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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2021/11/05 |Location=Planet Neutrino |Synopsis=John Stewart lands on Planet Neutrino after crashing with his ring disabled. He meets the Neutrino r...")
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|Location=Planet Neutrino
|Location=Planet Neutrino
|Synopsis=John Stewart lands on Planet Neutrino after crashing with his ring disabled. He meets the Neutrino resistance and learns some insight into the larger battle.
|Synopsis=John Stewart lands on Planet Neutrino after crashing with his ring disabled. He meets the Neutrino resistance and learns some insight into the larger battle.
|Cast of Characters=7407,1463
|Cast of Characters=1233,1463
|Poses=:'''{{#var:7407|Santolouco (7407)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The pod crashed into the side of the planet, and given that it was fashioned from an escape pod, it's autopilot was already enabled with the capability of bringing John safely to the ground. The landing isn't gentle, though. The landing gear was damaged, and it bursts through rocky wreckage, a smoking bullet that streaks across a warzone as the ground forces of Neutrinos and Utroms alike battle it out fiercely.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Counter to Raagk's description, this is not a simple small uprising. Though scarred by damage, a palace can be seen during the descent, fending off the assault from Utrom heavy artillery. It's not a small uprising, it's more like a siegeworthy military defense.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The view dissappears as the pod impacts the ground, airbags exploding around to cushion from the rough landing that drags a gouge across the battletorn landscape. Unfortunately, the blow wasn't strong enough to shut off whatever it is that's blocking the Lantern powers.<br> <br>
|Poses=:'''{{#var:7407|Shredder (1233)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The pod crashed into the side of the planet, and given that it was fashioned from an escape pod, it's autopilot was already enabled with the capability of bringing John safely to the ground. The landing isn't gentle, though. The landing gear was damaged, and it bursts through rocky wreckage, a smoking bullet that streaks across a warzone as the ground forces of Neutrinos and Utroms alike battle it out fiercely.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Counter to Raagk's description, this is not a simple small uprising. Though scarred by damage, a palace can be seen during the descent, fending off the assault from Utrom heavy artillery. It's not a small uprising, it's more like a siegeworthy military defense.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The view dissappears as the pod impacts the ground, airbags exploding around to cushion from the rough landing that drags a gouge across the battletorn landscape. Unfortunately, the blow wasn't strong enough to shut off whatever it is that's blocking the Lantern powers.<br> <br>

:'''{{#var:1463|John Stewart (1463)}} has posed:'''<br>And so he sits... waiting to find out which side will get to him first. He might just become a prisoner yet.<br><br>Of course, if the defenders have any idea who is in that pod, they might make him a priority rescue.<br><br>Still, it's a good time to take in what he's actually dealing with. His eyes and ears are basically glued to the viewport as he drops, trying to assess the situation for both tactics and strategy. He came to this planet to assess the Empire and the rebellions after all.<br><br>Still, without the ring altering the material of his civilian garb, it reverts back to all black with a black leather jacket.<br><br>Of course, it's also possible the mechanisms were damage... and so John gives a test push to see if he can open the pod himself.<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:1463|John Stewart (1463)}} has posed:'''<br>And so he sits... waiting to find out which side will get to him first. He might just become a prisoner yet.<br><br>Of course, if the defenders have any idea who is in that pod, they might make him a priority rescue.<br><br>Still, it's a good time to take in what he's actually dealing with. His eyes and ears are basically glued to the viewport as he drops, trying to assess the situation for both tactics and strategy. He came to this planet to assess the Empire and the rebellions after all.<br><br>Still, without the ring altering the material of his civilian garb, it reverts back to all black with a black leather jacket.<br><br>Of course, it's also possible the mechanisms were damage... and so John gives a test push to see if he can open the pod himself.<br> <br>

