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Revision as of 23:59, 7 March 2023

Memories: Learning Adherance
Date of Scene: 16 February 2023
Location: Lucifer's Penthouse, Melville
Synopsis: Lucifer is now all caught up on the events in Lux, involving thugs
Cast of Characters: Sinister, Lucifer

Sinister has posed:\<br\>The events of the other evening are a thing to be dealt with at a different date. But clarity of mind and a bit of refocus is necessary when one has become very angry in a short period of time and no doubt alerted significant fallen archangels to that fact inadvertantly. \<br\>\<br\>Soft music is playing through the hidden speakers of the penthouse and the fire is banked and low. Aromatherapy is being used, in the form of one of those atomizers that are fashionable and a few joss-sticks and Sinister is floating in the lotus position in the middle of the sunken seating area, eyes closed and hands resting on their backs upon his knees, middle finger and thumb touching. \<br\>\<br\>The purest meditation pose! But there's turmoil beneath the surface, mostly because of emotional overload.
Lucifer has posed:\<br\>Lucifer knows when to keep his space if there is an overabundance of emotion. He will also allow that space until such a time he feels perhaps he can begin to help qualm the rest of the emotional overload that there is.\<br\>\<br\>With all the aromatherapy and such going on, it may be an oversight and the tea that has been brewing has gone without notice. Tea can help calm a an emotional overload right? Especially is that tea is made for one as British as Essex sometimes tends to be. Not to mention a nice array of kippers and raspberry jam to bring about a little nostalgia. Taste of home. Something like that.\<br\>\<br\>He levitates the tray that everything is set upon and makes his way towards the sunken seating area. Things are laid to rest on the table nearby and Lucifer sits just on the edge of the seating area but not within it. "Sinister. Love. I've got some treats for you. A nice pot of freshly brewed Earl Grey and some kips and jam."
Sinister has posed:\<br\>"With lemon?"\<br\>\<br\>It's an idle and rather lazy response, a drift from a thousand light years away, which is perhaps where the distant response hails from. Oh so slowly, the ruby red eyes crack open a smidgeon and Essex gazes at the devil, the spread and the teapot with a flat affect brought on by his current state of mind. They close a moment later, with a long, thorough exhale. Moments pass, before he at least loosens each shoulder, rolls his neck and resumes half-lidded watching of the offerings at the Altar of Zen. \<br\>\<br\>"I am sure I have mentioned in the past that I don't like overwhelming emotion very much. Supposedly, it does a body good to vent once in a while and really let yourself feel, but I dislike the surrendering of control, immensely." The kippers are lifted up, the aroma of those adding to the richness of other scents helping to calm the mind -- the walls seem to fade into the background, the material seems immaterial and insubstantial. To be brought into the meditation, along with the offerings, rather than to actively break it... this seems to be what has occured.
Lucifer has posed:\<br\>"Always with lemon for you, my love." Lucifer simply replies.\<br\>\<br\>He then waits and watches with the patience he usually could never afford and yet somehow with Sinister it comes in bucket loads. He could wait an eternity, if just to see a final smile of peace crack against those lips. Allowing Sinister to take in the spread, the offerings of peace as they likey are. When he speaks, Lucifer listens and then nods. "I know. In time you'll either let me know what bothered you, or you'll let it drift away into oblivion as everything else goes. Yet you will also have partaken of a favorite food and drink to help ease the mind back into serenity. Should I ever learn the culprit of this moment, they will be dealt with. Violently." He smirks at that and then helps himself to a kipper of his own.
Sinister has posed:\<br\>It's easier to love somebody else than it is to ever be kind to yourself. \<br\>\<br\>A cup is poured like it is a ritual thing, which in fairness, it likely is. A slice of lemon levitated into the mix, gently pressed to release some juice and the whole thing is floated to the nose to inhale that particular aroma, also. "It might be kinder to let it go, but I find that I feel neither kind nor generous." Sinister replies, focusing just a little further to take a moment in respect for Archangel and effort put into this moment. Then, with a little wrinkle of his nose and a lift of the cup to sip, the 'faded out' walls of the penthouse start to display surveillance footage from the club's cameras, zooming in on a few faces that get halo'd with a red circle. "These individuals came to the club. Shortly after, that individual commonly known as spiderman came in, in uniform. He seemed to have a purpose in being there, like he was looking for someone." \<br\>\<br\>More zoom ins and circles highlight the Winter Soldier and Nick Drago. "He approached, but never engaged. The first three though, intended mischief."
Lucifer has posed:\<br\>Lucifer watches as Sinister actually brings to light just what had him so upset. Watching the footage as he takes his own cup of Earl Grey - sans lemon - and has a slow sip. "So you mean to tell me that these people were in my club, intending mischief, without my knowledge or consent?" He asks this first before eyes settle on Spiderman and then the Winter Soldier and Nick Drago. "What do Spiderman and the Soldier have to do with these men? Anything? Was Nick a part of it as well?" Now he has all sorts of questions, and for a few people as well! "What came of these men anyway?"
Sinister has posed:\<br\>More footage plays over the walls from the camera array; a different one after another, essentially following Spiderman as he accosted the three individuals in the club and frogmarched them outside. That at least was the right thing to do-- \<br\>\<br\>From a few zoom-ins of Nick's face at least, he seemed to at least be familiar with the troublemakers in passing. "His mind was a lot more focused, it seems there was an encounter involving these three and the stooges or at least associated stoogery, from previous." Sinister relays, twitching the tea cup slightly as he sips once again, changing to the external cameras. There was a bit of cat and mouse play from Spiderman, doing as the webslinger is prone to do with the quick-talk and the punning, but ultimately one was webbed up, one was smacked to oblivion by the Winter Soldier and one, "...apparently this one was the ring leader..." was summarily crippled by the mind of an angry Sin, who didn't like his relaxy time and meet n'greets interrupted by common thuggery. "He got handed to the police. They all did. I couldn't comfortably protest. But you have connections. And I have a mind."
