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(No difference)

Revision as of 02:30, 8 March 2023

Until Dawn at the Great Lawn
Date of Scene: 18 January 2023
Location: Central Park, Manhattan
Synopsis: Twilight, United Heroes Style?
Cast of Characters: Spike, Kit Killovarras

Spike has posed:\<br\>Spike is bad. Spike is good. Spike is? well, Spike. That's the fun of being a chipped vampire. On the one hand, he missed being the Big Bad. He was on top of his proverbial heap. He did what he wanted, when he wanted, and well, that really hasn't changed all that much. Just, some options were now denied to him.\<br\>\<br\>Like now. He was in Central Park, it was past sunset, and there were people around who would have made tasty snacks, but instead, all he could do was ignore them, or save them from other nasties. He wore his trademark black coat, black jeans, black shirt... yeah, black was his thing, okay. But there was also a red button shirt, undone, giving a hint of color.\<br\>\<br\>He was currently eyeing a pretzel cart, that was still selling pretzels, and fished around through his pockets, seeing if he had money for one. He missed being a Big Bad. He could have eaten the vendor, and enjoyed a pretzel for dessert.
Kit Killovarras has posed:\<br\>A tasty treat can be a tasty treat, whether it's a person or a pretzel, but what if the person isn't a person? This is the conundrum that tends to happen whenever the slender creature that is Kit comes out, though tonight he's not staying in the shadows. \<br\>\<br\>Instead, he simply walks right up, his typical black pants and hoodie concealing most of him and he could normally use it to conceal far more, but for some reason his tail, paws and even his head are on full display. It's immediately apparent that this isn't a human being as he walks up to the pretzel cart, giving the vendor a bit of a fright before he offers them a few bills and makes his order. \<br\>\<br\>Just a fresh pretzel, no salt and nothing to dip it in. An odd choice perhaps for something that at first glace, looks like it might enjoy the taste of the vendor if he tried it.
Spike has posed:\<br\>The vendor was given a fright by New Yorker standards. Had this been Peoria, Poughkeepsie, or Providence, they'd have described the vendor as completely unresponsive. His exact reaction was to pause, slightly incline his head, and utter a soft, 'huh' kind of noise, before accepting the money, and giving Kit a pretzel. It took a lot to scare New Yorkers. They were accustomed to oddities. At this point, it barely phased them.\<br\>\<br\>Spike, much like the vendor, was used to such things, but even then, seeing something with a tail and paws, even at night, was unusual. There were all kinds. He had found that he lacked the sufficient funds to buy a pretzel for himself, so only watched on as Kit was handed one, wrapped in paper, for ease.
Kit Killovarras has posed:\<br\>With his pretzel in paw and the vendor paid, the bipedal aardwolf in a hoodie finds a good tree to lean against while he noms his snack, his slightly glowing eyes scanning the area a little before his attention finally finds the stalker-y looking vampire. \<br\>\<br\>There's a slight tilt of his head as he studies the man for a moment, then offers a little smile and muses, "Well, at least you're not currently trying to eat someone.." with a little chuckle, polishing off his bite thoughtfully before simply asking, "Want a pretzel?"
Spike has posed:\<br\>Spike narrowed his eyes briefly, and then widened them back. With a nose like Kit's, or snout, perhaps he could tell that Spike was a vampire. Spike wasn't entirely sure, but wouldn't bet against it. "They do both start with P," he finally said, after giving the offer some thought. There was always a catch, but he couldn't find this one.\<br\>\<br\>"So sure, why not?" He was casting a glance to the sides, trying to open his own vampiric senses, to see if some soldier boys were going to get him, coming up from a hidden place in the ground, or perhaps drop from an oddly quiet Hellicarrier.
Kit Killovarras has posed:\<br\>Opening up ones senses is a good idea, being alert is typically a good idea regardless in central park after sunset, but this time there aren't any military grunts, no agents or modern-age paladins awaiting a sudden vampire to ambush. There doesn't need to be when the creature offering you food practically radiates dimensional magic.\<br\>\<br\>The aardwolf gives a little smile and nods, motioning Spike over as he finishes off his current treat, then walks back to the vendor and pulls out a few more bills, ordering another for himself before he motions to the vampire and gives a simple, "His is on me." before giving Spike a glance.\<br\>\<br\>There might be a catch, but if there is one, it's not making itself too terribly apparent at the moment.
Spike has posed:\<br\>Spike knew enough about magical bargains that what had been said was safe enough, thus far. There was no expectation, whatsoever, of a return. It was simply, would he like a pretzel, and it was on the other... person?\<br\>\<br\>A free pretzel was a free pretzel, so why not. The vender gave Spike an odd look, wondering why he was befriending Kit, or if they knew each other. His interest had been peeked enough that he gave them a look, but no more. Really, it wasn't any of his business, and it was much safer not asking questions.\<br\>\<br\>Accepting his after Kit got a second, Spike said, "thanks," still wary. He had the benefit of a classical education, and knew to beware Greeks offering gifts. That worked for whatever Kit was too.
