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Unstoppable!: On Waves Unknown
Date of Scene: 18 April 2022
Location: Somewhere on the Atlantic Ocean
Synopsis: Lex investigates the disappearance of the shipping vessels in the Atlantic, and has Doom come as backup. They discover that it is no small operation.
Cast of Characters: Shredder, Lex Luthor, Doctor Doom
Tinyplot: Unstoppable

Shredder has posed:
    The MSC Aqua Terra is a not a new ship, but it certainly has stood the test of time. Responsible for many shipping ventures through the Atlantic, Captain Yusef Dayakar has managed to make several successful voyages over the fifteen years of his career as captain. He's the third captain of this vessel, commissioned in 1992, it's been updated and retrofitted a number of times to keep it relevant, but it still runs on a well maintained diesel system that turns it's massive twelve foot propellors through the seas.

    Yusef was not keen on the decision to take the shipment of electronic parts for cell phones, mechanical engine parts, and copper through the current danger zone, but his superiors would not have it. They were certain that this was a time that categorically thefts have not been occuring in the new Bermuda triangle that's appeared in the Northern Atlantic Ocean. A zone that seems to be growing by the week. Every time shipping lanes adjust to avoid it, it gets bigger.

    A storm is coming, though. Not all threats are mysterious. The ship makes a shift starboard, looking to avoid the more significant part of the storm.

Lex Luthor has posed:
Normally, Lex would leave this to the Enforcers and backtrack from there... but Lex had long ago learned to listen to his instincts... and his instincts screamed at him that with what has been going on, something is very out of place about these thefts. Something that required his personal attention to get to the bottom of it.

You don't steal from LexCorp unless Lex has specifically allowed it in a plan of his own... and this is not part of his plan. Someone is raiding caravans in a way that makes them disappear.

On this trip, Lex has covertly setup a small living quarters inside a cargo container inside the ship proper. With a full suite of surveillance, a hidden transceiver and his warsuit on standby, Lex has come in person on this one... covertly. No one knows about him here except Yusef and a maintenance tech covertly assigned to keep the container apartment stocked.

With full access to all the electronic equipment, Lex has not been idle in running LexCorp by remote... though he does have one of his subsidiary CEOs running the day to day for him.

For an overt presence... Deathstroke has been assigned as topside security to this ship. Answerable only to the Captain for the crew, but covertly directly answers to Lex himself, Lex has tried to cover his bases.

Everything is not under control... but it soon will be.

Shredder has posed:
    The storm's impact on the waves can be felt, though the ship is large enough to manage many of the tall waves safely, they can still be felt as the ship skirts the visible front that brushes alongside the course. A bright flash of lightning cracks down the sky, followed by a rumble that reveals it's much farther away than it might have appeared on the open sea.

    On the satellite, the storm is the only thing that seems to be spotted for quite a while. On deck everything seems normal, no one seems to be acting suspiciously. At least, not until the ship suddenly loses pressure in the engines, the propellors begin to slow to a crawl, and the ship, while still moving forward, only has a very small fraction of its previous power.

    Then the ship disappears from the satellite image all together. No scans seem to be able to reveal its presence.

Lex Luthor has posed:
Something that can cloak ships from orbital spy sats? This doesn't have the feel of wormholes, at least... he can also feel the turbines losing pressure. Time to start getting involved.

Lex stands up on his container apartment and steps into the warsuit. It folds around him and locks into place. <<Deathstroke, there's activity. Report to the engine room and investigate>> Lex orders of the Enforcer as Lex steps out of the container itself, heading for the front of the ship... uncaring if anyone sees the green and purple suit.

<<Captain, get your people ready for potential boarding. The power loss is being investigated.>> Lex tells the man as he heads for the front belowdecks.

