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Latest revision as of 03:06, 14 May 2022

Tea Time! ... Maybe.
Date of Scene: 15 February 2022
Location: Illumination
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Bai Wuyun, Shen Wei

Bai Wuyun has posed:
Space. It surrounds them, vast and dark yet full of a great many potential destinations and locations that they could be headed for. Where the ship is bound for, Bai Wuyun knows not. It's not out of the ordinary that he doesn't know where the ship is going. The business is oft left to Shen Wei and Xie Yun, for they know it far better than what he does.

In the common area of the ship is where Bai Wuyun has settled. He sits cross-legged and tucked into one of the corners of the couch, his shoes slipped off so they rest on the floor. He wears a set of Haixingren robes, these ones a pale blue shade that are trimmed in grey. He only has three sets of the robes, alas.

There is a datapad resting in his lap, and he lets it fall flat a moment before lifting his left hand to remove the earbuds that he'd been using to listen to the English language lesson that was playing on it. He sets the headphones to his lap near to the datapad, and he leans back against the cushions. His long black hair is unbound, spilling over the arm of the couch next to him and down to the floor. He needs a break. Lifting his right hand, he claims the stick of the lollipop and pulls it from his mouth, the red-and-black swirled candy glistening wet.

Shen Wei has posed:
The destination is yet another planet, on another bounty run. And Shen Wei is not aboard, for they float in orbit above the planet, whilst he... well. Whilst he does his bounty magic. Xie Yun is in the cockpit, keeping an eye on the instruments and working on a crossword puzzle book he'd picked up on Earth before moving on to their next destination.

"When are you going to get better clothes?" floats the voice to Bai Wuyun from one of the intercoms. It's Xie Yun's voice. "It bothers him, you know. Being reminded of what once was." Because what once was? Usually can never be again. Not the same as it was, in any case.

Seen through one of the portholes in the common area of the ship, the planet hangs, magestic and silent and serene. And in shades of purple, crimson, and an almost indigo blue. There are none of the ocean blues or plant greens that dominate both Earth and Haixing. It looks almost like some sort of massive gemstone.

Bai Wuyun has posed:
Another planet and another bounty run. It's not unexpected given that it's a good way of earning money and keeping the ship running. A very good way of it. He picks up the datapad and the earbuds, and then he reaches out to set them aside on the couch. Out of the way. Shifting his weight, he smoothly rises to his feet and then takes a moment to stretch, the movement graceful and almost feline in nature. He can't help it, he is sort of part cat. The lollipop gets tucked back into his mouth.

"I did not know that there was a problem with my clothes?" Bai Wuyun suggests, raising an eyebrow slightly. His gaze turns in the direction of the cockpit, and he tilts his head a touch to one side. "I did not realize that it bothered him," he says, his brow furrowing. He crosses the area, considering what he's been told. "I do not remember what was, Xie Yun. And I wish that I did, that I could. It is like a wall of clouds that refuse to be breached, to reveal what they hide. Very well. Clothing. What would you suggest?" he asks, a flicker of curiosity coming to his voice. He likes his robes!

He steps over to one of the portholes, to look out and towards the planet beyond. He does, at least, take a moment to admire the colourful nature of it, as alien as it appears to him in comparison to Haixing.

Shen Wei has posed:
Not only that, it's the standard routine on the Illumination. Find work, do work, get paid. It's how the pair of Dixingren have survived the years since they left Haixing. "Don't leave that on the couch. Put it away where it goes. We might have to land with short notice." Actually, landing with short notice is a likely thing, when Shen Wei is hunting a bounty. Afterall, he might need help.

"Come now. Did you think Hei'an would say a word about it?" They both know the answer to that question. Resoundingly, absolutely, no. Xie Yun turns his head to look at Bai Wuyun as he comes into the cockpit. "Just because you don't remember, doesn't mean we don't. Especially him." He turns his dark eyes back to the crossword and fills in an answer. "Burn the robes. Pick anything else to wear. Anything else you want. No robes. Nothing that is fashion from Haixing."

Xie Yun is quiet for another few moments. "Or... you could keep the robes. And keep reminding him of what can never be again. He'll just keep pushing you away." A sound comes from the monitors in the cockpit. It sounds like an alarm. "Did you put that data pad away?" Xie Yun pauses as he sets aside the crossword and pen in a small pocket just for such things on his chair. "Go belt in. We gotta fly." And that's all the warning there is, before the ship is moving into motion. The planet gets closer, and very swiftly, as Xie Yun angles it from an entry. "Should have stayed on the bloody planet," the pilot mutters to himself.

