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World of Strange
Date of Scene: 10 May 2022
Location: Sanctum Santorum - Base Floor
Synopsis: Plans are made to stop the mysterious cult. Mystic minds are consulted and become more involved. Lois Lane exhibits startling behavior.
Cast of Characters: Doctor Strange, Scarlet Witch, Wiccan, Superman, Lois Lane

Doctor Strange has posed:
The Sanctum Sanctorum.

Home of the mystical artifacts from Earth and dimensions beyond it's reach, the Sanctum Sanctorum stands mightily as the bulwark fortress against the threats beyond the comprehension of mortal minds. The ruler of this Sanctum and it's primary defender is Doctor Stephen Strange. The Sorcerer Supreme.

Myriads of books and artifacts swirl and twist around him in a cascading tower of knowledge. "No. No. Not that one either." dressed in black and red robes and his hair long enough to be pulled into a medium pony-tail, held by a black band. "Hmm...." Strange brings his hand to his chin, fingers exposed but palms wrapped. Orange eldritch energy forms around his hands and sparks form an arch in a large, almost flaming circle. A gateway.

Both Clark and Lois will find similar portals open near them. An invitation. Of course, many mystics as well have access to the Sanctum. It's a neutral zone and a fortress against dark powers.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff hasn't been to this place in .. she can't even remember quite how long. No such portal had opened for her. However, she finds that her magic has brought her here to stand on the street just outside never the less. She shakes her head and chuckles to herself. Sometimes, her magic has a way of bringing her where she needs to be, when she needs to be.

And so it is that Wanda moves into motion and walks into the building. Only to stop once within as she sees the swirling twisting mealstrom of books and artifacts. "What /are/ you doing?" The question is asked as jade green eyes fall upon the one controlling not only the mealstrom, but portals as well.

She is dressed in a deep scarlet leather longcoat, a jade green shirt that matches her eyes, a pair of faded blue jeans, and a comfortable looking pair of boots that match the coat.

Wiccan has posed:
Wiccan has been abroad for the last almost-two years and is trying to reacquaint himself with the places he frequented while in college. One of those was the Sanctum Sanctorum and it's amazing library. Also...he wouldn't mind reacquainting himself with the Sorcerer Supreme since it's probably been almost four years or so.

Not wanting to portal in without permission (or a sling ring), he actually walks to the Sanctum. Dressed in his 'civvie' uniform of jeans, a hoodie, and this time, a 'Hufflepuff' t-shirt, he steps inside not long after Wanda has entered. "Are...you all right?" is asked when he sees the books and artifacts swirling around the Sorcerer, but then Wanda's words have him turning to her. "Wanda? Oh, my god!" And he kind of rushes her to try and get her into a big hug. It's been a while.

Superman has posed:
In distant Metropolis, nestled amidst the silken sheets of a well-kept apartment, lie a man and a woman in intimate embrace. Though the lights are off, the citylight through a wide window offers tantalizing glimpses of firm silhouettes, and the shadows offer no cover to giggling, excited voices.

"Lois, it's not that I don't find the enthusiasm absolutely thrilling, but, I mean, I can't even feel burning wax -- oh my God can you see me through that?"

Be the head of the Justice League long enough, and you encounter the magical now and again, including fiery portals to mystic homes.

Mere moments later, Lois and Superman emerge from the portal, no trace of the mild-mannered Clark to be seen; nay, here stands the hero among heroes, freshly-washed and smelling of pine, cape all a-flutter in the gentle breeze manifest by his hovering as the pair emerges.

"Doctor Strange," the Man of Steel declares, a gentle and confident smile on his face. "Is there an emergency? Shouldn't Zatanna be here, instead?"

Lois Lane has posed:
"Oh, come on, you can at least PRETEND to feel it, it looks very good-" And then there's a portal. In their bedroom. Lois' eyes go wide, cheeks flushing even deeper than they were (and she was pretty flushed previous to this) as her words die in her throat and she clutches sheets to her chest. Incredibly thankful for the veil of shadow, Lois is reasonably certain no one saw anything uncouthe. But this was going to be a hell of a first meeting.

