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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/04/05 |Location=Bushwick (Mutant Town), Brooklyn |Synopsis=A colorful night in Mutant Town yields colorful people for some fightin'. |Cast of Characters=282, 16, 202, 72, 17 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:282|Juggernaut (282)}} has posed:'''\<br\>He's not a mutant, he swears! \<br\>\<br\>Given how often a certain Citizen Cain Marko can be found wandering about Mutant Town...one might presume otherwise. There's...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 02:08, 7 April 2023

Rewriting the Rules of FIght Club
Date of Scene: 05 April 2023
Location: Bushwick (Mutant Town), Brooklyn
Synopsis: A colorful night in Mutant Town yields colorful people for some fightin'.
Cast of Characters: Juggernaut, Rogue, Wolverine, Colleen Wing, Iron Fist

Juggernaut has posed:\<br\>He's not a mutant, he swears! \<br\>\<br\>Given how often a certain Citizen Cain Marko can be found wandering about Mutant Town...one might presume otherwise. There's also the fact that even at his most svelte and delicate----the man is a friggen monster with a body that could flatten an entire defensive line of a football team and mass that can send a troupe of sumo's flying if he sat on the opposite side of the bench they were on. He'd have to be completely divested of the magic of the gem to not be at least ginormous even when not in full armor regalia ..and that aint happening soon.\<br\>\<br\>so while he can wander the streets of New York he's less likely to get camera phones clicking when in Mutant Town. But he's still the biggest person in a sleazy underground meta-mutant fight club and gambling bar that he frequents from time to time. An abandoned subway serves as its home for quick and easy set up and shut down cage and ring fighting and some of the more violent types can blow off steam with the watchful eye of management and mutant healers on hand to assist if need be. In fact, the last time he was here.. Power Girl tried to put him through a wall and wrecked the place. She learned one does not simply punch The Juggernaut..\<br\>\<br\>At the moment, the behemoth slouches near the rear of the joint. No fights are on the ticket but he eyes the place and it's activity with the appriasing eye of a T-Rex contemplating its next move. Needless to say, most people are giving him a wide berth.
Rogue has posed:\<br\>If anything was going to get Rogue into trouble, it would likely be the fact that she's allowed herself to visit this underground fight ring a little more often than she likely should. In fact, the last time she was here she had to pretty much promise Juggernaut that she wasn't there to shut it down, nor that any of her X-Men friends were all around the corner waiting to jump out and take him - or anyone else present - down. She knows that these rings teeter the line of legal or not but as she said before, so long as no one innocent is getting hurt, then she's not got a problem with it.\<br\>\<br\>And since then has likely become a semi-regular face in and out of the ring. Mostly just coming to watch.\<br\>\<br\>So she's left the mansion again with the excuse of 'errands' to fly out to Mutant Town and come visit the shady under the subway. Once there she takes a look around and then eyes land on the Juggernaut himself and this is where she tends to walk. Right up to the giant. "Slow night, it seems..."
Juggernaut has posed:\<br\>He must not have fully believed her back then because Cain actually looks startled and truly surprised to see Rogue. He can't help but glance around in search of any of the usual suspects and not seeing any he blinks a few times and then turns his ice blue eyes back upon her..but they lack any threatening crinkle or look of irritation. Just mild curiousity.\<br\>\<br\>"Again?" he rumbles while sitting up and causing the seats he occupies to groan desperately under his movements.\<br\>\<br\>"...Yeah you explained yourself last time but..uh...it's hard to kinda seperate you from Charles squeaky clean image. Figured Cyclops would be handing out demerits or something or hav you on punishment.."\<br\>\<br\>He ponders the situation and then finally gestures with a casual wave towards a seat at the table. No harm in it. Neither are 'on the clock' and he's no grudge with her. \<br\>\<br\>"You missed the blondie trying to clean my clock. Turns out she had a surprise up her sleeves." his smile turns almost shark like again. That big stretching grin, "..Might even be able to give you a run for your money.."
Wolverine has posed:\<br\> Logan is out there in mutant town. And he's watching everything happening. ot saying anything yet, but he has an eye on the pair right now. Although, he did wish a bookie was nearby. Rogue's worth a good fifty between the two of them. So, he does silently curse for not knowing chcaracters like that in this area. He would make a note to find him later.