The descent doesn't take long. Ten minutes, at most. Then they're skimming over an ocean of crimson. The planet's water? Lava? Something else? It's hard to tell, as fast as the ship skims past it. And then they're over something that seems more solid, and is purple, glimpses of indigo seen as they flash past. When the ship comes to a landing in a small valley, it turns out, the ground is indigo, and the plants are purples, blues, reds. And the sky a burnt orange reminiscent of sunsets back on Haixing.

Hei'an stands, not far from where the ship had landed. Before him, in cuffs that keep his hands contained, a hairy humanoid with a head and phsysique not unlike that of a boar. Down to the tusks to either side of his, it?, her?, mouth. The eyes are as crimson as that sea of whatever had been. And it snorts, glancing frequently to Shen Wei. One of the lips curl, as though it knows something. Something secret that makes it very pleased.

In the cockpit, Xie Yun frowns. "Get out there, Bai," he snaps. "Hei'an's vitals are dipping swiftly." Wait. What? Shen Wei appears to be in one piece. He doesn't even look any paler than he normally is.

Bai Wuyun has posed:
Since he's along for the ride on the ship and doesn't really have the skill set that would be more useful in the bounties, Bai Wuyun tends to remain on board the ship for them. He steps over to the couch to retrieve the datapad and the earbuds, and then he puts them both away, as he'd been told to do. "It is a possibility, to have to land suddenly," he muses, a thoughtful tone to his voice. It is rather likely, given that they're on a bounty hunt. There are some things that he's still trying to get used to in being on board the ship.

He grunts softly, and then he shakes his head. "Hei'an says little about many things," he says softly, a touch wistfully. He tries to engage the Dixingren in conversation, but there are some times when it works better than others. "I know. You remember, he remembers. Hell, Ming Qiu remembers more than I do," he comments, sounding a touch irked at that. It's things that HE was involved in! He should remember! But he can't. He doesn't punch the wall of the ship, at least. This time. "I want to remember, to know," he adds, giving a small shake of his head. He can't make the memories come back -- he's tried!

"Will you help me to pick something? I know very little about other things to wear," he says, his brow furrowing a touch. Even Ming Qiu has swapped away from the robes that are worn on Haixing. Why does he cling to them? He doesn't know. "They stand in the way of letting him move forward, to move beyond what was?" he muses, half question but half not expecting an answer. It's almost as though he's weighing the notion himself.

"Yes, it's away," Bai Wuyun answers, pulled from his thoughts by the question and the alarm. He moves swiftly to get himself belted in for the impending flight. The waiting is always the hardest part. Yet he waits, and he crunches on the lollipop whilst the ship descends and approaches where Shen Wei is with the bounty. Once Hei'an is in sight, Bai Wuyun frowns a touch as he looks over the Dixingren. Even before Xie Yun is telling him to, he's getting himself unbuckled in order to head towards the nearest exit of the ship. "I'm on my way," he says. He doesn't remember having promised to protect Shen Wei all those years ago, but that's assuredly the intent that he has. He steps off of the ship, and though there's nothing that might seem hurried about his steps, he seems to be covering the distance a bit quicker than he should be. He's using his air magic to convey him more quickly. Yet he only gets a handful of steps from the ship before he lifts his right hand to draw that crystal staff from out of the pocket of air. The movement is smooth and graceful and swift, and with his air magic to back the movement, he hurls the staff towards the bound boar, aiming for the forehead in order to seek to knock the bounty out. Once the staff is in flight, he steps onto a platform of air to bear him quicker to Shen Wei.

Eliminate what prevents Hei'an from taking the time to heal himself. Save Shen Wei. The objectives are simple enough.

Shen Wei has posed:
Like hell he doesn't have a skill set that would be useful with the bounties. Unfortunately, Hei'an's morals won't allow him to ask that of Bai Wuyun. The Haixingren's skills as a feline from their planet alone would be helpful. But, Shen Wei would never, ever ask that of the Haixingren. Not on a bet. Xie Yun sighs in the cockpit. "If only he'd get over being stubborn and bloody well take backup on these things.." The Dixingren pilot shakes his head.

"If you hit my ship, I'm going to shave you when you go all Hello Kitty next time," comes Xie Yun's voice, all sing song sweet and full of deadly threat. This? Is no bluff. The pilot means it. Then, a snort. "Of course I will. I wouldn't have said something if I didn't mean to help you." Xie Yun shakes his head. "Shen Wei stands in the way of letting himself move forward. The robes are only part of it, but losing them? Might help kick him in his scrawny ass." Okay, so Shen Wei isn't a heavily built man, but he's certainly not scrawny either.