A few moments later, with likely assistance from the super human fast Superman, Lois is in a pair of jeans and an oversized sweater on her skinny frame. She's still flushed from whatever they were doing, well hiding the pallor from the fact she looks rather drawn out compared to her normal self. Maybe just over worked. But she's got a respectful, reporter's-best smile across her features and is combing a hand back through her hair, really trying to be certain she looks professional as possible. "...Uh... Good... good evening. Hello there. I just... I'm here... I got a ride with Superman. Lois Lane. Reporter. Daily Planet." She introduces herself proudly to the room. Two Pulitzers later, she feels like people should know who she is.

Doctor Strange has posed:
"Wanda. Right on time." Strange knows it. He can force the winds of chance, but often times the world /must/ keep spinning without someone to spin it. Wanda and Billy were foreseen. Lois and Clark needed that extra push, else they'd normally never be at the Sanctum. "I'm investigating. Though you have company." He suggests as Wiccan arrives - Also on time. Strangd turns to the young man. Not minding his affectionate actions towards Wanda. "I've heard about you, Billy Kaplan. Zatanna's spoken highly."

Superman and Lois enter and Strange nods to them. "Thank you for promptly answering. I apologize for ruining a tender moment, but this is important." Strange gives no hero or accomplishment-worship to either of them. "I understand you two have been investigating a cult. A cult whose reach grows father every day. I will need what you know."

Hopefully that's not guarded knowledge. Strange can either absorb the knowledge or just listen to them as they speak. "Zatanna is a show a few blocks down. If things get out of hand further, I'll call her."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
It's not the familiar voice that draws Wanda's attention away from Doctor Strange and to the youngster who enters. It's what she feels before she even hears him and her head turns. A warm smile appears and she baps Wiccan atop his head before folding her arms around him. "Who are you calling 'Wanda'?" But despite the chiding in her tone, the warmth is definitely there. She steps back to hold him at arm's length. "You have grown," she states.

She pulls her attention away from Wiccan and back to Strange. "I'm usually right on time." Wanda pauses. "Except when I'm not." It would seem someone is in a good mood today. This is probably not a bad thing! "Investigating what?" And then that is at least partially answered. The sparkle fades as Wanda's expression grows solemn. A cult. She is paying attention now. She nods a greeting, slightly belated, to both Superman and Lois.

Wiccan has posed:
Wiccan is busy hugging Wanda, "Have I?" is asked once he's held at arm's length. "It's been like...four years! I'm so glad you're..." still around? Not evil? Not magicked into some alternate reality? "Here." He scrubs a hand through his bapped hair to try and fix it, "What am I supposed to call you then?" They never really discussed that the few times they met.

He then turns when the portal opens and his jaw just sort of drops. He still seems to be a bit in awe when Superman appears. And he doesn't have his autograph book!!

It takes him a few moments to realize he's being addressed but finally he manages to pull his eyes away from Superman (and Lois) to look to Doctor Strange. "A wizard is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to', is quoted before he responds, "We've met before, sir...but it was about four years ago or so. And she did? That's very nice of her..." considering they've only met once and he just summoned his autograph book for her. "A cult? What...sort of cult?"

Superman has posed:
Superman's steely gaze explores the Sanctum, looking over those gathered one by one. "Think nothing of it, Doctor Strange," Superman responds. "When there's a need, any member of the Justice League is honored to help."

Admittedly, Superman's still not used to being called for seemingly magical concerns; it's a field he's ill-suited for, and that initial confusion is writ in small ways on his face and in his voice. But it's a confusion that fades when the word cult is mentioned, replaced by a stern, knowing expression, brow a-furrowed and his mouth a thin line.

"A religious extremist group," Superman elaborates. "Years ago, they were a strange, isolated Christian sect, local to rural New York, but within the last decade they've come under new leadership and expanded across the American northeast. They've shown an amazing ability to proselytize... and judging from Lois' investigations, their leadership seems to be using drugs or brainwashing to accomplish this."

Superman falls silent then, leaving Lois to explain further. She was miss investigate, after all.

And to Wiccan? Superman offers a gleaming, white-toothed smile. Those shiny teeth belong on camera.

Lois Lane has posed:
Since everyone seems perfectly content to just ignore the initial state in which Superman and Lois were found, Lois is equally happy to ignore it. Especially when the topic of conversation is brought up and she realizes she is actually pretty relevant to being here. Her shoulders square up, chin lifting and pale eyes going a bit more bright when she gets the sense a story is getting even bigger than before. These are the things Lois Lane lives to do.

