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Latest revision as of 02:43, 30 March 2022

LCR Part 3: The Seven Sins
Date of Scene: 12 December 2021
Location: Rec Room - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kit Killovarras, Scarlet Witch, Beast, Storm, Jax Miller
Tinyplot: Liber Canis Rabidi

Kit Killovarras has posed:
There was a school with seven yeens, among them there were seven themes, each one had their fears and dreams, so what would come of seven yeens?

With the mages subconscious keeping him asleep and the god-prison of a book nowhere to be found, the group finds themselves waking only a few minutes from when they entered the rift into the mind of the aardwolf. It's as if each of them simply fell asleep on their feet and now? Now all of them were awake again, save one.

Leave it to a feline to nap a little longer than everyone else.

Downstairs though, a large figure stalks the halls, having found his way into the rec room and what is he doing? He's lounging on one of the bean bag chairs, drinking a glass of soda and listening to music, what else? His fur is ivory white with black stripes and he wears fairly simple clothing: Jeans and a tank top, both ripped in various places here and there. He's staring at the ceiling with his emerald eyes, a rather blank look on his face as he just sort of zones out there.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff opens her eyes to find she's right where she started. This doesn't appear to be entirely unexpected. What isn't expected, however, is that the book and flames are simply... gone. She looks toward the door, then toward the front of the manor. Her brow furrows as she, perhaps, senses something else.

A sigh escapes her as she looks in the direction of the rec room. "Do I follow the book, or deal with the unstable magic in that direction?" The question is asked as Wanda looks toward Henry. Her right arm extends, one finger points in the direction the rec room would be. She looks undecided.

Beast has posed:
"Well, logic would suggest that the book has been stable for a long while and the unstable is well, rather self-explanatory linguistically speaking. We can /find/ the book later. If we've got an exploded school, that could be problematic," Beast replies that with a rub of his face as he sits up, looking at himself for a moment, then hopping to feet.

"Sometimes, I miss Avengers work, Wanda. It's less micro and far more mega. I tend not to feel so claustrophobic about things going sideways."

Storm has posed:
It had felt like more time had passed whilst being within Kit's mind, and yet... perhaps such is the nature of such things. It's not as though Ororo has made a habit of paying a visit to other people's minds in order to know for sure if this is particularly normal or not. She blinks a few times as she awakens, if it could be termed such a thing, and she takes a moment to glance briefly over the others. There's a slight wrinkle of worry that touches her brow at the sight of the napping feline. "Is he all right?" she asks softly.

She raises an eyebrow slightly as she turns her head to look in Wanda's direction. "If the trail of the book is perhaps easy to follow then it may be prudent to deal with the unstable magic, first?" she suggests, a flicker of curiosity to her voice. Not that she knows much about such things! "Hopefully things will not go sideways," she adds.

Jax Miller has posed:
    A napping cat was napping a cat nap, or so it seemed. Jax isn't particularly notorious for falling asleep where he stands or sits, but he does have that uncanny feline ability to fall asleep practically anywhere he happens to be seemingly at will, and wake up fully refreshed ten minutes later. Just... don't ask how long he sleeps in on the weekends. To find him napping on the floor is, to say the least, unusual.

    But he also has that feline ability to go from deeply asleep to fully awake with seemingly no time passing in between. One moment the cat mutant is asleep, curled up in a pose of utter relaxation, the next his eyes open, and his tail thumps the carpet. Then he's on his feet in a single acrobatic roll, looking around to orient himself.

    "Seven Kits. No time to lose!"

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Good! Everyone's awake! So this is the perfect time for a black furred yeen with silver eyes and ashen stripes to seemingly shimmer into reality near the door, sort of poking his nose around the corner of the door as he peeks in and very, very timidly gives a quiet, "Umm.. I can't sleep.." Oh right! It's still the middle of the freaking night.

Downstairs meanwhile, another yeen has found his way to the rec room, eyeing the white-furred version of himself for a moment before giving a quiet huff and making his way over to get himself a drink as well.. Apparently, these yeens are just as nocturnal as this dimensions is.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff looks back and forth between Henry and Ororo. Her eyes settle on Orora. "The trail fades," she says. "But..." Her tone is thoughtful, now. "If my luck holds, I should be able to find the book later. I know what it feels like." She turns and walks toward the door, rather than teleporting. When it comes to unstable magic, it might be safe to teleport to where it is for a number of reasons. The foremost of which is it might be ill advised to startle an unstable mage!

Wanda pauses as the black yeen comes to the door. She is unsurprised by his abrupt appearance, as though she'd known he was approaching. She tilts her head and considers. "The species you most closely resemble is nocturnal, isn't it? Perhaps this is why."

