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Latest revision as of 13:36, 18 April 2022

Oh the Favors we Perform...
Date of Scene: 14 April 2022
Location: Lucifer's Penthouse, Melville
Synopsis: Sinister's lost an experiment, Lucifer's pulling favors. The world is on fire. Who's flying this thing?!
Cast of Characters: Lucifer, Sinister

Lucifer has posed:
"Yes so, this is a full package. Social security, ID card... No it doesn't have to be a driver's license. I appreciate my friend to pieces but I would not want to begin to teach them how to drive. Yes... Uh huh... Right, so we'll put citizenship as Brighton, United Kingdom..." Lucifer is currently sitting at the table just off the kitchen, on his phone, making notes and apparently doing a deal? Or something. He rattles off an address. "So that's where they'll be staying... I would try to keep them off any and all mailing lists... right. Yes. Of course. Alright. Oh, and a phone too...yes...well I'm sorry it's been a bit since I've had to build someone from the ground up. Bring them entirely into existence. Right then. Cheers." The phone call ends and Lucifer takes a nice drag off a lit cigarette, making a mark on a pad of paper. "That's done... now onto the next..."

Sinister has posed:
Not something you see every day, Lucifer Morningstar hot at work on the phone. And likely ticking things off on a mad kind of to-do list. It IS good to see him up and about again and seemingly back to his usual self. So into this, a quiet should come... because disruption will remove the zen that is happening right now, right? From the roof, a hot trot of steps come and the access door opens and closes with a hastened entry from Nathaniel Essex, turning about to put his back to the hard surface. CLICK! He glances at his watch, looks around, spots Lucifer and looks askance again, heading instead to give a greeting kiss on the cheek "Home, dear" and off straight toward the comfy chairs, pulling the holo TV screen into existence out of the air. He sits down then, flicking through channels by doing nothing more than staring at them until he reaches obscure news broadcasts.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer hears the hatch open and close - with a hastiness - that actually draws his attention for a moment. A raised brow at the glance given to watch, the look askance, and then the way he approaches and gives a kiss. "So I see, and hear. How was your day?" Asking this even as the Doctor shifts to go into the living room and watch television. Well, the news, but still. "Is everything okay?" This much as he can do some of his next work by way of the internet - even though precisely two books come from the library wall towards him. Both look *old*, bound in perhaps sheep skin? Not leather. Something older than. They land on the table but Lucifer waits, perhaps wanting to hear from Sinister first.

Sinister has posed:
"My day was productive, until it wasn't. I had a slight... incident..." finally he finds an obscure news broadcast, likely public TV in a small backwoods place. "~...rescuers are hampered by the state of destruction at the timber plant.~" A reporter drones on, whilst drone photographs show a path of magnificent devastation from the lumber yard of a mill out through chainlink fencing and on into the surrounding woodland. The entire massive loading doors are buckled out, apparently concertina'd and dented, the chainlink is ripped through as if a T-rex went on a rampage. "~...witnesses state that they heard a loud crash and tearing mettle, but it appears to have been from a non-existent source. Authorities are baffled...~

Sinister sighs, turning the volume down some. "Well, that was a longshot..." glancing over at the books, he quirks an eyebrow, looking from text to archangel. "Did you ah... get the things done that you needed to?"

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer is about to have Sinister give a little more detail on what he means until that news broadcast is found. His attention has been on Sinister and the television area for a moment so he does see the footage that is shown, a raised brow given. "Did you cause that?" Course, the answer is likely obvious but Lucifer has asked it either way. "At least it doesn't seem like anyone can trace it back to you... but now I have to wonder what in the hell happened..."

Then he's asked about his day and there's a slow nod given. "Mostly. Still working on the whole find a mage to test the stone thing.."

Sinister has posed:
"Unfortunately, the only other mage I reliably know probably wouldn't be much help. He might, but probably not. Definitively on your own there," Sin sags back into the chair, looking particularly brooding for a moment as he glowers at the now-silent footage. "One of my experiments got loose. So, essentially yes, I did cause it. It discovered how to elude the sensors in its pen. Some idiot got himself eaten going in to investigate without back-up and three technicians were squashed when it bolted."

He switches channels a few times, to get another local station, where they're showing trees snapped and bent out of shape. The subtitles seem to be suggesting a very localized tornado touch-down. "I was vaguely hoping some human with a camera got lucky, but it does not appear to be the case. Blast. Invisible monsters are problematic."