Superman's explanation gets a nod of approval, he getting all those details right, and she picks up from where he's left off seamlessly. It appears that the Man of Steel and this fairly mundane reporter do make quite a good team. "Superman has the right of it. I can't exactly explain what the drug was, but being on it was... Well, I'm normally a rather strong headed, stubborn woman, and it made it near impossible to fight through. It made it so all I wanted to do was obey the Leader's voice and go back to the flock. Now... I was only under cover with them two weeks previous to this, and I didn't have anything that strong put into me. But I'm starting to wonder if he's using minor doses of this drug just to keep everyone obedient..."

Doctor Strange has posed:
Strange nods once to Wanda as the situation becomes clear. "You are my expert recommendation on anything involving chaos magic." Stephen clasps his hands behind his back as the cascade of books suddenly clamp together in find piles and insert themselves back into the bookshelves. In alphabetical order.

Wiccan was incredibly entertaining. "J.R.R. Tolkien. I entertained his books on a recommendation. Fictional Fantasy isn't usually my tea, but he often spared no detail." THATS where he familiarized. "Oh yes. I remember. Brief, but no less effective. Welcome to the Sanctum Sanctorum."

He turns to Superman and Lois. "That is where my concern resides. Cults are a dime a dozen and most are harmless. But using drugs like this are too potent to be done too naturally. I fear dark magic is involved...and religion is a powerful thing. Hate for the Big Guy to actually act on a cult abusing His word. Happened with the Nords and a city went missing over night. Have you experienced any demonic presences among this cult?" He asks specifically if Lois.

Then to Superman. "Do any members of the cult show signs of redemption?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"Mother would be a good start." Wanda sounds distracted now, though. There are more pressing things at hand. Cults, for starters. "Most cults use drugs or brainwashing, or a combination of both, to get their followers to do what they want without question."

Wanda had been busy greeting Wiccan. She probably didn't see the couple's initial state. "Or it's a drug that has been enhanced." She pauses and looks between the Man of Steel and the Reporter. "I don't suppose you managed to get a sample of it..?" She doesn't hold out much hope there. Such things tend to be guarded jealously by those using them.

There's something, though. Wanda keeps glancing at Lois. But not just normal glances. She's looking at Lois like the woman is a puzzle she wants to solve. She glances briefly at Stephen and raises a brow. "I think I'm the only expert you have on chaos magic," she points out, lips curling up on either side. She looks back to Lois. Again. A puzzle. To be solved. Or an experiment to be played with. She offers no insight into whatever it is she's seeing or feeling when she looks at the poor reporter.

Wiccan has posed:
Wiccan can't help but blush as Superman turns his smile to him and he purposefully looks away. To Wanda, he gives a little smile, "Not sure how my mom would feel about that," Adopted mother, of course, "But we'll talk about it?"

Back to Strange, "Do you think there's magic at play? I mean, drugs can do weird stuff to the brain...rewire it and all that," he tries to remember some of his psychology classes, "That's why we have medications for mental issues. But it can be misused..." he looks to Lois, "That's sort of what this sounds like, right?"

There's a bit of a look of skepticism at the mention of a tie in to demonic forces, "Are you sure? I mean...yeah, sure, there are some magic traditions where psychotropic drugs are used to access visions and creative understanding, but I haven't really found that anything demonic was linked to them." There's a glance around even as he answers any possible questions, "I spent the last couple of years sort of studying this. It's mostly to connect to the earth and the spiritual and magic energies. Ley lines. Spirits. That sort of thing. It was never to control." There's a pause, "I guess that's not to say that it couldn't happen, but it just seems..." he thinks a moment to think of the word he wants, "disconnected." A bit different from the awkward, shy, somewhat hesitant teenager he was upon first meetings.

Superman has posed:
"All people can be redeemed, Doctor," Superman remarks, turning his attention to the Sorcerer Supreme. "There's no one born evil -- in every one of us is the possibility to do good. I firmly believe that." One of his hands rises and falls upon Lois' shoulder, giving her a reassuring squeeze as she speaks about her experience with the cult -- a deeply personal and unpleasant experience, no doubt, whose memory not even the Man of Steel's powers can fix.