There's a smile that appears, and then Wanda steps past the black furred yeen to head down the hall toward the stairs leading down.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy rubs his face over, pinches his eyes after removing his spectacles, restores them with a poke of the pinky finger and with his track suit pulled down at the front and back. Then with a nod to Jax, he points to the door. "Thataway," not waiting for Ororo, as she'll be along in her good time, hot on the heels no doubt. His senses are on keen alert, which probably explains him pointing down the corridor and downward, for black-fur's benefit.

He doesn't so much overtake Wanda to the ground floor, so much as vault over the bannisters and land cat-like on his feet on the ground floor, sniffing again to try and get a bead on where the active yeens are. This is what leads him rec-roomward.

Storm has posed:
The awakening of the feline earns the weather witch's attention, and she tilts her head a touch to one side. "Ever quick to fall asleep, and ever quick to awaken," she muses, a thoughtful tone to her voice. And perhaps the slightest hint of amusement as well. The worry she'd had for him vanishes as easily as mist in sunlight at seeing him apparently fine and well.

Her blue gaze slips towards the black-furred yeen that appears within the doorway, and one of her eyebrows quirks up a touch. A brief glance is cast to the sleeping yeen in the bed, but her attention readily turns to the one in the doorway. "Is it the magic that keeps you awake?" she asks softly, a gentle tone to her voice. She doesn't want to startle him, after all. "Would you like to come with us, to check it out?" she offers, a small smile coming to the corners of her lips.

Jax Miller has posed:
    For a moment it looks like Jax is about to dash off towards the rec room, his sense of smell still keen as ever, but... then there's the other yeen. As soon as Jax looks at the black-furred, silver-eyed yeen, his posture changes. Ears droop, tail straightens out... and he just manages to suppress a sudden whine of distress. Oh that does /not/ look good or healthy. What dimension is this poor Kit from? What monster would...

    He share a look with Ororo, sure she's noticed it too. Time to do what he does best...

    And just that quickly, there's a friendly smile on his face, complemented by every friendly bit of body language he can muster. Perked ears, slightly curved tail, a soft purr. "Yeah, me neither, not with all this noise, am I right?" He gives the yeen a wink and then slowly approaches. Really, he wants to put his arm around those shoulders and give silver-eye (singular!! Who? Who would do such a thing?!!) a hug and promise him that everything is going to be okay, but he remembers how 'his' Kit took time to get used to physical touch. And this poor version seems to have lived a much rougher life. So no, no arm around shoulders, no hug.

    Just a slowly breaking heart.

    "I'm just going to get a mug of hot milk myself. Want to join?" And he'll make and inviting gesture, take a few steps down the hall and then wait to see what the traumatised teenager wants to do... leading him down to the rec room if his tacit offer is accepted.

Kit Killovarras has posed:
With Jax starting to approach, the silver-eyed yeen actually slinks back a little before looking at Ororo, shaking his head slowly. "More accurately, it's because of who is still awake. I can't sleep knowing he's still awake.." Then he gives Jax a momentary look and a blink before he tilts his head. "Umm.. Sure..?" he says to the question of a drink. Then he takes a step to follow, but when he does, his fur ripples and he shimmers out of sight, right up until he's at the bottom of the stairs, where he reappears and looks up at the feline. DAMN he's fast!

Down in the rec room, the white-furred yeen has taken note of his new company, a quiet growl escaping him as he watches the other 'him' move, suddenly looking very, VERY paranoid. Then his ears perk up at the sound of the others coming this way as well and his attention snaps to the entrance!

The other yeen, dressed in a button down shirt, slacks and with well groomed tan and brown fur, just sort of watches the one with white fur, tilting his head a little before he finally speaks all of two words. "Calm down." This, however, only makes the growling a bit louder.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
There's not complaint from Wanda as she's overtaken by acrobatics. "Be careful," is all she says to Henry. Alas, Wanda shows little pity for the black furred yeen. Perhaps some sympathy, but her mind is on deeper mysteries. Down the stairs she goes and then, unerringly, straight to the rec room.

As soon as Wanda reaches the door, she opens it and steps inside. her eyes search for the source of the unstable magic. And land on the white furred yeen. There she pauses, and studies the growling yeen. She seems unafraid of him.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy chuckles faintly at the cautious words from Wanda, sliding his hands into his trackpants as he moves into the rec room to an escalation of territorial growling. Now, Beast is usually dominated by his higher mind, but there is instinct deep beneath that tends to come out at odd times. For instance, when you really shouldn't be doing so, but you can't help yourself by growling audibly and with gorilla sized canines showing, into Magneto's face. That's happened. And it happens now; it isn't a snarl this time, more a low sub-vocal rowl of warning from the good doctor, which is hastily and annoyedly squished down with a wallop of a fist to his own diaphragm.

"Made yourselves at home, I see. There will be no growling at other people inside this school, or I'll make sure you know what a growl really sounds like, alright? Alright. Good evening."

