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(Firestar comes into the school after a long absence and encounters Kit.)
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Revision as of 23:00, 9 April 2023

Back to School Strangeness
Date of Scene: 02 April 2023
Location: Main Foyer - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Firestar comes into the school after a long absence and encounters Kit.
Cast of Characters: Kit Killovarras, Firestar

Kit Killovarras has posed:\<br\>Mid-day around the mansion is usually beautiful, especially around the changing of the seasons so there's no doubt that the path to the School for Gifted Youth would have been an amazing experience. The school itself is usually a fairly lively place, especially on the weekends.\<br\>\<br\>Thankfully, the main foyer isn't a popular hangout today, possibly due to the fact that no classes are taking place and a lot of students would be enjoying their weekend.\<br\>\<br\>Though it seems there is an exception to this. A six and a half foot tall hyena on two legs can be found sort of slowly making his way through the foyer, looking a little like he may well have just woken up. He's dressed in his typical loungy cloths: a brown tunic style shirt and baggy, loose tan pants and pretty much nothing else.
Firestar has posed:\<br\> Walking up to the mansion, Angelica pauses for a second considering what she is doing. She sighs softly and opens the door, peeking in a little before self conciously walking into the main entry way. It has been a few years, but Professor Xavier told her that his door was open if she needed. Still, this is a bit awkward, walking into the unfamiliar place after so long. \<br\>\<br\> She reaches up and removes a pair of cheap, plastic framed sunglasses. They aren't anything special, red plastic framed eye protection,"Ok Angelica, not what?" she mutters,"I don't know Angelica." she replies to herself and sighs and instead she calls out,"Anybody home." A moment later she notes the two leg walking hyena man and she pauses a second before,"Uh..hi."\<br\>
Kit Killovarras has posed:\<br\>No one really comes through those doors without knowing how to reach them, so it's not a real shock or a reason to worry if someone walks through them. The Hyena stops and turns his head to study the new arrival, then gives a warm smile and a little wave. "Oh, hey." he says with a cheerful tone, pausing a moment before he thinks to ask, "Angelica, right? Uh, alumni or visitor?" with a curious tilt of his head.
Firestar has posed:\<br\> Her posture eases a little as he seems friendly enough. She steps the rest of the way in and closes the door behind her,"You have me at a disadvantage friend." she offers lightly,"Angelica Jones yes. Firestar to the world at large." she adds, not worried about the wrong people being in the mansion either. A look around the room and she admits,"I could have been an alumni, but the world doesn't always work the way we think it will. I am just visiting. It's been a long time since I was on this side of the border and I was hoping to find Professor Xavier or Dr. Grey."
Kit Killovarras has posed:\<br\>"I'm Kit," the hyena says with a little chuckle, scratching the back of his head as he adds, "And yeah, nothing really ever goes to plan."\<br\>\<br\>There's a momentary pause when the professor is mentioned and Kit just shakes his head and admits, "Haven't seen the professor in a while, he seems pretty busy. I saw the Headmistress around a few hours ago though, so pretty sure she's somewhere on campus still."
Firestar has posed:\<br\> Angelica nods,"Nice to meet you Kit." she replies to his introduction. A knowing expression crosses her face and she admits,"If life was easy, anybody could do it." Listening to what he says about the Professor and Dr. Grey she sighs softly,"I don't know Dr. Grey well. I was hoping to see the Professor. I guess there's nothing for it." She looks around the room, spotting a clock, and she nods,"Well. As there is no Professor Xavier to speak for me as it were, what sort of rules do I need to mind until I can see Dr. Grey? I don't want to wander somewhere out of bounds or cause a problem on the campus by accident."
Kit Killovarras has posed:\<br\>"I mean," Kit starts, giving a little bit of a stretch before he finishes his thought. "Jean can be pretty chill, so no worries." The question of rules actually causes him to pause though before he just gives a shrug and muses, "I mean.. Common sense? I dunno, never had to tell a visitor the rules before." the last part added with a little laugh. He offers a bright smile and adds, "Probably just hang out for now? The school's pretty empty currently due to a thing down at the pizza shop in town." Then he taps at the side of his head and grins, offering a brief view of his needle-like teeth. "Either way, I've already called for the Headmistress, so you shouldn't have to wait too long."
Firestar has posed:\<br\> "Glad to hear it." Angelica comments in regards to Jean being chill. She manages a little smile when he talks about common sense rules,"All right. I will stay in this area or out outside. It's nice to have cool air that isn't cool enough to try and kill you just for being in it. I appreciate the information, don't let me keep you from whatever you were doing before you found me poking my head in your door."