Kit Killovarras has posed:\<br\>The second pretzel for the aardwolf gets nommed and polished off in a few bites like the first, but in between chunks of the bread-based treat, Kit actually studies Spike for a moment before he tilts his head and muses, "It didn't seem like I was interrupting a hunt.." being rather strait to the point. "So I've got to ask.. Off the Human diet?"\<br\>\<br\>Well, leave it to a decidedly non-human entity to ask a question like that so casually, but he also doesn't seem phased by the idea that there could have been a hunt at all. It seems more a case of curiosity that has him asking his rather blunt questions.
Spike has posed:\<br\>Kit was clearly not a normal human, and was demonstrating greater senses. It put Spike somewhat at ease with discussing things, in semi-public. They had moved far enough away from the vendor, that no one would be overhearing their conversation, and Spike's own senses were good enough that normally, he'd pick up on anyone approaching.\<br\>\<br\>"You'd be surprised what you can get from the butcher's. Less heat that way too." He offered up, enjoying his pretzel. It was warm, fresh, and tasty. Spike, perhaps more than most vampires, had an incredibly varied diet. He liked food, even if he didn't need it for nutrition.
Kit Killovarras has posed:\<br\>There's a little shrug from the Aardwolf as he nods, "Not really, it's where I've wound up getting a lot of things for my own less savory studies. Though it does make me a little curious as to why." He's still studying Spike little by little, his nose wiggling ever so slightly and his ears occasionally flicking. "Sorry to stare, by the way.." He says after a moment, giving a little chuckle as he admits, "You're one of the first I've encountered who didn't immediately become hostile."\<br\>\<br\>Well, at least he's honest.
Spike has posed:\<br\>Spike wasn't sure if he should take that as a bad of honor, or a shameful reflection on his current state. "Probably fresh ones. Most don't last." He continued to chew on his pretzel, "otherwise, New York would be full of us."\<br\>\<br\>He didn't mind that fresh ones got them killed at an alarming rate. He'd be more worried if they stuck around and caused lasting trouble for ones like him that had enough sense not to kick up that much of a fuss. Or Angelus. Any vampire with a vision of destruction brought far more heat than Spike wanted. "What brings you to the park at this time o' night?"
Kit Killovarras has posed:\<br\>"Hunting," Kit says with very little hesitation when asked what brings him out at this time of night, "There's usually no real end to the number of people who are willing to come here after dark, so I figured it'd be fun to hunt down some of the worst of them occasionally, see if I can keep them from ruining too many other peoples night." \<br\>\<br\>The mention of 'fresh ones' does get a nod as well and a moment of thought before Kit just grins and muses, "Yeah, probably. Most of the ones I've had to deal with didn't seem to terribly skilled for what they were."
Spike has posed:\<br\>For whatever reason, Spike was feeling lecture-y. Finishing off his pretzel, perhaps it was because of the free food, but Spike goes on to explain things, a little bit. "When you start, there's a rush. The power, the bloodlust, the feeling that you can do anything. Most don't make it the week. If you think you're invincible, someone will come along to put it to the test, sooner or later. Live long enough, and the world will change on you. Some are cut off, they're grounded whenever and wherever they were before. They stand out. But they've lived long enough to know better than to get themselves killed too easily. And a few, a select few, change with the times, learn to adapt, keep up. They don't make waves, nothing that would get too much attention. Those are the ones you have to watch out for." And yes, he did mean himself too.
Kit Killovarras has posed:\<br\>Kit perks his ears forward, listening intently to the lecture-style lesson in Vampire lore, giving the occasional nod. It seems like he's actually fairly fascinated by the topic at hand. "So, it's a bit of a test of will then, when you're first sired?" he asks after a moment, tilting his head to one side. "That would certainly explain the cocky ones I've come across pretty frequently."\<br\>\<br\>Then there's another moment of thought before he looks to Spike and smiles. "Assuming you're either fairly young and just not a weak-willed idiot, or you've survived for a fair bit."
Spike has posed:\<br\>Spike regarded Kit, thinking that he may have said too much. A wry smile formed across his lips, and he simply said, "something like that," and he began to move, walking slowly, not running, just walking.
Kit Killovarras has posed:\<br\>Ever the curious creature, Kit decides to simply follow as Spike starts to walk, giving a little nod as he muses, "That would explain a lot too.. Sort of an 'age brings temperance' sort of deal then?" Yup, this particular interaction has his attention and like any curious student, more questions are likely brewing in his hyena-shaped little head. "So, now I'm curious.. Have you managed to find alternatives to humans for the sake of sustenance? I'm guessing it'd be a little like trying to eat tofu if you have.."
Spike has posed:\<br\>Spike sighs a little, but not as much as he would had Kit not gifted him the pretzel. He didn't expect the hyena-man to follow him, though perhaps he shouldn't have been surprised. "Pig's blood, add a bit of wheetabix, to give it texture," he says, in the off chance that the hyena-man might help some poor... vampire. Wait, why is he helping someone who might help a vampire?