Shredder has posed:
    Slade makes his way to the engine of the ship, looking around for what might be the cause of the sudden loss in power. "Confirmed," he says in his no-nonsense manner, opening the engine room of the ship. It's clear rather immediately where the problem lies. Well, at least where those who would fix the problem lie. They lie in pieces, scattered about the engine room. Four crewmates are dead, smashed against metal blocks, the one remaining turning toward the door as it opens. He was shutting down all of the engines one by one. He doesn't even respond immediately. "We have a saboteur in the engine room." Deathstroke reports.

    The captain issues the signal on Lex's command, and a siren goes off on the ship, all of the hands rushing to their stations. Most of them aren't truly warriors, but they make their way to their armaments all the same. It's better than just dying.

    And that's when a new threat appears on the deck. The bow of the ship suddenly erupts into a cacophany of loud crunching metal as the front of the ship is pierced by objects unseen, and she ship lurches to the port, in the direction of the storm. It's enough that virtually every crew member is thrown from their feet.

Lex Luthor has posed:
Looking in the general direction of the bow, Lex does a scan of the area... only a thermal signature? That's breaking all kinds of physics right there.

Alien technology, am I right?

<<Subdue if you can, kill if not. I need information, and a dead subject can't be interrogated.>> Lex tells Deathstroke, then, Lex suddenly takes off, flying down the corridors torwards the bow... and just before he reaches the peircing holes, he activates his plasma blade and takes a swing, trying to cut it in one.

Shredder has posed:
    "Confirmed," Deathstroke answers, leaping into action at the remaining crewmember. He's met with a rather startling response, as the man turns, a hand casually reaching up to swat him overhead, sending him to the other side of the room, and he strikes against one of the engines. "Rrr, enhanced strenght," he reports with a grunt. "A lot of enhanced strength."

    The plasma blade strikes something, and a spark flies off. Something repels the blade, thought it's effectively cutting, it has a lot of resistance, as if some kind of field makes the process difficult. All the same, as the blade cuts through, a metal tooth of sorts becomes visible as it's sawn off. That affront doesn't go unchecked, however. From the air in front of the ship, the flyling craft appears. Not unlike a saucer of sorts, about thirty feet across, it's power seems to be akin to a tug boat. And it has it's own plasma weapons which train automatically upon Lex's warsuit. An incoming of plasma bursts sear the area around as magnificently hot plasma ignites the very air around it, several thousand degrees igniting every speck of dust on the surface of the ship near the blast in a flash of energy.

Lex Luthor has posed:
It's going to be one of those days, is it?

Instead of trying to absorb that with his shield, Lex suddenly flies to his right and starts to cut his way to the outside... upon doing so, <<Can you handle it, or do I need to send the other agent to assist?>> The other agent being the warsuit proper.

As he asks the question, Lex is already aiming his palm projectors at the core area and firing beans of intense plasma.

Not to damage (it seems pretty obvious this thing can defend itself against high energy weapons), but to start making ripples in whatever defense technology is at play so his sensors can get information.

He wants to capture or destroy this thing.... and he can't do that unless he finds a weak point to tear at.

Shredder has posed:
    It is thrown plasma, making it far slower, though far more dangerous than lasers. The deck of the ship is quickly melted along with the steel containers that it strikes as Lex dives out of the way and up to the air. The cannon swivels and fires again with a precision that suggests it is an automatic targeting, not one that is manually attended to. Indeed, nothing of the offending craft suggests a pilot of any sort. The plasma strikes the hull, as it's unwilling to release it's quarry in order to avoid being struck down. Each beam scars the outside as an energy shield quickly reallocates after a few moments to prevent critical damage. It seems to be able to focus the shield to the most threatened point, meaning the best way to handle its defenses is most likely to spread the defenses thinner than it can manage.

    As for Deathstroke? He doesn't immediately answer, perhaps he's engaged in combat too fierce, or perhaps he can't respond. Either way, for the moment it's radio silence.

Lex Luthor has posed:
He could overload the projectors to try to push through that point defense shield... but that was risky. Lex needed to check on Deathstroke first.

