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Latest revision as of 16:28, 23 October 2017

The Warning
Date of Scene: 27 April 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: While entertaining Bjorn, Autumn gets a visit from some Mobsters.
Cast of Characters: Star Shimmer, Crusader

Star Shimmer has posed:
The sound of the guitar rings out, resounding through the park. Things are winding down for the evening but, a person can still make a couple bucks if they are smart about it. Autumn is one such person. She happens to be playing some music, Busking. She's made a few bucks and she just happens to be having a little fun with it.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn was his human guise and Crusader his heroic persona. Vorn though lied somewhere inbetween the two. Sure he still stuck out in a crowd, but he felt more himself than Bjorn and not beholden to being a hero like Crusader. As such the rather orcish creature walked bodly in public. His ears twitch and he finds himself drawn to the sound of some wonderful guitar playing. Soon enough he stops in front of Autumn and listens attentively

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater smiles to the orcish man who stopped to listen. She doesn't really react too much to the man's appearance. She's been mixing it with people that can fly, people that do all sorts of crazy stuff. A guy listening to her while she plays? Thats pretty normal even if he does looks like something straight out of D&D.

Happily she continues singing, "Speeeeeak and say the words that no one else will ever say. Love, love like the word we know is over in a day. I'm going to show you love in every language I'm going to speak the words that need no form. I'm going to give you what you've never had before..." She smiles and rocks out on the guitar.

Crusader has posed:
The quite litterly white (or rather extreamly light grey) skinned orc laughs deeply seeming to enjoy the music. He crosses his arms tapping to the tony Autumn sings. He reaches into his cargo pants and fishes around before bringing out a worn wallet.

"I like the way you play. You take of the requests?" he wonders as he puts a 20 in the guitar case. His voice had a metalic tinge to it.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater smiles as she finishes up the song she was playing. "I do. If I know the song I will definitely play it for you." She smiles a little as she idly plays a little tune while she waits for the request.

Crusader has posed:
"Towards The Sun! A fella named... ummm RIhanna, made it" Vorn exclaims. Considering the fellas belt buckle even has a sun and shield emblazed on it, along with his bracers, it not too surprising! He rubs one of his tusks seeming quite excited now

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater smirks, "Ooo! Fun one to play!" She starts with a heavy bass strike. THen her vocals ring in. She doesn't sing as high as Rhianna. Her voice being between Soprano and Alto. Still the key she plays it in compliments her own voice. "Turn your face towards the sun, Let the shadows fall behind you. Don't look back, just carry on. And the shadows will never find you..."

A trio of men walk into the park. All wearing trench coats and proper fedoras. They start looking around, their slowly falling on the guitarist. They begin to move towards her.

Crusader has posed:
Vorn is sucked into the song, he even sings along. His deep metalic voice is odd, he is definintly no trained singer, but he sings along anyways not sounding too bad "Turn your face towards the sun. Let the shadows fall behind you. Don't look back, just carry on. And the shadows will never find you!"

The brutish orc had no trouble seeing behind him. But for the moment acted casual. Three men, in trench coats and fedoras. While not immediatly a bad sign... this WAS gotham. And there was a very subtle (in terms of time) change in Vorn appearance, he looked somewhat taller and even more muscular, and his tusks were even sharper. Perhaps a subtle clue for any would be trouble makers to not cause trouble.

Star Shimmer has posed:
"Lost in the rock and roll, Got lost in a promise of a love I never know. Shadows chase me far from home. I remember when my heart was filled with gold..." Autumn continues. She doesn't pay any mind to the approaching men Why would she? This is Gotham. This is her home. She's used to it.

The men note the now towering orcish man as they continue their approach. They don't stop but they do slow a little. They look at one another and just nod. A moment or so later they are standing around the girl. She just keeps playing.