Kit Killovarras has posed:\<br\>Kit gives a little laugh and shakes his head as he admits, "Wasn't really doing anything, truth be told. Just wandering around." with a faint shrug. "So, if ya want I could hang around, keep ya company for a bit--" He pauses in his thought process and right about the time he asks, "Anything I can get you? Drink? Snack?" \<br\>\<br\>A small bottle of orange soda levitates into the foyer and over towards the hyena, cracking itself open in it's approach.
Firestar has posed:\<br\> She manages a hint of a smile and she admits,"I appreciate not having to wander around an unfamiliar place alone." She starts to say something more, like declining the offered drink, but pauses as she watches the soda float through the room, opening itself. She raises a brow slightly and shakes her head,"OK. That's something you don't see everyday, not even with Alpha Flight." she admits,"As for the food and drink offering, no thank you. I appreciate the offer."
Kit Killovarras has posed:\<br\>Kit takes a quick drink, nodding in response to the denied offer and then simply smiles and muses, "Well, you don't meet people like me every day. Not even in a place like this." Then his drink's cap screws itself back down as he lets go of it and the bottle just sort of hovers there. "And yeah, having to wander unfamiliar places alone can be a bit of a pain most of the time. You get used to it after a while though."
Firestar has posed:\<br\> "Not often that's for sure." she agrees and looks for a seat to go and settle. She sits down and admits,"It's been a while since I was here and I did a lot of walking. I am not much on expoloring, so definately the worst." She settles a little bit and looks for small talk ideas, she might be a little bad at it as she asks,"Have you ever been up to Canada? Still a lot of wild space up there. A different kind of unfamiliar exploring."
Kit Killovarras has posed:\<br\>Kit walks over and sits across from Angelica, his drink following him as he moves. "Nah, never been that far north, but then again I also don't really like the cold. Used to disappear for days on end to explore the desert around my families compound though."\<br\>\<br\>As for small talk? Blunt as a spoon and always curious is a good thing to be when small talk is a possibility, and Kit gives Angelica a glance and fairly simply asks, "So, what's your mutation?" with a warm smile.
Firestar has posed:\<br\> "The Great White north is beautiful, but it's not a great setting for me either." she admits and rests her hands on the table they sit at,"A desert would probably suit me better all said and done." \<br\>\<br\> When he asks about her mutation she pauses for a minute, considering her answer thougtfully,"How familiar are you with nuclear radiation? I can manipulate it, identify it, and more or less harness to a level that isn't healthy for the planet or anyone around me."
Kit Killovarras has posed:\<br\>Kit gives a little nod, studying Angelica for a moment before he muses, "So, control of radiation.. Sounds like it'd be useful for staying warm at least, given the right method." as he gets comfy in his chair, bringing one paw up to rest on it's edge as he drapes his arms over the back of the chair and just... lounges.\<br\>\<br\>He gives Angelica another moment of study before he gets a look like a thought just hit him and he asks, "I'm assuming I don't have to worry about charged particle shed, yeah?" curiously.
Firestar has posed:\<br\> She nods and replies,"Oh I can stay plenty warm, but I don't like using my power constantly to stay warm." She reaches up at the neck of her shirt and pulls down an inch or so to reveal a strange suit below her clothing,"This should protect everyone around me according to Mac Hudson. I still don't like to use my power close to other people unless it is absolutely necessary. I haven't ever hurt anyone that I know of, but radiation is radiation. It causes cancer and they use it to treat cancer. Figure that." The irony is not lost on her.
Kit Killovarras has posed:\<br\>Kit gives the suit a look and a little nod before he shrugs. "Radiation could be used for a lot of good if it's focused right, but yeah.. Anything that powerful can be a double-edged sword." Then he makes a motion in the air as one of his claws suddenly glows violet, carving a small line in the air that shoots off and curls back, cutting a chunk off the table closest to him.\<br\>\<br\>The yeen reaches down and collects the cut piece, giving Angelica a little smile as he does and as he settles back into his chair, he muses, "Double-edged swords can be fun though." as he runs his claws over the cut edge of the piece of table, his claws bleeding that same violet energy into the wood. Then he presses the cut edges back together and the wood simply fuses, reconnecting so perfectly that no sign of the original cut remains.
Firestar has posed:\<br\> Curiosity gets the better of her as he makes the claw appear. She watches with a quite, almost studious, attention. As he carves the table she raises a brow, accepting that he probably has a way to fix the table since the fallout might not be well received. When he puts it back together, she lets the other brow raise, both are peaked with both surprise and suitably impressed,"I wonder, can you fix what other people damage or just yourself?"
Kit Killovarras has posed:\<br\>"I can mend any material, so long as I can physically put my claws to it." Kit explains with a little twiddle of his claws. "And yes, that includes living tissue as well. Sort of a perk of being able to draw on and focus inter-dimensional energies, but it can also be dangerous for the people around me under the wrong circumstances.."\<br\>\<br\>Apparently the yeen is a walking time-bomb himself, just of a different kind.