Rogue has posed:\<br\>"What Cyclops don't know won't hurt him. This place ain't anything worse than the Danger Room except I may not walk out unharmed but that's a risk I put myself in." Rogue says this while actually taking a seat across from Juggy.\<br\>\<br\>"Woulda been a sight to see... Wasn't that PowerGirl chick who was here when you saw me last was it?" She looks around a moment and shrugs her shoulders. "Maybe. There's a few who might could at least be my equal. I never said I was better than any of them, I just know what I can do and that I can do it well..." She grins. "I think we still owe each other a scuffle, yeah?"
Juggernaut has posed:\<br\>"I've liked that 'bout you, Rogue. You got confidence."\<br\>\<br\>Cain smirks abit and then takes a long drink from a massive pint of beer. He seems unaware of Logan's observations, naturally, his attention still mostly held by Rogue now.\<br\>\<br\>"Yeah...that was Power GIrl. I guess her disguise wasn't that good eh? Funny thing is..I ran into Supergirl not long after and then Power Girl again." \<br\>\<br\>He pauses and then adds, "I guess she's a clone of 'er." Just full on gossiping. It has no bearing on the current conversation. \<br\>\<br\>"..Mm...you did promise me a scuffle. I dunno though.." There's still some hesitation as he squints his eyes, "I send you back to the mansion all bruisdd up.. That might get that hall monitor of yours, Wolverine, all up in my business. Course..I been doing some thinking about this all though. Might have a business proposition in mind for the right folks if they are interested..."
Wolverine has posed:\<br\> Logan is watching the pair for the moment. He's listening to the pair gossip about clones, rules and Cyclops. The latter makes him take another pull from his beer.
Rogue has posed:\<br\>"I really wish I had stayed that night. Woulda taken her for sure. I know going against you is a crap shoot. And that you and I would likely just rough each other up." Rogue says with a chuckle and then leans back a bit to look around.\<br\>\<br\>"Clone eh? Been hearing that word come up a bit more often than I like recently... though not my circus, not my monkey..." Another laugh as she looks Cain over. "Please. You send me back to the mansion with bruises, they'll just ask what happened and I can give them plenty of reasons to not look into anything further."\<br\>\<br\>"As for that hall monitor Wolverine, he can't be up in business he doesn't know about..." Obviously not aware that Logan's there, watching her with Juggy. "So how's about we liven up the night a bit? Go a couple rounds. I could use the excercise and practice..."
Juggernaut has posed:\<br\>"Rogue, Rogue, Rogue. Not that I..don't think you're a tough gal and all but need I remind ya that I take on your entire team of mutant kids and pretty much the only thing that can scratch me is if Chuckles gets lucky? My dancin' card includes ol'Jade Jaws and Thor. Not that you don't got your tricks... Certainly wouldn't want to push you to far. MIght be bad for us both.."\<br\>\<br\>That siphoning ability of hers. Even he's not immune to that though a little to much juice might be bad for her. Cain's not exactly someone you want in your head...\<br\>\<br\>"She's Kryptonian. Less your Danger Room's been really juicin' you up..I dunno girl. And if it has, where can I sign up> I want a membership.."\<br\>\<br\>He grins abit and then gestures with his drink to the ring, "Anyway, fine. Lemme stop walkin' all over your dreams. You wanna punch me? Let's go.." He slowly stands up now and then adds, "I'm thinking about gettin' into this business myself.."
Wolverine has posed:\<br\> Logan is hanging in his spot and he's casually drining his beer. Then there's that comment. "Hall Monitor?" he thinks to himself and that makes him finish his beer. Quickly. He'll leave some bills. Then he starts to pull out his phone trying to leave otu a backway. There's one text message sent to Rogue, "Hall Monitor?" is all it says. Just enough for her to know that the Hall Monitor has eyes and ears, and she might have stepped in something not so great there. At least he's not going to tell Cyclops. Rogue knows that much. Cyclops and Logan don't get along despite small shreds of respect shared between them. \<br\>\<br\> He hears something about Juggernaut looking about for some kind of fighting business. However, Logan doesn't say anything. This is a hole Rogue can dig herself out of a litlte bit. Maybe come clean to him about later before he consdiers talking to Cyclops..
