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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/03/30 |Location=The Bronze, Sunnydale |Synopsis=Trouble breaks out at the Bronze, new revelations are made |Cast of Characters=39, 216, 167, 8808 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:39|Faith Lehane (39)}} has posed:'''\<br\>Once the sun sets, the Bronze is once again full of energy as people gather to listen to a live band tonight. There are no special co tests tonight, just people hanging out having a good time.\<br\>\&l...")
(No difference)

Revision as of 05:43, 31 March 2023

Picking Fights
Date of Scene: 30 March 2023
Location: The Bronze, Sunnydale
Synopsis: Trouble breaks out at the Bronze, new revelations are made
Cast of Characters: Faith Lehane, Sabrina Spellman, Solaire, Ivory

Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>Once the sun sets, the Bronze is once again full of energy as people gather to listen to a live band tonight. There are no special co tests tonight, just people hanging out having a good time.\<br\>\<br\>Including the girl in a red off the shoulder crop top, black leather pants and, oh yeah very weird green tinted sunglasses that almost seem to glow when you look at her at just the right angle.
Sabrina Spellman has posed:\<br\>     It's a black number for her tonight she's feeling a bit wild, She walks into the place swishing about . She's mostly looking for a corner to stay in she's been trying to fight but right now she needs to let go of something pent up and live music and dancing seems like a perfect place for her to release some pent up emotions . \<br\>\<br\>     https://tinyurl.com/hhm9zyzw
Solaire has posed:\<br\>    Part of Solaire's exploring the area does involve nightlife. Warehouses are big and stick out, perfect for practicing controlled landings.. a bright light shines high above the club before a dark (and decreasingly luminous) individual plummets into the ground outside.\<br\>\<br\>Though, Solaire just gathers himself right up and dusts off before making a casual attempt to walk in. Any line may have broken up given his bright entrance, and this may come to get him later. But for now, music and atmosphere are the things he's taking in. His entry stride slows almost to a stop once he's inside and avoiding bumping into anyone, the dining area seems like the first place he's going to find a spot to settle in at if uninterrupted.
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>As the live band continues to play, a large group of inebriated college students at the back seem to be daring each other to drink themselves stupid.\<br\>\<br\>A few of them pass out and that's where Faith heads, adjusting her weird sunglasses as she peers at one totally passed out kid.\<br\>\<br\>"What the hell?" she mutters and takes off at a mad dash, jumping on the table and kicking...Well it appears to be thin air, as there is no one there...Or is there?
Sabrina Spellman has posed:\<br\>Sabrina Spellman Blinks Whens he spots the girl Jumping and kicking the air.. She frowns sensing something she Flicks her fingers towards her eye's the issue is of course she screws it up... Her blood seems to roll and her eye's well they change alright.. she has demon eye's now.. She can see the magical and invisible but she can see soooo much more now as she stares back towards the table.
Ivory has posed:\<br\>Why was the white haired woman slipping into the Bronze? Well, they are kind of invited. And of course, while the jacket is a different from the day before, it's still one adorned with playful cats doing stuff. This time, a tabby fishing for something under the sofa.\<br\>\<br\>To those sensitive to it... someone put a bucket of magic into the room.
Solaire has posed:\<br\>    Solaire's magical senses are.. not so refined. Something is afoot, but the magic of this world is so alien to his own's, it might as well just be something else entirely. So he doesn't put much attention to the jumping and kicking antics, and his finding a seat at the dining area doesn't leave him much room to pay attention to demonic eyes and... is that the same person as before? All energetic and not with their hood up this time? The cat-shirt person? Sol stares for a few moments at Ivory on their entrance, but doesn't linger at all beyond that. This place is chaotic (for his norm) and he is adjusting to it all
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>There's a lot going on right now. A live band was playing on the stage a moment ago, but as Faith makes a scene on the nearby table, the music whittles down as people stare at her in wonder.\<br\>\<br\>A couple of the passes out guy's friends climb to their feet yelling and reaching out to pull the crazy girl off their table, but she ends up shoving them away. "Get outta here, it's not safe!" she insists as she goes back to fighting...Thin air?\<br\>\<br\>Except suddenly something invisible scratches her, leaving three angry claw marks on her arm. "Ow Damn! You're gonna pay for that!"\<br\>\<br\>Some invisible force slams into a nearby chair as Faith delivers another kick to thin air, causing the chair to crash to the ground, sending people screaming and scattering.\<br\>\<br\>No doubt, security are on their way..
