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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/03/12 |Location=Upper West Side, Manhattan |Synopsis=It should have been an easy heist for The Juggernaut but when The Incredible Hulk gets involved, nothing is ever 'easy' resulting in Alice getting a front row seat to her very own kaiju battle. |Cast of Characters=282, 9025, 338 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:282|Juggernaut (282)}} has posed:'''\<br\>It's a not so beautiful day in the neighborhood..\<br\>\<br\&g...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 02:12, 7 April 2023

Date of Scene: 12 March 2023
Location: Upper West Side, Manhattan
Synopsis: It should have been an easy heist for The Juggernaut but when The Incredible Hulk gets involved, nothing is ever 'easy' resulting in Alice getting a front row seat to her very own kaiju battle.
Cast of Characters: Juggernaut, Red, Hulk

Juggernaut has posed:\<br\>It's a not so beautiful day in the neighborhood..\<br\>\<br\>Well, perhaps that's a bit misleading. It's actually quite nice out. Blue skies. Mild weather for this time of year. Massive plumes of dust and debris billowing through the air. The ground shaking and sundering and the screams of bystanders and the non powered as they flee the area. So yeah - it's a nice mix of pleasent chaos.\<br\>\<br\>Indeed, the streets infront of The Citizens Bank looks like a concussive bomb recently detonated. The pavement is sundered and filled with craters. Fire hydrants spew torrents of water.. and massive footprints are embedded into the ground ...having treaded over and flattened police cars, sundered up the steps leading into the building..and then through it..the structure almost looking like it was ripped in twain. A loud noise of wrenching metal and grinding concrete can be heard coming from within the building but most people are wisely getting the hell out of there. Just another day in New York, right?
Red has posed:\<br\>Alice had just been in the bank to deposite cash, the business there concluded minutes ago. When she was exiting, the detonation of the ground throws her off the feet, and she ends up on the ground. "D...damn..." she mutters, trying to scamper for cover into the shade of a different vehicle, her hair full of glass and concrete dust. As she ducks halfway under the Citroen C4 Cactus, its black panels in the slight green sides standing out quite a lot, she tosses her backpack off the back and next to herself, a hand seeking into it.\<br\>\<br\>It'll take a little as black acrylonitrile butadiene styrene starts to flow up along her arm, solidifying first as a bracer around the wrist and upper arm, and then growing out into a kite shield... slowly.
Hulk has posed:\<br\>He was trying to be better. \<br\>\<br\> Trying to be normal. \<br\>\<br\> Trying to be /calm/. \<br\>\<br\> But nothing can ever be so kind to Bruce. The ground shakes like an earthquake had hit, and the sounds of screaming were deafening. Someone fleeing the scene sprints past Bruce. "What's hap-" \<br\>\<br\> *BOOOOM!* \<br\>\<br\> The rumble of detonation knocks Banner off of his feet and his head hits against a rock as people start sprinting over and around him, nearly trampling the poor soul. \<br\>\<br\> An eye snaps open, brown shades convert to green irises. \<br\>\<br\> A deafening roar echoes through the city, shattering glass as footsteps that sound like rumbles echo through the ground.
Juggernaut has posed:\<br\>It seems like everybody's just been having a bad day lately. A certain Mr. Cain Marko had been back in New York..laying low, hitting the bars, the clubs and even his old stomping grounds for personal affairs. That last bit got him chewed out by a Mr. Scott Summers despite his attempts at being on his best behavior and even being encouraged to be better by not just one, not two, but three red headed ladies who thought he could do better with hinself. \<br\>\<br\>Well old habits die hard and now he's got some steam he needs to blow off. Said personal business was a tip about a special item of some personal value to him that may be kept in this vault..and lucky for him, today he just so happened to be passing through. Unlucky for everyone else..The Juggernaut is back in town.\<br\>\<br\>So indeed, he is the source of the concussive shockwaves.. the earthquakes and the massive footprints that shake the blocks and set seismometers off elsewhere in town. It's meant to be a quick in and out but no harm in having a little bit of fun in the process. "Everybody out whose gettin' out!" he roars as he treads through the lobby of the bank and upon reaching the vault..he reaches forward and plunges his fingers into its reinforced steel like it were silly putty. His back muscles swell, his physique inflates and engorges and there's a horrible sound of metal screeching and wrenching as he proceeds to pull the entire bank vault free from its moorings.\<br\>\<br\>"Aww..nothing like a little stretch to clear the head.. Hahahaha... But gotta run!"\<br\>\<br\>It's then that he hears the ..other roar nearby and feels the building shake from its rolling thunder and he pauses in thought due to actually not being the source of shaking for the moment. "Huh.. Figures."
