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Latest revision as of 14:28, 14 March 2022

Enter the Devil's Playhouse
Date of Scene: 12 March 2022
Location: Club Lux, Melville
Synopsis: Troublesome stuff in Lux. Iron man, Black widow, Pepper pots... and the Lux crowd. Friction ensued.
Cast of Characters: Lucifer, Sinister, Iron Man, Pepper Potts, Black Widow (Belova)

Lucifer has posed:
Friday nights are ALIVE at Club Lux, with the DJs busting out tunes that anyone could hit the dance floor and move to. There are women - and men - half dressed in cages dancing themselves, easily seen by all but closer to some booths where a person could get an extra close and personal seat. Wait staff move around to serve those at tables and booths, while bar tenders keep the horseshoe bar on the upper floor. There's sin galore in this club, from vices to vexes, that anyone willing to pay the price can indulge in.

Lucifer is, as he always will first be, standing within his little perch at the top of the spiral staircase. Whiskey in hand, his vantage point from here allows him to look over most of the club from bottom to top. Make sure that nothing is out of sort, or getting out of hand.

Sinister has posed:
The elevator dings, disgorging a wild-haired man. It must be said that Nathaniel Essex, when he doesn't dilligently attend to his impeccable lines and neat appearance, can end up with a true mane -- the straight ends up with these little waves if left to its own devices, or that might be something to do with curly thinking. Regardless, the man is dressed in a plain white T-shirt, blue jeans, rocker that falls to his shoulders, a black biker jacket that zips across the diagonal, but open and wing-tip ankle boots. Cowboy boots light, if you like. He has a tablet in hand as he exits the interior, the brassy lines of the lift behind him illuminated from above and casting a glow over his skin in contrast to the blue-white light from the tablet itself, he really isn't paying attention to where he's going, but nevertheless... no collisions, despite how busy it is.

He also looks entirely human, handsome in a classic English hollywood villain kind of way, with a mild tan, artful stubble, 'tache and goatee and storm grey eyes. He bee-lines past the bar, collects a hurricane in passing and aims for the seats by the 'Devil's perch'.

Iron Man has posed:
Where ever Tony Stark goes, usually something of a small entourage accompanies him in the form of a bodyguard or two. As a result, instead of one more entering the Club, there are three, though the two are far from the spotlight.

Dressed in a carefully tailored/put together suit, tie with meticulously shined shoes, Tony Stark arrives in front of his retinue, ignoring them and instead inspecting the location even as he steps inside. The club is definitely something that lives up to it's name, 'Lux', and he begins his cross towards the bar. First things are first, after all.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer shifts in his spot to regard Nathaniel for a moment, watching as he's busy with a tablet though still easily shifts through the crowd like a hot knife through butter. A light smirk teases his lips and then he takes a breath and gauges the room again. When he gets to spying on the bar he pauses a moment and gives the slightest of tilts to his head. A turn and he taps Nathaniel's chosen table three times in succession.

<<We have a special guest.>>

Is all that is shared into the mind of the other telepath and then Lucifer moves to easily glide behind the bar. Or at least, one moment he seems to be moving behind the bar, the next he is standing right where Tony Stark takes a seat. Now, one does not forget the face of the man behind Stark Industries, and in some ways Lucifer could joke on how he and Nathaniel spoke this moment into existence. Instead, "Hello Mister Stark. It is an honour to have you here at Club Lux. Tell me, what can I get started for you?" Unlike the other bartenders who wear white shirts, black ties and black slacks - the Devil is dressed immaculately in dark blue with a green handkerchief tucked in his left breast pocket of the three piece suit he wears with style. Dark blue eyes shimmer just a touch and hs hair - black - is slicked back with a bit of tease at the tips.

Sinister has posed:
Sinister's eyes scan line after line, halting immediately and with a perceptive look up. Yes, it's straight at Stark, the bodyguards taken in only because they're in his general proximity. 'Tis a penetrating regard, but when cast clean across a room, it's a little hard to pinpoint where the prickles at the back of the neck might be coming from, particularly in such a packed place as Friday night Lux. THe knock on the table has him simply nodding, the tablet folded in its case, an explicitly black leather affair with a single red diamond in the bottom right corner.

