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(Superman and Supergirl discuss the future of Titans and Justice League. Kara and Clark share an emotional moment.)
(No difference)

Revision as of 22:03, 10 April 2023

A Titan(ic) series of events
Date of Scene: 21 March 2023
Location: Roof, Titans Tower
Synopsis: Superman and Supergirl discuss the future of Titans and Justice League. Kara and Clark share an emotional moment.
Cast of Characters: Supergirl, Superman

Supergirl has posed:\<br\>Kara is on the roof of the Tower, staring up at the stars with a distracted smile on her face and a twinkle in her blue eyes. She's out of costume, wearing a t-shirt and yoga pants with her hair tied back in a ponytail. There's no need for her to wear her glasses here, since most everyone on the team knows her identity anyways. \<br\>\<br\>It's been a long couple days, all things considered. Though her mood has been lifted from what it was after the incident in Time Square, she still has some turmoil brewing behind her otherwise pleasant expression.
Superman has posed:\<br\> A sound cuts through the air. It has a lot of comparable sounds. A small yet fast aircraft, a state of the art missile, drone worthy of S.H.I.E.L.D. and more. However, Kara would recognize the sound. It's a person in flight. She would recognize the sound. \<br\>\<br\> The sound softens and the object slows. Superman looks down at Titans Tower before he starts to float downward. Landing softly on the roof, Superman stands there. It's a little awkward. Supergirl is one of the heroes where it's hard for him to address by codenmae. So many times he wants to call her, "Kara." Well, now Kara is standing on Titans Tower instead of Supergirl. "Hi," he says confidently and not trying to sound awkward. Basically, using his cofndience to fake it until he makes it. Sadly, Supergirl can see through it. They -are- family afterall.
Supergirl has posed:\<br\>Oh, Kara is very familiar with the sound of a person in flight, but even more familiar with it when it's Clark. She peers up at the sky where his tragectory stops and smiles brightly at her cousin hovering above the tower. Following him as he lowers down on the roof, she turns to face him. \<br\>\<br\>Then crosses the short distance to give him a hug. He may be Superman to the world. The most powerful man alive, but to her, he'll always be Kal El. Her baby cousin. Who is much bigger, and slightly older, than she is now. With her hands on his arms, she looks up at him with the usual bright smile slipping to something a little more neutral. \<br\>\<br\>"What's wrong?"
Superman has posed:\<br\> "Nothing. I wanted to speak to you as leader of the Titans," Superman says after the hug. Yes, they are family. However, he's there as Superman. So, the line blurs and he will cross back and forth. It's a special title few hold. Maybe even just one person. \<br\>\<br\> "I talked to Robin on the matter, but I need to talk to youa bout it, too." Sky blue eyes look at Kara and then he looks over the horizon. "I've been going around speaking to heroes. One thing is becoming apparent. I'm going to find heroes that have potential, but need help. Just some process to help train them," he pauses for a moment to let Kara digest this information. \<br\>\<br\> Superman will continue after he recognizes some form of comprehension from Kara, "I'm talking to these heroes because the League is coming together again. We're assessing ourselves and this includes looking at new members. I'm realizing th world may need more. I think it could cause the creation of something new, or joint, between the teams," Superman says spitballing a little. His sky blue eyes look toward her own. \<br\>\<br\> "The Titans are more than world may give it credit for. I don't want to tell the Titans what to do with new heroes, but it doesn't change there will be a gap. And it's a gap I think both of our groups can help," he takes a sigh. There are a lot of ideas bouncing around in his head. \<br\>\<br\> "The only question is: How?"
