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(Peter and Angelica ran into each other for the first time since she has gotten back from Canada. A good little catch up scene.)
(No difference)

Revision as of 21:02, 9 April 2023

Old Friends Re-Connect
Date of Scene: 08 April 2023
Location: Baskin Robbins - Salem Center
Synopsis: Peter and Angelica ran into each other for the first time since she has gotten back from Canada. A good little catch up scene.
Cast of Characters: Firestar, Spider-Man

Firestar has posed:\<br\> Sometimes a girl just needs a little ice cream. Trying to get adjusted to a few area takes it toll on a person and it seems Angelica has arrived to maybe drown a few frustraions in some icy goodness. She stands at the back of the line, waiting for her time.
Spider-Man has posed:\<br\>Late as per usual comes Peter stumbling in with his camera around his neck. There are a few 'hey' and 'watchout' from behind as the person that seems to have very little coordination comes stumbling up the line. He was here to try to take a few photos of the place for a feel good piece, so was making his way past the line to move forward to talk to the cashier. Of course since he was looking down to look as small as he could he didn't notice Firestar, but goes to the cashier to have a word, but only told to wait as they are currently with a customer.
Firestar has posed:\<br\> Noting the new arrival shuffle through, Angelica raises a brow in indignation at someone trying to line jump. Something things never change it seems. She just opts to not say anything at first, until she realizes who the line jumper is. \<br\>\<br\> A smile spreads over her face as she sees her old friend for the first time in a long time. Of course she sees him on TV pretty regular, but this is different. She weighs her options for a moment and then putting a feigned aggravation in her tone she says,"Back of the line like normal people Parker."
Spider-Man has posed:\<br\>Peter is currently waiting to catch the cashier between customers as he hears someone yell at him. It was New york, and he waves back at the line as she isn't the only one now others were starting to "Yea! Back of the line!" as Peter walks back to see who called his name. "Wait Angelica? Is that you." he looks up, "Calm down you animals I am not trying to get Ice Cream!" and chuckles a bit looking at Firestar.. "New Yorkers.." he explains as if ya don't address them like this they wouldn't understand.\<br\>\<br\>Looking at her Peter thinks, "Wow it has been so long what are you doing here... well not here, but you know what I mean!" and chuckles a bit happy to see her again. He adds, "And you should of called if you were back!" he smiles though not actually irritated of course.
Firestar has posed:\<br\> A soft chuckle escapes her throat when he realizes who started his heckling. She winks and tells him,"It's me. I have been back less than a week. I am looking for a place to live and getting ready to start towards a Physics degree and NYU." \<br\>\<br\> She studies him for a long moment, thoughtfully,"You're looking good. I planned on calling soon, but I have been touching base with a few others. I figured catching you would take a minute." She winks and adds,"So you got a hug for an old friend or what?"
Spider-Man has posed:\<br\>"Wow.. That is awesome. They have a good Physics devision at NYU I am sure you can learn quite a bit." he notes and blushes a little giving a light hug. " he doesn't seem to be nervious about what she could do more about giving others hugs. Peter smelled like he usually did smoke, and gunpowder it was hard to get out as he was swinging all over the place. He pushed his glasses up slouching a little as the person standing infront of her looks way too week to be doing anything like that though.\<br\>\<br\>"Well I am glad I ran into you! I work around here so often am passing the school.. What a small world." he shakes his head, "So where were you? What were you doing up there? So many questions!" he chuckles a bit at that.
Firestar has posed:\<br\> She smiles, knowing things are a little awkward for him, but gives him a quick squeeze. She does note the scent of gunpowder and raises a brow, but doesn't comment. Once they are standing next to each other again she shrugs,"It's good to see again Peter. It's been too long. As for where, I was up in Canada. I was offered a private school opportunity and it got me away from my dad. Things there are still...tense." \<br\>\<br\> Taking a few steps towards the front and she adds," You think you can show a girl a good place for dinner to catch up a little more?" Nothing overt about that, just wanting to catch up some,"I know you're busy during the day. Maybe we can put our heads together and you can give me some ideas where to live that isn't the campus too."
Spider-Man has posed:\<br\>He smiles, and nods, "Oh Canada huh? I know someone from there, but he is much harier and mean then you are!" and chuckles at the thought for a moment of Logan. "Sorry to hear your still at arms with your Dad." he says but isn't sure about family stuff as all he had left was his Aunt. "I hope it helped ya find your way. It can be tough out there." he nods a bit to her. "You haven't missed much here though same thing for a bunch of us, I still work for tripple J, and he is still hunting for the Spider menace." he adds with a chuckle.\<br\>\<br\>He thinks, "Maybe... I am still working on Photographers salery, but maybe we could. I mean Campus is so expensive especially here, but I am sure we can find ya a place. You would hate my place it is so small, and cramped.. I am also kind of looking, but was just too busy to get to it." he chuckles, "And I sure am busy." he glances outside thinking about swinging through the city, "my job is never ending, but for a friend I can try to make some time!"
Firestar has posed:\<br\> "I still try to talk to him, but I have mostly given up on him. He'll come around or he won't. Part of why I went to Canada, I got tired of beating my head on the wall with him." she tells him,"I have been watching the Bugle where I can. The internet is a handy thing sometimes. Be careful chasing that Spider menace." \<br\>\<br\> He comment about the salary get a knowing look from her,"I understand that. One of the people I know back in Canada is helping me some. Enough to get housing away from the campus." She smiles as he mentions his own apartment troubles,"You have to take some time for yourself Peter. You'll burn yourself out. I can help pay for dinner of course. Just want to catch up. We have a lot to catch up on."
Spider-Man has posed:\<br\>Peter nods, "I really didn't know mine." he looks down, "Would love to have them around, but my Aunt did her best so I never got to sad." he admits in a quiet tone. "But I get it. If he gives ya any hastle now your back just let me know." and petter punches his palm with a grin. From the outside punny parker might not look like much, but he would help his friend out for sure. "And don't believe everything you hear, Spidey has been doing alright here, but I still need to follow him around. Though it is hazzardous!"\<br\>\<br\>With a phone beep he looks at her, "Look.. here is my number, and address.. Dinner tonight I promise, but.. speaking of no time." he sighs a bit, "Bank Robbery.." he looks at her then at the door. "Tonight I promise.. I will be there." he is already backing up as he talks. "Find a temp place... Will defiently work out something better soon, but I should get going!" he takes another step.
Firestar has posed:\<br\> Realizing where she stepped, Angelica looks instantly sorry,"I know you would Peter, sorry. I forget sometimes. Aunt May was the parent we all wish we could have had." she admits. There is a smile and she winks,"Hopefully Spidey keeps doing the best he can. You be careful chasing after him." \<br\>\<br\> She takes the number and address down quickly as he offers it,"Tonight then. I have to meet up with an advisor this afternoon,"I have a temp place, but we can talk about that later. Be safe Peter. I'd hate to see you again and then have something crazy happen to you." She shakes her head, knowing that is probably one of the safest nerds in the city and then looks back at her phone and his number. She closes it down and finally gets to move up to make her order.