Looking between tan and white, he heads to the fridge and gets out a trio of sodas, popping one open with a claw. "So are you all called Kit, or do you have names other than that?"

Storm has posed:
There's a slight furrow of her brow at the silver-eyed yeen's words, and she frowns slightly as she studies him. "Who is it that is awake, that prevents you from being able to sleep?" she asks, a touch of curiosity to her voice. One of her eyebrows quirks up when he shimmers, and she tilts her head slightly to one side as she looks first one way and then the other along the hallway, spying him then at the bottom of the stairs. "Interesting," she says quietly, a flicker of curiosity coming once more to her voice.

She makes her way to follow after them, her bare feet making soft sounds upon the floor as she does. Once to the rec room, she takes a brief moment to look across the room, her gaze settling on the white furred yeen that's already present. The growling is a bit unsettling, but she doesn't seem to be afraid at all. Henry's words draw her attention to him, and there's a hint of a smile that touches at the corners of her lips before her expression slips back to a more neutral cast.

Jax Miller has posed:
    Okay, that was fast... luckily Jax can still smell silver-eye, so he has a rough idea of where the yeen went off to, but as he approaches the stairs, it's overlaid with another smell. Ooh, that's not good. And the whole comment of not being able to sleep while HE is still awake makes sense. Down the stairs Jax goes, seemingly unconcerned, and soon enough a veritable swarm of cats starts to materialise from nooks, corners, crannies, and shadows. There's a whole conversation going on in feline, until one cat in particular steps forwards.

    It should be an indication of just how highly regarded this particular scarred tom is, that even Jax gives him a slight bow in greeting. "Sir Robert. What's..." But that's as far as he gets. There's a hissing and spitting from the large tom, ending in a dangerous sounding yowl. In response, Jax nods, and looks over to the rec room, going in last of all.

    And the huge, scarred, bruiser of a cat? The big muscular tuxedo cat that all the other cats tread warily around? The one they call 'Big Bob', who has his pick of the spots through the whole area? That large cat takes one look at the silver-eyed yeen and trots over, following at his ankle.

    Meanwhile, Jax slowly ambles over to the bar to fill two mugs with milk and putting them into the microwave. "Just so everyone is clear on this, this is neutral territory. You break that neutrality at your peril."

    Ehm? Jax? That's a bit serious for you, isn't it?

Kit Killovarras has posed:
There's a moment when it almost looks like the white yeen is about to lunge at Beast, but then the rest of the group come in and he just sort of scoffs, reaching into his locket to pull out a pack of cigarettes, snapping one out of the pack with his teeth and lighting it with a tap of his finger. "Whatever, pops." he says as the growling slowly quiets down. The mention of neutral ground though has him relaxing all the more and at the concept of a name other than 'kit'? "Colleagues call me Jackal." he states, breathing tendrils of smoke out of his nose.

Given what is known about Kit's own physiology, that act in and of itself has to have hurt like hell at one point, but he doesn't so much as flinch.

The one in the button down shirt, now just leaning against the wet bar sipping his drink, gives a little tip of his head to the others. Again, he doesn't say much of anything, not in greeting at least, but to the question of a name he gives a simple and strait forward: "Chief, if you must."

With the feline at his ankles now, the black-furred yeen just gets a sort of uncomfortable look as he looks down, studying the feline at his ankles and fidgeting with his own fingers nervously. Eventually he'll ask, "Is this.. necessary?" looking to the others for a moment. 'Jackal' however, gets a long look and little silver-eye just sort of slinks down a little, ears folding back as he tries to look away. Eventually though, the question of a name comes up and he just murmurs, "Shadow.." about as quiet as possible without his voice going into a range that humans wouldn't be able to hear.

Aaaaand, then another yeen comes in from behind the group, causing Shadow to jump slightly and vanish from sight, reappearing a moment later peering out from behind a chair on the other side of the room. The new entry would be familiar to some of them. tan and brown, white eyes.. and tits! "Aww, why didn't anyone tell me we were having a party in the rec room?" she asks with a little grin as she steps past everyone, heading to get a drink and maybe something to nibble on.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff spares a glance for Henry at that low growl. But only a glance before her eyes are drawn back to the white furred yeen, like a lodestone is drawn to the north. The gathering of cats gets very little of Wanda's attention. Jax's cautioning gets a brief glance as well, but no comment from Wanda. The majority of her attention remains on white fur for a few moments longer. Then she turns and follows Henry. to the fridge. She peeks inside when it's open.

As the cigarette is lit, Wanda concentrates for a few seconds. The lit cherry on the end of it goes dark, wafting up a single thread of smoke before even that stops. She turns back to the fridge and gets out a soda for herself. Once she has a soda in hand, she steps to the side, leaving room for Tits to get her own stuff.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy ambles over the room, setting one of his sodas beside the chair that Shadow has appeared behind, nodding to him. He then ambles back to his original spot, looking at Jackal when he names himself and Chief with the same regard. "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it," he paraphrases, taking in the multitude of cats with a critical eye, then simply staring at Jax with a look that conveys a miriad of things, particularly when looking pointedly at them and back again, with thinned out lips.

