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(Remy and Sam talk food and family)
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Three southerners in the same kitchen. What can possibly go wrong
Date of Scene: 03 March 2023
Location: Kitchen - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Remy and Sam talk food and family
Cast of Characters: Gambit, Cannonball, Rogue

Gambit has posed:\<br\>Remy LeBeau shakes the brown paper bag vigorously, thoroughly coating the chicken inside in "Mrs. Pottsworth's secret family handed down through the generations you ever share this with anyone I will beat the Cajun off you" recipie. "So basically it just flour, t'yme, basal, black pepper, white pepper, some garlic and mustard powder. Pretty basic stuff if yah ask me."
Cannonball has posed:\<br\>Samuel Guthrie comes walking in carrying some groceries. He hit the store for a few things, and when it is for the school, a few things mean a dozen or so bags of stuff at least. He has used the carabiner trick so he can carry more bags at once. He may not have super strength but working smarter can help with less trips too.
Rogue has posed:\<br\>"Basic is one word fer it, Swamp Rat." Rogue offers as she pours about five or six cups of sugar into a pitcher. There's water boiling on the stove and tea bags off to the side because the Mississippian needs her sweet tea. "But what part of any of that is even cajun? There's no paparika, no chili powder, nothin' ta give yer chicken any kinda kick..." Then she catches a glimpse of Sam out her periphreal and looks to him. "You need some help there, Sam?"
Gambit has posed:\<br\>Remy LeBeau shrugs a bit "Dare paprika in it. Ah forgot ta mention de paprika. But wha' c'n Ah say, Mrs. Pottwort' de closest t'ing Ah evah 'ad ta a mama. She was from Alabama dough. She not like dat much spice. And dis /was/ Sunday chicken. Yah can' jus' set yah mout' on fire every day." he says with a grin. He glances to Sam and raises an eyebrow, as if to second Rogue's offer to hel if he needs it.
Cannonball has posed:\<br\>Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Ah got it unless we got a speedster about who wants to put them up." He holds the bags put a moment and with no takers of speedsters, he sits them down and starts putting things up "Ah always make one or two batches of hot and the rest normal when Ah make it, that way folks can choose."
Rogue has posed:\<br\>"See that's how ya do it..." Rogue turns the water off once it begins to boil and moves the pot off the burner. She then carefully uses a glass measuring cup to pour a bit of water into the pitcher so she can dissolve the sugar, the rest of the pot soon has the tea bags dropped in to begin steeping. Once that's done she turns and begins to help Sam put things away. "But I mean he's ovah here jus' shakin' chicken in a brown bag. I dun even know how he's gonna cook it. Grilled? Fried?" Then she grins. "I might could convince him ta eat the chicken raw. Whatcha think, Sam?"
Gambit has posed:\<br\>Remy LeBeau rolls his eyes and points to the counter. "Fryed chere. In dat dare pressure cooker." He says walking over to check the tempture to see if the oil is hot enough yet. "An' don' yah be talkin' bad about mah bag. Shaken in a brown paper bag de only propper way ta coat yah chicken, an' Ah argue wit' any dat say different." He smirks. "Tell 'er Ah'm right Kentucky." He says with a slight grin.
Cannonball has posed:\<br\>Samuel Guthrie looks to the two of them, and says "My Momma did not raise no dummy Ah, aint getting in the middle of this. We can have a Chicken cook off sometime if ya want, but Ah got a feeling right now, Ah aint got a right answer to these." He smirks a bit at the two
Rogue has posed:\<br\>Rogue rolls her eyes. "That's jus' superstition talkin', an' it's talkin' out yer ass LeBeau." She hardly ever calls Remy by his name, it's always his last name, or some nickname she's given him over the years. "No matter how ya shake it, the chicken's still gonna get coated. An' why ya fryin' 'em in a cooker? We got a deep fryer..." This as she turns back to fish tea bags out the pot with a fork, squeezing each gently so no drop of tea is wasted then tosses the bags into the garbage bin.
Gambit has posed:\<br\>Remy LeBeau gives Sam a smirking chuckle, as if acknowledging a fair point. and grins at Rogue as he moves to drop the chicken into the cooker. "Foh one, it cook faster. Foh two it less chance ta burn de coating, and foh t'ree and possibly most important of all.." He says with a grin as he drops the first few pieces into the oil and closes the lid. "It's 'ow Mrs. Pottswort' made it."
Cannonball has posed:\<br\>Samuel Guthrie looks to the other two and says "Will say for the amount we need to cook for the school the pressure works best, but if your wanting to do the best crunch for say a dozen people or less, cast iron frying pan is the best." He will give that one opinion and this from a guy whose ma had to fry multiple chickens when ever she fried chicken "So what brought the cooking on?"
Rogue has posed:\<br\>Rogue rolls her eyes and shakes her head. "Kentucky's got it right, really. Cast iron's the way ta go." She says this and then goes to the freezer to pull out a few trays of ice, plunking them into the pitcher. "I dunno why he's cookin'... I was just wantin' to make sure we didn't run outta sweet tea. That'd be a whole crime..."
Gambit has posed:\<br\>Remy LeBeau chuckles a bit and shrugs. "Ah was feeling nostolgic, felt like makin' some chicken. Made a Macaroni an' Cheese a few nights ago, an' figured have some fresh chicken wit' de left ovahs." He says dusting his hands off and moving to help Sam put awau and remaining groceries. "An' dis was de way Ah was taught ta make it. Not sayin' y'alls way is wrong." He then gets that devilish grin "Ah mean it /is/, but Ah'm not saying it."