Ivory has posed:\<br\>Just as they arrive, stuff seems to go down the drain, and so Ivory tries their best to stay clear of the commotion, slipping more towards the bar to see if who invited them was there...
Sabrina Spellman has posed:\<br\>Sabrina Spellman Sighs Okay people are getting hurt ad she just realized she cancled the spell and her eye's are still demon eye's and that's an issue for now.. so she growls and makes several hand motions speaking in various blend of old languages before she snaps her fingers towarss the invisble thing! causing some very visisble vines to wrap around it binding it!
Solaire has posed:\<br\>    Solaire maintains his observation, though with the glowing restraints that are put on the unseen assailant he seems to be a touch more intrigued. He shifts from just sitting and watching, to standing up and taking a few paces closer to the action. Thankfully a commotion is more likely to get people away from Faith's fight and give him a better angle to observe from up close- but for now he's quiet.
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>When a chair crashes to the ground, people scream or yell, another trying to pull Faith off the table, and she kicks him away. When Sabrina wraps vines around an invisible..Something, people start to flee the scene. Faith grins and winks at her, "Thanks!" and she produces a dagger, stabbing the thin air wuth it. A loud, pain scream can be heard..\<br\>\<br\>..And that's when the bouncers come,trying to drag the Witch and the Slayer away, "Alright, enough public mischief, you two need to leave!"
Sabrina Spellman has posed:\<br\>Sabrina Spellman Squeaks but she suddenly wiggles fingers and what looks like sparkle or fairy dust it's hard to say smacks the guy making him start to sneeze and sputter all the bouncers do as she grabs faith's hand and starts to run " hurry they will forget who we are if were out of view!
Solaire has posed:\<br\>    Solaire notes that the fight seems to be about done when a dagger is produced and -something- is stabbed. With Security coming up to break the fight, and then getting dusted- Solaire is alert to the expeditious retreat from the familiar woman and backpedals a couple paces, shifting to go for the exit while keeping his eyes on the situation. Hopefully he won't need to blast anything, but. It's better to be cautious.
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>Faith Lehane blinks as the girl grabs her hand, "Hey wait, what are you?" she jerks her hand back reflexively and accidently ends up bumping into Solaire, "Hey watch it!" she instinctively snaps at him even though she is at fault. At that moment the passed out drunkard suddenly wakes up and blinks..And in the same moment, all the magical energy that was previously focused on the table..Suddenly vanishes?\<br\>\<br\>The bouncer and a couple people around him blink in confusion as they're hit with faerie dust..But there are still so many other witnesses to this weirdness, running might be a good idea as another bouncer is headed their way!
Sabrina Spellman has posed:\<br\>She runs with the other girl and Sighs " They will all forget our faces.. dosn't work really good on long term stuff but short term they will all forget that stuff " she huffs " usless on the strong willed though.. it's only a minor magic after all . How did you see it? " She cocks her head
Solaire has posed:\<br\>    Bumping into Solaire is like running against a brick wall, though he does have the courtesy of backing in step with Fairh and Sabrina and turning to tail them. "I take it unseen assailants are uncommon enough that the guards are disconcerted?" he asks for clarification while keeping up with the two... magic women, yes, that works for now!
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>"Hey you three! Stop right now!" barks the second bouncer while the first rubs his head in confusion. Faith makes a face at Solaire, "Geez, someone has been eating their wheaties! Looks like you've fallen in with the wrong crowd!"\<br\>\<br\>She laughs and nods to Sabrina, "Dunno who you are or where you came from but we should talk!" she nods to the two of them, as confusion breaks out behind them, "Come on!" and she darts out the front door, shoving her way through the crowds.