He immediately goes back to the hole he created and starts flying towards the engine room through the ship, trying to tune his sensors to find Deathstroke as he moves to assist.

The drone thing will have to wait a moment. Worse comes to worse, the crew can be rescued later.

Shredder has posed:
    Possible threats may be hard to avoid in such a tight space, and when Lex retreats, the offending tow vessel seems uninterested in pursuing him. It continues pulling the ship, now moving with a significantly increased speed, into the storm. The ship rocks as it hits heavier and choppier waves, far more offensive than the ones that it previously encuuntered. Certainly if it were not held fast by this flying tugboat, it might do some serious damage to the cargo.

    "Target is not human," Deathstroke announces as Lex gets close. Apparently he's been a little busy to talk. He's still up and fighting. As the engine room is entered, Deathstroke has his energy lance out, and he's busy dodging a partly disguised creature whose human costume has been shredded. Beneath it is a rocky skin, and he stands six and a half feet tall. It parries his blow with its fist, and a punch sends him sliding back along the floor of the engine room.

Lex Luthor has posed:
Instead of answering, Lex flies right at the thing, shield gauntlet activated as he tries to pin it against the wall while it's distracted.

The ship will have to wait... besides, Lex wants to know where they're being taken now.

Shredder has posed:
    The rocky soldier is so focused on Deathstroke, it doesn't even see the blow coming, slamming up against the wall and cratering into the metal, it turns to look at the offender. It's not down and out, though it seems definitely overpowered by the warsuit's considerable strength, even if it is able to overpower the strength that Deathstroke can boast. The rocky face kicks outward trying to force Lex off, but his power is not nearly strong enough for a suit that is made to fight off some of the strongest the world has to offer.

Lex Luthor has posed:
<Knock it out>> Lex barks from the speakers on the warsuit helmet. <<There's a construct dragging us, we need to be prepared for boarding when it arrives wherever it is going, and I want this thing secured before then>>

Shredder has posed:
    Deathstroke scrambles to his feet, arranging the energy lance into a pair of kali sticks. He rushes to Lex's side delivering blow after blow to the rocky terror's head, and soon enough, it's enough to knock it unconscious as it stops struggling and falls silent. Definitely a tough customer, he's not indestructible. The ship, however, has another problem A sudden creak upsest the entire hull, as the ship has to contend with thirty foot waves as it's dragged forcibly through the storm. The shipping vessel is strong, but it's certainly not designed for this level of punishment. It's hard to know whether it would be worse to stop it from being pulled, or to let it continue being dragged. Everyone on board at the moment is certainly in significant danger.

Lex Luthor has posed:
Listening to the ship creaking as it goes through the sensors, Lex deactivates the gauntlet and grips the body with one hand. As he floats, he turns in place, a sensor pod infolding at the side of his head to do a structural image. Doesn't it need the ship intact? The cargo is lost if it breaks in two...

As Lex floats there with the alien in hand... <<Secure this thing in one of the containers. I need to check the hull, see if I need to keep us intact>>

With that, the body is dropped as Lex flies back out, scanning for structural weaknesses he needs to reinforce.

Shredder has posed:
    Once Lex leaves the ship, it's a horrible squall. Some of the crew have made it to a life boat, and ar descending off the ship. It splashes into the sea, tossed about as an air tight bob for the survivors. The ship's spine isn't broken, but it doesn't take instruments to see that has warped slightly. Then a flash comes as the towing craft takes a shot at the life boat. A wave saves it, the hiss of the cold water cancelling out the plasma shot as it bursts into a plume of steam, but they won't get so lucky likely with subsequent shots.

    A peal of lightning illuminates the sky. Maybe half a mile away, something monstrous and round is present. A sphere of some sort, though the storm makes it difficult to discern. Whatever it is, it seems to be the destination the ship is being towed toward.