Rogue has posed:\<br\>"Look, I didn't say I could beat you. I've never said I could. I know I'm no actual match against you alone... but I'm sure I can still get a few good punches in before I tap out of the match." Rogue offers this as she stands and begins to walk towards the ring.\<br\>\<br\>Her phone's vibrated at this point and she pulls it from the pocket of her jean shorts - worn over her full body suit - and then she looks around. Perhaps trying to see something - or someone - through the crowd. Then she texts back, "Spying on me now? :P" before putting her phone back into her pocket.\<br\>\<br\>Well if Logan knows what she's up to, at least that'll make a few things easier. She knows he won't tell Cyclops anything because he hates the man for various reasons. She finds the one in charge of the ring fights and informs them that she'll be fighting Juggernaut.
Juggernaut has posed:\<br\>It's not an -especially- long little match.. here in this meta-mutant fight club that's not exactly legal but not bothering anyone and so being left alone. Rogue and Cain. She's strong. He's The Juggernaut. There is banter. There is needling. There is taunting..but in the end, he lays her out. Not surprising on the one end but on the other end.. it's Rogue. She's not without capabilities and there were a few times there that the noise of her punches boomed true, loud and audible up to the street levels above this abandoned subway station that currently serves as this sort of pop up gambling hall and fight club.\<br\>\<br\>But it's not enough and they both always knew that. This was as much for fun and to blow off steam without the pressure of their respective factions and grudges weighing them down. Now she's gone to deal with Logan's eavesdropping and hall monitor waves..and Cain is busy emerging from the ring to collect his winnings. A massive monumental monolith of a ...well..man. His sinew creaks and groans as he steps back down into the bar proper and laces his fingers together.. stretching and then cracking his knuckles to produce a sound not unlike that of tree trunks splintering. Needless to say the bookies begin nervously counting up his money as his shadow looms over them. \<br\>\<br\>"...Well that was..something.."
Colleen Wing has posed:\<br\>"You don't even have to be a meta to fight," Colleen says to Danny as she watches Rogue get flattened with professional interest. "Being meta isn't all it's made up to be. Lotta metas use their specials as a crutch; don't learn how to use it right. That girl's not one of them." She gestures at the KOed Rogue. "She studies. She's just outclassed in raw power. But take alook at that guy." She surreptitiously points to a muscle-bound, 'alpha' type who appears to be sprouting horns from all over his body and is either unnaturally gifted or a serious steroid abuser. "He's so used to people being afraid of the horns he won't know how to deal with someone who isn't. He can be taken apart piecemeal. He's clumsy. He's slow. And he's not wary enough."\<br\>\<br\>She nudges Danny.\<br\>\<br\>"Exhibition match?"
Iron Fist has posed:\<br\>Danny was dressed up for this. He wore a tuxedo. These underground fights were usually gallant affairs. He stood in the crowd, watching the fight, and listening to Colleen give a superb commentary. His mind though, he was looking at openings that were being made. Areas he would attack. That was how his mind worked. He was always looking for how to win a fight, what it would take, where to go, when he wasn't just playing with his foe, which was a part of it. "What is the definition of a meta these days anyway?" He asked, since he wasn't sure if either of them qualified. Likely him more than her, but he would put Colleen Wing up against almost anyone. Maybe not the Juggernaut, not in terms of strength, but will and determination, Cain would take a beating in that department. "You want us to volunteer?" He asked as he turned to her, clearly surprised. She did have such a fighters streak in her, didn't she.
Juggernaut has posed:\<br\>Determination? Well ... that'd be an interesting match. Cain has some feats on his list of feats where sheer spite fueled 'determination' would have made most others falter. Being buried underneath a mountain range with naught but your will to keep you moving in the dark, or down in the continental plates themselves..will take some willpower to keep moving and not go mad.\<br\>\<br\>But there are different ways to be determined and unstoppable and Rogue demonstrated that by not giving up against impossible odds and so she was well pegged there. As to Cain? He makes his way away from the cage finally, pocketing his money and happening to pass just by the horned guy who was pointed out earlier. The horned guy eyes Cain as the behemoth passes. Cain doesn't even look his way, seemingly not even noticing the crowd around him as if expecting it to part for him or be moved physically by his passing. The horned guy eyes Cain as he approaches - but suddenly shrinks back and ..steps aside. Cain passes him like some sort of industrial freighter moving past a fishing vessel..soon drawing near to Danny and Colleen by proximity alone.