:'''{{#var:7407|Santolouco (7407)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The door is pinned, only opening a few inches to let in fresh, and fortunately human compatible air. The smell of explosives fills the nostrils. <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The closing team is quite fast, and a man with rather elfin features, pink hair, and sunglasses soon is by the viewport. There's shouting to create the perimeter, blasts of advanced weaponry raging around. After a moment, there's an explosion, and the wall of the pod disintegrates, revealing the pink haired man and another with green. Apparently neon colors are the style on this planet. They wear white and blue armor, holding their blaster rifles trained on the opening.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They look a little confused. <br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The pink-haired man yells something that is accented by a look of confusion on his face. It appears he was expecting something different when he blew open the door. Another blast strikes the pit's edge, causing everyone except the pink-haired man to recoil.<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:7407|Shredder (1233)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The door is pinned, only opening a few inches to let in fresh, and fortunately human compatible air. The smell of explosives fills the nostrils. <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The closing team is quite fast, and a man with rather elfin features, pink hair, and sunglasses soon is by the viewport. There's shouting to create the perimeter, blasts of advanced weaponry raging around. After a moment, there's an explosion, and the wall of the pod disintegrates, revealing the pink haired man and another with green. Apparently neon colors are the style on this planet. They wear white and blue armor, holding their blaster rifles trained on the opening.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;They look a little confused. <br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The pink-haired man yells something that is accented by a look of confusion on his face. It appears he was expecting something different when he blew open the door. Another blast strikes the pit's edge, causing everyone except the pink-haired man to recoil.<br> <br>

:'''{{#var:1463|John Stewart (1463)}} has posed:'''<br>Raising his hands, John gives the universal 'I mean no harm' gesture as he slowly stands and tries to get out of the pod.<br><br>First things first, he needs to find out the range on that nullifier... sure, these people can take his ring, but the only person in the universe it will respond to is him, even assuming they realize what he is.<br><br>With no ideas on temperament for these creatures, John simply waits... moving away from the pod might be considered a hostile act.<br><br>He'll need to salvage this pod to bring it back to Oa for reverse engineering... but that can come later.<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:1463|John Stewart (1463)}} has posed:'''<br>Raising his hands, John gives the universal 'I mean no harm' gesture as he slowly stands and tries to get out of the pod.<br><br>First things first, he needs to find out the range on that nullifier... sure, these people can take his ring, but the only person in the universe it will respond to is him, even assuming they realize what he is.<br><br>With no ideas on temperament for these creatures, John simply waits... moving away from the pod might be considered a hostile act.<br><br>He'll need to salvage this pod to bring it back to Oa for reverse engineering... but that can come later.<br> <br>

:'''{{#var:7407|Santolouco (7407)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tentatively, the military team takes John out of the pod, and then quickly take a look at the deflated bags within to make sure there's not a second occupant. They are fast in their retreat, which is wise since a heavy military walker is closing in on the position. <br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Explosions, laser fire, and destruction chase the team all the way back, and the small force, comprising of six members, shows their mettle as they manage to snipe out several rocky skinned soldiers who try to stop their retreat. This team is very good by any military standards. Like a well-oiled and well trained machine they move as one, and soon they've taken John into the palace walls, entering through a damaged portion. Upon reaching the other side of the wall, the ring's powers suddenly return.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"Trubella syn chi-him to Dask," the pink-haired soldier orders. "He may not be an Utrom, but he came in an Utrom pod, something is off here."<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:7407|Shredder (1233)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tentatively, the military team takes John out of the pod, and then quickly take a look at the deflated bags within to make sure there's not a second occupant. They are fast in their retreat, which is wise since a heavy military walker is closing in on the position. <br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Explosions, laser fire, and destruction chase the team all the way back, and the small force, comprising of six members, shows their mettle as they manage to snipe out several rocky skinned soldiers who try to stop their retreat. This team is very good by any military standards. Like a well-oiled and well trained machine they move as one, and soon they've taken John into the palace walls, entering through a damaged portion. Upon reaching the other side of the wall, the ring's powers suddenly return.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"Trubella syn chi-him to Dask," the pink-haired soldier orders. "He may not be an Utrom, but he came in an Utrom pod, something is off here."<br> <br>

