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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2022/11/23 |Location=New Hope Shelter, East Harlem |Synopsis=Freezer troubles puts the New Hope Shelter Thanksgiving Dinner at risk. Power Girl swoops in for the rescue and catches vague hints to some background drama between the volunteers |Cast of Characters=9039, 32 |Tinyplot=Fortunate Son |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:9039|Nick Drago (9039)}} has posed:'''<br>'Twas the night before Thanksgiving, when all through the shelter<br>N...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 05:36, 15 April 2023

Twas The Night Before Thanksgiving
Date of Scene: 23 November 2022
Location: New Hope Shelter, East Harlem
Synopsis: Freezer troubles puts the New Hope Shelter Thanksgiving Dinner at risk. Power Girl swoops in for the rescue and catches vague hints to some background drama between the volunteers
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Power Girl
Tinyplot: Fortunate Son

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
'Twas the night before Thanksgiving, when all through the shelter
Not a resident was -

Beep! Beep!

Uh- Not a resident was st-

"Okay truck's here!"

Not a resi


Oh forget it. It's the night before Thanksgiving and a lot of plans have been borked. There was an issue with one of the freezers in the kitchen which led to a lot of stuff getting thrown out. So this led to an emergency gathering of some volunteers spending some abnormal hours at the shelter getting a shipment of food of a similar type to be brought in.

Things are quite hectic.

Right now a delivery truck is backing in to the loading zone for the shelter. The rolling door that provides easy access is open and there's a cluster of persons gathered near the open door to watch the truck coming in.

Nick Drago is not a day in/day out type of volunteer. But in the time of abnormal events which has at times led to him being in hiding, it seems somewhat appropriate that his less than traditional volunteering day would be this. He is one of the number, dressed down and in attire that could easily get him confused with one of the residents.

It seems he hasn't learned his lesson from the last time that happened.
Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl Is here after all it's her Truck! she's the one that heard the food went bad so as a billionaire of course she ordered a new truck fulll of food what's more she made sure all the bad food went to a well-known compost area and wasn't wasted .

     Buuuuut of course she got into a bit of a schuffle on the way here and isn't wearing super outfits so now she has holes in her top and pants making her crumble about who robs places on turkey day.

     She looks over and beams a smile at the Volunteers as she unlocks and opens the back of the giant Truck yep she was driving!
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
After the truck comes to a full and complete stop, the volunteers move closer. Nick and a couple others roll out carts to make the process a bit easier. As the truck door rolls up, Nick gives a nod of thanks to the woman in the torn clothes.

"Thanks." Nick's nod is halted as he gives a concerned look to the attire. "Are you okay?" Was there a battle over the last of the turkeys? Some people get crazy over the holidays.
Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl Looks down, making sure she's still decent. A little underboob is okay " Yeah .. The turkey's no oh this yeah, sorry " She thinks fast, comming up with a good excuse " The stuff they used to remove the feathers it's safe but eats clothes. Some of it got me .. I wasn't careful loading " She shrugs before she moves to go help . Playing the part of your average helper!

     Though she eye's the young man as if scanning him checking before she continues along of course you don't know you just xray peeped
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick gives a slow nod to the explanation being given. He's not really big on poultry distribution so he wouldn't know to question the excuse. "Oh okay." As Power Girl looks over Nick, there doesn't appear to be much out of whack with the guy. He's not carrying any weapons on his person. And save for the cash in his pocket and the empty wallet in the other, there's not much else under the exterior layer of clothes. He's definitely got long hair twisted and tucked under the knit cap but the hat is doing its job of keeping the hair out of the way.

Stopping to lock the wheels on the cart, Nick steps into the truck to start passing boxes over to one of the volunteers remaining on the dock, allowing for them to position the handed off boxes while he goes deeper into the trailer. "I guess be more careful next time."

The musician gives a curious look as he brings over another box. "...How does it remove the feathers?"
Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl Another advantage for her is she grabs the boxes and hands them off! She's smart so she looks over " Since the flesh is dead it gets tight. The chems make that loosen so it's easier for the machines to pull it off " she shrugs " I dunno all the science but that's what was explained to me " . She beams a bright smile, while smart, she's not without faults like forgetting that these are boxes full of turkeys BIG Turkeys and handing full boxs to other people like they weigh nothing is a mistake!
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick is a bit slower with his box than Power Girl is. He assumed the turkeys were of varying sizes so that a lighter one got picked up was a possibility. However when the volunteer the box is handed to grunts and visibly drops from the surprise weight, Nick blinks to Power Girl, cracking a smile. "Lifter?"