Lex Luthor has posed:
Another channel opens to the Captain, <<Get you and the other with you below to one of the cargo containers. This is worse than I thought. An agent will come collect you from it when we're done here. I might have to cut this ship loose.>> Another channel opens to Deathstroke, <<Get the thing into the container and then head for the front. I want to see how much this drone can take and if the ship can be saved, the thing is invisible.>>

That lifeboat will need a distraction, and Lex flies right between the drone and the lifeboat, his shield gauntlet activating as he tries to intercept the plasma beans being fired.

He can go on offense once Deathstroke is in position. The sphere can wait.

Shredder has posed:
    The incoming warsuit gives the lifeboat a break, because as intended, it shifts toward the more imminent threat of Lex's intervention. The blindingly hot plasma whops forward, a cloud of steam trailing behind it as its very presence vaporizes the falling rain around it blast after blast.

    The ship gives a final call for all remaining hands to evacuate, not having a scanner to tell him that they are the last two, and does as ordered, rushing toward a container. "Sir," his arabic voice comes back on the line. "Shipping containers do not float," he says, not understanding what this plan is.

    Deathstroke does as he's told though, hoisting the heavy soldier up. "He's as heavy as he looks," he says. Deathstroke has seriously increased strength, but this rock soldier seems to require most of it to move him as he stumbles forward with him against the rocking ship.

Lex Luthor has posed:
Once Lex is the one being shot at, he starts to fly around the drone... and starts firing beam projectors from his palms to try to find where the arm joints are by implication. <<Take your time. It's being distracted.>> He says to Deathstroke.

Indeed, Lex is dodging any attacks now as he mentally works out the structure of the thing. Sensors won't penetrate the drone cloak? That's fine, he can eyeball it.

Shredder has posed:
    One of the plasma cannons is struck by the beams, and the small explosion rocks free the invisibility. In the dark skies the robotic entity is not pretty. It's very functional. Paneling can be scanned to find that it is a type of titanium alloy, nothing too terribly original, though strong. However there is an energy shielding that exists. It's not more powerful than the plasma beams from Lex's suit, however. The scans might also find that this...is not a combat vehicle. What it's doing now is its primary function. The weapons seem to be an emergency defense, which given the level of firepower on them, might suggest whatever is on that island is much more powerful.

    There isn't long to see the craft, however, as it releases the ship and dives into the water below it, now that it's exposed. The tall waves shock the side of the shipping vessel, and it lists hard to the starboard side, sending several shipping containers sliding sideways off the pile and into the sea with a horrible crunch.

Lex Luthor has posed:
<<It's gone under. Once you're done packaging the subject, do a full sweep of the ship proper for anyone else. Don't engage without help. This is clearly a new hostile organization with advanced technology. The Light will need to how how many there are.>> Lex tells Deathstroke...

... and now Lex is thanking his foresight that he took the 'war' configuration warsuit on this. He's tested the power armor underwater before, but never under these conditions... and he wants that drone. It could tell him things about the nature of this new threat.

The council will want to know about it for sure.

Without hesitation, Lex divebombs into the water after it. Does it have engines? If it does, Lex suddenly stops with a clear line of sight to it, shifts into an open chest stance, and orders the warsuit to charge a full blast of his chest and palm projectors.

A few seconds later, and max charge triple beams of plasma fire where the engines of the drone are, trying to disable it.

Shredder has posed:
    The thing about sea water. It's really good at dispersing heat. Under the ship, the singular claw has gripped the spine of the ship, and pulls it back down. It's trying to prevent it from fully capsizing, while avoiding the plasma bursts. The ship lurches forward again as some sort of unclear propulsion keeps it moving forward. It doesn't have thrusters that would be affected. And it doesn't have propellors. Some other form of advanced tech.

    The triple blast from the plasma strikes it, searing through the water, but the reduction in power is significant, and it seems that the shield is holding. At least at this range. Of course getting closer might mean getting within reach of it's damaged second arm, still operational, it just can't properly clamp anymore.