:'''{{#var:1463|John Stewart (1463)}} has posed:'''<br>As his ring reactivates, there's a sudden wave of Green energy that flows over his body at the same time a Green field surround him.... and his eyes glow Green. His Green Lantern uniform replaces his clothing, and he stops where he is. "I apologize. That pod did something to my ring, but it's back now. I am John Stewart of the Green Lantern Corps. I've come to this region of space investigating the rumors of changes in the Empire."<br><br>He points in the general direction of the pod, "That pod was meant to contain me after I opened fire on their ship in orbit. Now, what is your situation?" That last carries all the authority of a veteran commander asking for a status report.<br><br>Which, to be fair, he is... just of the Green Lantern Corps.<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:1463|John Stewart (1463)}} has posed:'''<br>As his ring reactivates, there's a sudden wave of Green energy that flows over his body at the same time a Green field surround him.... and his eyes glow Green. His Green Lantern uniform replaces his clothing, and he stops where he is. "I apologize. That pod did something to my ring, but it's back now. I am John Stewart of the Green Lantern Corps. I've come to this region of space investigating the rumors of changes in the Empire."<br><br>He points in the general direction of the pod, "That pod was meant to contain me after I opened fire on their ship in orbit. Now, what is your situation?" That last carries all the authority of a veteran commander asking for a status report.<br><br>Which, to be fair, he is... just of the Green Lantern Corps.<br> <br>

:'''{{#var:7407|Santolouco (7407)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The reflex from the whole team is to instantly train their weapons on John as the uniform replaces his clothing, and his eye slight up. The pink-haired leader is the first to respond otherwise, holding up his hand to call them to lower their weapons, and he slowly takes his sunglasses off. "Well, I'll be, late to the party, huh Lantern?" he asks. "About twelve years late. But better late than never. I was going to take you to commander Dask, but I think their majesties may want to meet you even more. I'm just a squad leader. Zak." Yep, that's it, nothing else. "Let me get you to the commander to start, he can give you a bigger picture of what's going on."<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:7407|Shredder (1233)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The reflex from the whole team is to instantly train their weapons on John as the uniform replaces his clothing, and his eye slight up. The pink-haired leader is the first to respond otherwise, holding up his hand to call them to lower their weapons, and he slowly takes his sunglasses off. "Well, I'll be, late to the party, huh Lantern?" he asks. "About twelve years late. But better late than never. I was going to take you to commander Dask, but I think their majesties may want to meet you even more. I'm just a squad leader. Zak." Yep, that's it, nothing else. "Let me get you to the commander to start, he can give you a bigger picture of what's going on."<br> <br>

:'''{{#var:1463|John Stewart (1463)}} has posed:'''<br>"I wasn't in the Corps at the time, but I'd assume my fellows didn't want to test their nullifier." John notes as he starts walking along with Zak. "I'm here to fix that. I can see where we went wrong. From what I've seen, you can use my help, and I can use yours."<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:1463|John Stewart (1463)}} has posed:'''<br>"I wasn't in the Corps at the time, but I'd assume my fellows didn't want to test their nullifier." John notes as he starts walking along with Zak. "I'm here to fix that. I can see where we went wrong. From what I've seen, you can use my help, and I can use yours."<br> <br>

:'''{{#var:7407|Santolouco (7407)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zak gives a slightly smug grin. "Well, you'll have plenty of chance to do that," he says. "I don't know much about a nullifier, probably a question for Honeycutt."<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He leads John through the streets toward the palace proper, and gives the information to the guards, who let him pass. As formal as the military training is, the security seems to be far more intimate. All these soldiers know each other. But then, there aren't that many of them, either. Soon they are walking in on a war room, where a taller man with those same long pointy ears and a blue haircut that looks like it's straight out of an anime stands. He's strong, square jawed and in his prime, and is standing next to a rather beautiful woman with orange hair that is spun up over her head like a soft serve ice cream cone. <br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"Commander Dask, Princess Tala," Zak announces. "I found us some reinforcements," he says with a rather jovial tone. Both look up, spotting John at once, their eyes star struck for a moment, as if not sure what to say at the sight.<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:7407|Shredder (1233)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zak gives a slightly smug grin. "Well, you'll have plenty of chance to do that," he says. "I don't know much about a nullifier, probably a question for Honeycutt."<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He leads John through the streets toward the palace proper, and gives the information to the guards, who let him pass. As formal as the military training is, the security seems to be far more intimate. All these soldiers know each other. But then, there aren't that many of them, either. Soon they are walking in on a war room, where a taller man with those same long pointy ears and a blue haircut that looks like it's straight out of an anime stands. He's strong, square jawed and in his prime, and is standing next to a rather beautiful woman with orange hair that is spun up over her head like a soft serve ice cream cone. <br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"Commander Dask, Princess Tala," Zak announces. "I found us some reinforcements," he says with a rather jovial tone. Both look up, spotting John at once, their eyes star struck for a moment, as if not sure what to say at the sight.<br> <br>