<<So I see. He looks so much like his father.>>

And into the crowd the fish swims, weaving without hesitation, his stride precise until he comes up at the end of the horse-shoe bar, slipping onto the stool and setting the tablet case atop it, fingers of his left hand curling covetously at the top edge.

Pepper Potts has posed:
This wasn't a date because they didn't come *together*. Just because Tony told Pepper he'd be going to Lux if she felt like a night out didn't make it a date! Arriving separately, even if very close to the same time, in fact made it quite NOT a date in Pepper's head. It doesn't mean that she's not dressing up. Maybe she always dresses up on a Friday night? Certainly no one has ever seen Pepper Potts out of sorts before, but this is a slightly different sort of dressing up.

The redhead is in a body hugging wine red gown with a halter neck that just skims down the side of her chest (hinting at the light curves beneath and the side of her ribs) before pooling at the base of her spine. That means, it leaves the entirity of her back bare. The skirt sweeps long, all the way to past her ankles, but with a slit to her mid thigh up the right leg, leaving her room to walk a but also hinting at her shapely leg and silk stockings beneath. Stilletto black velvet designer heels and her hair swept up in a loose twist to bare her slender shoulders, she turns more than one head upon walking into the club. She clutches her black velvet purse nervously, looking around to see if Tony's made it yet, a slightly shy smile on her lips.

Iron Man has posed:
The bodyguards that accompany Tony have coms, and as Pepper makes her entrance, one peels off in order to change his duy status.

Tony is, of course, moving to the bar on the onset, his pace easy- he's a man who owns wherever he is. Upon arrival, the greeting turns his head, and the man has his full attention, if only for the moment. "Oh, a scotch, on the rocks."

Once the order is in, Tony looks back at the arrival of Pepper, and the gaze lingers for a long moment before turns around once more to the bar, looking for the drink. Sinister's approach is noted, and a brief nod is given before he's addressing Lucifer, the devil himself once more.

"I understand the auction here the other night was a success. Sorry I missed it." At the same time he's offering up his regrets, Tony's looking in Pepper's direction, lifting his head slightly in a silent 'over here' gesture. If Pepper doesn't see him, the bodyguard will be more than happy to direct her..

Lucifer has posed:
"Quite a success, yes. Lots of money raised for good causes. All to the benefits of children service and medical organizations." Lucifer offers and then turns to grab one of the top shelf bottles of scotch. In an expert fashion, he flips a glass, pops in a couple ice cubes, spins the bottle on his other palm just before pouring a generous two fingers of scotch over the ice. A coaster is placed in front of Tony and the glass served just after. "First drink is always on the house, from there you can pay by the drink or start a tab. Whichever you fancy." He says this and then sets another glass - this of white wine - on a coaster in front of the seat next to Tony. "For Miss Potts." He explains.

"Any more information about the auction can actually be answered by my partner, Nathaniel Essex. He did most of the work, I just let him use Lux as the location. I had other duties to attend to that particular evening." He nods towards where Sinister sits and then motions as if to silently ask the man if he wants another drink - only then noticing the hurricane that Nathaniel is sipping from. His attention goes back to Tony. "So, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit tonight?"

Sinister has posed:
Sinister lifts his right hand to Lucifer, making an 'ok' sign with finger and thumb and three raised fingers. Occasional fruity girly drink nights are something he indulges from time to time, Sluuuuuuuurp. Eyes fall upon Pepper in that stunning halter number and the crow's feet show at the corner of his eyes as they crinkle. Pineapple slice is grabbed, bitten to the rind and dropped into the empty glass. "I do hope you enjoyed your winning bids --" he proffers in a smooth tone down the bar, removing a cigarette case from the inside pocket of his jacket and setting one to his lips. Lux it seems, allows tobacco indulgence. The silver tin is left within reach and the industrial power couple (Except without the couply bit) are watched. "Good evening, miss Potts. A pleasure to see you once again. And congratulations on winning both items." With a one sided smile and a dimple showing, greys travel to Lucifer with the imagination of a wink and back to Stark.

"To what do -we-" emphasis for effect with a nod toward the Devil by way of partner inferrence " owe the pleasure? A tease? A squeeze? Some hipswing if you please? Or just to see what all the hype was or was not about?"