Lucifer has posed:\<br\>Lucifer watches in silence as the cameras reveal the play by play. The webslinger taking the men outside, followed by the Soldier who does a number on one. The makings of Sinister doing a number on the ring leader gets a mild chuckle from Lucifer. "Ah. Well. In light of all this, one shouldn't protest. But I take it the cops had no reason to come inside right? No one inside Lux was under siege or... scared witless?" They do, after all, offer some of the fiendest after dark pleasures that some cops will look away from but others... not so much. Gotta keep that badge nice and shiney after all. "And I suppose this connection of mine will be to get the ringleader back so we can give them a proper what for? Maybe edge out some more information like who else and where else we need to look for them?" Asking this, but mostly for his own amusement as he sips from his own tea cup and takes another bite of kipper.
Sinister has posed:\<br\>Sinister finishes off his tea with a gentlemanly tip of the wrist, setting it down and rather delicately dawbing the jam on the smoked fish. It sounds ludicrous as a combination of taste, but it's the equivalent of sweet and salty and they compliment one another on the palate. He considers the kipper with its red macintosh of preserve for a few long moments and a deepening frown. "No, nobody was disturbed within the club, outside of fascination and a couple of fanboy moments. That web-making hero has a bit of a cult following, but Melville isn't new york." He looks up again then, fixing eye to eye. \<br\>\<br\>"But essentially, yes. I believe between a persuasive tongue and a probing mind, no troublesome alerts will be set off. There'd be enough of those already, with the Spiderman involved. But I want to know what they were doing in Melville. In the club."
Lucifer has posed:\<br\>"A good line of questioning indeed. I suppose I need to step up the game a little here as well. To think a couple of would be thugs just waltzed into my club thinking to cause a bit of mayhem. No no. Not in my house." Lucifer offers. "And dare I ask where was I when all this was going down? This was the same night you were all Miss Sinister doing a pseudo burlesque scene on stage, yes?" He seems to consider and then shakes his head. "Afraid things go a bit foggy after that and I don't recall much else of anything that night." Which, in a word, is odd.
Sinister has posed:\<br\>"That's correct. It was that night." That revelation though causes a tilt of Sin's head and a reach of the tea bearing hand to set the cup down and extend digits in a fan around one of Lucifer's eyes. The barest of contact is made with fingertips. "How strange... it's like... cotton wool in there." Very odd, indeed.
Lucifer has posed:\<br\>Lucifer raises a brow and side-eyes Sinister a moment before waving his other hand dismissively. "Likely one of those nights I thought everything was in hand and...perhaps was hoping to entice you upstairs while you were all...sexy and snake-wrapped..." He grins. "Alas, distractions happened. Now these men must pay the penalty for getting in the way of the Devil's works." Tsk Tsk.
Sinister has posed:\<br\>Sinister chuckles as he lets his hand fall away, bringing it down to claim Lucifer's right, bringing it up as he stoops to the knuckles and lingers in a long, quasi-noble attention to where a ring once was and now no longer sits. The fingers are squeezed and he bows his brow to them also, exhaling there. "Why do I get the feeling this is a rather low-brow affair?" he murmurs, glancing p thereafter. "
Lucifer has posed:\<br\>"What is? Having people answer to me for stirring shit up in my domain? I mean it's like second nature, I suppose, but it's still quite fun. Especially depending on HOW we choose to make them talk." Lucifer offers this, hitching a slight breath at the actions done with his hand and he leans in to rub his nose into Sinister's hair. "Unless you meant something else, of which I completely lost the plot for."
Sinister has posed:\<br\>"I think you just got the wrong end of the stick, my dear." Rubbing thumb against knuckles, Sin looks the devil in the eye once again, unafraid as he ever is. "I meant the rationale on the part of thugs. I think this may be rather common, when it comes down to it. I hasten to say that it may even be rather mundane. It could even be as simple as they had a highly paid target to rough up." He lowers his hand and Lucifer's to his knee, not relinquishing the fingers though. "My snobbish side is showing, isn't it?"
Lucifer has posed:\<br\>Lucifer chuckles gently. "Perhaps. But then, that just means it's the tip of the iceberg, and the whole ship might be about to sink." Bad, bad metaphor, but there it is. "Besides, people who try to start anything on my turf are in for rude awakenings. Behind the thugs is the mastermind pulling the strings. Those strings are what I intend to cut." He squeezes the hand that's still held, rubbing thumb against skin where it connects. "Maybe it is. But I like your snobbish side."
Sinister has posed:\<br\>There's a wry smile, to all of that. \<br\>\<br\>The squeeze is glanced at, then eyes are once more met. "Do you now? I have rarified tastes, too. Goes with the snob. High standards. Picky. Choosy. Very exclusive, me. Allow me to show you." Anger is apparently a thing of the past as the kipper he'd doctored is dropped whole into his mouth and he stands, drawing Lucifer with him. "Plotting can occur later. I have other meditations to do, with you."
Lucifer has posed:\<br\>Lucifer tilts his head just so and then gives a little smirk. "Yes. And of course, only I could fit such high standards, I'm sure." Teasing while he's drawn to standing when Sinister does. "Oh my love, allow me to count all the ways..." This said and likely in a fading sort of fashion as he's drug to who knows where so who knows what can be done upon the two of them in the dark of night.