The alarm had probably been a signal that Hei'an's vitals were dropping below what Xie Yun considered safe and had been set to give off an alarm if they dropped below that point. Xie Yun says nothing further once the Haixingren is off and on his rescue mission. A small secret smile plays over his lips. Things are starting to return to some semblance of normal. At least in the people who are now on their little ship.

The boar doesn't even manage to dodge as the staff comes in to knock him out. Hei'an's face can't be seen for the shadows that cloak it, though his hands tighten on the hilt of his spear, just below the blade, with the butt resting on the ground. He says not a word. Only points the sword to the boar. As though to say, 'You knocked it out, you deal with it and get it onto the ship and in a holding cell.'.

Hei'an walks, all dignity, toward the ship. Was Xie Yun fucking with the Haixingren? Was there no danger to Hei'an's life? He seems perfectly fine. Though, curiously, the staff hasn't been put away. Shen Wei is even walking with it, the butt end of it thumping the ground lightly with every other step.

Bai Wuyun has posed:
Hei'an doesn't allow Bai Wuyun to help on the bounties and never has allowed it. And for his part, he doesn't press the issue even though he does still periodically offer to go along. The answer is always the same and likely seldom actually involves words. And it boils down to Bai Wuyun staying on the ship and usually pacing. He would die a hundred deaths if it meant Shen Wei would be saved from one. He gives a soft grunt to Xie Yun's words, and then faintly shakes his head. "Perhaps the day will come when a miracle will happen. Until then, he has made it clear he doesn't want me along," he comments in a soft tone. This, from the person who is a walking example of a miracle. Though he, too, wishes that Shen Wei would stop being stubborn and just accept the help he keeps offering. But that never happens.

"I've never hit your ship yet, Xie Yun. Today will not be the day that happens," Bai Wuyun says, the words coming without even a glance towards the pilot. "If you shave me, I'll bite you on the ass," he adds, the words lower toned and at least having a hint of amusement to them even if he's having a hard time really feeling it. He's quiet for a moment, and then he gives a small nod. "Thank you, for being willing to help me. You're not wrong in that... but I think he has to realize that and want to move forward. I will take your advice and lose the robes and see what happens. But I will dispute the scrawny ass part. Even though he does need to eat more," he comments. There is the slightest twitch that touches the corners of his lips when he mentions Shen Wei's ass because, well... it is a part of Shen Wei, and it's a possibility that he's noticed the shape of it.

Bai Wuyun doesn't give any reaction at all when the boar drops beneath the blow from the staff. It was exactly what he wanted to have happen and exactly what he had expected to have happen. He gives a slight tug on the air magic that's already in contact with the staff, and he lifts a hand to catch the staff as it returns to him. He slides the staff away and back into the pocket from whence it had come, and then his gaze turns to the hooded Hei'an. He gives a small and single nod to the gestured instruction, and then he uses his air magic to heft up the boar's body to drag it back to the ship.

He shifts his weight and then turns, moving to fall into step just a bit to one side and a bit behind Shen Wei. It's a position that he used to often take, though typically in feline form to guard Shen Wei. "Hei'an," he says softly, slightly inclining his head towards him. He's quiet for a few steps that are taken. "Where are you hurt?" he asks in a quieter voice. He doesn't reach out to try to touch the man or anything of the sort, but simply remains that bit of distance away. Concerned as he always is when Shen Wei returns from a bounty -- this is nothing new.

Shen Wei has posed:
Hei'an hadn't allowed before because he'd been afraid. Now, he's still afraid. But more, he's still not talking to Bai Wuyun. It hasn't been enough time. Xie Yun gives the Haixingren a sad smile. "The day will come. Probably sooner than you think. You don't remember it, but when you two first met, other than being grateful you had saved the lives of him and us, his men, he wouldn't even look at you. You just have to stay patient and persist. In fact, stop giving him space. That's how you did it before. Keep poking at him until you wear away the walls he has up." Xie Yun grins at Bai Wuyun now.

Xie Yun snorts. "Yet," he says firmly. "See to it that /that/ day never comes. If you put a hole in my ship, I'll shave you. Not kidding, Hello Kitty. So not kidding." Xie Yun's grin can be heard in his singsong voice. "You can bite me on the ass, but you'll still be shaved, Hello Kitty." He snorts. "Scrawny." Shen Wei definitely needs to eat more. He doesn't mention Shen Wei's ass, nor think about it. It really /is/ a nice ass, though.