Lex Luthor has posed:
All the better, now Lex doesn't need to do that himself.

Instead, Lex charges full speed at the thing, the plasma blade activated in front as he basically turns into a giant battering ram. If it tries to attack him, that gauntlet will activate... but he needs to allow the capacitor to recharge before he drains more power from the reactor like this.

He still hasn't stressed the reactor to the point of damaging it, and he doesn't want to find out what happens if he does... so for now, he tries to peirce that shield to get at the drone proper even as it resets the ship. The ship can be lost. He can simply pick up the crew in the cargo container himself. He's already written off the material on board as bait and will probably set a track on the ship before he leaves.

Shredder has posed:
    The automated craft swings at the shield. It's not hard to deflect given that it is not a war machine itself. The plasma blade pierces it's central controls, and instantly is releases the ship, defeated. Like a stone, it begins to sink into the waters below, down into the ocean depths. The ship, once released, is shown to have a new hole where itw as gripped. The ship is certainly not making it out of this.

    "Ready to go," Deathstroke announces over the comms. "I'm worried this ship won't last much longer." The shore is close now, maybe a few hundred yards. The image of the large sphere is more prominent, though the clouds hang low enough that only half of it can be seen. It seems to be peaking out of a mountain, maybe an island volcano? It has to be at least a thousand feet in height. Whatever it is, it's monolithic, and likely the purpose of all of these thefts.

Lex Luthor has posed:
A quick scan of the ship takes in everyone on board <<Sending you coordinates. Get the other two into that container with the subject and get yourself inside. You'll be picked up shortly.>>

Immediately, Lex activates his strength amplifier and grabs the drone with both hands, pulling it along as he heads for the top of the ship for an extraction...

Shredder has posed:
    As the ship drone is dragged up toward the top of the ship, there's a clear problem. A horrible grinding sound can be hear of metal and stone. The ship is running aground.

    Deathstroke's taken the initiative, making sure everyone is in the container, but the strike further damages the spine as the ship warps, and starts a slow keeling to that starboard side. It's clear that there is about to be an irrecoverable end to the shipping vessel. Mor containers start to slide to one side, and on shore, a series of floodlights start to burst to life, scanning the water and the ship around it. They are at varying heights, but at the moment, all seem to be stable enough to indicate they are at a fixed location.

Lex Luthor has posed:
A quick scan of the area reveals that everything he had planned for this had just gone out the window. Everything.

<<Deathstroke, I'm going to grab your container and plant you, and you need to get out here. We just got pulled into a military base and there are floodlights among other things. I need to deal with the aerial threat and anything that can pursue us.>>

Lex flies up and around, grabbing up the cargo container and depositing it on something akin to solid ground, before he goes a bit higher, his scanners taking in the area as he calls up a mental inventory of his weapons. The micro-missiles are going to be useful here, and he starts flying, palm projectors aiming at the base of the floodlights as he heads right for the aerial flyers coming in.

<<We just got pulled into a war.>>

Doctor Doom has posed:
The disappearing ships have been lingering on the mind of Doctor Doom. The capabilities demonstrated suggest extraterrestrial origin; technology beyond human comprehension, real-time updating in response to travel reroutes, there is a clear intelligence at play guided by some unknown entity. Is it a precursor to invasion? A band of refugees harvesting resources before fleeing? For now, none can say -- but the eye of Doom has been upon this region!

So it is that, when the situation seems most desperate, there is a flash of lightning and over the stormy seas is suddenly a looming figure lit by the glare of the flood-lights through the wind and the rain. The armored silhouette of Doom lifts a hand and with but the force of his magical will a peal of lightning is redirected, a cascading torrent of arcing electricity guided from the skies to the beaches and the lights gathered there.

"You were wise to seek my aid, Lex," the man's metallic voice rumbles over a shared channel.