Firestar has posed:\<br\> "The joys of living life like every minute could be someone else's last." she offers in a soft tone,"Not too many people get that." She considers what he says and rests her elbows on the table,"So Dr. Grey isn't against having people here who are a potential danger to their allies in the wrong situation. Maybe she won't turn me out just for stopping by then."
Kit Killovarras has posed:\<br\>Kit chuckles a little, grabbing his drink and taking another swig before he explains, "Yeah, no. They've actually gone out of their way to help me here.. There's an aspect of my power that makes me a danger in some circumstances. Actually not too long ago, I dropped half the school into a dimensional phenomenon." the last little bit of it causing him to both chuckle, and wince a little. \<br\>\<br\>"Long story short, they understand that sometimes people can lose control."
Firestar has posed:\<br\> She nods, a hint of a wince when he mentions the dimensional phenom,"The ups and downs of being an X-Man I suppose. Don't let it haunt you. No matter how easy that might be. Like you said, still learning. The dangers of a school like this."
Kit Killovarras has posed:\<br\>Kit nods and gives a little shrug, "I used to let it bother me," he admits with a nod. "But I've learned that there's no point. If you make a mistake, do what you can to make it right and usually, the universes will help balance everything out."
Firestar has posed:\<br\> "I like your optimism. I will try to take a little of that thought process with me from now on." she comments after a long, quiet consideration,"Too many people around our age go out of their way to not correct it. That gets old quickly. It is a relief to hear others are willing to step up. We need more like us if this world is going to survive."
Kit Killovarras has posed:\<br\>Kit gives a little nod and chuckle, "Again, not like a lot of the people you'll meet, even here." he explains, "but yeah, I really only got into that line of thinking after coming here.. I used to just keep to myself most of the time, now I go out of my way to try and make the world a little better in my own way." Then he gives Angelica a glance and a toothy grin, adding, "Even if few people will every really know it."
Firestar has posed:\<br\> "There have been a few similar to you here, with Alpha Flight, and the Hellfire Club. Wolfsbane was a New Mutant, Sasquatch is a strong man with Alpha Flight, and Catseye with the Hellfire Club were all similar to you in their ways. Rhane, Wolfsbane, is a werewolf and mostly tolerable though we were on opposing sides when we met. Sasquatch is exactly what you expect. His power changes him from a human to a Bigfoot creature that rivals Collosus in strength and durability, and Catseye, a cat shifter...she was at times impossible to deal with even if we were on the same side. That one struggled with stability sadly." \<br\>\<br\> She laces her fingers together, resting her hands on the table once more,"It is easier to remain on you own in a lot of ways. Appealing really. The truth is I would have very much liked to remain alone. Still, at the end of the day, having a family behind you that will help see you through the hard times and pull you through them is invaluable."
Kit Killovarras has posed:\<br\>Kit gives a nod as he stops to think, eventually managing a, "Kinda, yeah. I mean, I spent so much of my life in isolation because of what I look like and what I'm capable of that I got used to being alone." Then he gives a shrug and looks over to Angelica with a warm smile, "Then Jean, Jax and Shannon talked me into coming here and.. Well, I'm just glad I'll never have to go back to that life."
Firestar has posed:\<br\> "The Hellfire Club, Emma Frost in particular, took me out of a bad place and initially I thought she was putting me into a better one, but eventually...not so much." she finally comments. There is a cool tone when mentioning Emma. Shaking that out of her head she adds,"I had already refused to come here once and it didn't seem right to come calling when I realized what was happening...Hellfire Club found out what Hellfire was." she mutters,"And eventually Mac Hudson and the Alpha Flight came calling."
Kit Killovarras has posed:\<br\>The Aardwolf listens, studying Angelica as she speaks and after a moment? He just stands up, walks over and offers a hug and whether the gesture is accepted or not, he'd eventually offer a warm smile and an almost recited, "No one should ever believe that they are beyond asking for forgiveness. Those who truly want it will be willing to pay the price for it."\<br\>\<br\>Then there's a little shrug and a chuckle as the yeen tilts his head. "Something my grand-dad always says.. It's made more since ever since I came here."
Firestar has posed:\<br\> Angelica watches Kit get up. Not really worried, but she does rise as well, curious what he is about. It is not expected when he hugs her suddenly. She might be a little stiff initially, but after a second she realizes it is a geneuine gesture so she slowly puts her arms around his shoulders awkwardly. She is not really used to this sort of thing, particularly not from a stranger, but she settles a bit more and when he withdraws she lets him. \<br\>\<br\> Listening to him she manages to nod,"He sounds like a kindred spirit to my grandmother." It is still a little strange for her to have a mostly stranger in her space, but she is handling it,"She said forgiveness is divine and sometimes we have to touch our divinity."