Shen Wei doesn't even look at Bai Wuyun as he walks past him. He doesn't respond to his Hunter name being spoken. Doesn't speak. Doesn't even shake his head or nod. Just keeps walking. Onto the ship and into the cargo bay, and from there up and into the common area. There, he pauses, and leans against the bladed staff, swaying ever so slightly. Only for a moment before he straightens and walks to the dining table. There, he sinks down into one of the chairs. There's a moment taken to lean the staff against the table, and then Shen Wei is stripping down to his skin. His upper clothing, at least.

Revealed is what appears to be a darkening bruise with a single puncture in the center of it. Angry red edged black lines radiate out from that bruise. Poison? The shadows fall from his face as he lifts his right hand. He brings it to rest over his abdomen as what appear to be dark shadows that dance like flames and writhe like smoke trail up from it. This is always the part that Shen Wei hates. He holds those shadows over the bruise, and they twist and write down into the wound. His muscles tense, and sweat immediately springs to his skin. Skin which pales even as he grimaces with the obvious pain of it.

Bai Wuyun has posed:
It's reasonable for Shen Wei to be afraid. After all, Bai Wuyun could become hurt if he were to help Shen Wei with a bounty. He knows it hasn't been enough time, for it's only been a matter of hours since he had bared his heart to the Dixingren. Not that it had been any good at all. "Perhaps it will. You will have to forgive me if I do not hold my breath for it," he comments, raising an eyebrow a touch. His dark eyes shadow, and he gives a small nod. "No... I don't remember. And I wish I did. Patient and persistent... these things, I can and will be," he comments. He turns his head to look to Xie Yun, studying the fellow. And then he gives a small nod. "I will find a way to try," he adds. What is there to lose besides that which already claims to be lost to him? Perhaps he needs to stop worrying over what he doesn't remember and lay a brick into the foundation of he and Shen Wei's new beginning.

"Mm. We shall see, no?" Bai Wuyun suggests, quirking a bit of a grin of his own. "I'll be feline when I bite your ass. I've bitten worse," he comments. Or so the story of the manticore goes, which Xie Yun told him once and then he refused to hear of it again. He makes a slight gesture with one of his hands but doesn't argue the scrawny part further -- Shen Wei really needs to eat more. Yet even though he's thinner than he ought be, to Bai Wuyun's eyes, he's beautiful.

Caught up in his air magic, Bai Wuyun directs the boar creature on board the ship and then gets it put into one of the cells and secured there. He's watched them do it often enough to know how to do it properly himself. He's quiet as he does it, saying nothing, and it doesn't take long. And once all is set, he uses the controls to bring up the hatch and secure it.

Only then does he head up and deeper into the ship, to the common area. His dark gaze easily finds and settles on Shen Wei, and his brow furrows as he watches him sitting there. It's only a moment that he allows to pass before he steps forward and towards Shen Wei's injured side. He half crouches there, his hair spilling on the floor around him, and he lifts a hand to reach out and attempt to bring it to rest on Shen Wei's right hand. "Shen Wei, please... let me heal you. It will give you less pain," he says softly, a gentle tone to his voice.

Shen Wei has posed:
Patient and persistent wins the game. This has been proven with Shen Wei already. And what can be done once, can be done again. At least, in theory. Xie Yun grins wickedly at Bai Wuyun. "You know, Hello Kitty, I'll be wearing clothing that wriggles when I shave you." The smile is as wicked and vicious as it is sweet. "On a whim, once, I had a suit of manticore mane designed. It's quite lovely." Oh just rub it in, Xie Yun. Just rub it in. "Would you like to see it? Taste it?" The smile widens, more teeth than grin now.

Once the cargo bay hatch is set, the engines rumble as Xie Yun guides the ship to lifting off. The ship shudders faintly as they break atmo a few minutes later, and then all is smooth sailing as they reach orbit once again. "Make sure that cell is secured, Bai Wuyun," he says. Perhaps distracting the Haixingren from interfering with Shen Wei?

By the time Bai Wuyun reaches the common area, Shen Wei is well and truly into the healing. Every so often, a pained gasp or grunt slides past his clenched jaws. One again, Shen Wei doesn't respond to Bai Wuyun at all. Then again, he's concentrating pretty fiercly. His eyes lift to the Haixingren as his right hand is touched, and he bares his teeth in what is obviously a snarl of warning. Back off, it says. Back off, or I might bite. It's the expression any animal gives when cornered and afraid. He doesn't stop the healing, though. He doesn't have to be able to see it to heal it.