"These cultists are men and women like any other. They were people who were lost, who were let down by the world, who needed support and could only find it in one place -- because when you're alone, when you're weak, when you don't often see kindness, any hand offering it will be taken. The leadership need to be brought to justice, but the regular folk? They need help."

Superman's hand falls away, his gaze skirting over Wanda and Wiccan. He's not especially familiar with either of them, but Wiccan's turning blush forces him to inhale and exhale in a mask of forced neutrality. He can see the blood flow beneath his skin, hear the quickening of his heart.

Oh, God, those portals were see-through, weren't they? Some little part of Superman dies inside.

"If it's demonic or scientific, I don't know -- there was nothing magic that I saw. But I can't say for sure."

And at the mention of a sample? Superman shakes his head. "I was focused on escorting Miss Lane here to a hospital. Batman likely retrieved a sample, though."

Lois Lane has posed:
While Lois has had a few people staring at her in her day, no one has really looked at her the way Wanda is. Like she's some fascinating science experiment. She blinks quietly, looking between Wanda, Strange, Wiccan, and then back to Superman, a touch of confusion across her brow. Is anyone else seeing this, or is it just her? But, no mind, they had a cult to discuss.

Her expression goes a little more serious as she looks back to Dr. Strange, "I don't think the hospital kept any samples of my blood with the drug in it, but there might be some on file at the police station? Much of it was clearing by the time I was back at the hospital, or I'd fought through a lot of it, at least. I... have no clue if it was magical. I didn't think so, at first, you're right, there are a lot of effective drugs out there," Lois affirms to Wiccan, "But... It was suprisingly effective for a drug, and I've done a lot of ... " She's about to say drugs, it's on the edge of her tongue, then she realizes who she's talking to, "Uh... research, in my life. However, I'm thinking of going back in. Change my looks, see if I can get in undercover again. I could get a sample for you all then?"

Then Superman gives the response about being redeemed that she absolutely thought he would. Something softens in Lois' features, watching him for just a few heartbeats. She's clearly, utterly in love with him, and then he says things like this and she's reminded all over why she fell in love in the first place. She reaches one hand out, giving his palm a small squeeze before going back to the more serious conversation. "He's right. Batman might have something, even if I can't get it on this next run."

Doctor Strange has posed:
Strange's eyes fall upon Lois. Intent and serious, as if he were weighing something in his mind's eye. "Aside from yours truly." Stephen remarks to Wanda with a cheeky grin. Stephen dabbled, Wanda was the expert. A sample of the drug is highly unlikely, but if anyone could do it, it's the Justice League. They fight world-breaking disasters on a daily.

"Not normally. Billy's correct, most of these drugs are used for relaxation and freedom from stress, peaks into the afterlife at worst. But magic and science combined is a potent, terrible mix." Strange turns to Clark. "We will agree to disagree, Superman. Evil corrupts and good and evil can be co-exchanged. Some people are worse than others. I wasn't always so moral myself." Strange tells Superman. "Interesting. There's a clear recruitment policy." Hd ponders. "Talking with Batman is difficult. I'll task you with that."

"That would be foolish Ms. Lane. Unless..." He frowns. "Unless I give you a charm. If they notice, then there are mystics among them to be confirmed and I can get involved much more than superficially."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
A warm smile is turned on Wiccan and Wanda nods. "We can talk about it," she agrees. "It could be magic or it could be science. Enhancements can come from either end." Not to mention how wide the range of magic itself is. "With magic, anything is possible, Billy. Including to control. If I wanted to do so, I could." But /would/ she? Oh yes. Yes, she very much would.

Wanda has to nod her agreement with Superman. Anyone can be redeemed. It might be next to an impossible chance with some, but there's still that slim possibility. "In a cult, those following are almost always victims," she agrees. "The leadership needs to be dealt with for certain." She nods about the sample. "If we can see the sample, we can tell you for certain if it's magic or science."

Wanda enjoys puzzles. She enjoys experimenting with things almost as much as she enjoys puzzles. And though she mostly does good now... well. She hasn't always been on the side of the righteous. Hasn't always been on the side of good. She's done some truly horrible things in her time. "I wouldn't recommend it. At least, not until the effects of whatever you came across have been removed." Wait. What?

