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Fallout boy is King
Date of Scene: 12 March 2022
Location: Lucifer's Penthouse, Melville
Synopsis: Talking the devil down had some moments. And a follow-up gettaway by the shores of Loch Ness.
Cast of Characters: Sinister, Lucifer

Sinister has posed:
Some time later, when the club has closed, the music has been switched off and the general population that lurks in the wings of Lux have headed on their merry way to sleep until three pm to prepare for the next night...

The elevator doesn't even bother chiming. Whether it be by brimstone or ozone, the two of them materialize in the middle of the penthouse. "I need a shrimp wheel. Do we have a shrimp wheel? If not, I'm sending someone out to get one at three in the morning," Nathaniel states this whilst heading to the kitchen to get out horse radish, lemon juice and tomato puree, making up a quick sea-food dipping sauce in a ramikin. "I'm not sure if that went well, or not. My guage is all broken."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer glances over to Nathaniel as the man talks about wanting a shrimp wheel. "I don't think we have a shrimp wheel so someone will have to go and get you one." He says it simply, while trying to still process whatever emotions are trying to bubble up and over the surface of him. Which he's also trying to force back.

His steps take him to stare out the window of his balcony while a drink makes itself for him at the bar and then floats over. Whiskey on ice. He plucks it out of the air and takes a slow sip. "It went well enough. Until it wasn't going well. A detail. It's done and over with. So we move on."

Sinister has posed:
Sinister gazes out into nowhere land for a moment, then sets about getting a plate for the tails, the dipping sauce in the middle and heads on over to set it on the coffee table to wait for the necessary vittles to arrive. He joins Lucifer by the window, leaning on one of the sandstone pillars hipshod, with his arms crossed and head resting light against the stone. "Indeed, so. My lists and observations need adjusting. I may have to probe dreams a few nights, to see what stuck and what did not. I dislike the notion that we'll have a vindictive moral superiority hanging over us."

He raises his hand to his nose, rubs beneath it idly a couple of times. "I think the redhead likes me some."

Lucifer has posed:
"Let's hope you don't come up with anything too interesting. Cause apparently that's detremental to us..." Lucifer quips, taking another sip of his drink while staring off into the night. "Wonder what it's like to be him. Gotta be lonely at the top...no matter how much he indulges in all those delicious sins. Not his fault that she wanted to call him out on it." Then there's a grunt and he waves a hand, turning to walk away from the window and sips more of his whiskey. "Glad they're of the mind to like you. Probably better that way..."

Sinister has posed:
"Simpler. Not necessarily better. I just have a keen need not to be bothered when I'm actually doing things that they might consider to be questionable. The property damage alone, can be extremely annoying." Sinister responds, wrinkles his nose and gives a sidelong look to Lucifer then. "I think that might be the first time you've really faced Super superiority," he muses, unfolding arms to reach a hand out to rub the back of it against Lucifer's shoulder. He resumes the arm fold afterwards, sniffs and when he walks, so goeth his shadow, overtaking the devil to plop down onto the couch, staring at the empty place where a shrimp wheel ought to be. He squints at it a few long moments, until a very small tentacle manifests through its ozone wheel and plops a ring down in a terribly clumsy way: Aka it loses its grip, tips it out, sproings in the air a few times trying to readjust its neural net and goes back up into the ether, leaving Sin staring at the tumbled shrimps in annoyance. "//Perfect//," is spat.

Lucifer has posed:
"He's just a man!" Lucifer howls, turning and staring at Nathaniel for a moment. "There's nothing Super about him aside from the fact that he can burn money like it's fucking coal. He came into MY place, he does NOT get to snub his nose at how I conduct my business. That's like walking into Mozart's house and saying you hate his symphonies. He'll be lucky he's ever allowed to set foot here again." One can almost feel the rage, tangible and thick, just oozing off of Lucifer and then he scoffs. As the shrimp are plopped down, he hears that spat word and shifts to join Nathaniel on the couch.

Sinister has posed:
Sinister looks up at the rage being exhibited, the nails being spat willy, nilly and yon and spreads both his hands out. "Also just a man that invented the way to harness zero point energy and competes with gods for smackdown potential thanks to how much juice he can wallop through his machines, who has invented numerous AI's with human-level intellect, one of whom achieved sentience and independence of form. And he is for all intents and purposes, in charge of the group that can really kick arse when it feels inclined to, who can buy and sell nations if he wants to and who has thoroughly annoyed an immortal Celestial archangel. In one way, I have to admire his balls for being able to -do- that." He looks sadly at the shrimp, points at them. "Kamikaze."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer blinks, then just sort of stares at Nathaniel for a moment before giving a scoff. "I'm beginning to wonder who's side you're on here." This much and he leans over to make perfection out of a roll of shrimp so they're all neatly presented and the ramikin of dip is perfectly in the middle of the ring's center. Afterwards, and wordlessly, he takes his drink and himself and walks back towards the bedroom, slamming the door behind him.