Lucifer has posed:
"I do have someone in mind, I just need to get hold of them first..." Lucifer says this much and then shrugs his shoulders. "Which can be a pain in the ass to do, so it might take a little time, but I'll figure it out..." He then motions to the table. "That's why I grabbed my books. I need to see when the last known time and place I have for them is." A chuckle at that point before he looks back up to Sinister and the television.

"Ah... an escaped experiment isn't necessarily a good thing. Is there a way for us to go and try to find it ourselves? We can't exactly leave it out in the open like that I would imagine..."

Sinister has posed:
"Well, if that isn't intriguing, I don't know what is." Sinister comments, then grins at the devil, glancing at the books again. "Last known whereabouts accounts. An odd thing to record, but then when you're you, I suppose such things are a learned quality." He lights up, as Lucifer already has one and floats over brandy for a change, cracking it open and drinking it neat, rather than with a mixer. This one is cherry flavoured. He grimaces brief as it hits his throat, breathing out the chemicals and biproducts of stress along with the nicotine.

"Technically? Yes. When it calms down. Tell me, have you seen the Jurassic world? With idiotic people making an apex predator with no idea what it is and where it fits in the ecosystem? And where it's clever enough to be problematic to take down? Along with being rather large? We're facing that scenario. Until it feels safe, we won't be able to see it. It tore out its GPS and it's naturally slightly my nemesis, because I designed it that way. It isn't immune to telepathy, but it does have a natural psychic static. It makes it very hard to track if it's thinking of nothing and hiding."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer nods slowly. "An odd thing for some to record, but when you're one who deals in favors, it's nice to know where the ones who owe you favors are." It's just that some people have owed him for a long time, and for longer reasons. He'll find the one he's looking for eventually. It's inevitable.

A tilt of his head is given and he nods to the question. "Yeah. Funny how humans will make movies about the very consequences they won't listen to in the long run." Offering this with a smirk. "Do we know how it got out of it's cage to begin with?" Asking this much as he settles back at the table, taking up one of his books to flip open and browse through. Casually.

Sinister has posed:
"It lowered its body temperature and did its no-mind thing, whilst invisible. It's done that a few times before, but it has it seems, been practicing. And all it takes is one idiot and boom, an opportunistic type will take that chance." The reply is mildly given. Given that he wasn't in a panic when he arrived, it's likely that he's not -terribly- worried, just vexed and at the time of his arrival, wanting to examine how much was running rampant in the gossip columns, so to speak.

"That makes more sense than I wagered it would, now that you've explained it. So those are the books where they've signed on the dotted line, so to speak. And I bet you can trace a person by their signature, or other such things."

Lucifer has posed:
"Ah. Well I can see how that would be problematic..." Lucifer quips and then smirks. If Sinister isn't too worried about it right now, he's not going to make things seem any worse. If and when Sinister wants his help, it'll be requested. The topic of conversation turns slightly back to Lucifer and his books. "I do need to look through these a bit more often. I think I have some long outstanding favors that I should cash in from a various number of people... to think of all the things I could have working for me if I actually bothered to care about WHEN I get paid back for the favors I do."

Sinister has posed:
"That sounds a lot like work, which does cut into the perpetual vacation time though." Nathaniel observes, with a chuckle, low and smokey. "But yes, I imagine that would definitely be the case, if you actually lined up all the ducks in a row. I also imagine that there are some that died before you ever cashed it in and so owe you into the afterlife." He swigs brandy again, making the same 'blehehe' expression as before. It doesn't seem to stop him though. "Contract law must be a doddle for you."

Lucifer has posed:
"Are we on vacation? Did I miss this announcement?" Lucifer asks with a little grin on his lips. "Some did die before they could pay off their debt. Some had specific instructions or requests that they pay be back in the afterlife. It all depends on the terms and conditions..." There's a thought and then he stands and goes to the fridge, taking out the pitcher of milk made the day before and pours himself a glass. "I suppose I might make a good lawyer for it... after passing the bar...which I'm sure I could do..."

Sinister has posed:
Sinister laughs merrily at that. "Yes, I suspect you could. Although, I have a feeling you'd be brilliant at the air-tight if you wrote your own, you'd have a side-hussle in getting people out of them via some loophole on the sly." There's a trifling wave of the hand. "Didn't you leave hell specifically to take a permanent vacation?" he questions. With an idle glance, he switches the screen off and stands though, moving over to the kitchen dinette in order to give a not so passing hug to the dark and debonaire one. A kiss to the cheek and he murmurs in ear "I'm going to take a shower and do some light spy satelite scanning afterwards. When you're done here, come join me?" he trails a hand over Lucifer's shoulders, gives an intriguing little twist of lips and goes to do just that.