The box he hands off is handled a bit easier as the volunteer could determine ahead of time that there was some weight to it. Nick turns back to grab the next box.
Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl Blinks and has that Shit look on her face before she laughs it off " Sorta I do alot of deliveries " She slaps her arm a little of course, it makes the girls wobble badly but she walks back. While she's clearly very fit she's got curves that make most men not notice her powerful build, most times, thats an advantage.

     She rubs the back of her neck and goes back now, making sure to keep an eye on the weight of the items and making sure to go slower as if she learned to be more carful. "So what brings you to help out? "
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Another reasonable explanation given, another nod given. "Ah. Yeah, the repetition would probably help. I prefer climbing over weights." He carries the box over, "Although...I still do some." Yet another box is deposited and he goes deeper into the trailer.

Power Girl's question gives Nick pause. "...Because I can." Nick finally offers up, "Normally I'd be cooking on the actual day but things have gotten-." Wait- too much information. "Well, they needed help getting back on track and I was able to come today so- I did." Somewhat answering the question he looks over to Power Girl, "Thanks for getting the food in. The menu for tomorrow's pretty big but it wouldn't be the same without the Turkey and other perishables."
Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl rins and beams As she continues to help " My pleasure, I'm just the driver " She says brightly. Though one of the other people who's counting, " Who ever your driving for, thank you. This is like 3 times more than we needed we are gonna be able to help so many more people with all this, We just needed some items, but this this is everything " . They sayd shocked. There is turkey stuffing .. potatoes and all this other stuff hell she's hoping nobody will notice that they are pulling out more stuff than the truck should be able to hold since it's such a big truck . She beams " I Hope I can help cook my moms gravy is legend "
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The mention of the other items does draw the musician's attention to the other contents. He had been more focused on unloading than reading all the labels. "I'm not entirely privy to what got saved but based from what was said, it looks like they might have enough for more than one meal period."

Power Girl's mention of helping cooking gets a smile, "Well, after we get this truck unloaded, we can probably check with the organizer. I doubt he'd turn you down."

"Especially since we're short one." Another volunteer speaks up, looking right at Nick as he states that, almost accusingly.

Nick gives a bit of a grimace.
Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl Smiles brightly and beams as she continues to help unload and nods " Sure that sounds fantastic I just wanna help and all " . She then looks over at nick with that what are they talking about? Look on her face?
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick gives the other volunteer a look that is less than grateful about the commentary. Getting the sense that he's being looked at, pale eyes shift, looking over to Power Girl. "Uh, I used to be part of the group that would cook for the Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners but I had to switch to less busy nights."

Nick looks back over to the other guy for a moment before he looks over to Power Girl. "Just your usual scheduling conflict. Nothing to worry about." He lies.
Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl Blinks she can tell he's lying after all she can smell it as well as hear it in his pulse and see it with her super vision eye' watching those micro ticks people can control.. Trying to lie to a kryptonian is very hard she sniffs and says nothing but she continues to help out " So after you help with this you just gonna leave or stay and eat? "
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick shakes his head. "No, once the truck's unloaded, I'll try and get as much prep in as I can but I got to head out before cooking time actually starts." There's a glance to the artificial light polluted night sky as they reach the doorway of the trailer, passing another box over to a recently unloaded and returned cart. The second cart is rolled away, steered by the disapproving volunteer from earlier.

Nick shrugs, "I wish I could but, sometimes you just have to make do with what you can get. You know?" Unlike before, this seems like a more honest assessment.
Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl Blinks and cocks her head and frowns " Come one I'm sure they'll let you try again " Seh beams brightly " If you can prep I'm sure you can do other stuff " She smiles " I mean it's a kitchen always something to clean or cut " she tries to bring out the bright side " At least stick around to have some of the grub that's hte point " She laughs with that bright smile
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"In a heartbeat." The remaining volunteer on the dock adds in to Power Girl's assessment.

The assurance from two sources doesn't quite have the desired effect one would think. Nick looks between the two of them and sighs, shaking his head before moving back into the trailer to grab another box.