Crusader has posed:
"And you know, Ive been burned, Ive been burned, Ive been burned. You seen me lose control" he is shaking his head as he sings "Its not worth, its not worth, its not worth...My soul." Vorn says happy as a clam

As the men ciricle about, Vorn offers them an orcish smile...which can be disconcernting, considering his sharp canines. He didn't seem tense, rather laxed. His piecing gaze lands on each person, his eyes now red. But they never touch Autumn.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater smiles to the men as she keeps playing. She is starting to worry a little. Something about these men has her on edge. It shows in her voice as she keeps singing. "You've seen me lose control, it's not worth, its not worth, My soul..."

"Autumn Stillwater. Or should we say Donald Murphy. We don't mean to interrupt but, this is kind of important." They are being quite professional. Then one flips open their coat and there are a pair of holsters to seen, each packing a pair of .45s. He doesn't draw. "Like I said. This is important."

Crusader has posed:
Vorn cants his head "Four names? Wonder what country your from" yes it actually register as simply four names to him. But he did see the guns. His eyes narrow and he isn't singing any more. Vorn stands straight...which only adds to his already immense size

"You ruining my song. Get lost" it not actually about the song, there was something commanding in his voice, a warning that belies intelligence beyound his apparent stupidity. He knew what was happening and he wasn't about to stand for it "it in your own best interest."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater stops playing when she sees the guns. She takes a deep breath. "What do you want? I have nothing of value. What do you want with me?" She is starting to feel really worried. Her attention goes to the man who is telling the trenchcoat guys to leave.

The guys look the giant orc of a man and the leader of the small group just shakes his head. "We will only use our weapons if we need to. I would much rather things go peaceful right now. I only wish to have words with this... thing." He gestures to Autumn who may be a little offended by that. "Step away Mister. We only wish to talk to them and then we will leave."

Crusader has posed:
"Well if it is peaceful, then there is no reason for me to leave. Especially if you just talkin" Vorn says. He looks down at the leader...mostly because at this size, you kind of hafta if you wish to make eye contact. Vorn gaze was like boulders despite their small size.

"And this thing does not seem to want anything to do with you. So I stay." and there was /no/ room for argument. When Vorn says 'thing' though, there was no malice in it...actually they may have even been a bit of kinship in the way he said it. Perhaps being an 'orc' or at least someone consider unsual made him a fello 'thing' in his mind.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater frowns, "I am a woman. Not a thing." She snaps to them. She shakes her head. "Well. Talk." She states feeling more then a little worried.

The leader looks at the mountain of the man, "Fine Stay. Just stay out of this." He turns to Autumn and pulls out a wad of cash. "You're leaving Gotham. You're going to go, and if you ever come back we will kill you. Pure and simple. You are drawing a lot of bad attention. It's bad for business."

Crusader has posed:
Vorn growls "SHE does not need to leave." now he was pissed. He does not apprecaite ANYONE driving anyone out of their home. "I warn you now, you leave, or I make you leave" Vorn says to the men. He takes a bold step forward towards them, with clear aggresion that said trouble

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater looks at Vorn in a worried way. "Its okay." She looks to the man, "You don't have to worry. I will be gone by the end of the month. I won't say you will never see me again. My family lives here. You wouldn't deny a child the chance to graduate from high school would you? After all, I'm slated to be Valedictorian." She smirks over that. She is trying to put a positive spin on things. Its not easy though.

The man glares at the young woman. He throws the money at her. "You have exactly 1 month. After that, We come after you, your family, and any friends of yours we find. Are we clear?"

Crusader has posed:
Vorn growls and looks to Autumn "It is not okay, they do not decide where a person lives." he shoves finger hard into the leader "Now you go!" it was the principle of the matter "Before I break arms!"

Star Shimmer has posed:
The leader nods to the men and they all turn and walk away. There is not another word.

Autumn lets out a soft sigh. "Damn. I didn't want to deal with that. I'm sorry." She frowns and rubs the back of her head. "I was planning on moving after graduation. I've been offered a job. Lets just say, those guys just paid me to do what I was planning to do anyway." She kneels down and grabs the wad of cash. A quick glance is given to find that it is enough to move out of Gotham and a month's rent at an okat apartment in Metropolis. "Those guys I think have the park under their protection. My recent activity would definitely cause people to put pressure on them."

