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(Peter's luck presents him with a photographic opportunity involving Rockstar Nick Drago. And some worrisome conversation material from a Winter Soldier. Ah. There's that Parker luck again.)
(No difference)

Revision as of 05:03, 13 February 2023

Back To The Swing Of Things
Date of Scene: 12 February 2023
Location: Birdland Jazz Club, Midtown
Synopsis: Peter's luck presents him with a photographic opportunity involving Rockstar Nick Drago. And some worrisome conversation material from a Winter Soldier. Ah. There's that Parker luck again.
Cast of Characters: Spider-Man, Winter Soldier, Phantasm (Drago)

Nick Drago has posed:
It's over.

All the problems. All the concerns. Everything's been taken care of.

And yet even when it's over, it's not.

Not really.

It is a Sunday evening at the Birdland Jazz Club and while not as busy as it was Thursday and Friday nights, there are still those who wish to squeeze as MUCH enjoyment out of the weekend as possible. There's a live band playing on stage, entertaining those who have shown up and servers are milling about the room, taking orders and dropping them off at the respective tables.

Most have gathered as close to the stage as possible, trying to get the best sound possible. Those who know better pick a bit further back towards the center. An acoustic sweet spot where the sounds escaping the stage area all converge.

And then there is Nick. Off to a corner, this musician has chosen his location poorly. Or has he? Of the club patrons he's the one closest to a fire exit. But the reasons for why he picked the location are lost as he's quietly working on a darkly colored beer that was served to him. In front of him a small notepad lays open, pen resting to the side as he looks blankly to the text written on it.

Spider-Man has posed:
It is late by the time Peter lands outside using the rooftops so no-one could see him as he changes into normal clothing, putting his costume in the bag. With a web he holds them in place just over the side where he could get to them, but others would not see it. After a minute or two from the front door walks in Parker as he had tried to wear his good clothes in tonight as it was a club, but the target bought dress shirt, and pants not to mention the cheap jacket over it signaled him as way below the income of the others, or at least worse fashion choices.

He was supposed to be here hours ago to take pictures of the club, and JJJ was going to expect some pictures so here he was. He smelled like burnt wood, and smoke as he walked in not really able to catch a shower as he had just gotten back from saving a family from a house fire. He holds his camera, keeps his head down though looks around a bit so his eyes are up and moving around. He was looking for the owner, or someone in charge, but as he moved around looking he spotted something else, or well someone else though he walks by headiing to the bathroom.

Once inside he makes a quick call.. JJJJ's voice comes booming through agressivly "Hello! We speak up who is this!" as Peter asks about the person he had just saw. He wasn't sure if his paper would take shots of him, but is glad to hear when he hears JJJJ's answer of "I'llll.. Pay you for page 10!" though in the background someone else is talking to him before he says, "Fine! Page 3 Prices.. No go out there and GET ME THAT PHOTO!" is heard as Peter is already hanging up,

With a sigh he hangs up the phone, and wonders how he is going to approach the person by the fire exit, as he did hope it was who he thought it was. Either way he comes out of the Bathroom again, and while he is standing around he is looking over at Drago, he is a bit obvious though slowly moving that way.

Nick Drago has posed:
Being that Nick generally shops at Goodwill for his 'off the clock' attire, the musician's not one to knock what came off a Target rack. But as he's working on rebuilding the brand that took a hit with his disappearance, tonight is one of those nights. While simple solid colors, the material of the red dress shirt popping out of the suit jacket is not cheap.

As for looks, Nick is giving one back to the obviously looking photographer. As much as Peter might wish to be discreet, the steady glance of the deceptively young looking rocker is not allowing for it.

The musician sips his beer while he waits for the point to be made.

Spider-Man has posed:
So Peter looks over, and now realises that he has been spoted, and looks down again though makes his way over. As he does so, one of the not as nice attentendents between the two on his way to the bathroom puts his leg out, and Peter stumbles on the way over though he doesn't fall down as he is able to get his foot down despite the attemps of the man. "Hey.. Watch where your walkin'" is yelled at Peter, but he just nods and gives an apology wave as he heads to the table Nick is at.

"H... Hello, umm I don't usually try to approach people in clubs for photos, but.." he takes a card out of his pocket, which he must of just gotten lucky didn't fall out earlier. "My name is Peter... Peter Parker." he looks around a bit, though smilers. "Could you help me out here, my editor would pay me well for a quick couple of photos."

