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Latest revision as of 03:07, 14 May 2022

Even Supers Need to Eat
Date of Scene: 04 January 2022
Location: Los Pollos Hermanos, Nassau County
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Supergirl, Hannibal King

Supergirl has posed:
She was on her way home from yet another late night out helping people. Supergirl hadn't really learned how to balance the whole When-To-Stop-Helping thing and tended to continue. Kal somehow had managed to learn that even he needed to take down time, have a life as Clark instead of just being Superman. Kara was still young and hadn't learned that balance. Maybe someday.

Which meant late night flying home only to feel that empty gnawing sensation in her stomach. She needed food. A quick scan found the one place open in the area below her. Los Pollos Hermanos. It was probably about an hour before they would close but thank Rao they stayed open late.

Then there was the issue of she didn't have a change of clothes. But it was late! It would be okay right?

So with that thought, she landed lightly on the sidewalk and opened the front door, striding in as her boot heels made entirely too much noise on the hard floor of the establishment. Which is when she realized there was a line. This late at night. For fried chicken. What the heck?!

She could leave but her stomach told her otherwise as she smelled the lovely aroma of fried chicken. "Rao help me." She stepped into the line to wait her turn, trying to act nonchalant.

Hannibal King has posed:
Most Los Pollos Hermanos locations had closing hours. Some remained open late, and a scant few were even twenty-four hours. This happened to be one that didn't close until late. Not too far from State University at Hegemon, there was often a mad rush before closing. So, there were a handful of college students in the queue, as well as one man who, absolutely did not look like a student. At best, he could pass for a doctoral student, or maybe someone who just took a few years off before going to university.

Hannibal stopped aging when he was twenty-eight years old. There were worse ages to stop aging at, but that was his curse and boon. He was the last person in line, behind some young men who smelled of marijuana and or alcohol, until a certain superhero walked in, or a girl in cosplay. It could be hard to tell.

Given who was around, and the authenticity to her costume, plus what his senses were telling him - had he heard her fly down, did she smell just a bit off, or was it some combination of his senses - he decided to play it off, hoping the girl would catch on.

He burst out laughing, clapping his hands in an overjoyed way, "ha ha ha, I didn't think for one moment you'd do it, Elizabeth, but I've got to give you props for not welching on the bet. Great cosplay." He then, assuming she would let him, try and lean in to whisper that she should play along.

With high, drunk, and otherwise stupid college guys around, a genuine superhero in a costume like hers, well, it was a bad idea. He was trying to assist, if she'd let him.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara could smell it. She smelled that scent of weed the moment she opened the door. Heck, probably all the humans could too! It was a bit stronger for her, for obvious reasons.

As the people looked, she just acted natural. Nothing to see here. Then the guy in front of her was talking to her like he knew her. She actually took a moment and looked behind her, trying to spot Elizabeth. Then looked back to the man in confusion. She didn't resist when he leaned in to try to whisper something to her, instead just going along with--whatever this was.

Which is when the guys in front turned their attention back to the menu. That caused it to click for her. This man in front of her--wait. Man? His body temperature matched the surrounding air and he had no heartbeat. So maybe not a man but what was he?

Hannibal King has posed:
She may not have caught on as fast as he had hoped, but at least she hadn't ruined the effort. The guys ahead, and those sitting at tables already, just assumed that she was a friend of the man, so, none but the bravest, or dunkest, or stonedest, if the last two were words, would dare approach. It had the desired effect, even if she had been terribly confused by it.

He didn't seem to be concerned or even aware that his body temperature matched the surrounding area, or that he had no heartbeat. Blood was clearly pumping throughout his body. His skin would look very different if it weren't. If she used her powers to consider him further, he seemed to be armed, although the 'gun' he carried did not match any model she would be familiar with. It was custom.

He only had the one, as tonight he was dressed casually, in a black rain jacket, despite the cold weather outside, blue jeans, and a white shirt underneath. The gun was slung under his left arm, in a harness. There were also extra rounds of ammunition, but they were not normal bullets either.

He would whisper, "my name's Hannibal," as they stood in line, then saying louder, "since you wore the cosplay, whatever you want's on me." He suspected she was real, but wasn't one hundred percent certain. Either way, the girl had a free meal on offer.

Supergirl has posed:
He smelled of leather coat and gun oil. And something else she wasn't quite sure about. Coppery but that couldn't be right. It must be something else. So he was likely armed. Yet that wasn't that odd. As long as he didn't try to rob the place or something. Course, if he did, at least she was there to stop him.

Those didn't seem to be the actions of someone about to rob a place though. To help sell that she was a fake. Though she wasn't. But he couldn't know that. But now everyone else had that possibility in their brains so she was dismissed.

Keeping her voice to a conversational level, she gave a little nod. "Well, I appreciate it but not necessary. I can take care of my own bill." Cause Ma an Pa had taught her to be polite and not take handouts. Even though it wasn't a handout. It was someone being nice. For...whatever reason. Maybe he was just nice! It was possible!

"I thought you were supposed to be wearing Superboy's though," she said, deciding to have a little fun with this. Even as her eyes were on the menu, weighing her dinner options.

Hannibal King has posed:
"Oh," he said, hand coming up to his heart, as if he had just taken one in the chest, "don't play me like that. Superboy? Nah, but I could probably pull off Deadpool, or maybe Green Lantern. I have the right facial features. Although where would I get a glow in the dark suit at this time of night?"

"I do have a trench coat in the car, I could probably do a fair Hellblazer, maybe a Question, if I could just find a nice young lady to lend me her stockings as a mask, or... yeah, I've gone and said too much again, haven't I?" Seeming to be in a jovial mood, despite the lack of drugs or alcohol in his system, "As you wish," on her taking care of her own bill, "although, where do you hide your purse in that costume?"