Pepper Potts has posed:
Of course, Pepper had bid in the auction. She had to pick up her winnings, a gift for a certain someone, which is a good excuse for being here tonight. It doesn't explain the expertly tailored gown she's wearing, but she's good at excuses. Tony is hard to miss, especially with the body guards, and her nervous smile turns a bit more relaxed as she double times her way in his direction. Less people will look at *her* when she is with *him*. It's always that way. He's the attention getter.

Therefore, she smoothly slots herself into his side, smelling of amber oil and the faint touch of her hair conditioner -- she showered after work. She gives Lucifer a touch of a shy smile and a dip of her head before pale eyes flicker over to Sinister and her smile warms just a bit more. "Doctor, it's good to see you again. I do thank you on the recommendations for the auction. I'll be picking them up before we leave for the night. Tony has yet to get his gift of the winning bid but I think it will be a pleasant surprise." Pepper shares a conspiratorial little grin with him, no doubt enjoying teasing Tony with knowledge he's getting a *surprise* and not telling him what it is. "And... Mr. Sta... Tony... Glad you made it." This can't all be work. She's dressed too nice for work. She shouldn't call him Mr. Stark outside of work. Her eyes the wonder curiously over Lucifer, not having properly met him before but always interested. "I hope I'm not intruding on business?" She asks the trio of men who are all powerful in their own right. She's just the assistant.

Iron Man has posed:
"Love kids and hospitals," Tony quips, "All you need is puppies and kittens and I think I would have made time for it."

The moment the drink is set down, Tony is taking it in hand, nodding first in acknowledgment of 'on the house', coupled with 'tab or cash on the bar'. The first swallow is made, showing off a gold pinky ring that was quite probably passed down in the Stark family.

As Pepper arrives, Tony does straighten a little more, and with a ghost of a smile, he reaches out to sort of guide/nudge her in with a hand reaching for the small of her back. It's part possessive, part gallant to make sure she's got room.

"I'm getting ready for the holiday. Might as well start early?" There's something of a quirk to his lips, a hint of his reputation for being a partier. "Really, did appreciate the invitation, though."

Essex' appearance and arrival has Tony glancing quickly to Pepper- he doesn't know who this is, anyway. From what it sounds, and looks, the pair are, at the very least, well acquainted. To hear that he's getting a present? "Oh? You know I'm here, right?" And why hasn't he gotten it?

Lucifer has posed:
"I believe the unclaimed items are still in the vault." Vault? Did the Devil just say vault? Yes. Vault. When you're the Devil and the building you own is also your playground, you make various things happen. Besides, where else is he going to keep all the ins and outs of his business. "If you remind me what it is that was won, I can have it retrieved for you." He offers this to Pepper, makes a note she hasn't touched her wine and so he asks, "Is wine not your preferred drink? I can surely make you something else.."

Speaking of making something up, Lucifer does up another hurricane drink for Sinister - complete with fruit on toothpicks - and delivers that to the Doctor post haste. "Oh! You did get my invite then? Well... I will owe you then, as VIP get a little better view than here at the bar."

Sinister has posed:
"You look exceptionally fetching tonight, miss Potts. A raison d'etre to a poor man's eyes and certainly a vivid ember to cast a vivid glow." And to his partner "Lot numbers eighteen and twenty five, Lucifer..." Sinister replies to the devil, looking from the Host to Pepper with the smile returning to his lips. "And whose to say there weren't kittens and puppies? You will never know..." sliding eyes back to Tony, he tilts his head a fraction to the side, birdlike. "You definitely are. You occupy quite a bit of obvious space, mister Stark. But what's life without a bit of teasing, when you don't often get to land surprises of quality in a fellow's lap?" His right hand is gestured elegantly, palm up, toward Pepper, as if to cede to the lady's need to hold onto her ace just a little longer.

One long beat further of just watching the fellow who is Iron man and a tick in mental column marked 'interesting' and he looks to the Hurricane mk II. "Thank you. Do we have any of those marachino cherries?"

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Oh. No, no, wine is lovely, thank you! Sorry. I just... I'm..." Pepper gives a nervous edge of a laugh, looking back to Tony, "I should know not to wear backless dresses around my boss, no matter how good they look." Her freckled cheeks are now faintly more pink than they were before, the blush showing through her light foundation and tastefully natural make up. She then reaches over to the glass, her wrist skimming along the edge of the bar as she grabs for it, and she catches herself on something on the bar.