Sabrina Spellman has posed:\<br\>Sabrina Spellman grins and makes a break for it she runs out of the place she runs following and tugging faith along the dust does it job so they won't realy be followed or rememebred so they can go back the next night.. Hell nobody will remember as they move away the dust will clear everybodys mind.
Solaire has posed:\<br\>    Solaire is quick on the tail of the two. "What are wheaties? I do not think they are something I have been eating." he inquires before being confused on the topic of the wrong crowd, but that's a topic for another time. He hardly needs to shove through the crowd, he manages to weave through until he's clear (while jostling them all around no doubt). "Is there somewhere we should be going?" he calls out on resighting and grouping back with Faith and Sabrina.
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>Faith Lehane turns around the corner, leading the way and running down half a block before stopping. "Geez, that was close.." she narrows her eyes at Sabrina and Solaire, "Oh Damn, since when do I get stuck on baby sitting duty? Okay rule number one? Don't make a scene.." she sighs, pulling off those funny glasses, rubbing her eyes.\<br\>\<br\>"Geeze, these glasses always leave me with a major headache..But you saw those demons, right?" she's talking to the both of them, sizing them both up, Sabrina's eerie demon eyes, Solaire's nice...Physique. "Gimme a break, you've never heard that expression? What planet you from?"
Sabrina Spellman has posed:\<br\>Covers her face " hold on I screwed up this spell "s he grabs her face it takes her a few moments and some cursing but after a moment her eye's return to normal and she sighs " Oh good " She rubs her cheek " He's an alien he dosn't know what your talking about.. but he seems to detect magic " She shrugs not sure how it works either. She looks over " Did those glasses let you see.. cause I sense some magic on ya but not what Iw ould for a witch or warlock "
Solaire has posed:\<br\>    Solaire just nods to Sabrina's explanation. "I am still learning the languages and mannerisms on this world." he explains. "The magic here is foreign to what is used on my world, enough that my works are ineffective here." an admission with a shrug.
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>Faith Lehane smirks and nods to Sabrina, "Yeah, that's it, got my friend Harry to make me some spooky specs so I can track down some memory demons..But looks like they're invisible to the naked eye...And they only appear when someone is unconscious or asleep, apparently.." she rolls her eyes, still peering at those eerie eyes if Sabrina's.\<br\>\<br\>"The hell is that about? You a demon too?" she's still holding the dagger, maybe a little too close to comfort..But she is quickly distracted by the admission that the girl 's companion is an alien.\<br\>\<br\>"Are you shittin ' me? You're a real alien? Gimme a break, there's no such thing as aliens!" now she's just laughing.
Sabrina Spellman has posed:\<br\>Sabrina Spellman Lifts an eyebrow " People fly in the sky and lift a bus.. you have glasses to see a memory demon and know what a deamon is but aliens is too much? " she frowns putting a hand on her hip before she smirks " that's what he said he was an alien " she shrugs. her eye's having returned to normal " I'm not a demon.. i just screwed up the all seeing eye spell and gave me demon eeye's instead " seh growls
Solaire has posed:\<br\>    Solaire cants his head. "Demons is another thing that has yet to be explained to me, though I doubt I fit into that category. Or belong to that species." the ol' english again. The skepticism of his being an alien just earns a shrug. "A threat that only appears around sleeping individuals and cannot be seen is certainly one to be wary of."
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>Faith Lehane frowns, "Well, yeah, that's just..Far out there, Yknow?" she peers intently at Sabrina, "Huh, so that's like Harry's sight or something? It sure is creepy. And you." she pokes a finger at Solaire's chest, "You sure as hell don't look like an alien but whatevs. Maybe you can both be useful to me. I gotta go but drop by the magic box and say hi sometime? By the way, the names Faith."