Wanda snorts a breath, it sounds a little like a laugh, but not entirely. "If I really wanted to, I could probably go retrieve a sample myself. But... that would most likely alert them to someone being onto them." So, probably a bad idea. She grins back at Strange. "Dabbling does not an expert make," she comments. She considers, and looks between Lois and Stephen. "Or I can go with her." She pauses, head tilted ever so slightly. "Mundanely." She shakes her head and huffs out a breath. "Yes yes. I know. I live my magic. I can live without for awhile." Another pause. "It won't be /easy/, but I can do it."

Wiccan has posed:
Wiccan breathes, "Oh, my god...am I going to meet Batman too?" mostly to himself. The Fanboy is Strong in this one. He tries very hard not to stare at Superman when he talks, "Willow was so right..." is also muttered before he gives a little shake of his head to focus. Back to Lois, he frowns, "I know you're the professional, ma'am, but...I think that's a bad idea. If these drugs can really get into your head so fast, then if they suspect something, you might drop your guard and your disguise." He looks thoughtful for a moment, "I bet they drugged everything. Food, water, toothpaste...everything. Cults control all that sort of stuff, right? Maybe even something in the clothes that can be absorbed on the skin...the more drug in you the better, right?" That would make it work so quickly and strongly, maybe?

"Also, Miss Lane, forgive me for asking, but would you be able to recognize magic? Subtle magic? I mean, if they really aren't being so overt that it would be noticed, then it's probably really subtle or really hidden."

There's a brief frown at Strange, "And if they found the charm on her, she could get into a lot of trouble." Weren't they discussing people's goodness? "I don't think anyone should go undercover, if you ask me. I know I don't have as much experience with all of this, but...can't we scry around? If we're blocked or noticed, then we have our answer." Someone's been studying.

Enter Generation Z.

Superman has posed:
"Lois, you can't seriously be thinking of going back undercover," Superman protests, his voice a chuckling that's-not-very-funny laugh, turning on a heel and staring down at the woman with a look of disapproving disbelief. "You've done your part, but now is time for the police, or intelligence operatives -- since when are you a super spy? You think you, cult enemy number one, are going to convincingly be a completely different person for -- no, you're not doing that. It's absurd."

Superman turns and his shadow falls upon Strange and Wanda. Talk of wards and lingering effects make the Man of Steel shake his head, raising a hand to calm the situation.

"Excuse me, miss. What's wrong with Lois?"

Lois Lane has posed:
A slight chill runs up the back of Lois' neck as Wanda keeps looking at her like that. She then looks up to Strange, a touch of hope through her eyes. She nods in agreement to Strange's offer of a charm. "A charm! Yes. I can do that, I can sneak it in. I've snuck in stranger before. And I'm not scared of danger," She looks to Wiccan as he says that, her stubborn ego rearing up even more. And Superman protesting her going undercover again. She frowns deeply. Unhappily. "Look, just observing from afar can only get you so much. I've got a line on at least two more cults under their control. I can get in there. I can. I'll take the charm. These ones are states away, I'll change up my hair. I've done it before! I can, Superman. Wiccan. I really can."

She then does a double take, furrowing her brow in Wanda's direction along with Superman's question, "Wait...what... What do you mean the effects have been removed? I've been off their stuff for a long time. And I think they really only dosed me that last time. I felt normal, otherwise, when I was just posing as one of their members. If they are drugging everything, it's incredibly subtle. I don't mind taking you back in with me but...what do you mean current effects??" Lois clearly has no clue that there is something actually wrong with her beyond a rough spring cold. Even if her jeans are hanging off of her hips.

Doctor Strange has posed:
"Billy, do you ever feel like you're being watched?" Stephen asks in a serious tone. "Scrying can be alertful and only to be used on the mundane. Scrying is a two way door. We can see them, but they can also see us if we're noticed. With Lois-" He looks at Wanda "and Wanda, we'll have a better chance at seeing what's happening. Maybe even get out more than we need." He looks at the pair of women. "You two will be better able. You'll have to look after one another."

Speaking of Wanda. "Unlrss your definition of 'dabble' is 'actively uses it when needed to keep Cthon away." Strange teases her, then he looks at Superman. "Superman, I understand your concerns. It might be a clear option. A charm need not be noticeable. Spies and operatives might become our enemies if captured. Your Batman may be in danger."