Nick Drago has posed:
Seeing the foot come out, Nick's eyes narrow as his attention shifts over to the one snapping at Peter. His head turns, giving an uptilt of the chin to one of the servers nearest him.

The rest of the exchange might be obscured to the photographer but there's apparently some low words exchanged, a shared glance towards the other attendee and then the server heading off to the office area.

Nick turns his attention back to the approaching man, giving a slight nod as the introductions are made. He reaches over to take the card to look at it. "Well, Peter. I do appreciate that you asked me first. It gets old having a lens shoved in the face while the one with the camera is screaming questions."

He nods over to one of the free seats. "How about during one of their breaks? The flash could be disrupting."

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter chuckles, and 'doesn't notice' the converstion in low tones, and smiles at Nick with a nod. He smiles and puts a hand to the back of his head, "Well I was supposed to be here earlier to take photos for some B-shots that would be used when this place is used as a location." he explains with a chuckle. "I.. am running umm.. a little late so I didn't follow you here I promise!" he knew it didn't sound good when you deny following someone, but people like himself did do that sometimes.

He looks down, "May I take a seat?" and if he says okay Peter would do just that turning to look at the band. "Are they any good?" he asks curious as he figured someone who plays music would know better then him as most these bands kind of sounded the same. Though he does turn with a nod, "And yes, of course during the break is fine. I am not a reporter so it is just photos no questions really easy to do during a break."

Nick Drago has posed:
Nick nods to Peter's question, once again waving to the seat, "Sure. Join me." He glances back over to the stage for a moment before Peter's question reaches his ears. "Birdland takes their talent seriously." Nick answers, "They wouldn't be allowed on a Sunday stage if they weren't. But even if not, there's the respect factor."

He leans back in the seat, "If your approach in the club is any indication, I believe that you didn't follow me."

As the music continues, there's a slight show over at another table as laughy gets approached by a suited figure, and then another. Words are not audible. But it is evident some are exchanged as the table is soon vacated.

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter nods, and listens a bit, and chuckles again. "That is prob why they don't let me ask the questions." his New York accent clearly evident. As he should of known that about the bands before he asked, thankfully he hadn't upset the man he would hate to have to try to sneak a picture as Spidey later. He glances back a little though stays quiet watching listening the band as he figures maybe there is something he misses though the others talking does distract him as he doesn't listen but watches the suited figure.

He doesn't say anything but, keeps an eye on what is going on with a sigh he turns to look at Nick. He had to get pictures, but he was getting a bad feeling about the escored person before he says "Excuse me.. I need to... umm... smoke.. yea I need a smoke.." and gets up moving towards the entrance where the others went. Though he smiles as he keeps an eye on the group long enough to follow outside and make sure nothing is happening.

Nick Drago has posed:
Nick blinks as the man who just invited himself over immediately turns around to take a smoke break. "...okay?" The musician gives Peter a curious look before shaking his head, looking back to the stage.

Peter's concern is soon justified-

By nothing. Other than the suited figures positioning themselves behind the man, they manage to herd the guy through the door without touching him. Their size and stance alone is sufficient deterrent for the man to try anything. Once the man is gone, there's a discussion made with the door man regarding the welcome status of the man who just left.

Huh. It's almost like not EVERY club has some unsavory element running it.

Nick sips his beer.

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter sighs, and looks back one last time why did it always have to happen when he was at work, as he pushed by some of the larger men walking outside and reaching into a pocket. As he passes the man that was kicked out he bumps into the man, "Oh excuse me." Peter says as he is 'knocked back' from the man he ran into. The reason why he did so was easy though as he had secretly put a spider-tracker on the man as Spidey would have to have a word with him later. This man might lead him to some of the bigger wigs, and though embarassing for Peter it was worth it to get the tracker on.

As the man laves Peter looks around and finds a smoker.. Asking for a puff, though it makes him cough like crazy as he isn't a smoker he waves the cigaretee around him trying to get the smoke smell before he nods to the stranger with a smile. "Thanks buddy." turning to head back in now just getting a wierd look. It isn't long before Peter returns and smiles at Nick as he returns to his seat. "Sorry about that.. Sometimes you really need to smoke." and chuckles looking back at the door to make sure no-one followed him back in.

