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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/02/22 |Location=The Bronze, Sunnydale |Synopsis=Faith meets another Super heroine and together they kick some butt. |Cast of Characters=39, 322 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:39|Faith Lehane (39)}} has posed:'''\<br\>It's dark and cold and there's a winter storm brewing outside the Bronze. Looks like Winter's having one final hurrah before Spring sets in, and that's just fine with Faith, who is getting drunk on beer and be...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 02:10, 31 March 2023

A Dark Night in Sunnydale
Date of Scene: 22 February 2023
Location: The Bronze, Sunnydale
Synopsis: Faith meets another Super heroine and together they kick some butt.
Cast of Characters: Faith Lehane, Pink Ranger

Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>It's dark and cold and there's a winter storm brewing outside the Bronze. Looks like Winter's having one final hurrah before Spring sets in, and that's just fine with Faith, who is getting drunk on beer and being the life of the party, dancing and flirting with whoever will dance with the crazy bold drunk girl. There's a live band playing tonight, and they're actually pretty good as everyone steps lively to the beat.
Pink Ranger has posed:\<br\> A trip to Sunnydale, another gymnastics competition, Kimberly had come along. Despite the fact that there might well be a disproportionate amount of superpowered girls, however both Kim and her team had done well. With a trophy and a couple of medals to their name the team had gone out to celebrate and she'd come to join them. Wrapped in a pair of shorts, a -bright- pink three-quarter shirt baring her midriff underneath a leather jacket to complete the look as she too had moved into the madness of the dance floor!
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>It sure is crowded at the Bronze tonight! And the gymnasts easily catch the eye of a group of young men, good looking, smooth moves on the dance floor, and a look of almost *hunger* in their eyes as they approach the girls. "Hey there ladies, looking for some company tonight?" the leader offers, "We saw your moves in the competition, pretty smooth. Can we buy you a round of drinks to celebrate?"\<br\>\<br\>Faith eyes the small group of young men, seemingly interested in them for some reason, but doesn't intervene..Yet.
Pink Ranger has posed:\<br\> There was no super-senses that told Kimberly that there was anything more than...well, creepers. But then again, creepers were enough. Still, despite the familier look exchanged between the teammates, it seemed that drinks were probably going to be accepted up to a point. "We're just celebrating is all," Kim offers. More polite than telling them to 'buzz off' after all, and well...the other girls could make their own decisions, right?
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>"Nice! I'll bet you'll go all the way to international competition at that rate!" the leader of the pack, so to speak, grins and offers Kim one of the drinks as his friends fan out to engage the other girls and offer them free beers as well. "Don't think i've seen you folks up in this neighborhood before though. My name's Brent. And you gorgeous, are..?"
Pink Ranger has posed:\<br\> "Kimberly," she offers back as her gaze sweeps out over the other girls. A subtle sign for others who know that she was either the 'mom friend' who was keeping an eye out for the others and their state. It just well might be the case that if noone was into things...well, they'd find somewhere else to party. Still, her gaze comes back to 'Brent' as she continues, absently tracing a fingertip up the drink she doesn't touch yet. "We're just here for the competition. And...I have a boyfriend. And a girlfriend." \<br\>\<br\> Subtle Kim.
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>"Kimberly. That's a pretty name." he grins, showing..Oddly pointed..Canines. "Well, I hope you and your friends are staying here for a while. That's a pretty nasty snowstorm outside. But I'd be happy to give you a ride home." he seems to ignore her not-so-subtle comment, reaching out to rest an..Oddly cold hand on her wrist. Around them, his friends are similarly paying unusual interest to her friends, some more charming and subtle than others. And why are some of them licking their lips like that?\<br\>\<br\>Faith seems to catch..Something, stepping nearer to the group of guys and rolls her eyes. "Seriously, you guys should leave 'em alone." she warns, nodding to Kim. "Are they bothering you?"
Pink Ranger has posed:\<br\> Faith to the rescue, enough to make Kimberly smile lightly and glance towards the others. Okay...that hand was uncomfortable and weird, moreso than just a circulation thing. Perhaps fighting a monster every week or two had left her more cautious than the other girls. \<br\>\<br\> "We have a bus," she answers flatly, drawing back her wrist in time for Faith to make her arrival and Kimberly to lift her gaze to where some of the other girls were starting to be drawn away. "Brent here was just welcoming us..." she offers with a nod of a not so subtle 'yes' to Faith. "But he's gonna go try his luck elsewhere now, right?"
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>Brent glares at Faith and snarls a bit. "Why don't you mind your own business? We were having a private discussion." he does notice that some of his friends are taking off with some of the girls however, and that causes him to smile and nod to one of his friends. "Well that's a shame, Kimberly. But if you change your mind..Here's my number." he scribbles his number on a napkin, passing it to her. Then blowing a kiss to her, he turns on his heel and skips out the door, joining his friends and at least a few of the girls.\<br\>\<br\>Faith frowns as she watches them go. "Heh, looks like some of his friends already struck lucky. You'd better stay here while I keep an eye on 'em." but of course she probably wont. "Better yet, you and your friends should go home."
