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Latest revision as of 04:56, 18 February 2022

Chance Patrol Encounter
Date of Scene: 03 February 2022
Location: Bushwick (Mutant Town), Brooklyn
Synopsis: Gambit and Hoplite route some thugs.
Cast of Characters: Hoplite, Gambit

Hoplite has posed:
It seems to Becky that the best place to become known for helping is a place where people need help. Mutant Town is fairly nearby, and a lot of people do not like mutants. Therefore, she decides to head tht direction and find some people who need help.

She silently prowls the rooftops and eventually finds a couple of obvious mutants who are surrounded by a group of normal-seeming toughs. Remembering her last outing, she remember that she has to wait for something illegal to happen before she intervense...as much as she might prefer otherwise in a case like this where the intentions seem obvious.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau had been coming out of St. Maggie's. A Recovering Catholic he still occasionally felt the need to visit the church and make a plea for his soul as it were. So from ground level he was also ware of the harassment that the Purple skinned teen and her little lizard looking brother were recieving... and he currently had no qualms about sticking his nose in where it wasn't wanted. "So dis a private party, or anyone welcome?" He asked from the alley way, casually taking out a deck of cards and shuffleing them idlely.

Hoplite has posed:
The gang has some discipline, rather than the ones on that side turning to face the voice (thus turning their backs on the ones in the middle) the ones facing that way already glance at Gambit. The apparent leader sees Remy's eyes and says, "Sure you can join them, if you want to. We ain't picky about who we play with."

Hoplite jumps down off the rooftop, landing silently and easily on the side opposite the tall mutant and activating her shield shedding a strange purple light over the scene, "Well, if we are picking teams, looks like the locals could use a few more players."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins a little bit and glances over as the young girl arrives as well. He doesn't recognize her of course, but then he doesn't spend allott of time in mutant town. Still he'd rather difuse this before it comes to violence if possible. Scott would certainly prefer it at least. So he drops his cards into his sleave and produces a cigerette from somewhere, lighting it from his fingertip. "Ah dunno petie. Dey seem pretty outnumbered as it is. Maybe y'all wanna run along and get some friends... Come back anot'er time when yah 'ealt' insurance all payed up."

Hoplite has posed:
Becky replies, "If these here was smart folks, they would realize they are in the wrong place. The youngsters here have home court advantage, the stands are just full of their fans."

Some of the thugs look nervous, as thry start to realize that this area of town is home to thousands of mutants. They may have the two children surrounded, but it is actually they who are surrounded and outnumbered.

Gambit has posed:
Now the common idiom is to always take out the leader of a group and the group will fall apart. That's true of large groups. But small ones like this, usually the advice is that the chain is only as strong as their weakest link. "Yah boys really wanna find somet'ing bettah ta do wit' yah time. Yah really do." He says as he takes the ciggerete out of his mouth and flicks it at the chest of one of the teens that turned to face him and...

The explosion is all noise and fury, with very little in the way of power. The one hit by the cigerette honestly feels like he just got headbutted by a perticularly pissed off goat. But that said the echo of the explosion is enough to shake snow from nearby rooftops and of course send the young man off his feet and into a groaning heap. "Dat was yah final warning." Remy offers taking out a second ciggerette.

Hoplite has posed:
Becky pulls out one of her snap Javelins and activates it, the plades springing out with an audible SHING, "You heard the man, move out."

The explosion also had the effect of causing lights in several nearby buildings to come on, the thugs decide that living to fight another day is the better part of valor, but as they go, the leader spits at Hoplite, "We will remember you, mutie lover."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau steps out of the way to let the other members of the group get away, the one he "Blew up" gasping and stumbling. He then heads over to the pair of mutants that were being harassed, suggesting they head over to the church to get warm before continuing whereever it was they had meant to go. Only then does he turn to acknowledge Hoplight, a slight smirk on his lips. "Gotta watch jumpin' from rooftops like dat. Yah wreck yah knees.

Hoplite has posed:
Hoplite says with a chuckle, "Not in these shoes, ain't got any idea how they work, but I land light as a feather. Move quiet as one too." She adds, "I am Hoplite, and you?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau chuckles a bit, lighting his second cigarette and shaking his head slightly, "Yah c'n call me Gambit. Pretty new ta de game huh?" He asks amused, looking the girl up and down critically, not in a sexual manner but as if assessing her potential.

Hoplite has posed:
Becky admits, "Kind of." She holds the spring release and carefully pushes in the side of the snap javeling, locking it in closed position. She adds, "You ever wonder if half the reason people like that hate mutants is pure envy that most of them will never be anything much?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau shakes his head slightly. "People hate what's different." He says with a shrug. "Before Mutants it was blacks an' whites. Dare was straights an' gays. One of de most powerful men on de planet is very vocal about his hatred foh one of de worl's greatest 'eroes because 'e happens ta come from anot'er planet. People don't need a reason ta 'ate. Dey 'ate because dey people."" he shrugs and starts for the alley mouth. "Ah'm getting coffee, yah want one?"

Hoplite has posed:
Hoplite replies, "I prefer hot chocolate or a nice smoothie, caffine is not my thing." OK, so this is a stranger and her parents probably would not approve, but she has to seem confident and able to take care of herself.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau shrugs slightly, "Suit yahself." He says glancing up to the roof top where she jumped down from. "Yah need ta gat'er any gear first?" He ask calmly, not seeming in a perticular hurry. "Always travel light mahself, but yah never know what yah might need."

Hoplite has posed:
Becky powers down the shield, making the area a bit darker, "Got my gear with me. It is best to keep it light." She kind of wishes she could afford a vehicle...that would be cool but where would she put it?