Colleen Wing has posed:\<br\>Like the horned toad dude, Colleen steps out of the way of Juggernaut as he passes by. Unlike him, she doesn't make it look like capitulation. She makes it look like courtesy, making eye contact of Juggernaut happens to look her way and nodding, pro to pro, in respect. Then her attention turns back to the horned toad.\<br\>\<br\>"He's just been humiliated in front of his friends," she says to Danny. "If I go up to him and challenge him now, he *can't* say no. He'll want to. He'll think I'm sporting some super power that he'll have no idea how to deal with. But he won't be able to back down after he did that."\<br\>\<br\>Colleen's eyes swivel to Juggernaut a second and then back to the horned toad.\<br\>\<br\>"Hold my beer," she says, a cruel smile developing on her face.\<br\>\<br\>Now unlike Danny, dressed in his tuxedo, Colleen is very much dressed down. The clothing is nice, but basic, simple, and not dressy. The most decorative it gets is the sleeveless crop she wears under the shrug. The crop top that has very large eyes done up in glossy sequins at chest level with the slogan scrawled underneath: "My eyes are up here!" She slips off the shrug and hands it to Danny before sauntering over to the alpha toad.\<br\>\<br\>"You. Me. To submission or KO." The slim slip of a woman stares hard up at the eyes of the guy, making it clear that a) she's serious, and b) she's not afraid.\<br\>\<br\>"Unless you want to save some time and just submit now."
Iron Fist has posed:\<br\>The Juggernaut was big, not just big, but almost cartoonishly big. The man probably had his own gravitational field. When he walked, the ground seemed to shudder. Danny was aware of the chi, the displacement, the way the air moved, it was... unlike most beings he had ever encountered. He could feel the Juggernaut's approach even before he made it.\<br\>\<br\>He sidestepped, getting out of the way, with a short but fluid motion, alongside Colleen. He was not going to stand in the Juggernaut's path, not without good reason anyway. He made eye contact as well, but had to look up, quite a bit, given the height difference. \<br\>\<br\>Listening to Colleen's plan, he was a little hesitant. She wanted to fight it would seem. "I have faith in you. You can do this. But do you really want to?" What was to be gained? Danny was not an exhibition fighter, generally. He fought for purpose. Showing off was not one, but he would support Colleen if that was her wish.\<br\>\<br\>He took her beer, as she handed it in a virtual meme. He was in awe. She was so damned good at this.
Juggernaut has posed:\<br\>There's another side effect of this act of bravado. The Juggernaut notices you. This can be a good thing but is usually bad. Not unlike an earthquake deciding to pay attention to you..except in this case where most people would cower and duck and cover.. this particular instance involves someone that dared to look the earthquake straight in the eye. Two no less..where all others have cowed away. And so..attention is given.\<br\>\<br\>Especially when the challenge is made and Cain Marko pauses now and turns his head slightly, moving it like a swivelling tank turret atop his far too thick neck, to look back over his shoulders at Colleen as she issues her challened to the horned toad bruiser.\<br\>\<br\>They've got the metas and mutants in here read like a book. Most are so far from the C list they've long fallen off of any available letters. Low powered thugs used to getting a quick fight in and the horned toad man might have just been here to booze it up and watch matches versus get called out.\<br\>\<br\>And suspicion is high as well. Rogue was -just- in the cage. Some days ago, Power Girl tried to be conspicous and failed miserably and then broke the place. That Colleen is a 'hot girl' by no means has them assuming she's an easy win. So the horned man hesitates..glancing at his unhelpful drinking partners and then just asks flat out, "What's the catch?" \<br\>\<br\>Cain observes this, silently and expression still neutral.
Colleen Wing has posed:\<br\>"Good call. You're right. This is won't be a fair fight. Bring one of your friends." Colleen snorts, then and gestures over one of the bookies scurrying around. "Catch is simple: I win, I take the money. You win, you take the money. That's how it works, right?"\<br\>\<br\>She glances over at the bookie who's nodding carefully, himself wary about what's going down.\<br\>\<br\>"I'm just human. No schtick. No super anything. What you see is what you get. And I'm saying you're going down. Along with your friend if you want to bring one along for safety. Got a deal or you gonna walk away?"\<br\>\<br\>Machismo attack by suggesting a friend come along; Colleen knows how to press buttons.\<br\>\<br\>"Oh," she adds, as a further demonstration of this skill, "anything I should know about those horns? Like if I break one off are you gonna bleed out? I don't want another death on my conscience."\<br\>\<br\>Another. Half the art of the challenge is in undermining opposition confidence, and she's got her sappers working overtime.