:'''{{#var:1463|John Stewart (1463)}} has posed:'''<br>"Greetings." John isn't sure what the formal addresses are, so he opts for neutrality and bows the universal royalty bow. "I am John Stewart of the Green Lantern Corps, here to assess and possibly assist. I believe we can help each other."<br><br>He gives a side nod to the entry, his glowing eyes glancing to it before he looks back to the Commander and the Princess. "There's something I need out there, and I believe you can use the help of the Corps. I stand ready to assist. What's your situation?"<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:1463|John Stewart (1463)}} has posed:'''<br>"Greetings." John isn't sure what the formal addresses are, so he opts for neutrality and bows the universal royalty bow. "I am John Stewart of the Green Lantern Corps, here to assess and possibly assist. I believe we can help each other."<br><br>He gives a side nod to the entry, his glowing eyes glancing to it before he looks back to the Commander and the Princess. "There's something I need out there, and I believe you can use the help of the Corps. I stand ready to assist. What's your situation?"<br> <br>

:'''{{#var:7407|Santolouco (7407)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"Good to meet you, Dask says, walking up to extend a rather informal greeting in respond, a hearty handshake. "You're a sight for sore eyes. We took the opportunity to liberate ourselves when the Triceratons announced their freedom. It's hard going, though. The Utroms most certainly don't want to give up the hold they have on Neutrino, not with the Fugitoid here."<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:7407|Shredder (1233)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"Good to meet you, Dask says, walking up to extend a rather informal greeting in respond, a hearty handshake. "You're a sight for sore eyes. We took the opportunity to liberate ourselves when the Triceratons announced their freedom. It's hard going, though. The Utroms most certainly don't want to give up the hold they have on Neutrino, not with the Fugitoid here."<br> <br>

:'''{{#var:1463|John Stewart (1463)}} has posed:'''<br>"They don't generally like giving up any territory." John notes. Then, he brings up his right hand, "Ring, query database for Fugitoid, specifically on planet Neutrino." John orders of it, before he looks to Dask then, "They have a localized jamming technology that can neutralize my ring. I have no idea if the ground forces here have their own versions of it, but I'm willing to take that risk if I get support."<br><br>He looks around then, "I can be the best weapon you have, but it will mean focusing on supporting me while I do my work. If they neutralize my ring again, I need time and support to get away from the radius of it so we can mark it and pummel the area into oblivion."<br><br>He smiles, then, "I'm a veteran of multiple Corps campaigns: I know what I'm doing, but I'm only one human. We can discuss long term once we can get out of this situation."<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:1463|John Stewart (1463)}} has posed:'''<br>"They don't generally like giving up any territory." John notes. Then, he brings up his right hand, "Ring, query database for Fugitoid, specifically on planet Neutrino." John orders of it, before he looks to Dask then, "They have a localized jamming technology that can neutralize my ring. I have no idea if the ground forces here have their own versions of it, but I'm willing to take that risk if I get support."<br><br>He looks around then, "I can be the best weapon you have, but it will mean focusing on supporting me while I do my work. If they neutralize my ring again, I need time and support to get away from the radius of it so we can mark it and pummel the area into oblivion."<br><br>He smiles, then, "I'm a veteran of multiple Corps campaigns: I know what I'm doing, but I'm only one human. We can discuss long term once we can get out of this situation."<br> <br>