Crusader has posed:
Vorn snorts and crosses his arms "Under protection from what? All you are doing is singing and playing guitar. Not like someone OWNS the park" he says. Clearly he hasn't been in gotham very long

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater frowns, "These guys. They are the mob. They keep it under protection from other criminal elements. They know if they can keep the locals happy, they can exploit that and turn it into money. Its dirty money but it works." She sighs, "Sadly they pretty much do own the park. Right now they are keeping some rather nasty people at bay I guess. I apparently pissed off Two-Face and some jerk who tried to blow me up. I guess I didn't die."

Crusader has posed:
Vorn grumbles "Aughta bring the hoard down on their arses" he says. He looks more to Autumn and hmmms "Why did someone try to blow you up?" he asks. He recognizes the name two face "And how did you even piss off Two-Face? It just does not make sense" he glance to where the men went

Star Shimmer has posed:
The men are long gone. She takes a deep breath. "Well. I was shopping for clothing. Nothing major. These guys came in and tries to rob the store. It sucked. Anyway there was this little girl. Her mother ran off to safety and accidentally left her kid alone. It could have happened to anyone. I couldn't do nothing. I had to help her. I have this problem. I just love people and I hate to see anyone hurt. Seeing a little girl crying for her mommy while a bunch of thugs are threatening to start killing is not exactly something I like. I ran to the girl and took her in my arms. Some mage put a field around the little girl and me. The leader didn't exactly like that I moves to protect a child. So he chucked a grenade at us. I got her to safety, Sneaked around and gave that jerk a tackle worthy of the NFL." She shrugs.

Then with a deep breath she starts, "As for Two-Face, He used me as a hostage. He had a gun on me. My life... It rested on the flip of a coin. You know how that is? It sucks bad. Anyway, He got distracted when he tried to kill someone and shot someone who was bulletproof. I used a self defense technique on him and well... He was taken back to Arkham." She frowns.

Crusader has posed:
Vorn pays close attention seem entrapped in the story. "Well! That is very brave and very good thing you have done" he says. "And must surely care about people greatly to have risked your life in such a way! And it is good little girl got back with her mother"
    When Autumn explains Two-Face he hmmms a moment "Yes, I know what that is like. Kind've. Anyways, so he is back in Arkham... heh probably has men on the outside" he shakes his head. But than something strike him "Oh, yes. Where are you from where folks have four name? I am curiouse to visit this place!" he grins wide...and yes it is still disconcerting, but at least he wasn't threatning anyone right now

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater laughs, "Umm. I only have two names. Autumn Stillwater. The other name is my legal name. You see I am umm. Transgendered. I was not born a girl. They knew that and thats what they meant by it. I'm amazed they didn't start using some other choice words to describe me. People don't like that I'm different. Ah well though." She smiles softly.

Crusader has posed:
Vorn cants his head. There is a blank expression on his face, as if he didn't understand. A long moment passes and his face brighten "Oh...ohhhhh! I get it now" yea, partly alien mind, somethings take a few moments to register at time. "Vorn understands how that is in some ways. Completly different situation, but close enough." he grunts "But yea, people do not much like folks who are different. But hopefully that will be in the past someday!"

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater nods and sighs. "It sucks but. I am happy with who I am. Well, Not entirely. I am still learning to love myself ya know? But, I'm getting there. Its just taking time. Plus its like a cool adventure ya know. Every day I'm a little different. I have been taking pictures of my changes so far. Not too many so far but there are some! It's awesome."

Crusader has posed:
Vorn nods "That is important thing! One should always love themselves, self loathing...is horrible path to go down. Trust me on that one" he shakes himself off. "Though admittedly, I never really understood what the big deal is." he grins "But at least it is adventure for you!"