Sinister has posed:
"Well, THAT went well. Well done, Nate." That after the slam has reverberated through the penthouse. After a short while, whereby he is listening to the potential of slammed things and broken objects, he stands, picks up the tray and heads quietly to the bedroom door. Through it: "...If I come in there, am I going to get eaten alive?"

Lucifer has posed:
Luckily there is nothing from the other side. Though that could also be a scary thing, depending on perspective. At the very least, the Devil doesn't seem to be breaking anything, or raging in any further way while in the bedroom. When Nathaniel does get up to walk back to the bedroom with shrimp in hand and talks through the door... there's still nothing from the other side. No words that tell the man one way or the other. It's silent.

.....However, just because their minds are linked and that can be used for location purposes, Nathaniel can rest easy that Lucifer is on the other side of that door. He's just not speaking. Mostly because he's got himself wrapped up in his wings - which are currently black and leathery - while he works out his current emotional strife.

Sinister has posed:
Sinister opens the door then, standing there looking in at the leather-wrapped one, with the frame doing what frames do -- framing him. He presses his lips thin and tilts his head, floating the tray of shrimp to a safe distance and simply walks on in and over. The hue of the wings, the feel of them doesn't stop him from running a digit along the bony 'wing fingers' and tracing a little pressure on the membranes. He doesn't say anything either, but he's there - and he is not shying from what he is witnessing.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer shivers gently at the feel of a finger running across his wings and slowly they unfurl to reveal a Devil that looks a bit defeated in the long run. He doesn't like getting angry - or at the very least - showing his anger. He doesn't like snapping, and he snapped at the one person who didn't deserve to be snapped at. It's left him feeling a bit ... low on himself. Blue eyes shift to look upon Nathaniel, sad eyes that hold regret. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you, and I don't really blame Tony for how he reacted...it's just... that's a part of what I do... and it seemed relatively...harmless."

Sinister has posed:
Sinister's progress with the wings results in him gently steering them to fold once they're open, stepping inside their circle to reach for the devil and gather him up. No words, he just enfolds the blue-eyed boy a while, bringing him chest to chest, chin on shoulder in an embrace that holds no reservations. "I know. I wasn't taking sides, I promise love. I was simply expounding on the 'how dare he' to expose the rationale. The why and the wherefore of supremely confident individuals, sure in their righteousness. You were -also- sure in your righteousness and without measure, I can affirm that within your house, you are the lord. It speaks more about he, than you, that this was the result. Hence my re-evaluation of lists and folders." He squeezes, pulls back enough to kiss he who feels ugly and bad about himself, going so far as to stoop and sweep Lucifer into his arms, wings and all, floating the shrimp wheel behind as he heads back to the couch, to settle with the archangel in his lap.

"The glorious thing about shrimp wheels, is you can laugh in the face of cholesterol and don't have to share it with the other socialites at the party we don't have."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer curls into the arms that lift him up after listening to Nathaniel explain that he understood and wasn't taking sides. He even promises stuff, and that's a big thing for Nathaniel to speak into words. As they make their way back out to the couch in the living room, Lucifer points at the fire place so it alights brilliantly to bring them warmth and allows him to cuddle more into Sinister once the man sits down.

To further this, he holds out a hand until a blanket comes that can sort of evelope them, and while the black leathery wings disappear, Lucifer is none too shy to simply bask in the comfort that is his Sinister love. "I wonder how many calories are in a shrimp...and if we're including the dip you made..."

Sinister has posed:
"About twenty to twenty five calories per shrimp. They're quite energy rich, as a snackfood," Sinister helpfully obliges that information, leaning back into the leather of the couch in order to make of himself a more comfortable chair. The blanket and bubble of warmth, arms and fabric, act as a suitable shield against the harsh realities of a world once faced all alone. He takes to smoothing and stroking over hair, filled with product as it is, and obligingly deconstructing the smoothed to free-floating waves of black. Indeed, a promise was made, it was that serious.

A shrimp is floated over, with its headlessness dipped in the sauce, into Lucifer's view. "I feel I ought be a little offended, by the rejection of the items of auction though. In part, because it wasn't his call to make that decision. I find that I have some feminist ideals."