Supergirl has posed:
"Belt." She patted the front of the belt at the waist of her costume. "Hidden spot on the inside. A purse would spoil the costume and putting money in ones boot is just gross."

Because that made perfect sense, right? Kara thought it did. Because it is where she kept money when she was in costume for that just-in-case situation. Her adoptive parents and the Kents had both pressed she should always have cash on hand in case ATMs were not working in the country she was in. Nevermind not all countries took Canadian or American money, of which she carried both since she lived in Starling. It made them happy so she did it.

"You like a superhero fanboy? That was a lot of names and some pretty obscure." Like Deadpool was kind of fringe being villain sometimes as a mercenary. And then throw in Hellblazer and Question who weren't exactly Daily Planet Headliners.

Hannibal King has posed:
"You know, there are certain countries where they'd pay well for... nevermind," he was joking, but probably being truthful at the same time, about the gross boot thing. He was saying it with a smile, hoping it would be taken as intended.

At her question, he looked at the college kids who were either ahead of them, and uninterested, waiting for their food and uninterested, or sitting and eating their food, and uninterested. There was only one group ahead of them at this point, and their order was being taken presently.

So he whispered to her, not knowing for certain that she didn't need him to whisper in her ear, "I kind of am one. Hannibal King, a Midnight Son." She almost certainly hasn't heard of him. He got very little press. Like, Deadpool, Hellblazer, and the Question were headline news compared to him.

Supergirl has posed:
That got her attention. He was sort of a hero. Midnight Son. She'd not heard that one. That didn't mean anything of course. Her heroing had been focused on Titans and Justice League. It wasn't like she was out hanging with everyone. She'd have to look it up at the Watchtower next time she had duty. Probably would be more effective than checking online. Thanks to Batman and Oracle.

"I see. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. King," she said because that is how she was taught. Be respectful and polite. She didn't tell him he could just whisper from feet away. Because that would kind of mess up her trying to be a normal person in line, cosplaying as Supergirl.

"So you have powers and stuff?" she asked very softly, so the people around wouldn't overhear. She even leaned in to say it to make sure it wasn't overheard. Unless someone had hearing like her.

Hannibal King has posed:
She was so nice, respectful, polite, and kind. He wasn't... mean, disrespectful, impolite, or unkind, but he was definitely a few degrees off from her upbringing. "Pleasure's all mine, Elizabeth," he said, just in case anyone was overhearing, "or should I call you Supergirl." That way, anyone who had been there for this exchange, and the earlier one, would think he was just playing along.

Then, just before they were about to order, he leaned in, brushing a strand of blonde hair that had fallen in front, "exchange of powers is more of a third date kind of thing," and then he stepped forward, announcing, "hmm, 10 piece, 15, 20, how hungry are you? I could hear that tummy growing, better make it a twenty piece, just in case. Ooh, deal #3 looks pretty good, what do you say?"

Supergirl has posed:
That got a smile from her and she struck a superhero pose with fists on hips, arms akimbo. "Supergirl will do just fine." Then she giggled, so it sounded like she was in on the joke. Because really, she was /way/ in on the joke. Even more than he knew, from her point of view. She had no idea that he realized she was possibly the real one.

"I was thinking the four piece but if you are that hungry, go for the twenty." She wasn't shy when it came to her eating habits. She liked to eat. And thanks to her alien physiology, she was able to do so without worrying about health dangers from it. Go Kryptonians!

Hannibal King has posed:
He thought about getting out his phone, to take a photo, but she was already moving away from the fists on hips pose, so he put it away. "Twenty piece, combo number three, it is," it came with two fountain drinks, so there was no more choices to be made, unless she had wanted to make a substitution. As they were buying a combo, only one person would be able to pay, but if she wanted, she could give him her portion in cash. He wasn't concerned, just using a card, then sliding over to wait for the food. Two fountain drink cups were placed on the tray, soon joined by the chicken, French fries, rolls, coleslaw, and beans.

Supergirl has posed:
Man must be hungry. That was a lot of chicken. Maybe he liked leftovers. Cold fried chicken the morning after was pretty good too. Not quite as high up there as pizza for breakfast but it was a good option.

She hadn't even realized he wanted a picture or she would've held the pose or struck it again. As it was, when he ordered she did some quick maths. Then she pulled out just slightly over half the price, because she didn't carry change in that belt, to hand over the green American bills to him for her portion. The cola was just fine for her.

When the meal was brought out, she started to reach for it cause it was going to be heavy. But wait, she was not Supergirl. She was Elizabeth. So she resisted and let him pick it up because why not? It's what a lot of girls would do. Not all, but a lot.

She headed for an open booth. Her intention had been to get it to-go but admittedly, it would be cold by the time she got home (flying superspeed tended to cool down the food temperature quickly she learned) and her tummy wanted some now.

Hannibal King has posed:
He took the offered money, his fingers brushing against hers as he did. Although his body temperature matched the ambient level in the room, his skin did not feel cold upon contact. It was brief contact, but enough for her to tell that, if she was looking for it.

He carried the tray after she made an abrupt move to carry it, only to pull back. That was noticed by him, though not commented upon. He was reasonably certain that she was the real Supergirl, and that, especially given her earlier politeness, had him convinced.

Setting the food down on the booth's table, he would then head for the beverage machine, getting a drink, some napkins, and those little paper cups of condiments. If she came with him, their food would be safe for a few moments. Returning, he would slide into it, and immediately go for a French fry, which he dipped in mayonnaise.

"So," now that they were in the corner booth, away from prying ears, "how did Supergirl work up an appetite tonight?"