He turns attention to the Yeen-squad afterwards though. "Pops? Right-o. I'm sure that could've been a lot worse..." and as Jax has reinforced certain things, he does not bother repeating himself as the ladies and the 'ladies' settle into the area, just finds a spot of wall to lean against, taking a swig of his fizzy drink, whilst holding the other out toward Jax. "I wouldn't say that he is safe. Nominclature is a purposeful thing. But I will say that trying things of a stupid nature will inevitably end in more power than you can handle coming down on your head like a ton of bricks, Jackal. Behave yourself. You're all here probably against your will, as you didn't really have a choice. So... in the interim of now and then, before we figure out how to get you relocated properly and safely, we all have to share the same sand pit. So no messing with the sandpit. Am I clear?" pause. "Or do the infinitely more powerful women in the room have to make it clearer, to those that like to decide to call me 'pops'?"

Storm has posed:
There's a glance towards the veritable clowder of cats seems to materialize from literally all corners of the room. From here and there and everywhere. Ororo hadn't realized that there were so many cats in the area let alone within the mansion itself. One fo her eyebrows quirks up slightly, and her gaze slips over the assortment of cats before turning to Jax to watch him. Her hands rest lightly at her sides, and she appears to be relaxed, at least in the moment.

She looks over each of the yeens in turn, and one of her eyebrows quirks up just a touch. There is quite a collection of them present in the rec room at the moment, and each of them different one from another. She moves a bit further into the room, to head for one of the arm chairs that's near to where Shadow had gone into hiding. She settles, smoothly crossing her legs at the knee and bringing her hands to rest on her uppermost leg. The fingers of one hand twine lightly with those of the other, and she tilts her head a touch to one side as her gaze turns to Henry. Then she gives a small nod. "Actions have consequences," she says softly, a thoughtful tone to her voice. "There can be additional clarity provided, if it proves to be necessary, though it is easier to simply do as Henry has said," she adds, a small smile touching at the corners of her lips.

Jax Miller has posed:
    There are always more cats than people think, and certainly more cats than people see. That makes them very useful to people who speak the lingo. Most of it is body language, of course, but it didn't take much for the swarm to inform Jax that 'Jackal' is no good. In just that same way, it can be obvious to anyone who knows how to look that when Big Bob jumps up on the seat behind which Shadow is sheltering, that the meaning of his posture is a mixture of 'Mine!' and 'Over my dead body!'. Ever hear a semi-feral bruiser of a tom purr to reassure someone? Because that's what he's doing now.

    The microwave dings.

    Two mugs of hot milk, and Jax puts one down near the chair where Shadow hides from Jackal, eventually settling his gaze on 'Chief' while sipping his own mug. Not a very theatrical gesture. But it hides his sudden grin from seeing Jackal's cigarette put out. He was afraid they were going to have to deal with a staring contest, turns out it may end up being a mage-off.

    From the corner of his eye, he can see Doctor McCoy holding out the soda to him, but he gives an ever so slight shake of his head, indicating that now is not yet the time for it.

    The cats, meanwhile, troop out of the room, with two exceptions. Big Bob continues his guard over 'Shadow', and a small kitten follows the newest arrival around. It seems Jackal and Chief don't rate a pair of eyes nearby.

    "So, cards on the table. You're all here because an avatar of a mad god opened a portal at the request of the subconscious of our own Kit. Think about that one for a while if you want to. Something's going wrong with him, and the subconscious part of my best friend thinks you all can help us figure out what. Questions?" Like, who is this calm cat, and what has he done with the usually mercurial Jax?

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Jackal looks McCoy directly in the eyes and grins, his own eyes suddenly swirling and going entirely black as he asks, "Is that a threat? Pops?" Then he stands up slowly, the movement alone causing the lights in the room to start flickering slightly as he starts for the door, "No dice. Sorry, but 'neutral ground' don't mean shit when you and yours start fucking with me the second it's mentioned." Then he turns his attention to Wanda, looking strait at her as he takes another drag off his cigarette, the tip not only lighting on it's own as he does, but the flame isn't normal either, it's as black as his eyes are.

Shadow goes for the glass of milk, then, like Chief and the female yeen, his eyes suddenly snap to Jackal as the lights flicker. All three of them start to look just a little more worried, though Shadow's the only one who visibly slinks back down further behind the chair.

"Good luck with your friend." is the last thing Jackal would say if he's not barred from walking out of the room.