Cannonball has posed:\<br\>Samuel Guthrie looks to the other man and says "Anytime you want to compare Mrs Pottsworth Chicken to MA Guthrie's recipe you just let me know, and Ah will even bring ya a towel to wipe the tears away when ya loose." He smirks at the other man, and says "And if your making chicken, should be making more sides than just mac and cheese. Unless you don't want others to try it that is."
Rogue has posed:\<br\>Rogue rolls her eyes and looks to Sam. "You know the Cajun only thinks about 'imself, right? Don't matter who else is around. He's as selfish as they come." Then she looks to Remy and actually gives him a wink. "You bettah save some of that chicken for me to try, Swamp Rat. I'll give ya a true southern verdict how Mrs Pottsworth chicken stands up to the competition." A light laugh as she turns and finally pours the pot of freshly steeped tea carefully into the pitcher of ice.
Gambit has posed:\<br\>Remy LeBeau grins a bit, "Well Ah'm makin' enough ta feed a samll army... Or Henri wit' de munchies. But Ah'm plannin' dinnah foh me an Raven. Ah figure Ah just put de rest in de fridge wit' no name on it. Figure it'll last about as long as a steak in a pool of piranhas. "
Cannonball has posed:\<br\>Samuel Guthrie smirks a bit and says "Well, then, As well add my two cents into a meal." He will head to the pantry and come back with a couple ten pound bags of taters, and sets them near the table before getting a knife, a large pot of water and the trash can and getting everything ready for tater peeling o rama
Rogue has posed:\<br\>Tea done, Rogue puts the pitcher in the fridge. "Well. I'm gonna let you two boys continue doing...whatever this is.." She grins. "I gotta go see a woman about a thing anyway." Then she processes the name Remy dropped, gives him a LOOK, before walking out the kitchen silently.
Gambit has posed:\<br\>Remy LeBeau shakes his head slightly as Rogue head's out, moving over to get some lemons from a fruit bowl and start rolling them on the counter. "So 'ow life been treating yah Kentucky?" he asks casually, and tilts his head. "Wanna learn a faster way ta do dat?"
Cannonball has posed:\<br\>Samuel Guthrie 's brow raises a bit at the faster way of peeling the taters "Been doing ok, working out at the club a lot, helping out with classes here and what not." He tells the other man. "And will the taters be automashed as well?" He smirks a bit
Gambit has posed:\<br\>Remy LeBeau headshakes but smiles, "Not quite, but dat's part of de trick." He says with a grin, He then takes a paring knife and scores into the skin of the potato once around the center. "So yah do dis, den drop dem in de pot and boil dem foh 'bout five minutes." He says scoring another potato. "An' den yah c'n pull dem out and de skin will literally jus' slide off de tater. Ah mean dey be hot, but yah gonna boil dem anyway right?"
Cannonball has posed:\<br\>Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Well that might save a bit of time, but to be honest, Ah got pretty fast as normal peeling." He admits one of the large family skills. He will fill a second pot to start to boil and then start some that way and some peeling by hand to see which goes faster.
Gambit has posed:\<br\>Remy LeBeau chuckles a bit, leaning back agienst the counter and letting the man work. "Yah know de way yah talk 'bout yah family make me jelious sometimes. Ah mean Ah 'ad an older brot'er, but he was grown when Jean-Luc adopt me, an' Ah was just a pup. Woulda killed foh ot'er kids mah age around. Ah mean dare was Belle but.." He grins a bit, "She not really count."
Cannonball has posed:\<br\>Samuel Guthrie nods a bit and says "Well, Ah was the oldest, and had to help look after the little ones, but it was nice having them about at least most of the time, when they started showing their butts not as often, but Ah would not have it any other way if Ah am being honest.
Gambit has posed:\<br\>Remy LeBeau chuckles a little bit at that and nods. "Ah c'n imagine. How many of dem were dare in yah brood? Six or eight wasn' it?" He asks amused, watching the younger man work. The timer on the chicken beeps and Remy goes over to the pressure cooker retrieving the first batch and putting in the second. He puts most of it on a small plate, and as promised places them un makrked in the fridge, though he selects a perticularly large wing and thigh and places them next to Sam along with a bottle of his home made hot sauce.
Cannonball has posed:\<br\>Samuel Guthrie nods to the man in thanks and says "Ah was the oldest of ten, and ma has took one more in who needed a home." He speaks of the friend of his brother who has become a member of the family after his dad was killed, when Jay had his tramatic incident. "So far looks like about half of us end up here."
Gambit has posed:\<br\>Remy LeBeau nods "Ah t'ink Ah remember meeting yah sister once, but it was a while back." he says with an easy smile waiting on the man's opinion of the chicken. "Good kid as Ah recall." He checks how much raw chicken he has left to cook up. "But like Ah said can't 'elp but be a lil jelious.
Cannonball has posed:\<br\>Samuel Guthrie nods a bit and will take a moment to wipe his hands wondering for just a moment if Remy is trying to give his tater peeling style a but of a time boost, but he does try the chicken first without the hot sauce and then with it. He nods a bit and savors it giving it an honest taste "Not bad, not bad at all, not quite up to Mas of course but not bad."
Gambit has posed:\<br\>Remy LeBeau smirks a little bit, "Well no good son would say ot'erwise, no mattah how true." He says with a slight grin. He then slices into the lemons he was rolling, starting to make lemonade. "Yah know, we shoul' get de guys toget'er. We 'aven't 'ad a poker night in mont's.. Surely yah should 'ave some saved up from last time/.."
Cannonball has posed:\<br\>Samuel Guthrie smirks a bit and says "Oh Ah have some money there is no big worries there might send most of it home to Ma, Ah keep some of it about just to be on the safe side for important spends and what not."