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(Kimberly drops by to see Tommy.)
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Revision as of 22:05, 10 April 2023

A quiet night in
Date of Scene: 16 March 2023
Location: Tommy Oliver's Apartment
Synopsis: Kimberly drops by to see Tommy.
Cast of Characters: Green Ranger, Pink Ranger

Green Ranger has posed:\<br\>Tommy had overdone it at training. He wasn't exactly sure, but he might have hurt his right knee. He wasn't sure what it was, just that it had been aching. So he was relaxing, resting up, currently seated on the couch, having his phone in his pocket, and some documentary about Mel Brooks on the television. He had a protein shake, with a straw, on the side table. Rubbing at his knee, which was up on the couch, while his other leg was hanging over, foot touching the floor. It had the unintended side effect of him spreading his legs in an ungentlemanly fashion, but that's what you had to do when recovering.
Pink Ranger has posed:\<br\> Kim had had a pretty decent time herself. Training, exercise...and she'd even been able to help with stopping a mugger who'd been greatly underprepared to deal with a ranger turning up. What was she up to? Well...the sudden knock at the door to announce herself suggested that Tommy was about to get a visitor.
Green Ranger has posed:\<br\>"Come in, it's open," Tommy shouted, hoping that his voice would carry through the door. If he was going to rest his knee, he didn't want to get up just to answer the door. Hopefully whoever it was, would a be a good person. At least they knocked. And, if it proved to be an attacker, well, rest or not rest, the Green Ranger would find a way to defend his home.
Pink Ranger has posed:\<br\> Thankfully, it's not an attacker tonight! Instead Kim arrives, jeans and bright pick top annoucning her as she enters with her hair down and a smile on her lips. "Hey! I'm making us dinner tonight," she offers, no option given for refusal while she moves along to settle in the kitchen, but not before leaning down to plant a kiss on his cheek.
Green Ranger has posed:\<br\>He mock protested her statement that she was making them dinner, but it was all sorted by a kiss, even to his cheek. He'd have preferred one on his lips, but any contact was appreciated. He took her hand in his, awkward, as he helped her right hand in his own right hand, but the gesture was just as sentimental. "So... what are we having, Kim?" He asked, wondering if she had smuggled in a bag, or was going to raid his fridge, freezer, and pantry for ingredients. He was after all, a college student. That didn't exactly offer the healthiest of selections. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his phone, "or I could cook? I'm great at touch tone cuisine."
Pink Ranger has posed:\<br\> A bag was wrapped in her arms, clearly she'd brought things along to cook. "Pasta," she offers lightly making her way to the kitchen and grinning as he made the offer. "A little bit of carbs isn't a bad thing. You can help me if you want. Cook the pasta and I'll do the sauce? We'll do pie or something for dessert afterwards?"
Green Ranger has posed:\<br\>Getting up from the couch, Tommy didn't do it in one fluid motion. He had to push himself up from the couch, one arm on the side arm rest, the other on the couch cushion. But once he got up, and after about two or three wobbled steps, he seemed to get his stride again. He was wincing, but he was doing it, "sure, I can boil water." And he headed over to the kitchen, to grab something to boil the water in. That took a long time, though the pasta sauce really should have been cooked for at least an hour to let the flavor sit in. What could they possibly do whilst waiting for that?
Pink Ranger has posed:\<br\> "Sore?" she questions softly, tilting her head to the side with a teasing grin. "You decide to push yourself to crazy heights again or was there a sudden monster attack you didn't feel like sharing?" \<br\>\<br\> She keeps moving, setting out to begin gathering her ingredients up, she starts to begin her prep-work while glancing over her shoulder. "Good thing I'm here to spoil you, huh?"
Green Ranger has posed:\<br\>"Only a lot, but I'm trying not to complain," he answered back, sensing the mixture of concern and teasing. "Actually, I think it was repetition. Just, one too many kicks. This sort of thing happens." She knew he was in great shape. But even athletes can get hurt from wear and tear on their joints.\<br\>\<br\>He did his part. It involved taking a pot, filling it with water, putting a lid on it, and waiting to turn the heat on. He put it on a medium high heat, not enough to make it boil, but enough to get it close enough that it wouldn't take long once they were ready. "Well, when the sauce is further along, we can raise the temperature, and pop the pasta in." Then, he moved over to her, slipping his arms around her waist as she chopped, "I love the way you spoil me, Kim."
Pink Ranger has posed:\<br\> A little shift, she moves with that empowered speed and grace that apparently translated to deft movement with the knife to cut up and prepare the ingredients before she fills out the pot for the sauce and turns to face him, wrapping his arms around his waist and leaning up to kiss his cheek with a grin. "I mean...maybe you might make it up to me?."