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(Huzzah she said yes!)
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Revision as of 23:02, 9 April 2023

Ivy's Back, Harley's confused!
Date of Scene: 16 March 2023
Location: Isley Gardens, South Channel Island
Synopsis: Huzzah she said yes!
Cast of Characters: Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn

Poison Ivy has posed:\<br\>Isley Gardens are awash in activity, which might very well draw reports towards the Batman and his colleagues, even if 'activity in a garden' is entirely sensible for springtime. Pamela's not even really doing anything dramatic. She's not using vines to manipulate hundreds of gardening tools at once or anything. She's simply strolling through the trees and doling out momentary little affectionate touches that seem to stir their branches to rising towards the sky, welcoming a touch of excitement in them.\<br\>\<br\>She's just getting /ready/ for the blooms of spring. Clearing away the winter doldrums as she hums softly to herself, lost in her own little world of nature and quiet. Perfectly vulnerable to her chaotic best friend arriving of course.
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn is here too. She walks slowly she even fidgets that she's conflicted right now . She chews her lip as she sighs " You can stare gods in the face. Get a grip harle " She slaps her own cheeks. But the tiny blond is soo nervous after all last time she saw ivy is when they broke up and didn't break up .. it was a mess \<br\>\<br\>     She peeks around a tree, looking at the other woman moving slowly and takes a big breath as if trying to build up the courage to move but can't make herself move.
Poison Ivy has posed:\<br\>Pamela probably knows Harley's there the moment she steps on the grass, but she's polite enough not to make trees bow to her, or vines grow up to guide her. She doesn't even move to find her harlequin friend herself... possibly because the plants tell her Harley's trying to psyche herself up.\<br\>\<br\>At least until Harley's just standing there, breathing heavily and unable to bring herself to move. Finally, that's enough for Ivy to sigh out softly, and then call loudly, "I know you're there, Harley. It's not like you to be so... quiet. Don't worry, I'm not going to be mad at you. Are you doing well?"
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn Pops out and gives one of those fake smiles, you know " Hey Red," She says, twisting her fingers " How are tricks? " She asks as she walks over, kicking snow with her boots. Pam would notice she's in a very nice Harley style jacket as she moves over like she's gonna hug, then she stops and bites her lip " How ya been? "
Poison Ivy has posed:\<br\>Pamela smiles, a soft little half-smile, not quite bitter or sarcastic but... sad? maybe a little sad. "I'm... well, the seasons are changing, Harleen. Spring's almost here. So I'll be better." One eyebrow perks slightly as she eyes the jacket, "Nice coat. I've been alright, you know how winter gets me, nothing that a lot of TV and herbal tea couldn't help with." She perks her eyebrows higher, "And how are you? Aside from the fancy new fashion."
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn Blinks and tuggs the coat " yeah, right " She seems embarrassed about it " It was a gift," She says as she looks at red ' I miss you ' She says softly, "We left things messy " She sighs. "I'd spend most of the winder cuddling and keeping ya warm," She says as she looks at the woman.
Poison Ivy has posed:\<br\>Pamela smiles and this time it /is/ sad, "Well, I had some extra blankets, so... I made due. But I've missed you too." Her eyes narrow slightly at that reaction, that tugging on the coat. "And to be fair, we've always been kind of messy, Harls... not as... bad for you as your ex was... you're not back with him, right? He didn't buy you the jacket as some fucked up gift? ...I mean, not that I can see Joker /buying/ a jacket..."
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn Laughs, almost a cackle " No, I'm not going back to Mr J " She looks back to her her own eyes full of emotions and sadness " Not after you," she says softly. She can't help it she reaches out and takes your hand her soft, warm little hand in yours. As she steps forward " I'm with another guy, actually he got me it for Christmas " She says, "But ya know, kinda hooked up with the enemy .. it's very me " .
Poison Ivy has posed:\<br\>Pamela's eyebrows perk up, fingers squeezing in that grip, lips quirking. Those sad eyes blaze just a little brighter... a little /playful/ as she murmurs dryly, "Oh! The enemy, hm? ...The older Robin with the butt? The... angry one? The nerd? Well, I suppose it's better than trying one of those godawful dating apps." She quirks an eyebrow and hums out, "Well, I guess... as long as he's treating you right, that's good."
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn Sighs " no, not him, that was a self-hate fuck and you know it, " She smirks " I hooked up with batman " She Looks down " But you know me Iv.. " she sighs " i'm greedy. I kinda miss you and want you back. But I like being with bats " She rubs her cheek ' Crazy, right? " .
Poison Ivy has posed:\<br\>Poison Ivy her eyes widen, and her mouth falls open, and for a moment, Pamela's /skin/ changes hue. Who knew she could go pale when she was rocking her more natural green look? But some things are shocking. "I... what? Really? Like... you're /sure/ it's him? Those costume shops sell pretty good knockoffs nowadays... have you been in _the car_? The car would probably be the easiest way to confirm it's him..." She laughs softly and sighs, "Harley, even TV shows have people in poly relationships now. It's not crazy at all. It's barely even scandalous."
Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn her face lights up like the sun lights up.. she gives a huge hug and then well a kiss right on the lips before she beams, " Yay.. so that means I should get the blankets ready for snuggles " She giggles and is sooo happy before she finally registers what ivy said " Oh yeah ..I'm with him " she says " What can I say I have a type " . She looks right at ivy " I like dangerous " .