sip of his drink. "Ah, yes, I think I might actually make it a specific theme... like a grunge night or something. So much came out of the 80s and 90s..." Offering this much more and then he considers that last question. "Well... right now I have half a mind to haul you upstairs and have you show me some of those dance moves again. Only in a more naked and private fashion..."

Sinister has posed:
Sinister laughs heartily at the rebuttal there. It ends up with amused snorts through his nose. "Quite. Largesse of deep pockets that need to be filled with more than just money," he smiles lazily at Lucifer, arching a brow only a little bit at the desire of the moment, putting lips around his Hurricane straw. Sucking on that does good things to bonestructure. "You could do several themed nights from those eras. Grunge. Glam. Electronica. Boy/slash/girl band. Punk. Skater punk..."

He leans across the table, eyes still on the dance floor, shoulder pushed up by the application of pressure. At the last minute, he flops his cheek against that raised platform of his own body and eyes Lucifer over the round of it, white fabric and rhinestones both. "That can probably be arranged. This has you in a mood, eh?"

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer just gives a nod but lets the other topics fall away for the moment. They can speak about theme nights and such on another day. Perhaps Nathaniel has it on the nose a bit. "I don't know what has me in a mood, it might just be the energy from the people themselves. But yes. Something has me stirred a bit, and I'd rather put that mood to good and proper use while it's there." He offers while he stands from the table. "And the beauty of owning this place? Is we can take our drinks with us..." He offers his free hand. "Join me, my love?"

Sinister has posed:
"Indeed, we can hardly be stealing when you own all the alcohol, the glasses, the everything." Sinister gives a careless toss of hair as he rises, hand in Lucifer's, cracking his neck, then his shoulders with a flex as he takes up his hurricane. "I think I shall put it down to the atmosphere of lust you're riding. But it could be how my butt looks in these pants, you never know." -- nothing else said, he bee-lines for the elevator.