Pink Ranger has posed:\<br\>Concerned Ranger is concerned...of course, if she needed to solve the problems she couldn't exactly go morphing, that was like bringing a flamethrower to deal with ant problems. She was plenty strong enough to deal with most threats that were 'human' between training and the empowerment of her coin. \<br\>\<br\> Still, it seemed that Faith was on the same train of thought as she tosses the napkin towards the nearest trashbin and considers. \<br\>\<br\> "Hey girls, can you call us an uber? I feel like going back to the hotel and enjoying the pool. Let me go get Alex and I'll meet you out front." \<br\>\<br\> Well, she wasn't leaving, that might put a crimp in Faith's plans, but she does at least seem unbothered by the friendly 'ally' helping her make sure the other girls got home okay. \<br\>\<br\> "'preciate it! I'll just make sure they're okay."
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>Faith Lehane scowls a bit at Kimberly. "Hey! Are you listening? I said, go home! These guys aint just playing around..They're dangerous. Your friends are in trouble. And so are you if you stay here."\<br\>\<br\>But then, in a brief break of the music, as the door opens a crack, what sounds like a faint scream can be heard..Or was that just a random person yelling to their friend over the music? There's always lots of yelling and screaming going on in the Bronze, especially during a live performance.\<br\>\<br\>Faith however, is not taking any chances, and that definitely sounded like it came from outside. She doesn't bother checking to see if Kimberly is going to stay put, turning on her heel and dashing out the back door.
Pink Ranger has posed:\<br\> Oh yeah, she heard the scream too and she was already moving, pushing her way through the crowd...but Faith was going to be faster, first to get to the scene. \<br\>\<br\> That wasn't necessarily a bad thing though as Kim fished a small metal object from her pocket, preparing just in case. \<br\>\<br\> If it was thugs? Well, they could handle it. But if it -was- something more as instinct suggested? Well, she had a solution for that too.
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>Outside, it's snowing, and cold, and blowy. The back alley is full of what look like weird people with something wrong with their faces - is that a deformity of some sort? There are maybe five of them, one of them still holding onto one of the girls, pinning them to the wall while the other girl managed to flee. Faith is fighting two of the vampires, moving unusually swiftly, deliverying powerful blows that would normally break the jaw of an ordinary human.
Pink Ranger has posed:\<br\> Whatever vampires, Faith or her fellow gymnasts might have expected, a sudden flare of bright pink crackling energy exploding from the doorway and the Pink Ranger herself appearing was probably not it. \<br\>\<br\> The bow that appeared in her hand and its sudden flare of energy that coalesed into an arrow before launching into the pinning vampire's shoulder was probably suprising too. \<br\>\<br\> "Let them go Ugly!" she calls behind the mask of her helmet, already drawing back the next arrow warningly.
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>Well, the vampire's not the only one surprised. Faith blinks at the side of the pink clad ranger, certainly not expecting that. "Wha5 the hell? Where'd you come from?" the vampire shrieks as it's pinned to the wall, the arrow just barely grazing its heart, but not quite. The person who was held captive screams and shakes loose, running away.\<br\>\<br\>Faith smirks, giving her own vamp a good swift kick in the groin before stabbing it square in the heart, causing it to explode into dust.\<br\>\<br\>Wait, did she just murder someone? She grins, without missing a beat and tosses her stake towards The Pink Ranger, "Catch! Gotta stab em in the heart with wood, it's the only way to kill a vampire, trust me I'm a Slayer!" whatever that is.
Pink Ranger has posed:\<br\> Certainly she wasn't quite the expected appearance in Sunnydale, but Kimberly wasn't particularly bothered by that. Still, with the other girls running into the clear her entire goal had been achieved. Still, that didn't mean that she was done. \<br\>\<br\> If she'd been shocked by the sudden ashing of the vampire, she didn't let it show. After all, there was the whole habbit of putties to do the same thing...and monsters to explode...come to think of it her life was rather weird. \<br\>\<br\> "A Slayer?" she repeats, although she -does- catch the stake, even if she wasn't exactly sure why plasma-like energy wasn't going to do the job. \<br\>\<br\> Still, the bow just disappeared in a flash of light before she surged forward with startling speed, a swift series of strikes with inhuman force opening up the vampire to the rather grisly dispatching of driving a stake into their heart.
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>The second vamp explodes into dust, and the remaining would be victims scream and flee, There was one vamp left, but it too, turns tail and flees, leaving The Slayer and The Ranger alone. Faith approaches the latter, smirking a bit, "Heey, nice moves there, don't think I've ever seen someone like you before..What the heck even *are* you?" she peers at her intently, clearly having never met a Power Ranger before.