Regardless of how things go with Jackal, the female yeen will look to Jax and walk over, spinning a chair around to sit on it backwards as she smiles at him. "That really depends on what caused your version to lose his shit bad enough to cause this." she says, giving a little shrug. Chief chimes in a moment or two after, quirking a brow a little as he asks, "What's his life here like?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff walks over to an unoccupied section of wall somewhere mid-room, and leans back against it. She crosses one leg before her and pops the top of her soda in a leisurely manner. Her jade green eyes shift to Henry when the infinitely more powerful women are mentioned. Her lips curl up a hair, amusement flickering in her eyes. She nods, however, both with what Henry said and with what Ororo followed it up with. Easier to simply do as told, in this case.

"It's something he fears," puts in Wanda, in the wake of Jax's words about what happened. "Can any of you think of what that might be?" Wanda's eyes don't change color as she looks back to the white yeen. And her leaning, relaxed posture doesn't change as the lights flicker, either. This time, it's not the cigarette cherry that goes out. The entire cigarette turns to ash and floats to the floor. "No smoking," she says. "I'm sure you aren't stupid and can read." Wanda is Wanda. Sometimes, the tact takes a flying leap out a window.

Alas for poor Jackal, he really is barred from walking out the door. There hadn't seemed to be anything there when the white yeen approached the door, but instinct? It's quick. And the shields of her hex magic are part of Wanda's hex magic. It shimmers, ever so faintly, a deep scarlet color, but is mostly transparant. Though apparently relaxed, she is concentrating on the probabilities around her. Working to alter things out of Jackal's favor and into the favor of her and her allies. Good luck for her and them, bad luck for him.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy sighs very slightly at the reaction he gets and yet another 'pops' moment, except that a few moments after that, literally the span of a heart beat or two, he's tensing and leaping. He does not move much faster than anyone else, it isn't supernatural speed that follows his heels, but something else. He sommersaults over toward where Shadow and Storm are settled, where Jax was nearby to where Bob the cat was; the only ones he can't act to help are Chief and 'Tits' in their own space, distanced from the other Yeen. When people have adopted protective positioning, it becomes problematic -- a luncheon table is kicked with the sweep of a foot, flipped expertly onto its side, grabbed and tugged closer, Beast hunkering down to use it as a shield without ANY other provocation...

"Cover!" one word is all he trusts himself to have the time to say, as he uses the table as a protective barrier, which may or may not have much effect, but he's got his shoulder braced to it and his claws dug in to boot. These sneakers are totaly ruined.

Storm has posed:
The weather witch tilts her head a touch to one side as her blue gaze settles on Jackal, studying him for a long moment. "Extinguishing a cigarette in a place where smoking is prohibited is far from fucking with you, I assure you," she says softly, a cool tone to her voice. It's an interesting and a fair point, really, given the assorted signs in the area.

The flickering lights within the room seem to have no impact on Ororo at all. As Jackal starts to head towards the door, the blue of her eyes flood to white as she draws upon her own magic, her own power. Yet Wanda takes action before she is pushed to do so, with the barrier that she creates within the doorway. There is a hint of a smile that touches at the corners of her lips at that, for the barrier does amuse her somewhat. She remains seated, and she faintly tilts her head to one side. For the moment, she is quiet, but the temperature of the air nudges a degree or three cooler. She doesn't take any immediate cover, but she's not far from it if she ends up needing it.

Jax Miller has posed:
    "Thanks for nothing." Jax mentions to Jackal as he lifts his mug of milk in salute. He's more than happy to let the being go, since there's nowhere in the area he could hide without one of Jax's furry eyes seeing him. "Wish I could say I was surprised, but..." yeah. No. Not really. Ever since he smelled the blood, he knew this was going to be the hardest nut to crack. So, instead, he turns to talk to the other yeen. "His subconscious thinks it's fear, or terror. He's been doing alright here, playing the hero in his spare time. There was an at-"

    Wait what? Why is there suddenly a shield...

    Why is Doctor McCoy leaping over...

    And kicking over...

    What happens next is quick. It's not supernaturally quick, but it is superhumanly quick. The moment Doctor McCoy shouts 'cover', Jax throws his mug of milk towards the sink, lowers his left shoulder and takes a single pass-step towards the yeen he was talking to. Before the first milk is leaving the mug, he's grabbed the yeen chair and all, and lifted her off the ground. As the mug makes its first revolution and starts to spill warm liquid, the cat mutant and his temporary charge are already airborne, propelled by a pair of legs that rarely have to show their full potential. And by the time the milk hits the sink, they're both behind solid cover, Jax between the yeen and 'Jackal', an arm over her to shield her.

    The poor chair did not survive the force of acceleration, nor the impact with the ground afterwards.

    And the two cats? Bob jumped on Shadow's shoulder the moment he sensed trouble, and the kitten has hitched a ride by biting Jax's tail.