:'''{{#var:7407|Santolouco (7407)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"Try Zayton Honeycutt," a robotic voice says from the next room when John query's the ring for the Fugitoid. A small figure walks into to match it. Gold in color without a great deal of intent to make the figure look remarkably human, the small robot is only about three and a half feet tall. <br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"At your service," he says. <br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"Lantern Stewart, Professor Zayton Honeycutt," Dask introduces. "The Fugitoid. He used to work with General Qanin. The Utroms have known about the problem of their dying planet for some time."<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"Yes, Honeycutt says through his robotic body. "I'm afraid that even the most scientific minds can be deceived by a good story. I'm afraid that I'm to blame for your trouble with your ring," he confesses.<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:7407|Shredder (1233)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"Try Zayton Honeycutt," a robotic voice says from the next room when John query's the ring for the Fugitoid. A small figure walks into to match it. Gold in color without a great deal of intent to make the figure look remarkably human, the small robot is only about three and a half feet tall. <br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"At your service," he says. <br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"Lantern Stewart, Professor Zayton Honeycutt," Dask introduces. "The Fugitoid. He used to work with General Qanin. The Utroms have known about the problem of their dying planet for some time."<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"Yes, Honeycutt says through his robotic body. "I'm afraid that even the most scientific minds can be deceived by a good story. I'm afraid that I'm to blame for your trouble with your ring," he confesses.<br> <br>

:'''{{#var:1463|John Stewart (1463)}} has posed:'''<br>"Deception is not about a good story. It's about perception." John explains as he looks to the Professor, "You created the technology?"<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:1463|John Stewart (1463)}} has posed:'''<br>"Deception is not about a good story. It's about perception." John explains as he looks to the Professor, "You created the technology?"<br> <br>

:'''{{#var:7407|Santolouco (7407)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"I'm afraid I did. It was quite by accident, really," Professor Honeycutt says. "I recognized an ability to use Utromium to alter radiation waves in order to cancel out a number of different signals, your ring was among them. I was attempting to find a way to generate more Utromium by using the Utromium's natural effects." Though there is no facial expression, the body language of the robot seems apologetic. "Sorry about that," he says.<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:7407|Shredder (1233)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"I'm afraid I did. It was quite by accident, really," Professor Honeycutt says. "I recognized an ability to use Utromium to alter radiation waves in order to cancel out a number of different signals, your ring was among them. I was attempting to find a way to generate more Utromium by using the Utromium's natural effects." Though there is no facial expression, the body language of the robot seems apologetic. "Sorry about that," he says.<br> <br>

:'''{{#var:1463|John Stewart (1463)}} has posed:'''<br>"The Guardians are going to want to speak with you, I think." John told him, "If we can counteract the canceller, the Corps can come here in force. As it is, I'm the only one willing to intervene here." John looks to Dask, "The only thing this changes is your priority. They /cannot/ get him back. So, what's your situation?"<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:1463|John Stewart (1463)}} has posed:'''<br>"The Guardians are going to want to speak with you, I think." John told him, "If we can counteract the canceller, the Corps can come here in force. As it is, I'm the only one willing to intervene here." John looks to Dask, "The only thing this changes is your priority. They /cannot/ get him back. So, what's your situation?"<br> <br>

:'''{{#var:7407|Santolouco (7407)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"Oh, we're fully aware. Professor Honeycutt is one of the most brilliant minds to ever be produced by Neutrino," Tala says speaking up. She pats the small robotic man on the shoulder affectionately. "And he's given up a great deal to help us." <br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Fugitoid looks down momentarily, as if in thought. "I'm not sure if I can create something to cancel the canceller. It can be destroyed as any other device, though," he says. "I'd happily lend my aid to the Guardians, but first we'd have to survive this siege."<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dask nods. "Though now that we have a Lantern here, it should make things a lot easier," he says. "Your ring seems to be working just fine now. Maybe we could take them by surprise."<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:7407|Shredder (1233)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"Oh, we're fully aware. Professor Honeycutt is one of the most brilliant minds to ever be produced by Neutrino," Tala says speaking up. She pats the small robotic man on the shoulder affectionately. "And he's given up a great deal to help us." <br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Fugitoid looks down momentarily, as if in thought. "I'm not sure if I can create something to cancel the canceller. It can be destroyed as any other device, though," he says. "I'd happily lend my aid to the Guardians, but first we'd have to survive this siege."<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dask nods. "Though now that we have a Lantern here, it should make things a lot easier," he says. "Your ring seems to be working just fine now. Maybe we could take them by surprise."<br> <br>