It's the smallest sliver of something. An edge of a shattered glass or some such from previous nights, but it's enough to stab deep enough into skin that there's a welling of blood. She hisses out a bit of a curse, automatically bringing the edge of her skin to her lips to try and stop the bit of bleeding there. "Sorry, oh, goodness, I don't even know what... Caught on something there." She pulls her wrist away, still a dot of blood present but it's not even a bad cut. "It's fine... fine. Just fine. And Tony, you get to see everything when I bring it home. No hints. They are gifts." She teases him gently. Her head dips in gentle thanks in Lucifer's direction, however, trying to smooth over and ignore the fact that she cut herself at all. "Thank you for storing them. I did mean to come by earlier but... well, life is entirely too busy."

And then she's shining a warm smile in the Doctor's direction, her blush only increasing. "You are incredibly kind, Doctor. And... accurate. I got you lots 18 and 25. See. Now you know, Tony?" Pepper savors the teasing conspiracy that the elegant Doctor is helping her string along just a bit longer. She then drowns that amusing smile in a deep, long sip of her wine, ignoring the lingering touch of blood at her wrist.

Iron Man has posed:
Of course //vault//. Even Tony has things squirreled away at the Tower. His entire workshop is a vault, impenatrable but for a secure few. After all, corporately secret things happen there. "I did." Tony glances at Pepper and offers a quick, there and gone smile, "See? I actually do open my own mail." Sometimes. "And even read it." Rarely. It was something to that invite, however, that seemed to beckon him, convince him that his eyes needed to see it.

Tony's hand still rests just at the small of Pepper's back, a gesture that seems subconscious and so natural that perhaps he's not truly aware that he's doing it.

The effusive compliments leveled at Pepper seems to make his companion a touch happier, if not a little nervous. It's true, though. It's rare that the redhead is in the spotlight, as it were, and Tony's more than ready to rescue her should it be necessary. He offers a quick shrug before emptying his glass, twisting around and placing it on the little napkin on the bar's top. "We'll never know." Nope, not biting.

The cut that Pepper gets, the seep of blood has Tony pulling a handkerchief from his pocket- of //course// he carries them! (No gentleman should be without!). He reaches for her wrist, her arm to help daub, though he's not making a big deal of it. It's all matter of fact, need to do something and there it is. "Of course I see everything when they come home. As a change of pace, it'd be kind of fun to see it out in its natural habitat."

Lucifer has posed:
"Oh that's alright Miss Potts. I think it's rather lovely that you wore such a number while gracing the Lux with your presence. It's really quite an honor to have you here as well." Lucifer offers this to Pepper, just before she gets that cut and then there's Tony to the rescue with a handkerchief. He smiles and then leans a bit forward, making sure those nearby aren't in need of drinks - but he has bartenders for the others of course.

"Also, Mister Stark, it will take an act of..." He pauses then, and chuckles, "Well it would take quite an act for anyone but those I trust to get inside my vault. There's only a couple who can get in and out, and they are not what they appear to be on their surfaces." Then his attention goes back to Pepper, watching her for a moment, really watching her. To the point of trying to gain her gaze all while cleaning off a few glasses and then pours himself a whiskey. Why not. His bar, he can drink his booze if he wants to.

Sinister has posed:
"Oh, how utterly and irretrievably base..." Slipping off the stool, Sinister advances on the other bar, where the regular servers are working along the back wall. "...Max, send Johnathan out with the hand-held. We've got glass shards, can't have that, anyone will think this is Essex..." the instruction given, he heads back, not so much solicitous as observant, particularly at the posture from Lucifer and the words at the end that he catches from Stark. "Lot numbers outside of their natural habitat have this peculiar habit of blending in with the scenery. You should know that, particularly if their handy labelling has mysteriously vanished. You never know, you could be sitting on number twenty five and you'd /never/ know it. Points for subtlety though," and the man is a doctor so this should be no surprise....

A bandaid is produced from somewhere. One of the clear 'nu-skin' kind that doesn't stand out like a flintstones character might. He sets it infront of Pepper and Tony, not actually being so brazen as to apply it himself. No, he sits back down and stops obscuring Lucifer's field of vision.