"This is /not/ a testing situation. Get in, get a sample of drug, and get out. Wanda can portal if needed and I'll give you both tools to communicate."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff chuckles at Wiccan. The shiny edges are showing, and the new car smell hasn't faded yet. Had she ever been that shiny and new? She doesn't think so. Certainly not at his present age. She does look thoughtful at his words on the cult, though. Even with her abilities, might they be able to brain wash even Wanda?

"Well, as far as it goes, I can make cosmetic changes that are... not so cosmetic," says Wanda. "Illusion or real. Real changes other practitioners wouldn't be able to detect." She pauses. "I wouldn't recommend it, though. Chaos magic can be very unpredictable and I might not be able to get you back the way you were, with real changes. And illusions, a strong enough practitioner would be able to detect." Not ideal!

"Hm? Oh. She's infected with.." Wanda looks to Lois, and tilts her head. She seems to be looking straight through the woman's skin, right into the heart of her. "Something that hungers. It feels almost like chaos magic, but... not quite. Apophis comes to mind. It feels like artifacts I have come across in other places." Her brow furrows a little bit as she focuses on Lois's eyes and meets them. "It's eating you. From the inside out. And I doubt it has anything to do with the cult. Unless they're using something tainted by Apophis in their drugs."

Wanda nods her agreement with Strange. "Scrying is a very bad idea. Not only can they see us if we can see them, but as we can affect them, they can affect us." She shakes her head. "I hate scrying." Can she do it? Certainly. Does she like it? Nope. Not one bit. She nods firmly about looking after one another. "Yes. But first, the magic that is eating Lois." Wanda hooks a thumb toward Lois. "Portal hell. I can teleport. And I don't need tools to communicate. Wouldn't be a bad idea for Lois, though."

Wiccan has posed:
To answer Strange, "No, because I've set up a ward, so I'd know if I was. Magically, at least." There's another frown from Billy, "Are you seriously telling them to go into a cult situation physically, when we haven't exhausted other methods? Are you even listening to Miss Lane?" He also turns to look at Lois when she talks about really wanting to go back. His brows furrow for a moment before he offers quietly, "You talk like you want to go back. Like...really -want- to go back. And not for the story. Like you -need- to go back there." There's a glance to Wanda and Strange, "Can drugs do that? Or would that also be part of the brainwashing?" Or magic? And then Wanda is looking at Lois and saying what he was suspecting. Well, at least he was sort of on the same page as the longer-practicing magic-users, even if he couldn't see it right away.

"Ok, so you know what she's infected with, why do you need to go back into the cult? Remove what's inside of her...or follow it to the source." He'll look between Strange and Wanda and, almost quietly offer, "If you can't do it, I can try." As long as he says the right words and has the strength of belief, it -should- work.

Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust.

Lois Lane has posed:
If there is anything Lois hates more than being told what to do, it's being talked over like she's not there. No, she doesn't have super powers, magic, or anything but very good instincts, but she stares at the group with angered, slightly too wide eyes. "NOTHING is wrong with me! And if there is, it's certainly NOTHING the cult did, I was fully cleared before I left the hospital!" She insists strongly, quite determined to trust that old, clean bill of health.

"And I might not be a wizard, or witch, or even a little bit super powered, but I am DAMN good at my job. I am one of the best under cover reporters in the world, and I'm following MY LEAD. I'll let you all know what I get. But no one is pinning me to some damn... table and saying anything is wrong with me! Nothing is wrong and I'm going to work!" With that, Lois turns on the ball of her foot and storms out of the room, down the stairs, out the door. There's no talking to her when she's in this kind of mood, even if Wanda is right. Even if something is wrong.

It won't kill her tonight, hopefully. Fixes can wait until Lois Lane's temper has cooled past a nuclear meltdown.

Doctor Strange has posed:
Lois storms off. An undesired consequence but not one without meaning of use. Passion is useful in these kinds of things. "She's affected by something Billy, but not by what you may think." Stephen frowns as he looks at Wanda. "Continue the plan. Shadow her, make sure she doesn't do anything too crazy. I'm aware of potential risks." Stephen tells Wanda, if his tone is more of a request than a command.