To be fair, he hasn't done much except make a very flashy entrance and possibly fry some lights, but that's part of Doom's charm.

Shredder has posed:
    The lightning arcs arcross the landing area, and several lights go out. The wind howls upon the stormy front and waves crash violently on the shore. The three airborne targets respond. They are maybe two meters in length, and a rapid fire of small energy pulses state that they have no interest in prisoners. The crashing waves reveal something else, though, as well. Countless remains of other vessels are present on the shore in varying states of dismantling. Stripped of what made them ships in the first place, they are metal husks that have been thoroughly plundered.

Lex Luthor has posed:
<<The only reason they'd need this much is building something massive.>> Lex states over the Light comm network, micro missiles fire off at salvo at one of the incoming drone fighters as Lex starts working on dodging those energy pulses.

That doesn't look familiar... so from the stars is probably a good guesstimate.

Of course, he's having to dodge all three at this point... making his offensive abilities relegated to the occasional plasma beam from the projectors when he has a moment to spare.

<<We can all be wise later. We need intel or escape>> Lex dryly replies.

Doctor Doom has posed:
Any blasts directed toward Doom or accidentally launched at him strike harmlessly against his shimmering force field. The hovering tyrant folds his arms across his chest and surveys the shore and what he can detect of the island -- and in the darkness, his eyes seem to glow red, senses both magical and technological reaching out. The concentration of energy moments before the plasma beams fire, the predicted trajectories, heat signatures to detect life, anything mystical -- even in the midst of trouble, Doom seeks to know all he can, looking imperious and unconcerned as he does.

His shields will hold. He has absolute confidence in this, as he does all things. There is no need for Victor Von Doom to fret or rush.

"I suspected extraterrestrial origins when the disappearances began," he mentions in regards to intel. "All the evidence agreed. These vessels are being harvested for materials. Such foolishness."

An errant beam Lex dodges does come at him. If Doom even blinks, it's impossible to tell.

"If they are reduced to salvage, they are no doubt backed into a corner and desperate. They pose no threat to Doom -- but we shall withdraw, and determine how best to capitalize on their weaknesses. A mercy shown to the innocents here."

They're definitely no threat to Doom, and this is not a noble-sounding excuse to back off and prepare for a more thorough infiltration.

Shredder has posed:
    On the declaration that Doom intends to agree with backing off, there's an earth vibrating thrum that quakes the ground. It's source? The sphere, which is about a mile inland on this small island. It can be felt in the air as well as the ground, a chest rattling experience. Something is powering on.

    The first offending automaton is caught by the missiles, but the other two dodge, flip, and burst forward with intense speed, toward Doom and Lex, each taking a target as they continue their energy bursts.

Lex Luthor has posed:
<<I have no satellite access.>> Lex informs Victor as he cuts thrusters to drop to the ground and evade. His right arm straightens, aims for the drone heading for Victor, and another salvo of micro-missiles fires from arm mounted pods. Only a few of those left. Still, the aiming does leave him on a predictable angle, and a burst of energy slams into his frontal armor, sending Lex off course and unable to get his bearings briefly.

<<Can you see what that sphere is doing?>> Lex asks as he reactivates his thrusters to reorient himself.

Doctor Doom has posed:
A blast strikes the green barrier encasing Doom, the energy dissipating against it as the whole shell briefly shines brighter. "Doom is *speaking*, you insignificant wretch," he thunders out loud, unfurling his arms. He cannot shield and attack simultaneously; such is the power of Doom's techno-magical forcefields that it even suppresses his own offense from the inside! For a moment he ponders disabling it and retaliating -- and then Lex is firing off a swarm of micro-missiles.

"Mind yourself, Lex!" The Latverian sovereign snarls, taken by a fit of pique. "Doom need not be protected from these pathetic golems of stellar refuse!"