:'''{{#var:1463|John Stewart (1463)}} has posed:'''<br>He nods, firmly. John is a military man, he knows the deal of being a resource in a war. This is no different. "Point me where you need me. I charged before I came here. Use me well, and I can give you much needed help."<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:1463|John Stewart (1463)}} has posed:'''<br>He nods, firmly. John is a military man, he knows the deal of being a resource in a war. This is no different. "Point me where you need me. I charged before I came here. Use me well, and I can give you much needed help."<br> <br>

:'''{{#var:7407|Santolouco (7407)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"I like this one," Zak pipes up. "Not afraid to get his hands dirty." <br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dask nods. "Great to hear, soldier." He points to the war map with the digital display of the known locations of ally and enemy forces. They are definitely outnumbered. "Sounds like we got some work to do."<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:7407|Shredder (1233)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"I like this one," Zak pipes up. "Not afraid to get his hands dirty." <br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dask nods. "Great to hear, soldier." He points to the war map with the digital display of the known locations of ally and enemy forces. They are definitely outnumbered. "Sounds like we got some work to do."<br> <br>

Latest revision as of 16:02, 18 April 2022

Unstoppable: The Neutrinos
Date of Scene: 05 November 2021
Location: Planet Neutrino
Synopsis: John Stewart lands on Planet Neutrino after crashing with his ring disabled. He meets the Neutrino resistance and learns some insight into the larger battle.
Cast of Characters: Shredder, Green Lantern (Stewart)
Tinyplot: Unstoppable

Shredder (1233) has posed:
    The pod crashed into the side of the planet, and given that it was fashioned from an escape pod, it's autopilot was already enabled with the capability of bringing John safely to the ground. The landing isn't gentle, though. The landing gear was damaged, and it bursts through rocky wreckage, a smoking bullet that streaks across a warzone as the ground forces of Neutrinos and Utroms alike battle it out fiercely.

    Counter to Raagk's description, this is not a simple small uprising. Though scarred by damage, a palace can be seen during the descent, fending off the assault from Utrom heavy artillery. It's not a small uprising, it's more like a siegeworthy military defense.

    The view dissappears as the pod impacts the ground, airbags exploding around to cushion from the rough landing that drags a gouge across the battletorn landscape. Unfortunately, the blow wasn't strong enough to shut off whatever it is that's blocking the Lantern powers.

Green Lantern (Stewart) has posed:
And so he sits... waiting to find out which side will get to him first. He might just become a prisoner yet.

Of course, if the defenders have any idea who is in that pod, they might make him a priority rescue.

Still, it's a good time to take in what he's actually dealing with. His eyes and ears are basically glued to the viewport as he drops, trying to assess the situation for both tactics and strategy. He came to this planet to assess the Empire and the rebellions after all.

Still, without the ring altering the material of his civilian garb, it reverts back to all black with a black leather jacket.

Of course, it's also possible the mechanisms were damage... and so John gives a test push to see if he can open the pod himself.

Shredder (1233) has posed:
    The door is pinned, only opening a few inches to let in fresh, and fortunately human compatible air. The smell of explosives fills the nostrils.
    The closing team is quite fast, and a man with rather elfin features, pink hair, and sunglasses soon is by the viewport. There's shouting to create the perimeter, blasts of advanced weaponry raging around. After a moment, there's an explosion, and the wall of the pod disintegrates, revealing the pink haired man and another with green. Apparently neon colors are the style on this planet. They wear white and blue armor, holding their blaster rifles trained on the opening.

