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Latest revision as of 08:34, 15 April 2023

Unstoppable: Declaration of War
Date of Scene: 07 December 2022
Location: Midtown, Manhattan
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Shredder, Red Robin, Power Girl

Shredder has posed:
It's been a constant pressure for the last few months since the first terraforming strike fell outside of Westchester. Pollution levels are up globally as some areas are completely uninhabitable now. New York has been spared a direct strike, but it's still recommended that people not spend large amounts of time outside.

&Still, there's not been a clear foe that has presented. SHIELD knows that there are aliens of some sort. Some of their tech has presented as quite intimidating to a world that is populated by super-powered defenders. Whoever it is, they know exactly what they need in order to win, and nobody knows their identity for certain.

Midtown's Christmas traffic is bustling, people in light jackets for the most part with the warm winter. Something though is approaching. An incoming craft, unpowered from out in the Pacific It is like a dumb round, unpowered, flying at supersonic speeds through the air as it heads for New York's populous. Like it was fired from a gun. No, make that two. Make that three.
Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake was out in New York supervising an installation of some air purifiers to try to help keep the city livable. When the reports of the objects came in, he told the guys to take the day off, and get to a shelter. He claimed to be doing the same, but no. He found a place to change, and cursed not having a bat plan or copter nearby heads to the top of one of the tallest sky scrapers.
Power Girl has posed:
Thankfully for the poor people, somebody did spot it.. and somebody has been working on it.. A certain Genius alien who has a whole team that has her name called starr labs.. But right now she's in the air looking down. Her eyes flash " Thor " she shouts, " You get the one of the left " She rockets at high speed towards the other bullet! Even as She Chucks something towards the ocean.. Using a huge blast of water not to stop the 3rd bullet but to slow it down, maybe change its course enough that she and thor can get to it and stop it in time before it hits the city!

No playing around With this titanic girl she extends her arms and applies full power to try and stop the bullet!
Shredder has posed:
As Power Girl gets close, something changes. A hundred feet out from reaching the hurtling craft, her powers disappear. As the water splashes the second, it's trajectory changes, and it causes a dip in its speed considerably. It plunges into the water, creating a wake large enough to shake the smaller vessels as the ripple makes its way toward shore.

The third, however, makes its way past and glances against a smaller apartment complex, ripping the fire escape free as it lands with far less impact than one might anticipate. It tears open the asphalt, cars go flying as the unexpectant traffic is sliced through like butter, and the large bullet shaped vessel scraped to a halt three hundred yards down the road from where it impacted, a gouge visible behind it.
Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake sees the one that is coming in past the he starts to head towards it, but then he spots a friend falling from the sky, and she should not be falling, No the bullet object should be. He fires a grapple and does his best spiderman impression swinging towards the woman, trying to catch her before she hits the ground.
Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl No time to think.. Super speed is a thing. Even as her pops blip off she falls only to recover as the shot blasts past her.. She Acts like her brain is going into overdrive.. Super speed is a thing! She move .. One she grabs anybody that might be in the path or near that shot making sure nobody gets hurt! Flash eat your heat out! .. Two She grabs and Chucks something at the shot, making sure it's heavy enough she uses her brain to calculate the trajectory and well throws it hard enough to knock that bullet up into the air, making it go with all that momentum into the atmosphere hopefully the angle will make it burn up before it can get into space.

But it's a lot of people zipped into the streets without knowing what's going on and a lot of panic! "Get to the people tim! " She shouts as she blasts off at near light speed!
Shredder has posed:
The first bullet, now on the ground, suddenly pops open, unfolding like a mobile base. It doesn't take long to reveal that a mobile base is exactly what it is. The figures inside look like they are made from stone, armed with some form of plasma rifle. How does one know it's plasma? Well, the first thing they do with it is fire it at a police car, which explodes into molten slag. The base forms up around them, barriers and a mounted cannon of some sort coming together as if it was some form of transformer. Ten of them in all.

As for the other, the impact of the truck sends it careening upward. Not straight up, but granting the bullet a new arc. Where will it land? Well, on its current trajectory, probaly somewhere in Pennsylvania.
Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake does head to start getting with the cops, trying to help anyone trapped get out and telling the police to start getting people back, and set up a barrier to keep the normal folk back. He is then heading into the area to get a look at what is going on, frowning when he sees the soldiers and their guns
Power Girl has posed:
Launches something else it can go right up into space.. even as she Zips towards the other bullet this is bad.. She's worried they can turn her powers off but she's gotta go help people.. get people out of the way!