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Revision as of 02:10, 8 March 2023

Spooky Scary Cultists
Date of Scene: 17 October 2022
Location: Isle of Dokos, Mediterranean Sea
Synopsis: Power Girl investigates with her fists instead of her brains. The start of spooky happenings!
Cast of Characters: Doctor Doom, Power Girl

Doctor Doom has posed:\<br\>There's no lack of small islands in the Mediterranean, though Dokos in particular embodies the ideal of the small and isolated; in the past considered a strategic location, the ruins of that time in the limelight exist now only in the form of old and broken castle remnants littering its east side, strewn about the grass and rocks to be nibbled on forevermore by the flocks of sheep that call the area home.\<br\>\<br\>Absolutely nothing of importance happens here. There's maybe two dozen people living on the whole island, and they don't even live in the same place. It's a bunch of Albanian shepherd-stock and Orthodox monks living away from the hustle and bustle of the world.\<br\>\<br\>At least, that's what the world thought. How curious, then, that Power Girl finds herself on that island, following a lead she'd been chasing for awhile -- a lead promising insight into a series of human trafficking incidents, a new drug on the street, and general Troubles.\<br\>\<br\>Wherever Power Girl lands, it takes her only a short time to find the mission where the monks live. It's where she'd been told to search, after all, by a hollow-eyed man she'd rescued from what could only be described as strange, animal-like monsters on the outskirts of a city.\<br\>\<br\>Coincidentally, the sky has grown dark and cloudy, and thunder tears apart the silence of the wind. A storm has begun, and the rain comes down in heavy, fat drops. How lucky that the monastery ahead seems so sturdy and not at all ominous!
Power Girl has posed:\<br\>     Of course Power Girl wasn't the most subtle of people. For a girl who's intelligence is supposed to rival Lex Luthor, she can be rather bullheaded and stupid at times.. So of course, she scanned the place with x-ray only to find her eyes hurting! \<br\>\<br\>     That was the first warning but when she heard a scream, she exploded through a Door only to have some sort of Rod SLAM right into her face! \<br\>\<br\>     getting attacked is nothing new for power girl but this rod HURT, and that was new. What's more, she went flying through a wall .. the wall didn't hurt but she was stil dazed, lifting her hands and punching at somebody that was coming near her.. But dazed as she was, she knocked one away only for the second to Strike her again with another Rod that was glowing with Magic!
Doctor Doom has posed:\<br\>There is something uncomfortable about the place to super senses, though it's hard to say what it is, exactly -- Power Girl's x-ray vision works, and she can see a number of monks engaged in prayer in the chapel, but there's just something ever so slightly *off* about them. The way they move, the way they speak. And when her eyes gaze toward the ground, there's a faint pain behind her eyes. Bearable, but noticeable.\<br\>\<br\>Of course, the oddest thing is that when she bursts through a side door, launching herself toward the source of the scream, she finds... \<br\>\<br\>... well, in the brief moment before a startled monk swings at her face with a hefty rod, she sees that there's no woman in the place! But she heard the voice clearly, and a moment later, she hears it again as she's slamming through the wall -- and it's coming from *below*!\<br\>\<br\>Which is odd, because x-ray vision reveals there's nothing at all down below.\<br\>\<br\>A few raspy male voices speak up, in unknown tongues, as a group of hooded monks begin to spread out to circle Power Girl, dazed in the crumbled wall like she is. Even before the dust settles, about five men are trying to corner her.\<br\>\<br\>Five men whose bodies move with a strange, jerking quality, and whose skin seems to ripple and push out from within.
Power Girl has posed:\<br\>Power Girl Once again she lashes out, this time with a Fist and another with a Foot. she's keeping her power low of course, like her cousin, she tends to keep her attacks low powered.. Mostly to make sure not to hurt the people she's attacking just in case.. \<br\>\<br\>     She spits to the side blood it's been a long time since she tasted her own blood even as she Rises up.. Only to barely dodge an attack of course, she hears part of her costume Rip.. Whatever those rods are they are bad news for her.. But that dosn't stop her . \<br\>\<br\>     After that punch and kick, she checks the damage the feed back to see if she needs to increase the power or keep it where it is! The issue is seems every one of them she strikes even with enough power to send them flying they are clearly higher than human.. they seem to strike her making her stumble and her outfit rip under the power of the magic!
Doctor Doom has posed:\<br\>The men cannot hope to stand against the furious fists of a Kryptonian woman, and with each concussive clash a monk is sent hurtling back. Yet there is an odd weightiness to them; they feel heavier, and when they land and slide across the ground, shattering wooden pews and breaking stones, they manage to clamber to their feet shakily after a short time.\<br\>\<br\>The first one she struck rises to his feet, hands on his knees, bent over. He stretches upward, and his spine pops, crick-crackle-crack, straightening out like an exclamation point. The force of her punch knocked back his hood, revealing the weathered, sun-baked face of a middle-aged man, balding and somewhat doughy.. \<br\>\<br\>And with eyes as black as tar.\<br\>\<br\>"I don't know how you found us out," he hisses, in recognizable but heavily accented English. "But you were a fool to come here alone, hero. All your strength means nothing to the Bloodied Eye -- for He is beyond strength!"\<br\>\<br\>Uh oh. She's found cultists. Admittedly, she found them by dumb luck, given she smashed her way in before asking any questions, but... she still found them!
Power Girl has posed:\<br\>The First few punches were light human level.. they quickly changed as it was clear these guys were not normal... The moment they reveal themselves, "beyond this! ' she says even as they might notice the last moment her eyes are glowing and smoking as she suddenly unleashes a blast.. She catches several, what's more, another punch to the 4th, but this time it's not a simple knockback.. this one will send him flying. Even if he gets up he'll be at least half a Km away! \<br\>     But the issue is there were 6 of them, not 4.. so the other Two Attacks sent poor power girl through another wall.. She lands, groaning. She can't focus, but they don't let her recover. Another Slam to her head, making her black out a moment! \<br\>\<br\>     a moment is all they need for a click as cuffs and collar are applied the magic keeping poor power girl caught! She's been captured of course, it cost them 4 of their members!