Bai Wuyun has posed:
It's a terrible thing, really. And entirely unfair! Bai Wuyun doesn't /remember/ the fight with the manticore or remember what it had done to him in that fight. And yet, the dark recesses of his mind that hold his fears, hold the one that fight inspired and caused. It had come rather close to strangling him to death. At the very suggestion that Xie Yun would be wearing wriggling clothing during the shaving, Bai Wuyun gives a shudder and closes his eyes for a moment. Damn the man! He tries hard not to think of it, and the muscles of his jaw slightly clench. "I'm certain it looks fetching on you, Xie Yun," he manages before giving a little shake of his head. The fear is very real in his mind. He softly clears his throat and then gives his head another small shake.

The rumble of the ship's engines brings no reaction from the Haixingren, for he's familiar with the sound by this point in time. "It is secured, Xie Yun. Just as you have shown me how to do previously," Bai Wuyun responds, and the raised eyebrow can nigh be heard in the words. He hadn't hurried through the task, though he hadn't been particularly slow about it either.

The look he earns for placing his hand upon Shen Wei's own is enough to draw a raised eyebrow, his gaze upon Shen Wei's face. A slight frown tugs at the corners of his lips and, a moment after that snarl has shown, he moves his hand away from the Dixingren's. "Very well," he says softly, giving a small nod. "Do it your way," he adds. He rises to his feet and lifts his right hand to withdraw a drawstring pouch from his pocket of air. He opens it, and then places it on the table in front of Shen Wei. Within the pouch are berries -- berries that would be familiar to Shen Wei from a time so long ago but which Bai Wuyun has no way to recall. Once, he'd picked a pouch of these berries in a grove near the base during the war, and shared them with Shen Wei while they sat above ground at night, talking. It had been one of their first meetings. The berries are both sweet and tart, yet not overwhelmingly either. Balanced. He gestures slightly towards the opened pouch of berries. "Eat when you are finished, please. I will make some tea," he says, looking towards Shen Wei for a moment before he steps over to the kitchen area itself to do just that.

Shen Wei has posed:
Unfair, and oh so fair at the same time. Xie Yun laughs. "It really does. Quite fetching." Whowever said the man played fair /lied/ to Bai Wuyun. "It better be, or it's Hei'an who will insist on dealing with it." There's a teasing lilt to Xie Yun's voice before he goes silent to concentrate on piloting the ship to their destination.

Shen Wei doesn't relax until the Haixingren backs off some, then he looks back to what he'd been doing. Painful as the healing is, the darkness is fading. The lines snaking into his skin receed, the bruise fades. It's most of the way gone when Shen Wei gasps, and the shadows about his hand fade like mist melting in sunlight. He leans forward onto the table and just breathes. He doesn't so much as look at the berries. Those hold memories he doesn't have any interest in dredging up right now.

Bai Wuyun has posed:
It is a true sense of torment. He simply cannot stand creepy, crawlie, wiggly, wriggling things in his mouth. Even the thought of it is enough to make him retch, many days. Once is all that he's actually sat through the telling of that particular story, and that was all he could manage of it. The fear knows the feeling of it, and that's all it takes, as though it's rooted into his very being. It might have been witty to suggest to show off the suit to Ming Qiu, but he doesn't think of saying so in the moment. Too disturbed, no doubt. And perhaps too focused on trying not to gag.

Bai Wuyun reaches out to take the kettle from the stove, filling it and then placing it on a burner before turning it on. He retrieves mugs from a cupboard, then adds tea to each one of them. He pauses then, to look over to the table where Shen Wei sits. There's a glance given towards the berries, sitting untouched, and he tilts his head slightly to one side. "Are the berries not to your liking, Shen Wei?" he asks softly, watching the Dixingren.

He shifts his weight slightly, turning and then stepping over to the table. "Are they too ripe or not ripe enough? Or simply not a kind that you favour?" he asks, reaching out to pull out a chair near to Shen Wei and sit. He knows the berries are perfectly ripe for his own tastes, but some people might like them differently. He's had them, stored, ever since before he left Haixing. Alas, if he only knew the things he doesn't know. "Would you like something else, instead?" he asks in a gentle tone. Keep prodding, Xie Yun had said. Be persistent, he'd said. He is trying to be both, and patient at the same time.