Iron Fist has posed:\<br\>Danny Rand was never ceased to be amazed by Colleen Wing's tenacity. She was a force of nature. If the Juggernaut was unstoppable, he couldn't fathom what Colleen Wing would be described as, well, other than the Daughter of the Dragon, which in itself was a pretty badass moniker.\<br\>\<br\>She was good, he knew that, but she could also bite off more than she could easily chew. Danny was already thinking about how much iodine they hand, how many bandages, and other medical materials, like gauze.\<br\>\<br\>He and the crowd that could overhear her boasting were dumbfounded, with a few saying 'Damn girl', 'look at the balls on her', or words to that effect. With the Juggernaut still within earshot, he turned to the hulking man, "she's the Daughter of the Dragon. I'd suggest you take note."
Juggernaut has posed:\<br\>Cain gives no reply to Danny. If that even means anything to him is unclear. HIs expression remains neutral, as if he's focusing. Then ..he frowns. \<br\>\<br\>"Human?" notes the mutant.\<br\>\<br\>Uh oh. There's a slight shift in the atmosphere. Cain turns away, as if happenings are no longer of interest or value to him and gestures at the nervous bartender. He doesn't move aside or away yet but it's almost as if his movements indicate the start a new chapter to this. .\<br\>\<br\>"Oh I get it. So you think you're just gonna come up in Mutant Town and throw your weight around eh? Like we don't get enough harassment from flatscans?" continues the ruffian.\<br\>\<br\>The horned mutant takes a drink now, his bravado returning with the rising ire of his companions bolstering him and latching onto this as a way to fuel his courage. Seems this particular group of mutants aren't human-friendly and were just giving Colleen and Iron Fist the benefit of the doubt ..or were to cautious to assume otherwise in the face of potential trickery. But now:\<br\>\<br\>"I guess humans being humans aint enough and you feel like you can come up in here and do whatever you want. Maybe we don't wait to get into the ring. Maybe we show you out now."\<br\>\<br\>Chairs are pushed aside as the sound of various ones standing shuffles through the air. The bookies grow tense and eyes turn to Cain. \<br\>\<br\>He ignores it all and claims his drink as it's brought to him in a large heavy metallic mug. .
Colleen Wing has posed:\<br\>"Ah, so that's how you're going to scamper out of it. Make it political." Colleen's not having any of this shit. "You don't mind the humans in here watching you, gettin' their rocks off watching you kill each other."\<br\>\<br\>A few spectators hastily look around for an exit as Colleen outs the fact that there are, in fact, humans in here and puts a less than sympathetic take on why they are.\<br\>\<br\>"But one of 'em wants to play with you, as equals, gives you the chance to smack her down even, and you run off and try to call out for mob justice. Pathetic. I came here because I heard the fights were good."\<br\>\<br\>Colleen turns her back to walk away, shooting the last jab over her shoulder. "I was expecting fighters, not trained seals."
Iron Fist has posed:\<br\>Danny decides to support Colleen in a quiet, but firm way. He stands behind Colleen. A reasonable distance. His eyes directed at the horned fighter. While standing there, his fist began to glow yellow, giving her some impressive backlight. And he gave a subtle, but specific, gesture, cocking his neck to suggest that the horned fighter should get in the ring, and stop talking smack.
Juggernaut has posed:\<br\>THe verbal beat down is worse then anything she could have done tot hem physically. The mutants stare at Colleen, fury boiling and bubbling up as she begins to walk away. Fists clench and fire boils out of the nostrils of one red skinned bruisers.\<br\>\<br\>Then they turna nd begin storming out. Shoving some bystanders aside in the process and heading for the exit. That could have, maybe should have, been a brawl.\<br\>\<br\>But perhaps there are some rules in Fight Club..\<br\>\<br\>Profanity laced insults accompany them but likely they are of little effect on Colleen and Danny and Cain simply observes.\<br\>\<br\>Then he smiles again and finally speaks, addressing the two just before they begin to turn to head to the ring. \<br\>\<br\>"Nice job...Daughter of the Dragon. Looks like you passed that little test.." \<br\>\<br\>He takes a long pull of his drink, emptying it out and then turns his head slightly and then the rest of his monstrous torso to look at Danny and Colleen directly now, at long last. A slow grin creaks across his features, breaking the mask of his neutral look finally. It's not exactly ..uh..friendly..but it is a smile..?