Kit Killovarras has posed:
To a telepath, the sound would be deafening when Jackal finally snaps.. Like a dozen cars all slamming into a concrete wall at full force and somewhere in the split second it takes for the exit he was heading for to be blocked and the beat of a heart, it might already be over for one of the seven.

There's an explosion of energy, black flames belting out in every direction as the lights flash and the sound of tearing flesh can be heard.. When the lights come back on? It's standing there.. Almost identical to what had been in Kit's dreams, but this one is far.... Jucier.

Jackal has grown in height but more importantly, in build.. His muscles bulge through his skin and fur, his arms crackling as the fur starts to burn away and his arms up to the elbows begin to wreath in flames! The first thing to take a hit is the shield as the yeen-turned-demon screams to be let out, his words sounding more like a guttural roar than any language and then? Then he turns the next blow STRAIT towards Maximov!

"If you're going to trap me here than you best be ready to KILL ME!!!" he snarls, blood starting to drip from his jaws as he talks. He's far exceeding his own limits doing this and that unstable magic? Has only gotten more unstable. If this keeps up, it could be terrifyingly bad.

The female yeen winds up behind a table, bug-eyed and panting for a moment before her fur stands suddenly on end and she mutters. "Let... Go..." letting her voice slip for just a moment. Yup, when she's not actively trying, she even SOUNDS like this dimensions Kit!

Chief meanwhile just watches the blast, the energy suddenly parting around him as he quirks a brow. "Seriously?" is the only thing he says as the shield around him dissipates.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Poor sneakers. Perhaps there will be a memorial for them at a later time. As she's pretty much facing the room, she notes, somewhere in her mind, those who take cover. But her attention and her eyes are on Jackal. She'd felt the buildup of magic. The readiness of the white yeen. She's no less ready than he is. She just needs less preparation to use what she has at her disposal.

Wanda holds the shield over the door in place. Nothing appears to be in front of her as the next blow aims at her. And yet, several feet out from her, that blow sparks and seems to be absorbed into another shield. This one isn't visible, though. "I don't want to kill you," she says. "I will if I have to, but I don't want to."

Wanda's eyes stay on the yeen, and she steps away from the wall. She lifts her hands as scarlet power wreathes them. "I wonder if this isn't what Kit is terrified so of. Of becoming like Jackal."

Beast has posed:
Although he's got rather a lot more on his plate right now, sometimes you can't keep a quip out of Doctor McCoy. "I'd hazard that's a pretty good guess, Wanda..." grunting as he braces against the table to give it more stability, claws dug briefly into the carpet as everything and its uncle melts, explodes, catches fire and goes all skeletal monstrosity were-monster hyena thing. With gore. "Let go of what?" It's hissed over toward the female yeen, whose attributes are the finest money could buy. "Holding on at the moment, is kind of paramount!"

But he peeks over the top of the table, considering the tableau and the situation, wagers all the odds calculated and with a "Nope..." ducks back down again. "Wanda appears to have this mostly under control right now. We're just going to stay right here."

Storm has posed:
There is a very brief glance that is cast in Jax's direction, though with Ororo's eyes as white as they are, it is perhaps difficult to tell just where her attention actually is. Whether or not she notices all of the details of what Jax does is a questionable thing given how quickly things unfold. And given, as well, that she has her own particular concerns. Like the black flames that are suddenly gushing forth. That means it's time to move. And move is exactly what she does. She uncrosses her legs, her hand moving at the same time, to push herself up and into a flip over the back of the arm chair that she'd been sitting in. She'd rather not end up singed or outright burned.

Sometimes, things get worse before they get better. Ororo holds off on adding her own magic to the fray, at least for right now. It might not be warranted, yet. She listens, and she considers Wanda's statement for a moment before giving a small nod. It's a possibility, and a good one -- an even better one with Henry agreeing to it as well.

Jax Miller has posed:
    "Letting go!" Jax immediately answers, lifting his arm away from the yeen he just yeeted along. Trust issues. He remembers that... Kit didn't like to be touched at all, not for a long time. But needs must when the devil-yeen turns into a flesh monster and tries tearing up the room.

    Speaking of...

    Taking a deep breath, Jax stands up, well aware of the danger, and calls out a phrase he never thought he'd be using. "Stop. Provoking. The Inter-dimensional. Mass. Murderer." Seriously, how often do you get to say that in your lifetime? How often is saying that the precursor to the end of your lifetime?

    Once is probably once too many.

    "Jackal, we get it! You're angry. Now slow down and sit down before you kill yourself! Nobody here wants to hurt you."

    And his next glare is for 'Chief'. "Not helping. As in, you're capable of helping, but you're not. You're a dick."

    A finger pointed at Jackal "And so are you. You're both dicks. So stop waving your dicks around, sit down, shut up, and help us figure this out. If you're lucky, you might even learn something new about yourselves."

    Whew, lecture in the middle of a fight. "Could everyone..."

