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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/04/30 |Location=Metropolis |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=141, 24, 55 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:141|Rachel Roth (...")
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Latest revision as of 19:01, 23 October 2017

Titans Go! Pt. 1
Date of Scene: 30 April 2017
Location: Metropolis
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Raven, Starfire, Supergirl

Raven has posed:
    Raven is being Raven today; that is, she's not being Rachel. She's dressed as the sorcerer she is, in her dark blue robe, cloak, hood, gloves, and boots. She's sitting atop a building in downtown Metropolis, or rather, about a foot above the building's roof, with her loincloth-like skirt and her cloak billowing out around her as if floating on invisible water. She's minding her own business today, but keeping an eye out for a particular young superheroine in blue with the red and yellow shield. She has something she'd like to talk about with Supergirl, to see how she feels about it.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r was sitting on the rooftop as well, not hovering. Kory is wearing her usual purple hero outfit - which doesn't really cover a whole lot. She's stretched out, catching some rays, seeming half-asleep. Curled up on her stomach is what looks like a moth larva the size of a corgi. "Who are we gonna meet again?" she mumbles drowsily.

Raven has posed:
    "I'm hoping to see Supergirl," Raven creaks calmly. "I've been looking for her a few days, but with school I can't spend as much time looking as I'd like. I could do a big flashy display to try to call her out, but with as many heroes and villains as there are in this city, who knows who'd come out."

Supergirl has posed:
If you want a Super of either gender, Metropolis is certainly the best place to look. And Supergirl is indeed out flying through the skies of her adopted city. It's a casual flight for her, allowing her to enjoy the sensation and the freedom of the wind rushing through her hair as she defies gravity. However, two women dressed in costume hovering over a building does stand out a little, and the Girl of Steel alters her course to investigate. Her super-hearing catches Raven's stated intention and the blonde Kryptonian smiles a bit. "Well," she says as she flies down to the pair and hovers nearby. "I guess your super-power is to summon Kryptonians. Because..." She shrugs and holds out her hands in a 'ta-da' gesture.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r raises an eyebrow as she sees Supergirl flying. "So this is the Supergirl you mentioned?" she asks, then widens her eyes. "Kryptonians? I thought your species was extinct after Krypton blew up... I still remember seeing the nova in the sky..." She nods slowly. "Glad to see there were survivors..." She smiles. "I'm Koriand'r, Princess of Tamaran..." she trials off. "Not that it matters anymore. This is Rach..." She clears her throat. "Excuse me. While she's wearing that she told me to call her Raven. If you want to stick to codenames for this, I guess I can go by Starfire."

Raven has posed:
    Raven acknowledges this humor with a nod; her face remains impassive, at least as far as you can tell through the shadows her cloak throws (and should you think to look closer with any of your various supervisions, her face remains in shadow). She rises up in the air about another two feet to exactly the correct height that when she straightens her legs, her toes touch the ground, so she must have done this before once or twice. She greets, "It's nice to meet you, Supergirl. I wanted to talk to you about something, if you have time."

Supergirl has posed:
There's still a sting of Kryptons fate, as Supergirl flinches a bit when Kori speaks. But she smiles, nodding to her fellow alien. "There are still a few of us left, thank Rao." And then, she lowers her head in respect to the Princess. "My real name is Kara Zor-El, daughter of the House of El. And I am honored to meet you, Princess Korian'r of Tamaran." She starightens back up, reagining her smile. "And my freinds call me Kara."

She turns to face Raven, nodding to the sorceress. "It is a pleasure to meet you as well, Raven. And I do have time to speak. What can I do for you?"

Raven has posed:
    Raven kind of gapes at Supergirl's openness, then remembers you can afford to be easy with your identity under her circumstances. Fair enough. Her eyebrows drop back to their correct level and she clears her throat. "I actually wanted to talk to both of you, and to as many heroes our age as I can. I want to ask you how you feel about the amount of power you have as a teenager.
    "I was raised by monks who taught me that childhood is the same for everyone because children all feel helpless, unable to affect the world, and aware that adults aren't telling them what's going on, but don't know they feel that way. They said adolescence is feeling that way and knowing it. Do either of you feel that way?"

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r shrugs. "I don't know - my childhood is no example of anything..." she whispers. "Believe me, you don't want to know." She just holds the Silkie tightly, making the lovebug whine until Kory lets go. "Sorry, sweetie." She smiles. "I would like to meet friends who can understand me. Normal people always look at me weird- you're lucky, Kara Zor-El. YOu look human at least."