Supergirl has posed:\<br\>The difference is understood. \<br\>\<br\>Kare steps back from Clark after the embrace and... in a blur.. makes it easier for him when she's suddenly in her Supergirl costume. Arms laid across her chest, listening to what the Man of Steel has to say. There's no teasing glint in her eye because she can tell it's important. Then, once he's finished, she nods. \<br\>\<br\>"I think you're probably right. A lot of us in the Titans are also members of the Justice League... and there are a great many heroes who fall through the cracks. Either because we're not paying enough attention or because they're not trying to get it." Her lips press together, eyes shifting down slightly in thought. \<br\>\<br\>"Perhaps link the two groups together? A sort of... uh... probationary training period through the Titans until someone is ready to move up into the Justice League?" She, like her cousin, is spit balling ideas. \<br\>\<br\>"What did Robin think?"
Superman has posed:\<br\> "That's possible. I don't want to imply the Titans is the Junior League or something lesser. I -do not- believe that," Superman speaks firmly on this one. It's not because Supergirl is the leader. It's not because of their various members. It's what they've done. How far they've come. \<br\>\<br\> "A program like that could work. Maybe a new team? I don't know," Superman is happy that Supergirl sees things similarly. A nod comes to him for a moment. \<br\>\<br\> "I think Robin would be an ideal trainer. He sees a similar need, but wanted to defer to you." Sky blue eyes stay on his cousin, "He trained under one of the best Leaguers in the world, but still strikes out on his own. These heroes will be surrounded by a -lot- of heroes. It's going to create a sense of stage fright, or even resentment, like they're forever in our collective shadows," he is just giving his view on the matter. \<br\>\<br\> "You would be similarly suited, but I didn't train you like Batman trained him," and that's more of a dig on himself than anyone else. Superman can be a trainer, but Superman prepares family. Batman prepares soldiers. Despite their family dynamic, the world would be in a lot of trouble if the entire Bat-Family went rogue.
Supergirl has posed:\<br\>"Oh, no I never thought you were implying that. Neither was I..." Supergirl says, shaking her head at the notion the Titans are somehow less than the Justice League. Though she does seem to follow what Kal is saying now that more details are starting to come together. "Ahhh.. I see." She nods as such, too. \<br\>\<br\>With her arms remaining across her chest, she considers her cousin. "So a group specifically dedicated to training new heroes, with elements from the Titans and the Justice League. One whose singular design /was/ the training of tomorrows Titans and Justice League." That does make a lot of sense. Grinning slightly at Robin defering to her, however. \<br\>\<br\>"He's a valued member of the team.. He has to know that I trust him explicitly. But I think we're of a similar mind... all three of us. There's a void, a gap as you said, and we can do something to close it."
Superman has posed:\<br\> "I still need to talk to Wonder Woman," Superman nearly says "Diana." However, he does manage to correct himself before the word leaves his lips. "I think you and him might need to talk," Superman is trying to be open about that. It's just to get them back on the same page. \<br\>\<br\> "What are your plans for Titans?" he asks Supergirl as they're talking team member to tam member to their respective teams. He looks toward sky looking over the stars. It's still a formal talk, but maybe not -as- formal from a few moments ago.
Supergirl has posed:\<br\>"I've been gone for months." Kara admits of her plans for the Titans, "While Robin has been here leading them in my absence. I may give him the official leadership position.. He deserves it as much as I do." That's not even a knock at herself. She certainly doesn't seem upset, at any rate. \<br\>\<br\>More thought of and aware of things. \<br\>\<br\>A realization of how her actions have effect. "I can't just take off to space for half a year and expect the world to stop moving, can I?" A grin flickers onto her face, then settles into something more formal. \<br\>\<br\>"That said.. I would like to bring us back together as a team. Beast Boy has come back... Power Girl. Robin. Our roster is filling back out. Now we need to establish a direction.. and I think your idea might be a good start."