Enraged by the condescending camaraderie (in his own mind), Doom rises further into the air, raising a hand and expelling from a compartment in his arm a buzzing swarm of small robots, linked in one primitive guiding intelligence. This swarm of reconnaissance droids will fan out and begin to scan the island and the devices therein. In terms of self-defense, they have little, but they are small and they are legion, and data gathered by one transmits to all -- and back to Doom in real-time.

"So be it. Rescue your men. Doom will handle this."

And so he does, blasting off toward the sphere to get better acquainted with it. Forward into danger!

Shredder has posed:
    Up in the clouds, a red light can be seen, and there's a pulse of energy that's similar to an EMP. Only it's not. There's a rolling wave of air that comes off from the shockwave of the large sphere's powering on, hot and the opposite of the storm's cold blast. And following it Doom might not need any more information to know what is happening. Someway, somehow, this sphere just severed access to all arcane energies in the area. Technology is still up, but no magic.
    The two other attackers fall as they trade their existence for their landed strikes on Lex. For the moment? It's quiet. Nothing has yet started to come from the station.

Lex Luthor has posed:
<<We need to come back with an actual plan and with more resources. We knew this was going to be big, but that's a full blown base of some kind.>> Lex notes as he floats in midair looking towards the red light <<We know where it is now. That's enough.>>

With that, Lex divebombs right for the cargo container, <<Deathstroke, get in. We're leaving. We need to get the others before they come with reinforcements.>>

Doctor Doom has posed:
The sensation of being cut off from his supernatural abilities is a curious one. "A null-magic field," he remarks to himself, straining against it for a moment with an attempted minor invocation of flame. Now this is a technology worth pilfering -- both to adapt it for his own use, and to ensure that no other gets their hands on it. There is no force in the universe allowed to deprive Doom of what is rightfully his.

The lenses of his mask and the myriad sensors built into the circuitry and mechanisms of it work overtime, scanning the sphere and the area surrounding it. Micro-computers built into the titanium alloy seek out residual energies and any lingering signs of whether the sphere's violation is technological or magical in nature.

"... Yes," Doom remarks on the shared channel. "My readings of the sphere are inconclusive; there's too much interference. But I will not be denied -- know this, invaders, Doom will come for you!"

There's no need to announce what the sphere did, nor share what he might or might not have found in his scans. His will guides the spy drones to spread out and descend, even as he himself turns to depart. Between his teleportation device and flight, he has a gift for dramatic exits..

But those drones will stay, and collect as much information as possible for as long as they can. And when they have completed their task, or been compromised, their self-destruct mechanisms will reduce them to useless ash and atoms.

Shredder has posed:
    A klaxon sounds. Rock soldiers have been alerted, several like the one that Lex has detained. They aren't weaklings, and these? They are armed with energy rifles. They take up post within the station, and train their attentions on the two unwelcome guests.

    Deathstroke gets back in the container. "Agreed, it's time to get out of here," he says. As the little spy drones zip forward. They get a certain distance, scans of the island's fauna, which all seems to be dying. Scans of part of the structure, it's outer hull, and perhaps a few weapon systems. It isn't long though before point defense systems intercept them, piercing lasers pinpointing their location and firing upon the little devices.

Lex Luthor has posed:
As Deathstroke gets in, Lex slams the doors closed, locks it, and activates the amplifier as he lifts the container off the ground again and starts to fly, the contain stabilized by his hands as he flies low to the water to where the lifeboat is.

Once just within sight, he goes low under the water, concealing himself from sight... and getting close to the boat, he relays to Deathstroke directly, <<Open the doors and let the crew in.>>

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom himself will continue until he feels his control of magic return to him, calculating the range of the field, and when that moment comes, he will smile behind that grim and terrible mask, staring at the distant island and its sphere. Already his mind is working through plans and possibilities.

"You will be but a footnote in the history of Doom," he declares, a portal opening behind him, its shimmering surface reflecting an image of a Latverian laboratory. "And your marvels will be mine!"

He fades within his portal and disappears.