    They look a little confused.

    The pink-haired man yells something that is accented by a look of confusion on his face. It appears he was expecting something different when he blew open the door. Another blast strikes the pit's edge, causing everyone except the pink-haired man to recoil.

Green Lantern (Stewart) has posed:
Raising his hands, John gives the universal 'I mean no harm' gesture as he slowly stands and tries to get out of the pod.

First things first, he needs to find out the range on that nullifier... sure, these people can take his ring, but the only person in the universe it will respond to is him, even assuming they realize what he is.

With no ideas on temperament for these creatures, John simply waits... moving away from the pod might be considered a hostile act.

He'll need to salvage this pod to bring it back to Oa for reverse engineering... but that can come later.

Shredder (1233) has posed:
    Tentatively, the military team takes John out of the pod, and then quickly take a look at the deflated bags within to make sure there's not a second occupant. They are fast in their retreat, which is wise since a heavy military walker is closing in on the position.

    Explosions, laser fire, and destruction chase the team all the way back, and the small force, comprising of six members, shows their mettle as they manage to snipe out several rocky skinned soldiers who try to stop their retreat. This team is very good by any military standards. Like a well-oiled and well trained machine they move as one, and soon they've taken John into the palace walls, entering through a damaged portion. Upon reaching the other side of the wall, the ring's powers suddenly return.

    "Trubella syn chi-him to Dask," the pink-haired soldier orders. "He may not be an Utrom, but he came in an Utrom pod, something is off here."

Green Lantern (Stewart) has posed:
As his ring reactivates, there's a sudden wave of Green energy that flows over his body at the same time a Green field surround him.... and his eyes glow Green. His Green Lantern uniform replaces his clothing, and he stops where he is. "I apologize. That pod did something to my ring, but it's back now. I am John Stewart of the Green Lantern Corps. I've come to this region of space investigating the rumors of changes in the Empire."

He points in the general direction of the pod, "That pod was meant to contain me after I opened fire on their ship in orbit. Now, what is your situation?" That last carries all the authority of a veteran commander asking for a status report.

Which, to be fair, he is... just of the Green Lantern Corps.

Shredder (1233) has posed:
    The reflex from the whole team is to instantly train their weapons on John as the uniform replaces his clothing, and his eye slight up. The pink-haired leader is the first to respond otherwise, holding up his hand to call them to lower their weapons, and he slowly takes his sunglasses off. "Well, I'll be, late to the party, huh Lantern?" he asks. "About twelve years late. But better late than never. I was going to take you to commander Dask, but I think their majesties may want to meet you even more. I'm just a squad leader. Zak." Yep, that's it, nothing else. "Let me get you to the commander to start, he can give you a bigger picture of what's going on."

Green Lantern (Stewart) has posed:
"I wasn't in the Corps at the time, but I'd assume my fellows didn't want to test their nullifier." John notes as he starts walking along with Zak. "I'm here to fix that. I can see where we went wrong. From what I've seen, you can use my help, and I can use yours."

Shredder (1233) has posed:
    Zak gives a slightly smug grin. "Well, you'll have plenty of chance to do that," he says. "I don't know much about a nullifier, probably a question for Honeycutt."

    He leads John through the streets toward the palace proper, and gives the information to the guards, who let him pass. As formal as the military training is, the security seems to be far more intimate. All these soldiers know each other. But then, there aren't that many of them, either. Soon they are walking in on a war room, where a taller man with those same long pointy ears and a blue haircut that looks like it's straight out of an anime stands. He's strong, square jawed and in his prime, and is standing next to a rather beautiful woman with orange hair that is spun up over her head like a soft serve ice cream cone.

    "Commander Dask, Princess Tala," Zak announces. "I found us some reinforcements," he says with a rather jovial tone. Both look up, spotting John at once, their eyes star struck for a moment, as if not sure what to say at the sight.

Green Lantern (Stewart) has posed:
"Greetings." John isn't sure what the formal addresses are, so he opts for neutrality and bows the universal royalty bow. "I am John Stewart of the Green Lantern Corps, here to assess and possibly assist. I believe we can help each other."