Superman has posed:\<br\> "Believe me, I understand," Superman admits. Those blue eyes focused on the stars, "Wonder and I believe the League is better lead by a small group of people on the team. Not an individual leader. Gives more felxibility, consensus and others can still guide the team if one is absent," Superman shakes his head a little bit. \<br\>\<br\> "I was gone for a while. Trying to find myself. While you were off in space. I disappeared into the world. I needed to remind myself -why- I was doing this," he looks down at his hands. Both of them open. "I remember when I -wasn't- myself. I did things I'm still not proud of. I needed to make sure that -never- happens again. So, I went across the country. Not as Superman. Not as anyone else that might be around. I called myself Jordan Elliot. Drifted between a lot of places," he admits. Information he hasn't really shared with anyone. \<br\>\<br\> "Pittsburgh, Detroit and surrounding suburbs, Danville Ohio, Rushmark Indiana, Bardstown Kentucky and more," he looks at his cousin. She can see it -really- bothered him. The time Superman was no longer Superman. When became something Darker and Twisted. "I wouldn't have stayed gone if the world needed me, but I needed the world," and he knows that Supergirl can be trusted with this info.
Supergirl has posed:\<br\>Kara's expression doesn't sour, but she clearly appears saddened by what Clark is explaining. Though not overtly directed at him, her heart hurts that he had to go through this crisis of concious. With a tight expression, she steps over and places her hands in his. At the moment he looks down at them, with them open, he finds her smaller hands laid in his with a reassuring squeeze to let him know that she's there. Not Supergirl the leader of the Titans, but Kara Zor El, his cousin. \<br\>\<br\>"I understand." In so much as she can understand something he's feeling with no context as to why. "I.." She sighs and looks down as well. Shaking her head, "I almost hurt someone in a fit of anger. Livewire. She's deranged.. and she was hurting people. I almost unleashed all of my force on her because she made me angry." \<br\>\<br\>She's always so controlled, especially of her anger. \<br\>\<br\>"I spent so much time away and.. I did it for the right reason. I know that I did... but I feel like I failed you because I was sent here to help.. I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you, Kal." She glances up at him then, mist on her blue eyes. "I should have been here for you."
Superman has posed:\<br\> Superman is quiet, and he squeezes her hand back. "That's the problem with us. We're human, too," and Superman doesn't mean that in a literal way. Howeve, he trusts Supergirl to understand his meaning. If not, she might be able to figure out because he keeps talking. \<br\>\<br\> "We still feel things. Love, Anger, Hatred, Triumph, Sadness and everything in between. We're not immune, but we can feel that pressure. The pressure of wanting to be normal, but living in a world of cardboard. We might slip, but it's catching ourselves before we go -too- far. It's doing what we need to do to make sure that -never- happens again," Superman speaks softly. A hand will stroke his cousin's face, "You will never fail me. And no matter how far you slip. I will try to make sure you come back," he tries to encourage Supergirl. Does it give her a freepass? No. It just means he will try to help Kara redeem herself. \<br\>\<br\> "And you didn't fail me by not being here. It was a journey I needed to make alone. I could have used a visit, sure. You didn't fail me by not being there. You were looking for our people," he gives her a serious look. "I would never fault you for that. You would never look for our people on a simple whim or a lead without some crediblity," this is him putting his faith in his cousin. He knows her enough to trust those choices.
Supergirl has posed:\<br\>These are things Kara feels intimately in herself and she absolutely understands what Clark is trying to say. They're not human... but what they feel, the emotions and fears, are. Amplified because the one time they get mad at something, it can destroy. They have to walk so close to the sun and try not to get burned. \<br\>\<br\>It's impossible for someone who doesn't exist on that razors edge to understand. Kara absolutely does... She smiles up at him, the mist in her eyes fogging into the light hint of tears unshed. "I still wish I'd been here for you." She pulls at his arms and steps forward to wrap her arms around his waist. \<br\>\<br\>He was trying to be formal, but this is personal. \<br\>\<br\>"I'm glad you were able to do what you needed, but I stand by what I said. I'll never not be there for you.. as much as I know you'll always be there for me." She tilts her head back and looks up at him, wiping her eyes on her shoulder incase one of those tears threatens to fall. "Next time we just go looking for our people, togethr." Impractical, leaving the world with no Kryptonians. But her heart is in the right place.