Lucifer has posed:
"I'll send them by special courier to Stark Industries. He doesn't collect his own mail, and I can send them in a way he'll never know it's those items." Lucifer offers. "Or we can just dispose of them. Whatever works. At this point, I really am on the side of not caring." He says this much as a shrimp is dipped in sauce and floated into his view. Leaning forward he chomps the shrimp out of thin air and wiggles in his 'chair', a Lucifer that is more and more becoming quite content and a bit more relaxed. His feathers were ruffled, a lot. Yet still not so badly a Sinister cannot soothe them.

Sinister has posed:
Sinister floats another in. "I'll drop it," is purred softly, instead taking to adjusting the bubble of blanket and his arms to make it that much more sheltered in here. "Other news then: I finished the intitial observations under the electron microscope. The unknown substance from the meteor matches a transition element structure, but it's got some very odd properties. It has a varying polarity in its nucleus, which basically means it can attract additional electrons to its outer shell, more so than would classically be the case. It seems to be able to do it to currently an unknown limit, creating an ever larger molecule."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer grins and chomps on the next shrimp that Nathaniel floats his way. He returns the favor - the shrimp wheel was Nathaniel's idea in the first place. He should enjoy some too. Listening to the explanation that Nathaniel gives on the unknown substance, he tries to follow along, but does admittedly get lost along the way. "Okay, pretend I'm like really dumb...and try to explain that on a...high school level."

Sinister has posed:
Sinister presses his lips together, then floats an idea in his head, gazing into nowhere for a few moments. With that, a shrimp materializes and he takes it, tossing the tail to the trash spot. "Ok," with a slight narrowing of eyes, a molecule appears in the air, grossly magnified of course. "This is hydrogen," a ball in the middle with one zipping little ball that navigates around at a specific distance from the core. The core is a dull substance glued to a brighter substance, kind of creating the sphere by constantly moving, so it looks like a ball. "One neutron," grey dull freezeframes "one proton" shinier substance "and one electron." Tiny thing orbiting. He slows the movement down, so that Lucifer can see the 'spheres' of the dance always keep themselves at the end of a parabola, so positive and negative are in magnetic balance. "Water looks like this..." Two hydrogen on one oxygen "...it's covalent, in that it does not lose its electron spheres, but rather shares them with the two different elements. Note that because of the unique polarity of the first sphere of electron orbit, the hydrogen molecules seem to be bent against the oxygen, so that the actual positive charges in the three atoms of oxygen and two hydrogen are at the furthest they can be from one another. It means that water is very slightly polarized. Depending on what side of the molecule faces whatever is dissolving it in, it can either hold a negatively charged element or a positively charged element depending on if it's at the bent side or the domed side. THat's what makes water the universal solvent, it can disseminate into a liquid state, both positively and negatively charged ions."

Pause "With me so far?"

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer listen, following along with the molecules as Nathaniel shows them, and then tilts his head one way and the other. "I think I am. So what you're ultimately saying is that this substance and build itself up, using the water molecule - or I guess any equivalent molecule structure - as the base... matching the positive or negative depending on what is needed to expand it. And in the case of the unknown material it can do it over and over again, exponentially?" He asks, hopefully.

Sinister has posed:
"Kind of. Something in the structure..." he gestures again and creates an odd looking nucleus of a molecule. "It seems to do this..." floating a molecule of water closer, the odd looking one glomps it and separates out the proton, neutron and electron and builds on itself. "That reaction seems to take quite a bit of energy, so it only happens in an energy abundant environment. Like the human body, where there are free floating ions along nerve cells, where heat and chemical energy is produced just by the processes of being alive. It anabolizes itself by catabolizing living energy... that is breaking it down... and builds and builds and builds. I have no idea how the Cult of Apophis were able to harness the potential energy in the massively augmented meteoric stone, but they did. Releasing /insane/ amounts of energy, harvested from life force."

Lucifer has posed:
"This is why I have you around. Cause you understand this stuff a whole lot better than I do." Lucifer offers this much with a grin before he floats another shrimp from the platter, dips it and then brings it over for Nathaniel to chew on. "So what are we going to do with the bigger chunk of stone that I brought back from the comet?" Asking this much more as he snuggles a bit into the lap of Nathaniel. "Mmmn... also, I want a drink...but I don't think I want alcohol..." Scandal! "Maybe... juice...mango juice."