Pepper Potts has posed:
The small, gentle brush of warmth that is Tony's hand against the base of her spine isn't something Pepper is trying to escape. Or even something that's making her uncomfortable. If anything, in the moment before he's going for that handkerchief, she's leaning into the touch a bit more. Comfortable. Relaxing, inch by inch, in a way she doesn't normally allow herself. But then he's scooping in to 'save' the day with that kerchief, and that bit of intimate contact is gone. She gives him a momentary, strangely thoughtful smile, but accepts the cloth to gently wrap against her wrist. She then takes another, longer sip of her wine. "Keep up being the gentleman, Tony, and I might have to steal you for a dance." She teases him lightly. But she really is still blushing.

The offer of the bandaid from Essex gets a softer, almost tender smile. The quiet gentleman doctor has earned a place of fondness in her heart. She hasn't known too many old school gentlemen like him. "Thank you, Dr. Essex. You really are always quite prepared. And helping me quietly torture Tony's curiosity. Keep this up and we're going to me friends." She winks at him.

Then she looks back to Lucifer, his comment about her dress and the honor of her presence isn't helping with the blush. She gives him an embarrassed smile and a slight shake of her head, but she's not so rude that she's avoiding his eyes. "Now you are being entirely too kind to me. Tony's the exciting one. Not that you need business, but you're crowd is going to increase at least 30 percent just for him being here. He's like that." She isn't joking. She often has to warn people about it. And she is still looking at his eyes, out of respect to their host.

Black Widow (Belova) has posed:
Yelena Belova had been shadowing Pepper as part of her job of being Pepper's unlikely bodyguard. Sometimes she just stayed by Pepper's side, but today her work was meant to be more discreet, unnoticed by potential threats and enabling her to work covertly. Then Pepper decided to go to this fancy club and now Tony is here, too.

And frankly, Yelena is tired of waiting outside for them to be done. It is cold out there and the concrete is not kind to her tush. And so she slipped into more civilian clothes, a leather jacket with a leopard print lining and matching leather pants with heeled boots, making her way into the club to seek out her charge.

Iron Man has posed:
"I imagine," Tony remarks, "that's the whole purpose of vaults." He chuckles, the sound quick, and that smile is there and gone again, "And it makes people want to know what's in there once they know it's there." Curiosity and the cat, and all that.

The offer of a bandage gains a nod from the man, though Tony doesn't take it to apply. If it's stopped bleeding, the bandaid would only draw attention to what could just be a scratch. "Thank you."

His voice drops as he addresses Pepper, "You okay?" Another quick smile is given and he checks the injury, "Look at you. Told you socializing is dangerous work, best left to the professionals." He's attentive, but not overly so.

Yelena's entrance gains Tony's attention, brows rising. He doesn't say anything, not yet, instead returning to Pepper. "You'll be fine."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer has Pepper's gaze for the moment, and in that moment it's the only thing that he focuses on. What she'll see in a flash is those deep blue irises of his suddenly flicker with hellfire flames. His lips curl into a grin as he leans forward just so. To Pepper, it's like the world sort of fades around her and all she knows is the Devil and his gaze. "Ah. There you are. Just the woman I was looking for. Now then, tell me, Pepper Potts..." He speaks, honey just dripping off his tongue as he does. Everyone else around them will likely just see Pepper in a sort of daze and the Devil grinning all the while. He might catch hell for this but, Hell! That's his domain! "Tell me, what's your deepest, darkest desire?"

Sinister has posed:
Nathaniel Essex slides eyes to the prize, that being Tony Stark for the moment. There is, for a fleeting moment, a spock of an eyebrow. "You're very welcome, I expect," has the tone that suggests he's not altogether sure why he's being thanked, but does add: "...Some things are best left well alone. Sometimes, the snark is a boojum, instead." That obscurity dealt, his attention flicks unerringly from the tableau at the Horse-shoe bar, to Yelena. He doesn't know her from adam, but that does not stop the flicker across the mind of ... well, with her, nothing. But nothing can similarly draw the mind to observe another mind, simply for that absence. Grey eyes flash ever-so-fleetingly with the red of a dying star, gone as he looks away and back to what may be about to unfold, courtesy of God's Gift. And for once, in narrative prose, this is absolutely and utterly NOT an exaggeration.