Red has posed:\<br\>Still in cover, Alice was working on getting that shield to be about large enough to count as a large kite shield, cowering next to that Citroen. It's not steel or offers the protection of high tech, but it is a piece of solid material to block dust and debris. But at best it is a defensive tool in her hands. Maaaaybe a little inspiration by a 1941 patriotic cokic hero called *Shield*? Or just because it was the classic and she knew how to use it?
Hulk has posed:\<br\>Figures indeed. \<br\>\<br\> "HUUUUUUUULK!!!" \<br\>\<br\> The Green Behemoth comes crashing down from the sky, massive feet landing hard on concrete roads to make a crater. Thick Green muscle peeks out of the dust that he made upon landing, glowing green eyes peer through the Juggernaut-shaped hole in the bank to see Juggernaut himself wrenching at the vault. The Hulk beats his chest like some kind of pissed off gorilla. \<br\>\<br\> "JUGGERNAAAAAUUUTTT!!! HULK SMASH RED MAN!!" \<br\>\<br\> Hulk's voice could be heard for miles. The unstoppable force is about to meet the immovable object. Alive is doing the best she can to survive this meeting, her glowing kite shield noticed but ignored by the Hulk. \<br\>\<br\> He has a bigger target, all things considered.
Juggernaut has posed:\<br\>The crimson behemoth can make himself heard for miles as well but such rage just isn't his speed or trademark. Cyttorak might like that ut Juggernaut's more of the schoolyard bully variety of rampaging monster. Quip driven, smarmy and egotistical even in the face of a roaring embodiment of gamma fueled power.\<br\>\<br\>Still, he roars back a thunderous, "Beat it jade jaws! I'm on the clock 'ere and I aint got time to play with you and send you packin with your tail between yer legs!"\<br\>\<br\>There's a final wrenching roar and a ripping of the earth, walls and ceilings as the bank vault comes completely loose and swings up overhead to rest above the colossal..a massive improvised weapon which he shifts to one arm and cocks backwars. His muscled limb swells, muscles rolling like rising mountain ranges as he stretches back and takes aim at Hulk..preparing to shot put the entire vault at the green goliath.\<br\>\<br\>Until he spots Alice nearby. "What the--- Get outta here girl! Don't be a hero! Can't you see I'm busy? This look like Mutant Town to you?!"\<br\>\<br\>It's a distraction and an opening for Hulk, that's for sure. Seems like the giant exemplar has some memory of the brave little mutant even though she may not recognize him.. Being that he's some ten feet tall and six wide right now in comparision to the more ...'svelte' .. 7' she met some days ago.
Red has posed:\<br\>Alice ducked next to the car with the shield to cover herself from debries flying, Alice acutally... stares at the Juggernaut as he leaves the bank, yelling into her direction. "But..." she stammers, glass rainign from the plastic shield as somewhere above another window breaks.\<br\>\<br\>Squeezing her eyes shut a short moment, the redhead swallows, then opens the eyes again, some determination forming on the face as she straightens her back, the shield still raised as she shakes her head. "But you can't just destroy everything!" she yells back, even as she is showing that she is fighting herself to stand, under the cover of that black shield. The free hand reaches down, plucking a spool of black plastic from it and tossing it towards the juggernaut, but it only gains flight when....
Hulk has posed:\<br\>Juggernaut takes his eyes off of Hulk for one second. \<br\>\<br\> It May be enough. \<br\>\<br\> Hulk won't hurt Alice. Banner's subconscious influence on the dominant personality is enough to guarantee it. Instead, The Hulk leaps like a green bullet towards the Juggernaut, fist reeled back in preparation to punch Cain straight out the building with a sickening impact. He'll punch through the vault itself if he has to. \<br\>\<br\> Even freshly transformed, the Hulk is /absurdly/ strong. And Cain largely standing still in hesitation? \<br\>\<br\> Could be all Hulk needs to give him a terrible day. \<br\>\<br\> "HULK SMASH!"