James Barnes has posed:
But someone did. Someone in a very fine looking suit, with a rather enigmatic smile, who takes a moment to take in the ambiance of the club. Is that nostalgia? Surely the man is far too young to have sampled the jazz scene when this club was created? Not looking a day over thirty, and wandering in with that odd gait that makes him look as if he's wearing the club like a coat, that this is where he belongs. A man with eyes as blue as a Siberian winter, who prefers to wear leather gloves even indoors.
   This man, slightly taller than average and somewhat broader in the shoulder than many a man here, takes a moment to look around and then sets off in a very definite direction, making straight for a table.
   An occupied table.
   Nick's table.

Nick Drago has posed:
As Peter come back to the table, Nick looks back over to the photographer. There is the faint scent of smoke coming from the man but- He looks to the performers. "That was quick."

There is almost the hint of a question behind that observation but it isn't pursued as the musician smiles to the large man approaching. The musician moves over, allowing Bucky the seat closest to the exit.

"Glad you could make it." He greets, mood brightening. Nick lifts a hand to gesture over to the man with the camera. "This is Peter Parker." He explains to Bucky, "And he has respectfully asked if it is alright to take a few photos of me at the end of this set. I have agreed to this."

Spider-Man has posed:
Watching James as he comes in a bit nerviously until he realises it isn't one of the people that he had just ran into he smiles a bit, and as he takes his seat at the very table he is at he seems a bit surprised, and confused. Peter looks at James, then at Nick with a worried look as he wasn't sure if they were friends, enemies, the new guy did have a resting angry face so who knows. Peter sits with Nick the nice camera hanging around his neck, though he doesn't seem to be using it right now. "Hello.. I am Parker.. I mean sorry Peter... Peter Parker." and holds a hand out to the man.

He looks back at Nick, "Oh.. yea?" he asks about his quickness before he smiles, "Fastest Smoker in the east!" and chuckles a bit hoping to push it off with a joke as he usually does. "Just don't tell my boss okay.. Triple J doesn't like it." and smiles before turning to face James again, "I am not that great at being a poperazi.. I am too nice, and don't own enough hawian shirts." he explains with a small smile though he still looks nervious around the man.

Nick Drago has posed:
There seems to be something unspoken between the 'take a few photos' and 'I have agreed to this'. Some message is clearly being passed, and the Bucky stare slowly turns into an amiable smile. "Relax, your camera is safe." the man mentions offhand as his first comment, which is itself probably quite the interesting non-sequitur hinting at some past incidents. And then he extends his own hand to shake Peter's "James Barnes, pleasure to meet you Peter."
   The way he said it, it might even be true.
   You'd certainly hate for it to be a displeasure to meet him somewhere.
   It's perhaps a bit odd how he accepted the seat that close to the exit without a thought, or why Nick thought to offer it to him. There's probably a story there for a photographer or journalist that goes looking for it. "Triple J? You don't work for one of those new rap magazines, do you?" 'New' rap magazines? How behind the times is this guy?
   And that accent so far has been pure Brooklyn...

Nick Drago has posed:
As Bucky acknowledges the safety of the camera, Nick gives a slight nod of agreement to this. He waits for Bucky to make his introduction, following the cue to NOT to use the nickname around here. But the question about the triple J being a rap magazine gets a look. "I don't think-" He pauses, trying to think of any known publishers known by Triple J. "Initials probably. But the odds of all the names star-"

He pauses.

The pale eyes look back over to Peter, and then the camera. He said pictures. Not video so it's not a news CHANNEL per say. But there's one person he can think of that has News in more than one format "...Daily Bugle?"

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter smiles at James as he assures no broken camera, though he didn't know that was a thing, is glad it is now not. Peters grip is strong, deceptionally for the mans size though not painfull or like he is really trying to grip hard as it doesn't change just the same amount. "Well Mr. Barnes it is a pleasure, and I am glad my camera is safe," he adds with a smile as it was at least a nice thing as maybe he ment it from others that would try to break it as they had taken care of the guy that tried to trip him earlier.

He looks down a bit embarassed as he admits, "I work for the Daily Bugle. I am just one of the photographers." he shrugs a bit. "I got a few pictures of Spider-man back in the day and now they hire me to hunt him around the city like a blind mouse looking for the cheese." and chuckles a bit at that.