Kit Killovarras has posed:\<br\>There's a bit of a wince when pigs blood is mentioned, but it's less likely a response to the blood itself and more at the thought that follows it, "That's got to taste a bit.. different. Wheetabix, huh? I wouldn't have thought texture would be something you'd need to pay attention to with that sort of thing." \<br\>\<br\>Then another moment of thought before Kit actually gives a sheepish little smile and finally states, "Sorry by the way, where are my manners? Name's Kit."
Spike has posed:\<br\>"You ever eat plain tofu?" Spike asked, as if that would answer why pig's blood would benefit from something being added to it. He didn't offer a hand to shake or anything, continuing to walk, but not so much that Kit had to struggle to keep up. Another glance towards his new companion, "Spike," was offered up, but was it first name, nickname, or last name?
Kit Killovarras has posed:\<br\>"A pleasure to meet you, Spike." Kit says with a little nod. "And thank you, by the way, for humoring my questions. I've always sort of found the concept of vampirism fascinating, but studying it has proven to be a bit of a problem finding ones who are willing to talk rather than fight."\<br\>\<br\>The question of plain tofu gets a nod as well, but the response is probably not what most people would expect. "Good way to explain that, but normally it's a matter of flavor rather than texture when dealing with something like that. Also, I'm guessing temperature at the time of consumption would also be something to take into account? Or does it matter?"
Spike has posed:\<br\>"Ask too many questions, and people lose patience. Nobody likes to be studied. No more than you would." Spike cast a glance up and down Kit, who could easily find himself in some laboratory, being studied, as Spike once was by those soldier boys of the Initiative, whatever that meant.\<br\>\<br\>Spike again rolled his eyes, and considered how much it would hurt to smack Kit. Deciding against it, he said, "refrigerate it to keep it fresh, microwave before eating." So Spike was one of those. You eat soup, not drink it.
Kit Killovarras has posed:\<br\>Kit's ears do fold a little when Spike mentions being studied, but he just nods and gives another sheepish little grin. "Sorry, I do tend to ask a few too many questions at times.. I promise, I only have one more and if there's anything you're curious about on my part, you're more than welcome to 'turn the tables', so to speak. It's only fair, after all." \<br\>\<br\>Curious as he can be, Kit isn't exactly a stranger to the idea of asking too many questions it seems. Though he also doesn't seem to be much of a danger at the moment, despite what the vampires senses might actually be picking up of his energy.\<br\>\<br\>It's also worth noting that he doesn't immediately launch that last question he'd mentioned having.
Spike has posed:\<br\>Oh, poor Kit, he really did read his audience wrong there. Spike was not the sort of person to be curious about others, unless he wanted something from them. Spike was quite content to never speak to another person on this world, so long as he had beer, blood, and some form of entertainment. Okay, so he needed some people. But people in bars, on TV, in movies, on the internet, he wasn't that picky.\<br\>\<br\>But trying not to be rude, he gave Kit a look, "and that would be," curious at the final question, which no doubt could prove to be problematic. One could never tell with demons, or otherwise oddities.
Kit Killovarras has posed:\<br\>The response causes Kit's ears to perk up a little bit when he isn't simply told to fuck off and he gives a little nod before he poses his last question of, "So, again with the food substitute concept.. I mean, I know meat substitutes can be pretty bland if they aren't seasoned with something, is there anything you can add to pigs blood to make it taste a bit more palatable? Or does the taste not matter as much?" with a little tilt of his head. \<br\>\<br\>He does however, follow the question up with probably his reason and possibly justification for asking about these sort of things, "I've been kind of looking into possible substitutes for feeding off of people. I figured it might be a subject of study that would help the ones who simply want to be left alone rather than bring attention to themselves."
Spike has posed:\<br\>That would be Wolverine's reaction. Spike had more tact... slightly more. Spike was a smart person, but he didn't know the science behind it. Pig's blood was extremely close, at the molecular level, to human blood. The size of the red blood cells was comparable, as well as their life span, haemoglobin content, and structure. There were many factors behind it.\<br\>\<br\>"Crumpling up some wheetabix makes it taste better," he repeated, having kind of already answered part of that question before, even though he referred to the texture. "But as for the blood itself, I don't know, it just tastes better... closer... than anything else. And with American diets, it's in ample supply." Oh yes, Americans craving pork, bacon, and everything else that came from the pig, meant it was an ideal time to be a vampire, living low key.
Kit Killovarras has posed:\<br\>There's a little nod from the aardwolf at the mention of wheatabix again and he gives a little smile, "Well, it's a start at least. Thank you for the answers by the way.. I know it can be a bit annoying, having someone you don't know pestering you with a bunch of questions." \<br\>\<br\>Then there's a little pause before he bows his head slightly and adds, "And if there's anything you need help with down the line? Just ask. You've been a lot of help for me tonight and I'd be more than happy to return the favor."