Juggernaut has posed:\<br\>That trademark cry. It's a warning but...not enough of a warning. IF braced, Juggernaut is basically nearly as immovable as he is unstoppable. Those of his strength level or near it have even hurt their hands striking him. BUt right now and with an angry Hulk leaping at him?\<br\>\<br\>KATHOOOOM!!!\<br\>\<br\>The impact pushes the crimson giant upf rom his feet and sends the vault, which Hulk did indeed rip through part of, spinning up into the air as Juggernaut goes tumbling backwards. It's a feeling he dislikes. To put it mildly.\<br\>\<br\>The back of the building explodes as the armored bruiser goes flipping through it, doing a full rotation and then landing in the next street over just beyond the building to skid backwards. Parked cars are flattened or sent tumbling away like bowling pins as a huge trench digs up around him as he slides back. His face grimaces into a look of consternation and then rising ire.\<br\>\<br\>"So you wanna play rough...do ya..?"\<br\>\<br\>As to the bank vault. It comes crashing back down. VIolently ripping through what remains of the front of the building. Missing Alice but still sending debris and shrapnel falling and spraying as it tilts over and comes to a resting place in a crater of its own making.
Red has posed:\<br\>Ducking and shifting that kite shield for cover when the piece of vault comes crashing in, the car next to Alice is hit and thrown down the road in a spew of metal, plastic and debris. Wincing, she checks if she was allright, then realizes the whole battle has shifted through the building. With a little groan she dusts off a little, checking if she at least could help someone to evacuate after this turned an arena for Gamma-Monster versus God-Avatar.
Hulk has posed:\<br\>*BOOOOOOM!* \<br\>\<br\> Hulk's fist meets steel and alloy before it finds Cain Marko's nigh-invulnerable face and sends him sailing through the air with that punch. Muscles flex as Hulk slams his fists into the ground, hard enough to make the cars on the street bounce upwards. \<br\>\<br\> Then? \<br\>\<br\> He's sprinting forward with surprising speed as powerful legs project him forward at speeds that defy logic, sprinting towards the Juggernaut with each step putting a hole in the street. \<br\>\<br\> Yes Cain, The Hulk wants it rough.
Juggernaut has posed:\<br\>"Window's closing, JJuggernaut. Extraction in.."\<br\>\<br\>"hold yer horses! I got a bodybuilder shaped nuclear explosion on me, alright??"\<br\>\<br\>JJuggernaut's pushes up to his feet, growling into his earpiece. He doesn't mind fights. HE wants fights. But he's a 'bizness man'. One for whom timelines and actual purpose matters and his purpose here is all sorts of messed up. \<br\>\<br\>No harm in taking his frustrations out on a convienent green punching bag. "I'll have this over in just a minute." he growls, his voice deepening and rumbling with the rising apocalyptic strength of Cyttorak as his scion boils with glee at Cain's rising anger and urge on towards more destruction. He sees the blur of Hulk as the green colossus comes lunging at him and he sneers and walks forward to meet the incoming green missile. \<br\>\<br\>The Exemplar of Physical Power makes no attempt or effort to move out the way and instead meets Hulks impact head on, be it shoulder check or fist. A loud *BWAHOOOOM* resounds, shattering windows, sending cars hurtling away and blasting a huge sinkhole crater around the two behemoths.\<br\>\<br\>Juggernaut...keeps moving forward, his unstoppable nature on full display as he brings around a vast hairy arm and clenches a fist to produce a sound like sequioa's splintering as his knuckles crack, "Let's see how you like my SUNDAY PUNCH!" With that, his fist comes hurtling around, thundering at Hulk like an meteor. It is fortunante that the two giants are clear of Alice.
Red has posed:\<br\>The two guys fighting, Alice does her dandest to stay clear of them for like twenty, thrity feet, instead darting to the aid of an old woman that had fallen in the initial blast. Helping her up while keeping debris away from her, she tries to usher her to a safe area somewhere down the road...
Hulk has posed:\<br\>An impact thunders as the Hulk's fist meets Juggernaut's skull, hard enough that it /should have/ tossed him through the next building! But instead, Juggernaut doesn't move an inch. \<br\>\<br\> That's a /problem/. \<br\>\<br\> In fact, Hulk's massive feet drag against the ground as he gets angry, gets stronger...but doesn't stop Juggernaut quite yet. Instead, Hulk eats that swinging fist, striking the Hulk across the face and planting him into concrete. A tooth is spat out as Hulk growls. \<br\>\<br\> "RAAAAAAAGGGGHHHH!!!!!" \<br\>\<br\> He pushes up, leaping into the air and trying to tackle Cain with him.