He gives a side nod to the entry, his glowing eyes glancing to it before he looks back to the Commander and the Princess. "There's something I need out there, and I believe you can use the help of the Corps. I stand ready to assist. What's your situation?"

Shredder (1233) has posed:
    "Good to meet you, Dask says, walking up to extend a rather informal greeting in respond, a hearty handshake. "You're a sight for sore eyes. We took the opportunity to liberate ourselves when the Triceratons announced their freedom. It's hard going, though. The Utroms most certainly don't want to give up the hold they have on Neutrino, not with the Fugitoid here."

Green Lantern (Stewart) has posed:
"They don't generally like giving up any territory." John notes. Then, he brings up his right hand, "Ring, query database for Fugitoid, specifically on planet Neutrino." John orders of it, before he looks to Dask then, "They have a localized jamming technology that can neutralize my ring. I have no idea if the ground forces here have their own versions of it, but I'm willing to take that risk if I get support."

He looks around then, "I can be the best weapon you have, but it will mean focusing on supporting me while I do my work. If they neutralize my ring again, I need time and support to get away from the radius of it so we can mark it and pummel the area into oblivion."

He smiles, then, "I'm a veteran of multiple Corps campaigns: I know what I'm doing, but I'm only one human. We can discuss long term once we can get out of this situation."

Shredder (1233) has posed:
    "Try Zayton Honeycutt," a robotic voice says from the next room when John query's the ring for the Fugitoid. A small figure walks into to match it. Gold in color without a great deal of intent to make the figure look remarkably human, the small robot is only about three and a half feet tall.

    "At your service," he says.

    "Lantern Stewart, Professor Zayton Honeycutt," Dask introduces. "The Fugitoid. He used to work with General Qanin. The Utroms have known about the problem of their dying planet for some time."

    "Yes, Honeycutt says through his robotic body. "I'm afraid that even the most scientific minds can be deceived by a good story. I'm afraid that I'm to blame for your trouble with your ring," he confesses.

Green Lantern (Stewart) has posed:
"Deception is not about a good story. It's about perception." John explains as he looks to the Professor, "You created the technology?"

Shredder (1233) has posed:
    "I'm afraid I did. It was quite by accident, really," Professor Honeycutt says. "I recognized an ability to use Utromium to alter radiation waves in order to cancel out a number of different signals, your ring was among them. I was attempting to find a way to generate more Utromium by using the Utromium's natural effects." Though there is no facial expression, the body language of the robot seems apologetic. "Sorry about that," he says.

Green Lantern (Stewart) has posed:
"The Guardians are going to want to speak with you, I think." John told him, "If we can counteract the canceller, the Corps can come here in force. As it is, I'm the only one willing to intervene here." John looks to Dask, "The only thing this changes is your priority. They /cannot/ get him back. So, what's your situation?"

Shredder (1233) has posed:
    "Oh, we're fully aware. Professor Honeycutt is one of the most brilliant minds to ever be produced by Neutrino," Tala says speaking up. She pats the small robotic man on the shoulder affectionately. "And he's given up a great deal to help us."

    The Fugitoid looks down momentarily, as if in thought. "I'm not sure if I can create something to cancel the canceller. It can be destroyed as any other device, though," he says. "I'd happily lend my aid to the Guardians, but first we'd have to survive this siege."

    Dask nods. "Though now that we have a Lantern here, it should make things a lot easier," he says. "Your ring seems to be working just fine now. Maybe we could take them by surprise."

Green Lantern (Stewart) has posed:
He nods, firmly. John is a military man, he knows the deal of being a resource in a war. This is no different. "Point me where you need me. I charged before I came here. Use me well, and I can give you much needed help."

Shredder (1233) has posed:
    "I like this one," Zak pipes up. "Not afraid to get his hands dirty."

    Dask nods. "Great to hear, soldier." He points to the war map with the digital display of the known locations of ally and enemy forces. They are definitely outnumbered. "Sounds like we got some work to do."