"not that simple." Nick lowly murmurs to himself. He grabs a sack of potatoes this time, lugging it towards the doorway. Catching a glimpse of the other volunteer, he frowns, seeming compelled to make a response "I can't. But- Maybe next year will be different. A lot can happen in a year."
Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl Blinks " Come on what happened.. It can't be that bad? " She cocks her head " Hows this I have some power with the powers that be and it's thanks giving.. tell me and if it's not that bad I know I can get it forgiven so you can help out " she beams that ever hopeful smile

Nick Drago has posed:
'Twas the night before Thanksgiving, when all through the shelter Not a resident was -

Beep! Beep!

Uh- Not a resident was st-

"Okay truck's here!"

Not a resi


Oh forget it. It's the night before Thanksgiving and a lot of plans have been borked. There was an issue with one of the freezers in the kitchen which led to a lot of stuff getting thrown out. So this led to an emergency gathering of some volunteers spending some abnormal hours at the shelter getting a shipment of food of a similar type to be brought in.

Things are quite hectic.

Right now a delivery truck is backing in to the loading zone for the shelter. The rolling door that provides easy access is open and there's a cluster of persons gathered near the open door to watch the truck coming in.

Nick Drago is not a day in/day out type of volunteer. But in the time of abnormal events which has at times led to him being in hiding, it seems somewhat appropriate that his less than traditional volunteering day would be this. He is one of the number, dressed down and in attire that could easily get him confused with one of the residents.

It seems he hasn't learned his lesson from the last time that happened.

Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl Is here after all it's her Truck! she's the one that heard the food went bad so as a billionaire of course she ordered a new truck fulll of food what's more she made sure all the bad food went to a well-known compost area and wasn't wasted .

Buuuuut of course she got into a bit of a schuffle on the way here and isn't wearing super outfits so now she has holes in her top and pants making her crumble about who robs places on turkey day.

She looks over and beams a smile at the Volunteers as she unlocks and opens the back of the giant Truck yep she was driving!

Nick Drago has posed:
After the truck comes to a full and complete stop, the volunteers move closer. Nick and a couple others roll out carts to make the process a bit easier. As the truck door rolls up, Nick gives a nod of thanks to the woman in the torn clothes.

"Thanks." Nick's nod is halted as he gives a concerned look to the attire. "Are you okay?" Was there a battle over the last of the turkeys? Some people get crazy over the holidays.

Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl Looks down, making sure she's still decent. A little underboob is okay " Yeah .. The turkey's no oh this yeah, sorry " She thinks fast, comming up with a good excuse " The stuff they used to remove the feathers it's safe but eats clothes. Some of it got me .. I wasn't careful loading " She shrugs before she moves to go help . Playing the part of your average helper!

Though she eye's the young man as if scanning him checking before she continues along of course you don't know you just xray peeped

Nick Drago has posed:
Nick gives a slow nod to the explanation being given. He's not really big on poultry distribution so he wouldn't know to question the excuse. "Oh okay." As Power Girl looks over Nick, there doesn't appear to be much out of whack with the guy. He's not carrying any weapons on his person. And save for the cash in his pocket and the empty wallet in the other, there's not much else under the exterior layer of clothes. He's definitely got long hair twisted and tucked under the knit cap but the hat is doing its job of keeping the hair out of the way.

Stopping to lock the wheels on the cart, Nick steps into the truck to start passing boxes over to one of the volunteers remaining on the dock, allowing for them to position the handed off boxes while he goes deeper into the trailer. "I guess be more careful next time."

The musician gives a curious look as he brings over another box. "...How does it remove the feathers?"

Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl Another advantage for her is she grabs the boxes and hands them off! She's smart so she looks over " Since the flesh is dead it gets tight. The chems make that loosen so it's easier for the machines to pull it off " she shrugs " I dunno all the science but that's what was explained to me " . She beams a bright smile, while smart, she's not without faults like forgetting that these are boxes full of turkeys BIG Turkeys and handing full boxs to other people like they weigh nothing is a mistake!

Nick Drago has posed:
Nick is a bit slower with his box than Power Girl is. He assumed the turkeys were of varying sizes so that a lighter one got picked up was a possibility. However when the volunteer the box is handed to grunts and visibly drops from the surprise weight, Nick blinks to Power Girl, cracking a smile. "Lifter?"

The box he hands off is handled a bit easier as the volunteer could determine ahead of time that there was some weight to it. Nick turns back to grab the next box.

Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl Blinks and has that Shit look on her face before she laughs it off " Sorta I do alot of deliveries " She slaps her arm a little of course, it makes the girls wobble badly but she walks back. While she's clearly very fit she's got curves that make most men not notice her powerful build, most times, thats an advantage.