Juggernaut has posed:\<br\>If enough strength to stop and arrest his momentum is even possible without some sort of external aid or extenuating circumstances. Such is being the emobdiment of the unstoppable force and physical power. Magic cheats. But thats neither here nor now as at the moment it's not enough and even the leap is once more met against the crimson behemoths irrisitible power as he presses forward into it and pushes back and down - arresting the jump with a colossal arm that bulges a bicep to horrifying sizes as The Exemplar pushes against The Hulk. Thetwo colossal behemoths send shockwaves out that race through the city. Their combined strength making the quakes and noises of their struggle evident throughout the metropolis. It may take cunning in addition to this rage to attend to this.\<br\>\<br\>"You're gonna have to do better then that!" roars Juggernaut gleefully, attempting to wrap a monstrous arm around Hulk to hold him even as his body pushes forward into him and brings another punch thundering up. This one a titanic bodyblow aiming for the jade giants midsection while his other arm attempts to keep the goliath pinned. Another building looms behind the two titans as Juggernaut nears it, uncaring in his path of desruction and leaving a widening trench behind him and Hulk as he plows forward. \<br\>\<br\>"One minute, Juggernaut!" yells his handler into his ear pieec. "Abort or we're leaving you!"
Red has posed:\<br\>Alice meanwhile gets that old grandmother to the safety line that some cops have pulled up, not that a little bit of plastic tape would prevent damage from coming over. "It's the Juggernaut... and he's fightign the Hulk," she explains with few words while behind them, the two giants clash in dust, screams and yelling. "The Juggernaut wanted to take... whatever is in the one vault that is buried under the citroen over there... the poor theing..." Maybe that helps the cleanup crews later...
Hulk has posed:\<br\>Magic is a bitch. \<br\>\<br\> Rule number 1: Magic will always find a way to screw you over in the best possible way. Hulk is stopped dead in his tracks as Cyttorrak proceeds to encourage Juggernaut's strength. The fist comes out, smacks him right in the ribs but the Hulk does not fall. Hulk growls at Juggernaut, using his strength to let go of Juggernaut's hand and he tries to use Juggernaut's forward moment against him for a throw right into the ground! \<br\>\<br\> "HUUUUUULK STRONGEST THERE IS!!!!" \<br\>\<br\> The Hulk's eyes ow a brilliant green as his strength increased tenfold once again with a massive roar. \<br\>\<br\> Rule #2. \<br\>\<br\> Forward momentum is a bitch.
Juggernaut has posed:\<br\>Juggernaut's eyes narrow at annoyance at Hulk's refusal to go down. He'll just have to start hitting him harder. No problem. He can crank the dial. He can always crank the dial.\<br\>\<br\>Then his eyes widen.\<br\>\<br\> Rule #3 - Attempting to divert or redirect the momentum of The Juggernaut is -not- a good fall back simply becaues of how much momentum you're trying to redirect. Too easy a strategy for a problem not meant to e resolved with sheer physical force. \<br\>\<br\>However there are many addendums to that rule and one such rule is being a very angry Hulk. He's one of the few that can attempt this stunt and enhanced strength or no..it's not easy. \<br\>\<br\>But this is still The Hulk. \<br\>\<br\>"Augh, i'll break your in half!" he bellows in frustration as he's tipped up over Hulk and the raw power of the Exemplar's momentum and strength sends him careening into the ground and away from Hulk, forward and into the wall he had been trying to drive Hulk into. It explodes in a violent eruption of destruction and violence. Then half of the building begins to come down. Fortunantely it'd long been emptied but nevertheless, kilotons of rubble begins raining down onto the crimson goliath in a non stop cascade of debris.
Hulk has posed:\<br\>Success! \<br\>\<br\> The Hulk tosses Juggernaut straight to the ground as he bounces off the ground and ends up smashing into a building, being buried by kilotons worth of rubble. Hulk roars towards Juggernaut's (seemingly) downed form, as if in victory, before police show up and raise their weapons at the Hulk. \<br\>\<br\> "PUNY MAN!" Hulk screams, it's enough to knock the cars aside.
Juggernaut has posed:\<br\>An epic toss indeed. A second round will see if it is successful again..\<br\>\<br\>But not today. The rubble shifts violently. A sudden explosion of seismic force that violently shakes several city blocks. The police wisely back off as Hulk screams at them and overturns their cars simply by the force of his roar.. The additional earthquake doesn't help either.\<br\>\<br\>The source..an angry tunneling Juggernaut. He wants to keep that fight going but his purpos for being here is lost and his extraction window is up. \<br\>\<br\>"I'm on my way. You better still be there." he rumbles into his comm link just before emerging up from the ground in an explosion of cement near Central Park. He then begins a steady run for THe Hudson.\<br\>\<br\>"Next time, Jade Jaws...what you felt today will be like love taps compared to what's coming.." He sneers before ultimately leaping, clearing several buildings from his earth shaking jump..an then disappearing beneath the river surface.