If one did know the newspaper they would know that usually front page the picture was by Peter Parker, and it was something about how the Spider-Menace has done something else. He does smile with a nod though, "I reconise the accent, Manhattan myself.. Born, and raised." he thinks about what he could mean about rap magiazines, though maybe he just ment like wrapping, or some kind of music thing. He just answers, "Most that stuff is online now." hoping the general answer would match it either way.

He nods to Nick, "Yes, my boss is J. Jonah Jamerson.. We just call him triple J because it is easier." nodding to Nick he says in a lower tone, "Don't let him hear ya call him that though." he waves a hand, "I don't know why they want pictures on you to be honest I don't do the writting at all." he frowns just a bit, "I can't promise it is going to be good... I am sorry, but since you have been so kind I will be honest with you." he sighs, "Ever since Triple J had started that podcast I never know if he is just wanting my pictures for something, but I can at least tell you it won't be front page." noding to him

James Barnes has posed:
"Ouch." Yeah, someone stuck with a name like Jonah is bad enough, worse karma to be saddled with it when your surname is Jameson, but as for the initial to also be a J? That's just a sign of cruel parents. The smile imperceptibly dips when the gripping strength is noticed, but returns immediately. Hmm.
   The Daily Bugle it is then, and Bucky nods a bit when that revelation is made. Possibly he reads it. Possibly he read it, back in the day. Quite possibly, and this is a long shot but then he's famed for those, someone may have taught him how to use a computer sufficiently to read online news sites. Podcasts are probably a step too far, at the moment. Need to ease into the millennium a step at a time.
   "Well, I'm sure it'll be a flattering article" says the man who is likely going to check afterwards to make sure this is, in fact, the case. "It's hard to find something awful to say about Nick. Although, to be honest, I've never heard him play Jazz."
   With that, he smiles at the man himself "Got some big boots to fill.". It's delivered with the certainty of a lifelong jazz fan who doesn't only remember all the greats, but has actually seen them live.

Nick Drago has posed:
As Nick gets confirmation to who the JJJ is, the musician sighs, eyes rolling upwards to the warning. "Yeah. He's not the friendliest. And he doesn't sugarcoat." He glances over to Bucky. "...I have a feeling it's probably going to be about the tour or the movie cancellation. Or the lack of explanation for it."

When Bucky talks about Nick playing Jazz, he blinks. "Oh you'd have a better chance hearing me playing that at the Blue Lady or at the studio. Most I do here is scout or do quality checks. Although, I might have to contact Thomas again regarding gigs over there."

He shakes his head and looks over to Peter. "Thanks for the warning. But, I have a feeling with or without the photo whatever he wants to say is going to get said. At least we can make sure the picture they put with it looks decent."

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter actually laughs a bit at the ouch as he got it that is a rough name, "His son is Tripple J.. Junior.. So quadruple J." he nods as that had to be worse. He sighs a bit at the mention it will be flattering and shrugs, "Just if it isn't don't take out on me please." he asks holding up his hands in surrender. He had tried to warn them at least so if his boss did do something it wasn't on him. "I will even give you the complaint line, though I wouldn't suggest calling it as it is more for people to vent then to help." he does chuckle a bit at the Jazz part, and adds.. "I once heard someone ask how can you not like Jazz, Jazz is chaos." as he shakes his head, "Even triple J couldn't dislike it so if your good, he will prob be happy to back you with good coverage."

Peter looks back at Nick, "Ouch.. yea your prob right he doesn't like people who don't keep apointments.. Believe me I know." as he thinks about all the time his boss yelled at him for a good hour about his lateness. "Don't worry though if your music is good, they will mention that so there will be some good in the bad, and compaired to Spider-Man your prob not near that bad." he chuckles, "If you really want him on your side the secret it to hate on Spider-Man with him. He really likes those who see his way of thinking." he figured if anyone understood that Nick would as he prob had his own full fledged yes men as well.

James Barnes has posed:
"Oh." There's a look of blank expression, a moment of realisation and then a slow nod. "Would you like me to take care of that?"
   Bucky doesn't have the look of a yes man. The word most often thrown at him is most likely, or so a casual glance would suggest, 'no'. Probably and most likely preceded by 'please'. But he does smile now at Peter, when he mentions the complaint line. "Don't worry, I know where the offices are. I'll be sure to make an appointment... I'm famous for my punctuality."
   Yet for all that he is reminded that there are many ways to fight a war, and that the good guys often get the worst press, usually because they don't spend any time defending themselves from negative publicity. Things haven't changed that much in all these years. And still he shakes his head. "Double JJ... gotta feel sorry for the kid."