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater smiles a little. "I just... For the longest time I hated myself. It sucked but things have definitely been changing. I am actually looking forward to my new job. I am being brought in to Ferris Air. I'm going to be designing aircraft. Imagine that! You see umm, I'm sorta smart. Smart enough that Carol Ferris got wind of it and wants me there because of it. So I am sorta doing my best to study aircraft designs dating back from the birth of Aviation. Talk about a lot of fun!"

Crusader has posed:
Vorn whistles seeming impressed "Is that so? Not that not something that happens everyday! Aviation is amazing thing! You should aim high, who knows, mabey you design knew space ship. Those do after all start out on th ground" he says with a chuckle "And at Ferris Air no less!"

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater smiles bright. "I am excited. I want to get my pilot's license so I can actually feel how it is to fly. Maybe someday I'll fly my own aeroplane. Wouldn't that be awesome?! I mean being able to soar the sky. I've gotten to experience it once before but I wasn't exactly in a frame of mind to actually enjoy it. To actually just go flying. The blue above and clouds below. I can't think of anything more pretty."

Crusader has posed:
Vorn hmms and looks up to the sky "It would be. I...know I can fly. You know, without an airplane and stuff... but I never actually done it. I imagine it would be as great as you say" he says. By now he seems to have settled down "But yea, someone has carried me in flight. Was quite fun"

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater frowns, "The one time I actually got to fly, I was carried by Star Sapphire. I can't remember much of it. I was in a state of shock. My father had. Well it stunk. He sorta beat me up." She sighs. She still has a little discoloration around her eyes.

Crusader has posed:
Vorn blinks "Why did he beat you up? WHat possible reason could there be for parent to beat up their own child. Do not get me wrong, me and my folks wrestled all the time. But this does not sound like same thing!"

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater frowns, "My father doesn't approve of me being transgender. He wants me to be the boy I was born as. I hate it. Its not me. I didn't ask to be born that way. I'm a girl. Anyway, he got drunk. Flat out bombed. He had stolen my medication that keeps me from going through puberty as a boy. I was ordering more, he found out and stole the rest of my money preventing me from getting more. He got mad and... yeah it just went south from there."

Crusader has posed:
"Oh, right, I forgot about that part" the whole useing hormons and medication to get things done. "Well, your father should not have done that! And people wonder why kids these days are so messed up. All thing considered, it seems you turned out well" he was clearly referring to parenting itself. He rubs his beard "I guess I do not really understand or agree with the whole using hormons and stuff to change things." which has a bit of irony behind it "But still, it should be respected. Not like your hurting yourself or anyone by it"

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater frowns, "So I've heard repeatedly. Lemme explain. Just because you're born a certain way doesn't mean that you are that way. Imagine for a moment. Looking at the mirror and knowing everything your reflection is telling you is a complete and total lie. It doesn't fit, It's not you. For instance, your reflection showed you to be Dustin Beaver, you know? That annoying little punk who other girls fangirl over? Imagine that you woke up one morning and that was the image looking back at you. Would you be content?"

Crusader has posed:
Vorn scratches the back of his head "Guess if it was not me, no" he says. He sits down "I heard this a million time. Look, I get it, you are a woman" he is not saying she think she is a woman, but that she is a legitamet women "I get that, I do" a moment "But hear me out. The thing that confuses me, is throughout all of this I hear the claim that your gender is but social construct and not a biological one. By both sides" he states "If it is just a social construct, than why can one not be a male woman and a female man just as much as one can be a male man and female woman. Of even a male they or female they or whatever gender or lackthere of that one considers themselves?" he asks.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater frowns, "Because for too many people, the only thing that matters is whats between the legs. Not whats inside. I wish things could be as easy as you are saying. Heck I wish the people that make the laws understood as well as you do. Its all just complicated and really sad."

Crusader has posed:
"It making a mountain out of a mole hill" Vorn says. And than adds "The whole folks making it complicated thing" he specifies. He scratches his head "Humans really can be complicated."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater frowns and nods, "You got that right. Still, I love em. I just can't help it. Wish I could just let myself hate people who do this to others but I can't. As long as there is a chance for them to learn and grow there is hope right?"