To Billy. "I can investigate what's eating at her. If has to be with her consent or the spell may be inaccurate....and we risk pissing odd what's inside." Stephen suggests. "We play it slowly."!He takes a deep breath. "Billy, investigate among your peers. See if this cult is expanding into youth circles. I pay attention, but I'm not omnipresent. Your help is necessary."

He sighs. "This is going to get worse before it gets better, like growing pains."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff shakes her head at her offspring. "Not necessarily," she counters. "Especially not if whatever was looking back was more skilled or stronger than you." She shrugs about the drugs. "Not on their own. There has to be someone brainwashing along with drugs. The suggestion has to come with the drugs. Drugs cannot do so on their own. Magic, on the other hand, can. Spells can be set to bring about certain effects and can be triggered in many ways."

Jade eyes move back to Wiccan and Wanda shakes her head. "Because I doubt that the cult is using anything linked with Apophis. This is almost certainly something other. And if they're related, I need to know. For the sake this reality. Apophis is bad news. And whatever that is," she says, pointing a finger toward Lois. Poor Lois. "Feels extradimensional. Which is even worse news. I have a duty to keep this reality stable."

Wanda blinks at Wiccan several times and shakes her head sadly. "If I can't do it, I doubt anyone can." She glances to the Sorcerer Supreme, nodding toward him, and then looks back to Wiccan. "Not even him." That might be disheartening, but sometimes, the truth is. "Sometimes, faith, trust, and pixie dust aren't enough." It's almost as though she read the thoughts right out of his mind, but of course, she didn't. And there's a certain gravity to the weight of her words, a certain sadness. Even grief.

Wanda's reverie is yanked up short at Lois's explosion of temper. She blinks at the woman for several seconds before nodding. "There is something wrong with you. A hospital wouldn't be able to see it. It's magic. Old magic." She blinks and then bursts out with a laugh. "Whoever said anything about pinning you to a table?" She shakes her head as the woman storms off. "I'm.." She points after Lois. Going to keep an eye on the woman who she'd proclaimed was being eaten alive? Yep. That. She even smiles at Stephen as his request comes as she's about to do just that. She glances over her shoulder at Stephen. "Doesn't it always get worse before it gets better?" She smiles and then turns to move out, unless she's stopped.

Wiccan has posed:
"We can stop her," Wiccan starts, taking a few steps after Lois but then comes to a stop to look back at the other two magic-users. He listens to Strange but then blinks when he's told to 'investigate among his peers'. "No offense, sir, but...the 'peers' I have are way too smart to get hooked into some cult. I don't know how much attention you're paying, but...we're not trusting like that. Certainly not of people touting religious stuff. We want to make the world a better, liveable place, we want a high level of education...free or low-cost education...for all, Diversity and Acceptance, and to be -Us-. Cults don't play into...any of that, especially that last bit." But he'll pay attention.

After Wanda walks out, his dark eyes narrow some and he sticks out his chin defiantly, "I can -try-." The strength and depth of his own magic has yet to be explored. Strange gets a glance before he scowls after Wanda, "You two aren't the only ones with Magic. Someone had better smack me before my ego gets that big." With a flick of his hands, he lifts off of the ground, his eyes glowing a bright, incandescent blue. He says a simple, quiet word, "Home..." and disappears in a swirl of that same, incandescent glow.

Teamwork must be very tricky among the more Mystical sort.

Doctor Strange has posed:
"We are all limited in different ways." Strange speaks to the confidence of the Maximoffs. Strange shakes his head in denial when Wiccan starts and stops. "Intelligence and necessity go hand in hand, young man. This situation could grow large enough to threaten the world if left unchecked. Ask." Strange leaves Billy to his own devices after that. He doesn't comment on education and changing the world.

Strange, like Wanda, has dimensions and realities to keep in check - and dangerous entities to keep in their domains and away from fragile human minds. He leaves more utopian issues to utopian minds, like Reed Richards. He looks at Wanda. "Always." Stephen says with a frown. Pixie dust, trust, and faith were not always enough. Though powerful fuel for magic was the sense of belief, belief isn't all there is.

He watches the Maximoffs leave and Strange simply says. "Safe travels." He then turns around, walking towards a wall. With a wave of his hand it shifts, ebbs, and flows. He walks into it, disappearing from view.