Pink Ranger has posed:\<br\>Startling! But with the fleeing vampire there departing there's a moment of concern crossing her face beneath the shroud of her helmet. Still she lowered her hands, glancing back to the other woman. "Should...should we chase him?" she questions, well aware that the vampire had gone after her fellow gymnasts and could likely come back to try its luck. \<br\>\<br\> As for the complements, the girl in pink gives a little laugh and lets her hands move to her hips. "Thanks," she offers, perhaps the voice a little oddly familier. "I'm one of the Power Rangers. Defenders of Earth...and not a fan of creepy monsters trying to eat people."
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>Faith Lehane sighs as one of the vamps flees, in the same direction as the fleeing girls. She curses under her breath and pulls out another wooden stake, and, even as the vamp is a decent 20 feet or more away, she narrows her eyes and hurls the stake at its back, cleaving straight through to its heart with startling precision. "No sweat, I fit this..Those girls should be safe, unless they start flirting with more vamps instead of running home if they have half a brain.."\<br\>\<br\>She shrugs, straightening her denim jacket - no costume here! - Before glancing back at Kimberly. "Heh, Power Rangers you say? Never heard of 'em..You some kinda aliens or..?"
Pink Ranger has posed:\<br\> To be fair, Kim was intending to shoot a bolt through the creature's back but...well, Faith clearly had that movement well-practiced. And the inhuman strength to impale the stake through their back. Impressive. A soft little 'wow' from beneath the helmet and Kimberly shook her head. "I mean...at least for tonight, right?" she muses before the comment about being an alien brings a little laugh. "Not an alien no, just kinda...somewhere between that and magical?"
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>Faith Lehane arches a brow at that, wiping dust off her jacket rather casually as if she does that sort of thing on a regular basis. "Heh, guess we both got some surprises up,our sleeves. Could use you in a fight.." she peers intently at her, "Half alien, half magical? The hell does that mean? I mean, are you here to invade earth or protect it?"
Pink Ranger has posed:\<br\>A little laugh, the girl shakes her head. "More like -this- is kinda Alien and magic-y," she offers, pointing to her suit. "Me? I'm a girl from the U.S. of A who had myself a really interesting day." A shrug in the figure-hugging nanosuit that often looks like Spandex. "So uh...what's a Slayer?"
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>Faith Lehane smirks, "Oh hell, that's even better, sooo you're possessed by an alien magical spacesuit? Sounds grand. Me? I'm a chosen one who inherited mystical abilities to become super strong and tough and skilled enough to fight all manner of supernatural creatures of the night. Aimt life grand?" she peers at her curiously, "Tell me, did you choose this path or was it just thrown on you?"
Pink Ranger has posed:\<br\> "Close enough," Kimberly offers before the second question earns a little quiet laugh and a cross of her arms under her bust before tilting her head. "It was kinda thrown at me...or I guess I was scooped up and thrown at it. But...it has its moments, right?"
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>Faith Lehane groans and rolls her eyes, "I mean what the hell is up with that?! Me too, didn't have a choice, just woke up one day with these powers, and this while destiny thing..I mean, not that it doesn't have its perks but sometimes just.." she slams her fists together, "Would be nice if the powers that be at least asked me first, y'know?"
Pink Ranger has posed:\<br\> "Yeah..." To be fair, at least she -Had- been offered an out at one point. Still, she does however look back at Faith before...she frowns. "So do you uh...just do this every night? Go to a bar looking for girls being hit on by discount Dracula?"
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>Faith Lehane groans, "Can you believe it? These powers that be? So f--ing rude! I mean, I dint half mind being super strong or whatever, but I could do without the nightmares." she rolls her eyes, "Soo what do they call you, Pink Ranger? Are there more of you? What else are you capable of and what's your purpose I guess?" so many questions, so little time.
Pink Ranger has posed:\<br\> Sometimes there were some annoyances when it comes to her role. Being able to socialize for one thing, but the question does make her shift a little on her spot. "I mean, it's like a title. There's a team of us. Power Rangers...protectors of the power I suppose." she laughs softly before stretching her arms over her head. "I mean. We're strong, fast, all of that...and yeah."
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>Faith Lehane laughs, "Well heck, at least you get a team, sure beats going solo.." she sighs, peering down the road where the vampires fled. Well, looks like they won't be returning any time soon, "Yeah, it's loads of fun, I mean, what the hell, I enjoy going solo, no sweat, don't need people slowing me down anyway. Nice meeting you, Pink Ranger, my name's Faith, maybe we'll meet again sometime, hmm?"
Pink Ranger has posed:\<br\> "I'll keep an eye out," she offers, a wink given...and then there's a flash of crackling pink energy...and she was gone. Of course, the truth of the other moment she's reappeared in the bathroom out of her costume...but now she's headed out the front to catch up with her friends to leave.