Sinister has posed:
"I don't know if we have any of that. I mean, wait..." Sinister considers. "Mai tai ingredients. Right." The shrimp is munched from the air, the tail again flicked to the off-casts and he rises, with Lucifer in arms to head to the elevator. Barefooted, he lightly kicks the doors, which oddly brings the lift straight up to step inside and ferry them down to the ground floor at higher speeds than are usual. Out, over to the bar, to gaze at ingredients and assemble a tall mango slushie, with ice and grenadine and a curly straw.

He could've just set the devil down for this, but apparently not as he walks on back to the elevator, followed by the drink and back up to shrimp wheels and warm fires, only this time with slushie refreshment. "I don't know. In part, I want to see if the energy can be harness in a controlled environment. Dissassembling or controlling known apophis stones requires understanding how it was achieved." Yep. Uh-huh.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer doesn't really know how he feels in the moment, being carted around, but he's also surely not protesting it in the moment. He delights in a mango slushie being made for him, complete with a curly straw and then they're going back up the elevator and into the Penthouse. He takes a drink of that slushie once they're settled and then listens to the last part Nathaniel speaks on. "Ah hah. So I suspect you'll be spending some time in your little lab here, or perhaps elsewhere depending on what you need to see what can be done?"

Sinister has posed:
"Maybe. Or I may set assistants to running experiments designed by me. Involvement is key, but I do have other commitments these days," reaching a hand to Lucifer's cheek to cup it, he winks. "After all, not just anyone can carry around the devil and make it look this good." Buffing nails on his T-shirt, he grins, full of teeth and joshing around. It's relaxed afterward though of course. "Are you feeling better about things?"

Lucifer has posed:
"That makes sense. Tho I also feel like you're buttering me up." Lucifer offers, but he grins. "I like it. Keep that going..." He says this much more with a chuckle while taking another drink of his slushie. "You do make it look good, yes, mostly because you already look good to begin with." A pause. "Yes. I feel much better." He turns to nuzzle against Nathaniel as best he can. "Thank you."

Sinister has posed:
"You're very welcome. I'll be available monday through to eternity to sooth your ills, or simply stand with you in the face of adversity. And not by lessening one another's experiences either, I hope. I did not mean to upset you earlier," Sinister floats whiskey over, not for the devil but apparently for himself, pouring a generous three fingers into the tumbler. He glances down to the blanketed one. "Why do you think I'm buttering you up? Think I'm going to roast you alive and devour?" Smirk.

Lucifer has posed:
"It's..you didn't upset me. You were trying to reason with me when I was already upset. I'll work on getting better at listening and not blowing up on you." Lucifer says this much, the promise implied in the words he speaks. Watching as Nathaniel pours himself a good glass of whiskey and can't help but laugh at the next words spoken. "Yes. But I surely will not mind if it is YOU that is roasting me alive only to devour me...in fact...I encourage it."

Sinister has posed:
"Well..." grin, flash the teeth again, **CENSORED**

After about five minutes, quick indulgences had and so on. "I've observed in knowing you, that it's better out than in. You'll fester given a chance to do so, particularly if you're ruffled all up the wrong way. That has a knock-on effect. Although I dare say I could try other ways of dissipating the wrath too, with good effect." Not at all bundled up now, Sinister stretches out on his back on the couch, grinning at the ceiling like it's a masterpiece of art.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer is all liquid and smiles now. The blanket has been tossed aside because whatever they were doing has suddenly made things HOT. He sips on slushy and settles against the couch while watching Nathaniel for a lingering moment. "Well I would hope there wouldn't be another moment that would need dissipating, but this is me, and I can be set off by several different things. So..." There's a follow of eyes up to the ceiling and then he sips his drink again, about half done with it now. "Shall we enjoy a smoke, love?" As if he has to ask.

Sinister has posed:
"Oooooohh, there'll be something else. The devil's wrath will unleash, all kinds of things might happen. You are quite a sight when you let it all hang out though. Awe inspiring. Terrific. And terrifying at the same time." Grinning like an idiot, Nathaniel closes his eyes, listens to the nothing that is all about and the subtle sounds of the world outside of the sanctuary in the sky. He chuckles as he realizes a few things within his own mind, then struggles himself upright somewhat. Still slumped and relaxed, but a stylishly arranged puddle. A cigarette is plucked, waiting for that light t'wixt fingers as he takes stock of his whiskey and downs it in one large gulp. Refills may happen, but after he's touselled his hand through his hair and taken stock of himself. There's another chuckle as he discovers how disarrayed he is. Something about it all still looks good though, which seems to please him. "You like having a roost in the sky, don't you?"