    "... just..."


    Except, of course, 'stop' comes out as a leonine growl that reverberates off the walls. Even Big Bob dives for cover.

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Jackal doesn't seem to hear Jax for a moment, nor does he even acknowledge Wanda's words and just keeps smashing away at Wanda's shield a few more times, right up until Jax yells 'STOP!' and the massive creatures body freezes in place, panting and still transformed, which means he's still exerting energy, but at least he's not moving any more?

Chief just looks at Jax as he gets called a dick and for the first time, he cracks a bit of a smile and nods. "How nice of you to notice." he says, then goes back to watching Jackal, sipping his drink absently. The female yeen just sort of shakes herself off when she's let go of, looking a little disturbed, but otherwise unshaken.

"I don't like being touched.." the female yeen says after a moment with a glance to Henry, an audible tremble in her voice. Then she peeks over the table and looks at Jackal, studying him for a moment before she states, "He actually doesn't look all that tough.. He'll probably burn out in a minute or two at that rate."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Mostly. For now. Whether Wanda will continue to keep things under control? Anybody's guess. Wanda ignores what the others are doing when they take cover, though she remains aware of them doing so. Much of her attention is focused on Jackal and tracking the flows and waves of his magic. She doesn't even spare a glance for Jax and his outburst. The leonine growl? Completely ignored as irrelevant.

Meanwhile, Wanda keeps watching Jackal. But, she also hasn't done anything to him yet, beyond dealing with his cigarette and shielding herself from attack and him from up and leaving. "I don't want to hurt you," she says when Jackal stops moving. She doesn't want to kill him. That might be detrimental to Kit in ways she's uncertain of. She doesn't look away from Jackal even now, but she does nod to the female yeen's words about him burning out. It might be likely.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy watches Jax be a brave fellow, or foolhardy. Sometimes, they're flipsides of the same coin. "Ahh, of course, no touchee..." he glances over toward the chair that was Ororo, mouths 'you ok?' at where Storm is looking out from behind it, then does the smart thing and takes out his smart phone, switches on the camera and inches around just enough that he can use selfie mode to look around the table at the very edge, without risking magical conflagration.

Storm has posed:
Once is definitely once too many for saying something like that, really. Although once is also once too many for coming across an inter-dimensional mass murderer, too. Ororo remains behind the arm chair, crouched there, and she tilts her head a touch to one side as she listens to Jax's words for the assorted yeens. For herself, she seems relaxed and calm. One of her eyebrows quirks up at the growled last word that he says. Moving slightly, she takes a look past the chair and then she raises an eyebrow. "That was effective," she says quietly.

She looks over to the female yeen, and she tilts her head a touch to one side and a small smile touches her features. "Needs must, sometimes," she says softly, a gentle note to her voice. Her gaze turns to Henry, and she gives a small nod to him, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "All good," she says quietly. Sometimes magical fire burns, and sometimes it doesn't. She generally doesn't take chances, just in case.

Jax Miller has posed:
    Deeeeep breath. Let the fur settle down. Unfluff that tail. Zen, Jax, zen. "Right then."

    Seemingly without any kind of worry, the cat mutant meanders through the wreckage of the room to the soda counter, and picks up that soda that Doctor McCoy had offered him earlier. And this can, still sealed, is offered up to 'Jackal'. "I get it. You don't like this. Too many new people, too many variables, an' there's a beast whispering in your ear. I would like it if you would sit down, and accept this drink as an offering of peace. It's still closed. And you can sit in a corner with your back to a wall if you prefer. Just... not like this. You're hurting yourself."

    And he gives a quick glance to Wanda before he returns his attention to the yeen-beast. "And if you want to leave, we'll let you leave. I'll personally show you the door. My promise on that, as kin to Bastet. Deal?"

    The other yeens? They're going to have to wait for now. One yeen at a time. Slowly.

Kit Killovarras has posed:
It takes a moment for Jackal to even move, but eventually he'll crack his neck, letting the darkness around his body melt away, leaving the now badly injured Yeen back in his normal form. He's still staring daggers at Wanda, teeth still bared. His wounds are slowly beginning to burn shut as he stands there. Eventually he'll turn his head and spit out a mouthful of blood before muttering, "Not angry, just don't like being trapped." still staring at Wanda with every word.

One yeen at a time? Did someone say one yeen at a time? Well then, have we got a deal for you! Another yeen goes to walk in through the shield and walks face-first into it with a weird little thump before blinking and making a face. This one's fur is black as pitch and his stripes? Well, his stripes are neon pink! His eyes are purple and so are his cloths, or at least his skirt is, purple and black vertical strikes in fact! He's got a pale pink halter top on as well with the word 'Cutie' across the chest in pink sequins. "What's with the barrier?" he asks, then takes a look at the rec room and pits his fingertips up over his muzzle for a moment before asking, "Oh, okay, was someone throwing a tantrum?"