Colleen Wing has posed:\<br\>"Coming from you, that means a lot," Colleen says deadpan, looking over Juggernaut. "I wouldn't be dumb enough to try that on you. You don't look like the type who gets easily riled up by smack talk. Or the kind who turns down fights, come to think of it. And me against you would be no contest. I'd have you right where I wanted you in two minutes flat."\<br\>\<br\>Beat.\<br\>\<br\>"Broken and bleeding with you standing over me."\<br\>\<br\>As she approaches, she snags an arm around Danny's waist. "Colleen," she says. "And if you want to throw down, I'll go for it. As long as we redefine "victory" as "I don't piss myself just looking at you"."
Iron Fist has posed:\<br\>"That's my girl," Danny said, his fist no longer lit up, as there was no need for it, and instead went around her waist, though he was doing his best to hold back laughter from Colleen's joke. "Maybe, but together, I think we could take you," he said, sounding and looking every bit the naive young man he was. And yet, his fist had glowed. There was more to him, clearly, but just how much. The Juggernaut was unstoppable, but he was the Immortal Iron Fist. And with the Daughter of the Dragon, it would have been a good match. They would have to see just how strong the bolts on that armor really were. He offered a hand in friendship, "call me Danny."
Juggernaut has posed:\<br\>Well .. it's a different league by most counts. This is a man whose punches are measured not by psi but by richter scales with his armor having functions more for cosmetics and added protection against certain tings. As he had to remind Rogue, The Juggernaut's dance partners usually include the likes of Thor, Hulk, SUuperman. Entire teams of metas...\<br\>\<br\>But who can say for sure about anything these days? Chi and magic are quite strange affairs after all and far more bizarre match ups have happened out there with results to surprise all. \<br\>\<br\>"Bold claim." is all he says, mood remaining ...socialble though his eyes clearly say 'Naw' as that shark like grin remains. \<br\>\<br\>"Name's Cain." he rumbles finally giving his identity in part. His hand spasms and the metallic meg crumples like tinfoil, bunching up in the space of a breath into a tiny compressed ball in the mans meaty grip. He delicately sets it down onto the counter with two fingers. He then reaches out for Danny's hand..and if Danny hasn't withdrawn it by now, especially after that..he -does- grasp it and the handshake is firm but friendly.. hE's behaving. \<br\>\<br\>"And maybe I"d take you two up on that. See what mojo you have to offer...but I'm a little late already. You got my interest though. Maybe next time..."
Colleen Wing has posed:\<br\>"Well, I've got no mojo, just a lot of skill. That's fine for taking out blowhards like horney toad there, but I'm not sure there's any skill I have that can deal with the likes of you, Cain." Colleen's being affable, but there's genuine interested analysis as she looks Cain over while talking. "Danny here ... I'm much less certain about the outcome there. That would be interesting."\<br\>\<br\>She nudges Danny forward playfully.\<br\>\<br\>"Go ahead, Danny. And don't worry. I won't bet against you."\<br\>\<br\>She grabs her beer and quaffs a mouthful.\<br\>\<br\>"When you're looking."
Iron Fist has posed:\<br\>Danny was either confident that he could shake the massive hand without concern, or he was a braver man than most. As it turns out, it was both. He gave an equally firm shake, remaining friendly. There may have even been the sense that he could squeeze harder, given that this was done without his hand glowing, whatever that meant. "Nice to meet you, Cain."\<br\>\<br\>He wasn't so sure about taking him up on the offer. Danny didn't like to fight, he was just very good at it. He did smirk as Colleen talked him up, and it became a full blown smile when she judged him playfully. He returned it in kind, now that his hand was free of Cain's.\<br\>\<br\>Without missing a beat, after she had suggested that she wouldn't bet against him... while he was looking. "Are you sure that you want to throw your money away like that?"
Juggernaut has posed:\<br\>"Hmm.." \<br\>\<br\>He's impressed. More by Danny's bravery then the actual strength of the handshake though one supposes it's all connected. Cain nods his head, assessing Danny thoughtfully before releasing the hand and then jabbing a thumb in Colleen's direction while eyeing Danny.\<br\>\<br\>"Better hold onto her. She's a keeper.." he rumbles, bass gravelly voice vibrating the glasses nearby as his eyes narrow and his grin thins to a close lipped smirk.\<br\>\<br\>"See you kids around." he finally adds before turning and reaching into his pocket to retrieve a few bills to pay for his drink ..and the crushed mug.\<br\>\<br\>"Don't bust the place up to badly.." He rubs his jaw and smirks as if some sort of inside joke just took place in his head..and he just ends up shrugging and chuckling before turning and lumbering for the exit.