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Latest revision as of 05:43, 15 April 2023

Creatures of the Night
Date of Scene: 25 October 2022
Location: West Farms, The Bronx
Synopsis: An unlikely crossing of paths in NYC
Cast of Characters: Batman, Elektra, Kit Killovarras, Wonder Woman

Batman has posed:
It was a dark night, even this early, but not stormy, cool and sharp with the kiss of autumn in New York. While the city might be used to heroes, one of the ones out tonight is out of his usual territory. The Batman tends to remain in his native Gotham, when he's not moonlighting with the Justice League. But a criminal known as the Film Freak, a man he's put in Arkham a few times, has come to New York. He intends to re-enact the plot of Taxi Driver, complete with assassination.

Batman has been investigating potential hideouts for his prey, focusing on locations that might appeal to his particular madness. In this case, an abandoned independent film studio, left to rot and occasionally used as a shooting gallery for junkies. He crouches in the dust, examining things, looking for trace...
Elektra has posed:
Elektra had forgotten the thump of her heart. These days she was used to it. In fact, it was a bonus when creeping up on victims.. er.. bad guys. All she had to do was fall silent, and slink back into the shadows, and she was literally invisible.

Which wasn't a bad thing when you were a ninja.

Today she's been here quite some time. Waiting - to no avail. The man that she'd hoped she would find here didn't show. But, this man - Batman - did. He was probably the reason why the man she was here for, didn't come.

Staying in the shadows, she remarked "Are you always so noisy?"
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne doesn't bother to look up at first, finishing the thought Elektra had interrupted, and then answers her in his own due time. "Are you always so critical?" he asks.

He stands, his cape hanging easily on his shoulders and giving him his trademark silhouette, turning his raptor's gaze towards the shadows where Elektra dwells. "Care to show yourself? Or do you prefer to play the part of mystery guest? It's okay if you do. I get it."
Elektra has posed:
Now Elektra slides out of the shadows, giving a low laugh. "Perhaps? Depends how bored I am. But you were making an awful lot of noise. I /was/ going to meet up with someone, until you showed up."

And by meet up, she meant creep up on.

"Who were you after?"
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne knows she's needling him and he chooses not to take the bait. Once upon a time, he'd have allowed Elektra to get under his skin, but years of experience had taken the edges off the pride and vanity. Not the most heroic of traits.

"Burt Weston. He calls himself the Film Freak. A terrorist and serial killer with a taste for cinematic stunts," he says. "This seemed one of his likely potential hideouts, but I don't see any sign of him," he says. "Who are you?"
Kit Killovarras has posed:
Shady part of town? Check. Dark, spooky night? Check! It's the perfect setting, the perfect sort of place for a particular creature to go skulking around and tonight? Tonight he's a little further from home than normal, but even here he looks almost.. human, in how he moves.

He stands only 5'8" while he's concealing himself and his face - and more importantly, his muzzle - is concealed by the wide hood of his over-sized hoodie and his baggy pants conceal the awkward shape of his legs.

Nothing to see here, nope! Just a local teenager, wandering into the area with footsteps that are near perfectly silent, who can apparently hear the conversation from around a corner and... through a wall or two.

The conversation has his attention from outside and the yeen just gives a little shrug and decides to make his existence someone else's problem.. Or at very least, try to poke his nose into something that might be fun.
Elektra has posed:
A brow quirked upwards. "Now you have hurt my feelings."

Elektra is not nursing hurt feelings. But she does have some old responses. Like petulance. "You really have forgotten me? Tsk, tsk. In theory, I guess I'm BlackSky. Though my friends call me Elektra."

Both of those names carry some weight.

"Are you expecting others?" She nods towards Kit.
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne nods calmly, "Yes, I remember," He says. "You once belonged to The Hand. I haven't had many dealings with them, but what I know of them isn't good. A rival of Ra's Al-Ghul's League of Shadows and a persistent cult going back centuries," he says.

"To my understanding, you broke free of their programming. Good for you," he says.

"I'm not expecting anyone. And I don't need any help. You can go now."
Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince has been busy with the Affairs of State for Themyscira. Countless meetings, appointments, and sessions at the UN have kept her away from all but her obligated duties with the Justice League. It came as an unexpected surprise when she was alerted that Batman was in the area. It made her stop writing the formal rebuke letter against Quarac's delegation for proposing policies that would return social progression back to the Stone Age.

She studied her phone. With a few taps, she was able to determine the area where Batman was. But why?

Rising she stode out of her office. "Ellen, please hold all my calls and meetings. I've an errand I must run. Please reschedule or postpone where you are able. Thank you."

She stepped out onto a balcony of the Themysciran Embassy and quickly rose into the night sky, the city lights glinting off her bracers and tiara.

