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(Remy and Harley discuss family)
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Latest revision as of 21:30, 23 December 2022

The Doctor is in
Date of Scene: 26 November 2022
Location: Small private office
Synopsis: Remy and Harley discuss family
Cast of Characters: Gambit, Harley Quinn

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley is here. She's in session well, sorta. Shes' giving private sessions for special friends these days. She herself is not all the way back she can never go back to who she was but she's kinda back still in very tiny and flattering booty shorts.. but she has a decent if tight, blouse on and a doctor's coat.. she's even wearing her glasses again even though she doesn't need them.. she's sitting those long legs crossed with Two colored heels on " So What's on your mind? "

Remy LeBeau has posed:
Remy LeBeau sighs a bit relaxing on the small sofa and shaking his head. "Ah'm not sure chere. It's jus' been frustrating. Ah've been t'inking 'bout mah family allot lately. Usually Ah okay on de holiday's but dis one. Ah dunno. Mis mah pappa. Mis mah brot'er. Yah know?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn Nods her head " I see yes holidays do bring about those sorts of feelings, especially the later in the year.. thanksgiving and chrismas do bring those feelings about, Is your family estranged or removed from you? why can't your reach out ? " . She shifts and changes crossing her white white legs the other way.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
Remy LeBeau notices the legs crossing, as he likely was meant to, though he doesn't comment. "Ah'm banished." He admits, telling the 'Criminal Shrink' something that he held from his closest friends for years. "It's a deat' sentance foh me to return ta N'awlins uninvited. And den Ah must leave as soon as whatevah Guild Business Ah 'ave is concluded. Not condusive ta turkey dinner and watching de game, yah know?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn Pulls those glasses down her very pretty face and that bright red lipstick " So They still contact you for various business dealings when they really need you ? " she cocks her head " What happened that got you banned.. don't forget this is a safe place and I've never told anybody about what is told to me in confidence even when I was slaved to Mr J " . Yep but that's Harley she even ahs the top of the blouse unbuttoned far to much for a professional.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
Remy LeBeau laughs a little and sighs, "Ah killed a man. Specifically my brot'er-in-law... specifically at mah wedding. Let's jus' say mah wife's family wasn't too 'appy about dat. Considering dat de wedding was all about bring peace between two warring factions, 'aving a duel right outside de church.... Well it went over like a fart in church as mah dear sainted Pappa would say.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn Gives a low whistle " Yep, that would do it, but it sounds to me like you can still call them " She says cocking her head as she leans forward and taps your knee " Why don't you try that it's not what you want, but it's something.. Call them even just leave a message you'd be surprised how much it helps. "

Remy LeBeau has posed:
Remy LeBeau sighs a bit, slowly shaking his head. "It would... cause trouble. Pappa is the 'ead of de T'ieves Guild in N'alins. He 'as ta preserve de peace. Henri is 'is right 'and. It got out dat 'e chatting wit' me... It would be bad. People could die frankly. Not wort' it just cause Ah is home sick.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn Thinks for a moment " Send a letter then .. they can't fault you for that " she says " After all a letter is one sided "