Pepper Potts has posed:
A slight shake of her head is given to Tony as he mentions socializing being dangerous, "I'm *fine*... More than fine, I promise. Accidents happen." Pepper reassures him, but her eyes are still locked on Lucifer in a way that might be uncomfortable for those watching. Generally, Pepper isn't that intense a person. Not unless she's arguing in a board room. She's slightly shy, slightly nervous, happy to be in the shadows and be his right hand. She doesn't *stare* at people. But now she's caught.

And then the question comes. Pepper leans forward just a bit more, as if she could fall into Lucifer's gaze, nearly dropping her wine as words pour from her lips that she never thought she'd say out loud, but suddenly they are there. "I want Tony to calm down and focus so he can be the brilliant man not that the *world* thinks he is, or he thinks he is... But I know he can be. I want him to see how much better he could be without drinking or fucking it all away, how much we could do together if we just got over ourselves..." And then she's jerking her eyes away, panting for breath a moment as her heart is in her throat and it's like she came out of some sort of trance. She blinks at the group, all the blood suddenly leaving her face. Essex will practically hear her mind screaming in complete mortification. "Oh god..." She hasn't even realized Yelena was there, but now she might need saving. From herself.

Black Widow (Belova) has posed:
Yelena Belova is just approaching when Pepper is leaning into this strange man and just spilling her proverbial tea out in the open, with Tony close at hand. She notices Essex, too, catching his gaze when it turns in her direction. This is definitely not a typical nightclub it would seem, but then most of the ones she's seen have been in Europe and they're pretty heavy on the weird in their own right.

"Hello, I am here and guarding you in person now," she says to Pepper as she moves past and orders a drink, signalling a waitperson, "Vodka, rocks. Twist a little lime into it like a tiny murder, just with your finger and your thumb," she says.

She regards Lucifer warily, "Is this man bothering you? Should I feed him his testicles?"

Iron Man has posed:
There's just //something// that is making Tony's skin crawl. He'd noticed glances, little bits here and there, but nothing that he'd key obviously in on. But, as Pepper leans in, all the world seeming as if everything else fades away (he knows the look!), Tony is pulling back, the hand on his companion squeezing just a little.

He's late, however, and as Pepper begins to recount some that is within her, his expression shifts to a scowl and begins to shake his head. He's listening, but he's not, not at all. It's almost like watching.. no.

"I think it's time to go." Tony's tones are stone cold sober- he'd only had one drink anyway. "Ms Potts," he says, making sure that he's heard, "Time to go."

It's not the playboy billionaire CEO here in a suit, but one of the lead Avengers that is used to being listened to.

"Yelena, take Ms Potts home."

Tony turns to Lucifer, and his jaw is set. "Don't you dare," he begins, "that's already been tried. And, I might add, it's no fun. For anyone. Maybe right now, but later?" He shakes his head, his tones cold, "Resell whatever it is she bought. I don't want it. Nothing."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer blinks, grins, and blinks again before pulling back some. In one of those blinks, his eyes return quickly to their simple blue gaze and shift to Tony Stark. That grin doesn't phase, however. "Don't I dare? Don't I dare what? The lady was just speaking her truth. Her inner most truth. Which is all I can ever ask for someone to do, really..." He can tell Tony is livid, and that just gets his hackles raised a bit - especially when the man demands that whatever she bought be returned. Resold. Whatever.

"First off. Those items are not mine to resell. I am simply the keeper of the goods, once bought, they're bought. The money's been donated, as it was promised, and nothing. Not a single penny, has benefited Lux or myself. So - no. She can come pick them up later." Tony won't be the wiser, anyway, if he's suddenly gifted with stuff. The man who cannot lie sets eyes on Sinister a moment before returning to the Man of Iron. "May I remind you, Mister Stark, that you accepted my invitation here. There's nothing that has happened tonight that could have been prevented. And I make no apologies. I am who and what I am. I do what I do because it is within my nature to do them." That grin. Oh that grin. It could melt ice. "You want to leave, leave. But you'll not be able to sully my name, or change what's happened tonight."

A final glance to Sinister and the Devil shrugs. "I think I made someone upset. Whatever shall I do?"

