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Latest revision as of 04:55, 18 February 2022

Testing, Testing, 1 2 3
Date of Scene: 04 February 2022
Location: Lucifer's Penthouse, Melville
Synopsis: Lucifer and Nathaniel test a few things and come up with some theories
Cast of Characters: Lucifer, Sinister

Lucifer has posed:
Books. There are many of them. Some of the shelves of Lucifer's personal library are half empty with stacks of books being on the coffee table, the kitchen island, and even some are on the piano! Lucifer, himself, is currently walking along the ceiling, eating an apple while reading a book, letting the book float in front of him so he can keep turning pages. It's a wonder what he's researching - as there are plenty of things on his plate right now - and as he turns a page, and takes a bite he stops and tilts his head. "Hmm. Embedding curses into physical objects....well where have you been all my life..." He mutters aloud, and then keeps on.

Sinister has posed:
Then he'll be pleased to see a massive black-winged bird the size of a man fly past, from his upside down perspective, as it circles the penthouse. One black eye with a red core peers as it circles again, carrying a crate in its talons. One last go around and it backwings to the roof with a thump. There's some ticker-tacking of talons up there, then an audible "Buggerations..."

SHortly after this, crate and Sinister alight on the balcony and head on inside. That was too large for the roof access stairs, it seems. He looks about the bibliophile's dream come true, then up at the upside down librarian on the ceiling. "Busy day?"

Lucifer has posed:
"Well I started with trying to figure out if there is anything in any of the texts I have about the Box that could tell me the secret of putting things back INSIDE the box." Lucifer begins. "Then I didn't find anything so I started doing a little more extensive research on curses. I think I know the one I might could use, and so I was looking for a tie-in to apply it to a mechanical something - or an object at least. Which...I might have found. I think." He offers this and then glances to Sinister. "Is that the prototype? Do you have everything for it? I assume we're going to put it in the laboratory..." Another bite of the apple taken.

Sinister has posed:
"Yes. All components and tools inside," Sinister gestures with a look behind himself at the floating crate, then back up to to the ceiling. A point of a finger has the crate settling down with a soft 'thump' and he rises from the ground, flipping upside down to land on the ceiling. This would be better if there was an antigravity field. At first, his hair just hangs down in a curtain, until with a sigh, he flicks hands and kinetically makes it lie counter-gravity. This better so he can go and try and make ANY sense of what Lucifer's reading, coming up beside him.

"I meant to ask. Is it better to do that in a lab, or a sanctum? Just in case mysticality goes sideways..."

Lucifer has posed:
The instructions read as placing the piece to be cursed upon the Altar and ensure that all magicks to imbue within the item are present in a circle. Potency will rely mostly on the magicks offered up for the curse and the blood sacrifice with which to bind them together within the piece. Lucifer hums a little and then shrugs his shoulders.

"Magic is a lot to do with science, and a little to do with faith. It's also me doing it and all I add is a bit of flair and perhaps a tiny bit of power and ancient know-how. I believe, for me, in a lab or a sanctum will be fine either way..." Then he thinks on it. "...We could ask that little township in...uhm...fuck. Where did we meet that Priestess?"

Sinister has posed:
"Glastonbury," SInister replies, blinking owlishly at the words 'blood sacrifice' with a side-eye to the devil. Nevertheless, his symbol the pentagram, tick it one point sideways and it's the sign for magic, so it's not exactly like there's not a WHOPPING association. "Giles said that it also has a lot to do with conviction. That some will be able to do all the steps right, but nothing will ever happen, as the will isn't there."

He glances up ... or rather down at the case, staring at it for several moments in critical thinking, then aside. "We do have to go back there, you know."

Lucifer has posed:
"That is true. However my conviction is sound, I have plenty of faith in the magicks, and you have the science. So really... it should be a simple thing." Lucifer offers and finally decides that he's had enough of blood rushing to his head. A kick and flip and he's right side up on the floor once more. Though the book remains where Nathaniel is, since he's keeping it floating. "We do need to go back there. I'd like to see how the Priestess is doing...and perhaps stay a couple days to learn the layout, buy a few more items...and perhaps perform a ritual or few..."