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer just grins. "There always is something... whether that is a fortunate or unfortunate thing is yet to be seen." This is offered and then he reaches and offers the light that will aid Nathaniel in lighting his cigarette. He then takes his own and sets it between his lips to light it as well. A regard, for a moment, to the lovely and disheveled Nathaniel as he takes a slow drag before washing it down with smoothie. "Mmn, I do. Lets me feel like I am on top of the world. Look down and see what I am or am not missing. Also, away from the masses while being able to watch the masses."

Sinister has posed:
"I think that says quite a lot about you," Sinister observes with a chuckle, thinking about it with a more sobering expression. Drags are taken, whilst he fusses with his hair, making a little less wild and a bit more teasedly arranged. A close of the eyes and he goes very still for a few moments, animation returning with a satisfied nod. "My previous living habits probably said a lot about me, when I think on it, also. No fixed abode, but rarely on top of everything. I think I have some properties that are skyrises or higher up, but I've never actually had a penthouse. I typically was down on the ground, or underneath it. I have, when I think on it, rather a /lot/ of subterranean lairs. What do you suppose that says?"

Lucifer has posed:
"That you like to work in secret. And also alone - for the most part. That way you can take your time, make your mistakes where no one can view them, and come up with the precise whatever it is to present to the world in your own time." Lucifer grins. "Or keep to yourself, whatever the case may be. Guarded. Closed off. However... you live here now. In a penthouse. With me. Which speaks of how you have grown, become a bit more outgoing, in certain trusted company." He takes a drag and works on finishing his smoothie.

Sinister has posed:
"Sometimes, I will admit that it is a little intimidating. I feel on the odd occasion, like I am exposed. It makes me want to change my face and walk incognito for a while, so nobody knows who I am again." He reaches a hand out though, resting it on the devil's knee and rubbing there. "The light is hard, unkind in exposing all its truths. Sometimes, I suppose, the shadows feel gentler."

Lucifer has posed:
"I will give you shadows where you need them, my love. that is certainly doable." Lucifer says this and then looks around a moment. "I came here after being below for so long. In some ways I suppose it's comforting. The sounds of the city below...the chatter, the traffic, the sirens... I can somehow make it seem like I'm right back in hell listening to the noises there." He offers this much and then smiles. "The light is harsh....perhaps we should return to the shadows for a small spell."

Sinister has posed:
Sinister blinks at this confession, but smiles to the rest of it. "So you get homesick too, not that you'd ever actually tell..." points up "...him that." He swings himself around with a swift gesture and lays himself down the other way, placing his head in Lucifer's lap and rolling it to the side, so he faces the archangel with his back to the world. Yet still he drags on the smoke, letting it blow through his nostrils, ash flitting where it will when in danger of falling. A twitch of his shoulders then and the wings rip free, arching the one up to shelter himself and one of Lucifer's arms with the length of it, the other just bunched up awkwardly and folded as flat as he can make it. "I'm not the same person I was."

Lucifer has posed:
"I'm not the same person I was either. We've both changed. For the better, I think." Lucifer offers this, a smile as that wing comes to shade them both. His own cigarette is finished and he turns it into ash. He also finishes the smoothie and floats the now empty glass to the sink in the kitchen. "...Would it be unlike me to build another blanket and pillow fort so soon after the first fort? Or maybe we can just go somewhere a while. Away from here. No work. No research. Just leave all that to come back to and...go..."

Sinister has posed:
Sinister's upper wing flicks, then he folds it again. Despite being head-in-the-lap of Lucifer, he cranes his head to look up, then at the wing nearest, black as black, with its red fringe. He looks up at the devil, again, then struggles up to kneeling on the couch beside, wings uplifted and slightly flared, as if ready to launch, feathers standing oh-so-slightly on end. "See my mind," he says softly.

In mind, there's a misty glen. A lake spreads out below it, the mountains on all sides, and a small village nearby, but literally a dozen or so houses, a pub and a post office that sells groceries too. A castle sits upon a promontary nearby, reflected broken in the waters. "Inverness."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer blinks, but watches in curiosity as Nathaniel moves his wing and then shifts to get himself up onto his knees, flaring wings and facing him. When the invite to see his mind comes, Lucifer nods and does just that, a simple shift to look within the mind and see what it is offering. The misty glen, the mountains, a village, something small and out of the way. He smiles, and then Nathaniel speaks the name. "A city in Scotland..." He offers this much and then reaches to touch Nathaniel, to hold his arms. If he's right, then Nathaniel is giving them a place to go - where likely no one knows them and they can sort of disappear for a while. In a moment, a puff of brimstone smoke, they'll transport and land in shadows near the inn. No one sees them, and perhaps this is where they will spend the next few days...