Nick Drago has posed:
The glass sets down on the table as the musician frowns, watching the performance. "Well. Some things can't be helped..." Nick mutters, shaking his head.

And then Bucky offers to help.

Help how?

Nick turns his head, looking over to Bucky. "How?" He asks, "Wouldn't explaining cause more problems?"

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter thought about what James ment about knowing where the offices are and he looks surprised as he says, "Oh... oooh." and looks nervious again. "I don't think that would end up well for anyone." he pictures an angry... well angrier James going inand getting yelled at right off the bat as his boss tended to do, and shook his head. "And his son is rather lucky, he was a pilot that went to the moon, and has actually done some good things for this city." he smiles thinking about it. "At least more then his father." and nods to that a bit

He looks over at Nick then quiietly watches, not sure as he looks between the two also interested in hearing what his answer would be. "Do you need a refil Mr. Drago." he asks a bit nerviously hoping to relax the coversation though why he was trying to cover for his boss is unknown to him, "Besides starting a fight with the press always ends badly, especially with him."

James Barnes has posed:
"There is that." Bucky concedes, although it's not clear if he's agreeing with Nick or Peter here. Possibly both. And then he shrugs, glancing around the club. "Free press, gotta respect it. We fought for it, can't say now we only want it when it suits us, wouldn't be fair."
   There is a slight emphasis there, but his attention is now elsewhere. People are coming and going, and every time someone comes in or walks out, they get a swift glance.
   "Besides, I wouldn't want to get you in trouble with your boss, Peter. You look like a good kid, shame about the smoking though."

Nick Drago has posed:
"It'll be ok James." Nick replies, tone not really coming off with any assuring qualities about it, just more of a recital of things likely heard over the year. "With certain occupations, any press is good press. Entertainment industry's one of them. We don't always get to defend ourselves."

Picking up on a change to Peter's tone, he looks over to him, "Don't worry. I'm not backing out of the pictures and we're not going to be causing problems for your boss either." He gives a shrug, "If I spent every waking minute of my life worrying what people thought of me, I wouldn't have gotten far in music. Criticism is a given."

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter looks down, and nods to James as he agrees about the free press, as he was a reporter. "Thanks for understanding Mr. Barnes." he says a bit quietly though he also smiles, and holds up a hand. "Don't worry about that, as long as I can bring in pictures of the guy in Red & blue he will never fire me. Completly obsessed." and shrugs at that one though doesn't look up just talking to the table. He nods, "Don't worry about him I know deep down.. deep... deep.. Down he isn't that bad of a guy. He has a good heart.. well not litterally." and looks up with a dry laugh then stops seeing James isn't really the laugh type and looks at the table again. "Going to give it up for sure." as a response to the smoking, as thankfully he really wasn't just a bad lier, so at least that he could be honest ahbout.

"Honestly that is the better way to look at it." he looks up at Nick for a moment and smiles, "When I look at people through a camera it is like that. I know what I want to do, and the shot I want to take. Really it is my judgement not the bosses that matters to me, and I am good at it." he smiles a bit with a shrg. "So ignore whatever it is, though that is after the shots of course." and chuckles lightly looking back down again.

James Barnes has posed:
"I know how that feels." and Bucky's attention comes back to the people at the table. "When you look at people through a lens, just thinking about the shot you want to take, that perfect shot. Even with your bosses yelling in your ear to get it over with, but you just want to get it right, 'cause you want to make that one shot count... yeah, I get that."
   Looking briefly at Nick, Bucky makes to stand. "Well, you probably don't want my mug in those pictures. My face isn't very photogenic, it'd ruin the shoot."
   "Anyway, young mister Parker, it's been a pleasure meeting you. And if I see Spider Man around, I'll get in touch with you at the Bugle. I take it I can find you at the office?"

Nick Drago has posed:
As Bucky talks about looking through a lens and taking his time to make the shot count, Nick slowly turns his head to look at Bucky. This gives the sniper a good view of lifted brows when Bucky looks his way.

Blink. Blink.

"And I'm going to say again James, you look fine. But I know how you feel about pictures so... okay. Join me after the break for the next set?" He looks over to Peter for a moment and then back to Bucky. "I got his card. If you need to call him we got his number."

But first. Music.