Sinister has posed:
Sinister merely flips himself and floats down. He holds his hand out to catch the book though, as it rights itself and hands it back to Lucifer. "Maybe even visit stone henge," is murmured "...or take a trip to portsmouth, see the Sea..." whistful that is, despite the fact that the Atlantic ocean isn't all that far away, on the Jersey Shore. It's the principle of the thing. "She wanted to ask us a few things, go over things too, as I recall."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer smirks and nods. "Can you imagine going to stonehenge and just walking right into the middle of it. Like, excuse me, I need to borrow this ancient druidic power here, thanks." He laughs at that and then shakes his head, knowing full well it is so something he would do without question. Then he thinks on it and nods again. "She did want to ask us some things, yes. A few of those we might need to be on the same page for. So we ought discuss before we go back. For now... I think we should at least test and see if all these components of yours work, right?"

Sinister has posed:
"Aye," to most of that, with a sotto voce snicker too, on account of the mental imagery of coopting a stone age monument. "Oh, well, that's easily done," the crate flips open and reveals what amounts to several fine tools in a pocket of styrofoam and some kind of protective lining and a portable hard drive, sitting in the middle. That's a lot of space and shielding for a relatively small item. Regardless, he takes it out, gazes at it to undo the fine screws and floats the case off, plugging it in to a wall socket. An electrician's screwdriver is used to test voltage in all of the circuitry, which appears to be steady and not fluctuating at all. In the center though, is the 'electronic' cage' which he gestures at. "Not sure how we'll test that, without putting the gremlin in, unless you have an imp handy."

Lucifer has posed:
"Will it yield the same result? I can likely get an imp here in a moment..." Lucifer offers after watching all the things be put together in a timely and efficient manner. "Also, am I cursing the gremlin, or the object the gremlin is in? I think I might be a bit lost on the plan cause for a moment I forgot there was even a gremlin involved..." He says this as his eyes burst with hellfire flames and he reaches through the very fabric of reality, searches around like he's digging in the bottom of a bag before smirking. When his hand comes back, he's got an imp by the tail and it is *flailing!*...until it sees who has a hold of it and it goes...kinda still.

Sinister has posed:
"I do hope so. All we're doing is testing it, so... any mystical critter that can be bound inserted into the cage ought to do," although the slightly unclear on the concept devil has him opening and shutting his mouth a moment. And then there is an imp being plucked and flames in the devil's eyes. This gets stared at, too. "Oh, gosh, isn't that just so ugly that it's adorable..." is said mildly.

He then steps aside, setting the hard-drive down and holds both hands up, painting imagery into the air. The portable hard drive is there, then magnified so that all the components can be seen more clearly. "This is a trojan horse in the form of technology. We are delivering a curse in a data stream..." indicating the paired computer chips with enough area around them for any scripts or symbols that might be necessary. "...and a Gremlin as a vector to blow through technology if they get it out of themselves, or their heads if they do not. Their r'aison d'etre is to screw up mechanical and technological devices." He then sets the whole thing to an animation, of black energies being cursed into the circuits, running around in there like maledicted electricity, and a ghostly shape of a gremlin fighting against the capacitor containment of the electronic 'faraday cage' of capacitors he's set up.

A cartoon Sinister walks up, touches the device and interfaces with technomancy and the curse releases, infecting the Sin, along with a rabid gremlin going along for the ride, straight into their heads.

Lucifer has posed:
"Hey! My imps aren't ugly!" Lucifer even gives a pout after this is said, but there's a sparkle to his eyes and a mirth enough in his voice to prove he's teasing. "No, you're right. Powerful ugly things, but also, yes. Adorable." The imp doesn't seem too impressed with this and begins flailing around just a bit once more. "Alright. Alright. Come on..." He moves forward and stuffs the imp ito the contraption with some muttered ancient words. There's a glow, a sizzle and pop, and then he steps back. The imp is contained.

For now.