_I'm not expecting anyone. And I don't need any help. You can go now._

Batman's words fell on the Amazon's ears and she frowned. She had made no noise but for the softness of her breathing and heart beat as she hovered above the duo exchanging terse remarks.

Her voice is calm but curious. "You are not alone in that sentiment, Batman. Imagine my surprise to be notified that you were in New York City." The unspoken remainder: Why had he not extended the professional courtesy of informing her that he had business here? If she had done the same in Gotham he'd have, of course, been outraged.
Kit Killovarras has posed:
Utter silence, even when he's seen. Yup, for the moment he's just a local teenager who's curious. When the name Ra's Al-Ghul is mentioned though, there's a little chuckle from under the hood as he muses, "Didn't think I'd hear that hacks name tonight.." his shoulders moving ever so slightly with his words.

From somewhere under the shadows of his hood, his eyes can just barely be seen, like two beads of violet light somewhere lost within the shadows that conceal his face. the Bat gets a momentary study. "Then again, never thought I'd meet a bat in this particular part of town either." Well, OK so this person at least has SOME information on who some of these people are, but that's no surprise given the nature of the individual.
Elektra has posed:
"Tsk, tsk, tsk. I should just go away for that." Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on who you are) Elektra stayed. For now.

"So you can race off my lineage. Not bad. I've been following clues that have led me back to the New York area. And it would seem, you were away as well." She looks at Diana. "Most certainly not a date, are you?"
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne regards Diana with his usual stoic expression. If he's amused by anything, it certainly doesn't show. Bruce Wayne may have the luxury of a variation in moods, but the Batman has an image to maintain. One that he enforces through fear.

"An unexpected visit," he says to Diana. "Following a rat to its hole. While he may be here now, he left bodies on Gotham and I'm putting him back in Arkham, one way or another," he says. To the young mutant, he regards him coolly. "I won't be staying long."
Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince listens to Batman's explanation. Justification. "Then we shall find your rat and see that you are able to extricate him from the city. We have enough difficulties without importing those of other cities." She means Gotham and its particularly dark and cruel sorts of criminals. Probably.

Looking around, nodding to Elektra and then curiously eyeing Kit, she looks to Batman, "It would seem you have a search party, ready made. How should you like us to assist. Because it seems clear that no one is leaving no matter how Batman might prefer it.
Elektra has posed:
Still looking at Diana, "Wonder Woman, I do presume? Is he.." Batman. "..so snarly all the time? I would assume you two are friends. Or at least comrades."

"Don't worry, I won't take up your time, Batman. I'm certain my mark is long gone by now. What with this.." Elektra waggles her hand. "..coffee-klatch meeting here." Though Diana has different ideas.

Kit earns himself a second glance. "Indeed?"
Kit Killovarras has posed:
Kit just chuckles a little as he studies the people assembled, then gives a little shrug at Diana's comment and muses, "Nah, I understand wanting to hunt alone." with a little shrug, then finally lets his head rise, revealing a glimpse of his muzzle as he adds, "Might want to find whoever it is pretty quickly though.." with a slight wiggle of his nose. "Smells like someone built a bomb in here.."

How he knows what that process would smell like? Well, that's a story for another time it seems. "I'll keep an eye out for anyone being stupid where people think they can't be seen.. Other than that? good luck taking out the trash."

Electra gets a toothy little smile as the aardwolf shrugs, "I'll tell you more next time we run into each other." then he lets his head tilt back down and starts off, eventually fading from sight into the shadows.
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne is used to being talked about by others. He doesn't do what he does to be liked and doesn't particularly care about the opinions of others. Well. Most others. Diana might be one of the few people he respects enough to give a damn.

At Kit's words, Batman's eyes narrow. "A bomb, you say? There's no bomb in Taxi Driver. Which means that isn't the movie he's doing. Perhaps I've been on the wrong trail all along..." he says. He gives a nod of thanks to the young mutant, as close as he'll get to being nice as he draws out his launcher and fires a cable to the ceiling, "Wonder Woman. We'll catch up soon. As for you," he says to Elektra, "Keep your nose clean," he says, before being dragged up into the shadows and the darkness.
Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince nods to Elektra, "Often he is worse. It's one of his more endearing charms" she remakrs wryly. The glance to Batman contains a hint of amusement in the midst of her displeasure that he has come hunting in New York City unannounced. She is, after all, big on equality. Fair treatment.

A look to Kit has its own curiosity as he remarks about a bomb then disappears into the shadows.

To Batman, she observes, "You are not alone in blending into shadows it seems." Shifting her hovering position toward him she asks, "Shall we find your rat then?" The sooner the better, likely, for the both of them.