She rubs the back of her neck and goes back now, making sure to keep an eye on the weight of the items and making sure to go slower as if she learned to be more carful. "So what brings you to help out? "

Nick Drago has posed:
Another reasonable explanation given, another nod given. "Ah. Yeah, the repetition would probably help. I prefer climbing over weights." He carries the box over, "Although...I still do some." Yet another box is deposited and he goes deeper into the trailer.

Power Girl's question gives Nick pause. "...Because I can." Nick finally offers up, "Normally I'd be cooking on the actual day but things have gotten-." Wait- too much information. "Well, they needed help getting back on track and I was able to come today so- I did." Somewhat answering the question he looks over to Power Girl, "Thanks for getting the food in. The menu for tomorrow's pretty big but it wouldn't be the same without the Turkey and other perishables."

Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl grins and beams As she continues to help " My pleasure, I'm just the driver " She says brightly. Though one of the other people who's counting, " Who ever your driving for, thank you. This is like 3 times more than we needed we are gonna be able to help so many more people with all this, We just needed some items, but this this is everything " . They sayd shocked. There is turkey stuffing .. potatoes and all this other stuff hell she's hoping nobody will notice that they are pulling out more stuff than the truck should be able to hold since it's such a big truck . She beams " I Hope I can help cook my moms gravy is legend "

Nick Drago has posed:
The mention of the other items does draw the musician's attention to the other contents. He had been more focused on unloading than reading all the labels. "I'm not entirely privy to what got saved but based from what was said, it looks like they might have enough for more than one meal period."

Power Girl's mention of helping cooking gets a smile, "Well, after we get this truck unloaded, we can probably check with the organizer. I doubt he'd turn you down."

"Especially since we're short one." Another volunteer speaks up, looking right at Nick as he states that, almost accusingly.

Nick gives a bit of a grimace.

Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl Smiles brightly and beams as she continues to help unload and nods " Sure that sounds fantastic I just wanna help and all " . She then looks over at nick with that what are they talking about? Look on her face?

Nick Drago has posed:
Nick gives the other volunteer a look that is less than grateful about the commentary. Getting the sense that he's being looked at, pale eyes shift, looking over to Power Girl. "Uh, I used to be part of the group that would cook for the Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners but I had to switch to less busy nights."

Nick looks back over to the other guy for a moment before he looks over to Power Girl. "Just your usual scheduling conflict. Nothing to worry about." He lies.

Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl Blinks she can tell he's lying after all she can smell it as well as hear it in his pulse and see it with her super vision eye' watching those micro ticks people can control.. Trying to lie to a kryptonian is very hard she sniffs and says nothing but she continues to help out " So after you help with this you just gonna leave or stay and eat? "

Nick Drago has posed:
Nick shakes his head. "No, once the truck's unloaded, I'll try and get as much prep in as I can but I got to head out before cooking time actually starts." There's a glance to the artificial light polluted night sky as they reach the doorway of the trailer, passing another box over to a recently unloaded and returned cart. The second cart is rolled away, steered by the disapproving volunteer from earlier.

Nick shrugs, "I wish I could but, sometimes you just have to make do with what you can get. You know?" Unlike before, this seems like a more honest assessment.

Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl Blinks and cocks her head and frowns " Come one I'm sure they'll let you try again " Seh beams brightly " If you can prep I'm sure you can do other stuff " She smiles " I mean it's a kitchen always something to clean or cut " she tries to bring out the bright side " At least stick around to have some of the grub that's hte point " She laughs with that bright smile

Nick Drago has posed:
"In a heartbeat." The remaining volunteer on the dock adds in to Power Girl's assessment.

The assurance from two sources doesn't quite have the desired effect one would think. Nick looks between the two of them and sighs, shaking his head before moving back into the trailer to grab another box.

"not that simple." Nick lowly murmurs to himself. He grabs a sack of potatoes this time, lugging it towards the doorway. Catching a glimpse of the other volunteer, he frowns, seeming compelled to make a response "I can't. But- Maybe next year will be different. A lot can happen in a year."

Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl Blinks " Come on what happened.. It can't be that bad? " She cocks her head " Hows this I have some power with the powers that be and it's thanks giving.. tell me and if it's not that bad I know I can get it forgiven so you can help out " she beams that ever hopeful smile