"Well, okay. Now I see. So I'm cursing computer chips, and the gremlin is back up."

Sinister has posed:
Cue: beneath the brows look and wry grin. He looks back at the imp "Oh, but that's just even more adorable," as the struggle resumes. "Although I suspect that size isn't everything when it comes to being viscious or good at one's job, eh?" he says that to the imp itself. "Rodney. You look like a Rodney."

And then, he's watching the action, as extra-planar critter is dematerizalized as it isn't technically matter in the first place and ends up in the Machine. He puts the electrician's screwdriver around the various nodes and remarks a couple of amperages difference pre and post. "Interesting..." but there's no fluctuation, which suggests the cage should hold. In theory.

"Yes. So that the data stored in it is ahahaha... corrupted." Sinister gives a black little laugh, "...is it okay in there?"

Lucifer has posed:
"I'm sure I asked this and got an answer that my brain is now forgetting... but why don't we just write a computer virus into these chips? Same as cursing it, isn't it? Or...well I just thought of this...you being a technomancer. You'd kill off a virtual virus without blinking an eye, eh?" Lucifer asks and then figures he's answered himself unless the answer is a bit more complicated or something. A glance to the imp who has sort of resigned to it's fate and just sits, arms crossed against its chest and it almost looks like it's sort of pouting. "It's fine. Hmm. Maybe we'll name it Rodney... that's a good name, and I agree he looks like a Rodney."

Sinister has posed:
"Bingo," Sin nods. "It's the mystical that's my downfall. ANd it's theirs too, I'm probably the only one of myself that's entertaining the comprehension of it and that initially because I was concluding I was missing out on vast untapped resource by ignoring that it existed." Nathaniel then carefully adjusts the power flow in the hard-drive, to essentially immitate a download -- that should have Rodney being 'flushed out' and into the air, as the hard drive isn't actually connected to anything.

"I also don't have the capacity to sense magical energies, except with the silver rings I made and had attuned at the Magic shop. They tingle in the presence of the energy I can't otherwise perceive."

Lucifer has posed:
"Right. I got it now. Okay... might actually be something else I can look into, especially if we're cursing technology specifically." Lucifer offers, and he's been doing a lot of research so there's probably something he looked over because he wasn't quite understanding what was going on. This can be rectified.

Rodney is in the cage, and then he's disappeared, and then he pops out in the open air and looks around a moment. His little black wings flap rapidly to keep him in the air and he glares at Lucifer for a hot moment. "Go on. You know how to get back without me." Lucifer says this to Rodney who makes a face and then *pop!*, back to the aether and further to hell he goes. "...We didn't still need him did we?"

Sinister has posed:
"I don't think so. I will have to adjust the capacitors though, as there was a significant uptick when he was insitu, so I suspect the same will be true of the gremlin. Don't want one of the capacitors for the cage blowing because I didn't account for mystical critter trap."

This is a quick fix though, using the tools he brought with the hard drive, including tiny fuses and an itsy bitsy soldering iron.

Looking up once the smell of burning metal has finished polluting the nostrils, Sinister tilts his head. "What else might you try? You've been looking at a lot of data the last few days, is it giving you ideas?"

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer claps his hands twice and all the books begin to file back to their places on the shelves. He may begin messy but he does tend to clean up his messes. "Kind of? I'm beginning to wonder if we could curse the virus itself... like write a curse into the virus on the chip...so they'll lose their minds trying to fix the virus... and then..." He shrugs. "It's a theory. I have a few working... I just need to test some of them out maybe...I can work on that next."

Sinister has posed:
"Excellent. If it can be done, that would be an extra layer in the bomb we're going to deliver to their brains. I personally do not want to have to try and deal with six me's, do you?" Pause. "Actually, don't answer that, sometimes you can get quite mischievous." Watching as the books take themselves back to their respective spots, he closes off the case and secures it, leaving it where it is though. "We -should- discuss what's to be discussed with the priestess, though. So we're on the same page. I plan on doing this in the jacuzzi. I vote for epsom salts for an old-school soak."