Supergirl has posed:
"I am lucky," Supergirl says with a nod. "It's easy in many ways for me to blend in. But it's not easy for me to interact with humans. It took me a long time to become accustomed to my new strength and safely shake hands or even hug humans. I still feel the isolation sometimes." Her smile is tinged with sadness as she pauses. "You want to know what i feel about my powers, Raven? They are a responsibility. A burden, but one that I proudly bear. They frighten me, sometimes. But I take courage from my cousin, who deal with all the things I am feeling and is always there to help me and support me."

Raven has posed:
    Raven nods. "Did you get any training in how to use your powers?" she asks Supergirl. She doesn't ask Kory because she knows the answer to that question already.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods. "Yes... they are, aren't they?" she asks softly. "I agree as well. Though I do enjoy this sunlight..." She smiles as she pets the Silkie. "So... a heroine byherself is rather lonely..." she muses.

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl nods to Raven. "Yes. My cousin Kal-El aided me in learning my powers." And a few others, but Kara isn't about to talk about them yet. "It also helps that on Krypton, the culture revolved around service to society. So deciding how to use my powers was never a question I had to ask myself. Although Kal-El also taught me to consider the appropriate use of my powers before acting with them." Supergirl looks over to Starfire and nods. "We are all lonely when by ourselves. Sometimes, we're loney even when in the midst of a crowd. Humans are a strange people to me." Kara gets a wistful glint in her eyes. "Although they do have their good points."

Raven has posed:
    Raven shrugs. "Humans are fine," is her opinion. She nods at both of you, and mutters to herself, "So the teaching isn't universal. Our powers make us adults, maybe?"

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r shrugs. "I believe the saying is 'school of hard knocks'?" she asks. "I was subjected to the worst kinds of unjust slavery by a vengeful... cretin who I'm ashamed to say is my sister." She shrugs. "I grew up fast in prison." She sighs softly. "But I want to make sure it neverh appens to anyone else, ever again."

Supergirl has posed:
"It is our sense of purpose that makes us adults," Supergirl says to Raven. "Not necessarily a purpose to use our powers for the benefit of all. But a snese of what we are supposed to be doing with our lives. If it weren't for my powers, I would still feel like...like an adult. Because I would most likely be an artist, which is what i was training to become on Krypton."

Raven has posed:
    Raven nods slowly at you both. "Okay, thanks. These weren't the answers I was expecting, but thanks." She pauses, tries to think of a not-rude way to continue, and asks, "So. Artist? What medium?"

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r shrugs. "I do modeling - when I can. Or I want to, but can't find anyone to do it with - people think I look too unrealistic. I think my eyes bother them." She shrugs. "But this world has its benefits - like the wonderful substance known as 'mustard'."

Supergirl has posed:
"Crystaline sculpture and holographic imagery," Supergirl says to Raven. "Although, as you can imagine, neither are easily achievable here on Earth. But I do engage in traditinoal Earth drawing and painting. It's...rather refreshing, if a bit primitive." She's smiling and shrugs, indicating she's becoming used to the vast technological and cultural differences of Earth. She looks back at Starfire. "Well, you are rather lovely. Although, yes...humans do need to begin to see beauty beyond their cultural standards. But I'm sure you will find success as a model here, nonetheless."

Raven has posed:
    Raven shoots Kory a glance at Supergirl's comment. Her face is always hard to read, so whether either of you catch the 'told you so' aspect of it is up for debate. "Earth is fine," she agrees instead of commenting on anyone's hotness, though it's hard not to at least glance at Supergirl's midriff when the topic of pretty girls comes up. Too hard for Raven, as it turns out.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods. "So... do you have... any friends, Kara?" she asks. "Ones who understand your true nature, and that you can fight alongside with for righteous causes?" She sighs. "I don't - well... I do now with Raven here."

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl nods to Kori when asked about companions. "Yes. I'm part of a group that's forming called the Titans. We're younger heroes, all about the same age. Some of us are sidekicks or proteges of other heroes, like Robin and Wonder Girl. If you want, I can arrange for th two of you to meet with Wonder Girl."

Raven has posed:
    "Oh, Wonder Girl? I met her a while ago. She seemed nice."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods. "That would be lovely... that's exactly what Iwas looking for... can we go now, or is this a bad time?" she asks.

Supergirl has posed:
"Sure," Supergirl says. "I can set up a meeting for you both. Tell you what. Both of you can meet me back here in 2 days, and we can get things arranged or I can take you to Titans Tower if Wonder Girl is available then. Or, either or both of you can just stop by the Tower itself anytime. It's on an island just off the coast of Nassau County up north. Really easy to find. Even if Wonder Girl isn't there, I'm sure one of us will be. How does that sound?"

Raven has posed:
    Raven nods at Supergirl. "I'll do my best to make it. I have to get back to work now. Excuse me. Kory, it sounds like you should stay and talk with her." She summons a black portal and vanishes through it.