Sinister has posed:
"Lucifer," just one word, no great emphasis, quite quietly said even, but it's given with a sharp look to the devil, as if this had any power to change matters whatsoever. However, with it, he reaches for the man's elbow and puts a single touch there, a squeeze meant to distract and perhaps hold steady on the Host.

Then all is calm. Everything is still in the world, a serene bubble where nothing and noone can interrupt and even the clatter and clang of the beat of drums, the music is but a background noise. ~Safety is in numbers. But it is also in a place in the mind, wrapped up in bubblewrap and kittens. Perhaps knives, depending on your bent. Or duct tape. Picture your own safespace.~ There's a mental pause, but the calm doesn't leave. ~Contratempts happen, they are part of human nature, from a squabble to a war. When lives are lost and lines are crossed, things inevitably escalate. Squabbles, not wars. Things were said -- remember what needs to be remembered.~ And if that wasn't a recipe for some truly whopping plot holes you could drive a mach truck through, we don't know what is.

Notably the regular humans in the club seem to have peaced out a bit, but as the music roars back into perception, the overall feel of the club is quite hyped. Peace, not war man! That might have some unexpected side effects, also. It's easy therefore to miss, the fading flow of red dwarf star red in the depths of Essex' gaze. Murmured very low: "...bloody psychic surgery."

Pepper Potts has posed:
There is utter confusion on Pepper's features. She doesn't think she's drunk, but she also doesn't think those are things she would say sober. She blinks between them, half panicked, especially as she hears that fierce command behind Tony's voice. She never hears him talk like that except on the field of battle. A smattering of a frown plays across her lips and apology in her eyes as her gaze flickers back and forth between their hosts, Tony, and Yelena at her side.

"Yes, I... I probably should. I must be more tired than I thought. Wine." She laughs nervously, setting the half empty glass down. She then looks to Yelena, the apology on her features deepening, "You just got here... just got a drink, you...You don't have to come. I'll go home with Happy. It's fine. I'm fine. Really." She double reassures them, her chin then dipping to the unfamiliar Lucifer and doctor. Especially as the Doctor begins to speak and, while she doesn't forget any of it, she does somewhat calm. It will get her out the door easier. "Doctor, lovely to see you again...Ah... Mr. Lucifer... Be well." She gives Tony's hand a momentary squeeze, that apology still behind her eyes. She now thoroughly feels she's ruined the night. "I'm sorry, Tony... I shouldn't have come. Sorry. It... probably is time for home." And with that, she quietly turns to go. She doesn't argue with anyone following her, but she's done for the night.

Black Widow (Belova) has posed:
Yelena Belova feels a little bit of that trippy space vibe that goes over the place for a moment, her pupils dilating for a second. Still,l Pepper is trying to get up and to and that's her meal ticket. Well, at least the ticket which she protects for Tony so that he gives her the tickets for her meals. Which are very expensive. She likes lobster.

Yelena waves off the apology from Pepper, "DO not being silly, I am here and am guarding you in person, I cannot guard you in person if you leave and I stay here. We have drinks back at your apartment, really good drinks. We will go and I will make more drinks and you will let me use your foot massager because the one that I stole from the hotel is already broken," she sighs.

"Tony Stark, unless you are buying place to have it condemned, put on your little funky jet boots and let us get going for Pepper Potts, she is having bad tummies from too much boozing and schmoozing."

Iron Man has posed:
Tony is angry. There are just some emotions that are so .. solid. So very physical as well as emotional, There's the heartrate that rises, the fight or flight has been determined, and 'fight' has been decided upon. "She won't be back to collect them. Enjoy, put them out in the decor of the place. It needs some of her high class style anyway."

Tony turns around to help usher the ladies out, becoming the lead herder in it, including the Black Widow. His bodyguards have fallen under the 'peace not war' and they're more or less standing down from any threat they might have perceived.

"Let's go," Tony repeats, "Let's go home." Home. "We'll get Happy to drive. It'll make him feel like he can do something." As for him?

"I need to get some air." Literally.

The moment Tony steps from the club, he pauses at the front door. One of his watches is touched, and within a few seconds, the now familiar red and gold armor begins to envelop him. From Tony to Iron Man.. and in the next few seconds, he's in the air, now just a flash in the sky.