Crusader has posed:
Vorn nods "Aye. Always is it dawn, always can we rise" he says. He smiles "And it good to note hate. Hate is... a very powerful thing and very dangerous. Rarely is their a situation I think it is good in"

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater frowns, "It can spark change. That is the only time I could ever see it helping. Love inspires it more though. I prefer that. It just makes more sense to me. I hope maybe I can use my talents to inspire that kind of change." She smiles brightly over that.

Crusader has posed:
Now Vorn frowns... and seems sad "Love.... is many things. And not always the best" he says crossing his arms. "But...aye it is a preferable one" he says in agreement, even if he dosn't seem happy about it

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater smiles, "To me, Love is one of the most powerful things in existence. It can turn enemies to friends, Those on opposing ends of a topic to lovers and bring peace where there is conflict. That to me means everything." She smiles, "Love conquers All." She smiles.

Crusader has posed:
Vorn laughs "Well you definintly beleive it in a great deal! I will give you that much. Hopefully someday it will take you somewhere. Now if you could build energy on love I would be impressed!" he says

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater laughs, "Wouldn't that be something." She smiles softly remembering the words that were spoken to her by Star Sapphire. "Maybe someday it will be a thing. Until then, I think I'm going to be content trying to design aircraft and maybe, flying them! I can't wait for that part."

Crusader has posed:
Vorn holds up a meaty hand - the classic sign ofr a fist bump "Haha! Before you know it, you will be flying the world over! By the way...try making an omnicraft if yea can" he says with a wink "That way it can travel in space, air or water. Imagine designing that"

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater pounds it! She snickers and cants her head. "Omnicraft... I read about some of those. Early attempts to get into space done with aircraft. Maybe..." She pulls out a tablet and begins writing something down. "That is a very real possiblity. I will need to do some work on it."

Crusader has posed:
"With the resources at Ferris and that bright mind of yours, I bet you will at the very least make headway into it!" he claims. "Also... I been meaning to ask... what is a Valenvietorian?" he asks

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater smiles and giggles a little. "Valedictorian. Its the highest academic achievement granted at graduation to the person with the best Academic record. Aside from special clothing during the graduation ceremony, It means I have to give a speech." She smiles brightly. "There is only one in each graduating class."

Crusader has posed:
Vorn nods slowly "Oh! That sounds quite good! Have you written one up at all?" he asks her. "Hmmm, do only highschools have valedictorians?" he asks "Never went to highschool or college, hence the question" he explains.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater shakes her head, "I've got a month. I'm not procrastinating, I am just trying to get my thoughts in order. It's really difficult. I mean, people will remember this and, its just going to be really tough." She smiles a little, "Now my mind is on that Omnicraft. I will have to do some designing with it. I think I have some ideas."

Crusader has posed:
Vorn smiles "Well than you best get cracking. But it bout time Vorn get some ale. Know theres a bar nearby" he glances around before standing and stretching. He is about to go before stopping and looking to Autumn "...will you be alright?"

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater smiles a little and begins packing up her guitar in it's case. She doesn't trifle with the money in there. She simply closes it and doesn't draw attention to it for now. "Sadly I don't. I've not been to any bars before. Trust me I've wanted to but I just haven't done that." She smiles and slings the case over her shoulder while pocketing the wad of cash from the mobsters. She slips it into her pocket or at least tries to. "Damn girl pockets! I swear I'm going to make some pants that have actual pockets!" She pulls the cash back out and slips it into her case. "Yeah I don't live too far away. Batman helped me out with a place. He isn't going to be thrilled about these people doing this stuff though. I know that much!

Crusader has posed:
Batman. The man that was apparently at the scene of the crime when Bruce Wayne was murdered. Vorn still needed to find this guy, though that wasn't going to be easy. But, enough of that for now. Vorn grins "Get Cargo pants, they are great for holding, well anything!" he exclaims! And with that he turns "Have a good one Autumn, and remember face the sun, let the shadows fall behind you. And the darkness will never catch you" and with that he begins to head off whistling some odd tune