Chief just laughs and shakes his head, finishing off his drink while the female yeen stands up and stretches a little before looking to Henry, then to Ororo, then back to Henry before asking the big blue dude, "How exactly did you know he was going to do that...?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
It's always wise to play it safe with any kind of magic. Even that which doesn't appear flame-like can burn. Wanda, still leaning against the wall, lifts her soda to take a sip of it. She turns her eyes away from Jackal, finally, at Jax's words. Her jade green eyes narrow, just enough to give the hint that she's not most pleased with his promise. However, she looks askance at Henry and Ororo, as though to confirm the promise given.

"Glare at me all you want," says Wanda, turning her eyes back to Jackal. "If you go and harm /anyone/, I will hunt you to the ends of the universe and put you down like a rabid dog." She continues looking levelly at Jackal up until the black and purple yeen walks into her barrier. It's only then that Wanda removes the shield, allowing access to and from the room.

Wanda's attention turns from Jackal to Jax now. "If he harms anyone, I will hold you personally responsible." There's something to the words that says Wanda has every intention of taking it out of Jax's hide of that comes to pass, too.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy finally lowers his smartphone, powering the screen off and slowly raising up from behind the folding table once it seems that mystical mayhem is at least quelled. He gives Jax a very, VERY stern look over his spectacles, shakes his head a little bit and sighs. "Whyever would I know that, I wonder?" he asks, looking at Chief at the question asked. He taps the side of his head. "Seen similar things before. Plus, we had a warning that there was a somewhat unstable Yeen teen in the premices. I have learned in my prodigous grandpa years..." glance to Jackal and back "...to listen to my instincts. They tend to be quite accurate." And with a look to Wanda, looks directly at Jackal. "You might want to consider that this place isn't a trap, but that you were actually warned about the power of some of the women here. It wasn't a threat. I didn't threaten you, I -warned- you. Capital plan though -that- was..."

Deep breath in, then out. "And I'm a doctor. Of the medical kind. Sworn to do no harm when it comes to treating the injured. I can take a look at you, if you like. I promise I won't do anything daft and idiotic like."

Storm has posed:
Shifting her weight slightly, Ororo gracefully rises to her feet, one of her hands moving to lightly rest upon the back of the arm chair. Her gaze settles on Jax, studying him for a moment, and then her attention shifts over to Jackal. "It would be preferred if you not end up hurt, either from your own actions or from ours," Ororo says in a gentle tone. "This room is not a trap. I understand how you may perhaps see it as one, with the door barred, but it is not. This room is a place where we can all talk, where we can try to figure out what happened to our Kit. Where we can try to figure out how to make him better," she says.

There's a glance towards the barrier when yet another yeen seems to appear by fact of walking into it, and her attention turns away from it. Her gaze turns to Wanda, and she tilts her head a little bit to one side. "If he causes harm to anyone, then he deserves whatever punishment you would bring to him," she says softly, giving a small nod. Her attention lingers on Wanda for a moment longer, and then she looks over to Henry as he speaks. "It was a very good warning, and more than fair, as well. Besides, what Wanda did was entirely kind in nature. She blocked a doorway. There are so many other ways that a person could be stopped that would be so much worse," she says, her gaze turning to Jackal. "You may wish to consider that. It was a kind method rather than one that would cause you harm."

Jax Miller has posed:
    "Yeah, well..." Jax shrugs at Wanda, with half a smile. "Responsible is my middle name. Says Alexander on the file, but that's a typo, I swear." Back to cracking jokes. Venting tension? Or attempting to reduce the situation to normality? The ring master only runs the circus by consent of the clowns, after all.

    With slow, exaggerated motions, he rights a small table and a chair, and puts the soda down for Jackal, inviting the yeen to sit. "Nobody likes to feel trapped. But, cards on the table, I'm not afraid of you. Because I know you." And then he looks at the other yeens, in turn. "In fact, I know all of you."

    Time to count them off. A nod to 'Jackal' "Wrath. You think I've never seen Kit angry? Guess again. You're the obvious one, because I've got one just like you whispering in my ear most of the time. I know you. So sit down, relax. You're among friends."

    Then he sweep a paw to take in Silver-Eye, Other Yeen, and Chief. "Pride, Envy, Avarice. That awful trio... Yeah, I know you all too. Seen you all before. And my Kit tries hard to keep you three in check." Yes, 'his' Kit. Which makes it even more obvious when he motions to Pink Yeen with a sigh.

    "And Lust. I know you too. In fact, you made the avatar of a mad god blush earlier. Not saying that's a bad thing, just that I know you too."

    Moving /very/ swiftly along. "That leaves Sloth and Gluttony. I mean, they can't be hard to find, and I probably have both of those covered pretty well myself, so... Shall we all sit down? And talk?"