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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/04/21 |Location=Lucifer's Penthouse, Melville |Synopsis=Lucifer is tripping on magical ink, much to Sinister's amusement. Love is made of this. |Cast of Characters=735, 231 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:735|Lucifer (735)}} has posed:'''<br>Lucifer just finished his visit with Askante, having Nick come along with him. There were talks, shiny gifts exchanged, and magical items examined. Well, a little more than examined. He had g...")
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Latest revision as of 09:44, 21 April 2023

Taste the Rainbow
Date of Scene: 21 April 2023
Location: Lucifer's Penthouse, Melville
Synopsis: Lucifer is tripping on magical ink, much to Sinister's amusement. Love is made of this.
Cast of Characters: Lucifer, Sinister

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer just finished his visit with Askante, having Nick come along with him. There were talks, shiny gifts exchanged, and magical items examined. Well, a little more than examined. He had gotten curious about a marshuka doll which carried an inkwell inside it...and for some reason got super 'stoned' off it.

So when Lucifer went to leave, still feeling a bit all wheeee and hearing colors...it was one step, two step and then....he's in the penthouse. Only, he's somehow managed to come in from the ceiling, in the bedroom, and should a Sinister be in bed, Lucifer lands right on top of him with a whole round of giggling.

And a brownish-green pinky finger on his right hand.
Sinister has posed:
Sinister had been lying on the bed being terribly old fashioned in that he was reading a paper. An actual paper, made of recycled trees and all. The NY Times, to be precise, wrinkling his nose up at some means and methods of extrapolating bias in the media. And then, the warning feeling of an impending Lucifer, which normally comes at the RIGHT angle, had him looking to the doors of the room rather than up. THAT happened at the last minute and therefore the falling Angel is caught by telekinesis at the very last second; there's literally only an inch at most between vertical arrival and the gigglefit that's accompanying it. He lets Lucifer drop that last inch without fuss though, catching in the more conventional manner.

"What in the blazes are you giggling about? Wait... are you high? Did you eat a marijuana fairy?"
Lucifer has posed:
"I may be just a teensy bit high...but not from a marijuana fairy. Wait, do those exist?" Lucifer seems to think on this for a moment while slightly curling up on the comfort that is Sinister's form. "I was visiting Askante. Looking over some of it's recent trinkets and additions to it's home. There was a marshuka doll, with an inkwell inside. The inkwell tingled with magic and so..." He holds up his hand with the pinky that has changed from brown-green to a bit more pale green-yellow. "I tasted it!" There's another giggle then, almost maniacal in nature. "I can hear color..."
Sinister has posed:
"You tasted it?" There's a chuckle from Sin with that, then a groan. "Oh, good lord, you and putting things in your mouth, I -swear-..." the pinky finger is eyed though as it's held up. "Well, it looks like you bruised your little finger in a rather sordid way at the moment. You can -hear- colour? Magic that causes synesthesia -- I wonder if that kind of thing would have an effect on illusion or psychoactive mutation."

He adjusts the devil though, mindfully pulling a pillow up so that he might prop better. "It otherwise went well?"

The newspaper is floated aside, examination of the angel's personage ensues. "You sound like a raving maniac, by the by."
Lucifer has posed:
"Quite well. I introduced Nick to Askante as well. Figured it might be a good idea to get him used to some of the other circles I run in. Turns out, small world. Askante was there at the tail end of whatever happened with your friend Rogue and the Juggernaut." Lucifer explains and then smirks. "Just... I don't know how else to describe it. But there are sensations of sound in my head, all in varying degrees. I wonder if this is what going mad feels like."

Then there's a wide grin as bodies are made more comfortable. "Well some would say I /am/ a raving maniac even when I'm not magically indisposed so..."
Sinister has posed:
"Nonsense. You're ferpictly sane. Just ask the pink elephant in the refrigerator, he'll tell you..." Sinister replies in a tone that is terribly serious and a face that matches. In a sotto voce whisper, he notes "...he thinks I can't see him, but he leaves footprints in the butter." Slownod.

That's probably not fair, given the devil's current state of mind, but hey! If your love will insist on taste testing questionable substances, occasionally one must tease.

"How did Nick handle your friend?"
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer grins. "He also eats all the licorice...such a friendly elephant." If Lucifer knows Sinister's fucking with him and just playing along, it's likely hard to tell. He might actually, for the time being, believe there really is an invisible pink elephant in the fridge.

"Swimmingly. I advised him to bring something shiny. He brought a snowglobe, which I thought was lovely. Askante liked it a lot. He didn't seem put off by it either, more just openly accepted it...and I suppose sort of almost related to it because of his work in the dream world."
Sinister has posed:
And there lieth the insanity -- if it's invisible, how do you know it's pink? BECAUSE IT IS.

"Well, that's good. Weird alien looking creatures of your acquaintence should have human beings that they can call friendly." He eases back, makes of his chest a comfortable pillow arrangement and pats it invitingly.

"I didn't do a lot with the evening. I just read, mostly. Some of the news is absolutely ridiculous these days. Ohh and there was blessedly little reporting of the issue with Rogue. I suspect the agent she was with made the news go away."
Lucifer has posed:
"Indeed. In fact, Nick offered to take Askante out for a meal at Fred's Diner. Askante was very happy with this offering." Lucifer says this while shifting to lay his head on Sinister's shoulder. The affects of the magical ink beginning to wane - but not entirely gone just yet.

Might take him the night to recover.

"Apparently the ink is just magical in the sense that it will write in whatever color you wish it to be. It tasted like night time." He offers this and then laughs. "I really ought to be a bit more careful with the things I ingest, hmm?"
Sinister has posed:
"I think it's just a phase you're going through. Like teething -- must know what these mystical things taste like if I suck'm..." Again with the teasing, Sinister grins with a full set of white teeth. He rests his chin upon the top of the dark haired head afterwards, securing his hold with the arm around, laced together with its compatriot.

"And what does night time taste like? In your infinite wisdom, can you describe it?"
Lucifer has posed:
"Like darkness and sin...pleasure and pain at the same time...in a word? Amazing." Lucifer offers and then chuckles, nuzzling his stubbled cheek against Sinister's chest. "Or maybe it's just cotton candy with a flair of vanilla." His face turns thoughtful before his shoulders lift in a shrug.

"I'm glad nothing came of that ordeal in the news. Guy must have friends in places. Apparently his name is Clint or something..." Yes, Luci's mind is all over the place right now.
Sinister has posed:
"Clint Barton. Hawkeye. Works with and sometimes is an Avenger. He's in the news quite often, but usually sideline to the main event -- he isn't what I'd call a limelight hogging narcissist, just a man with a very good aim," Sinister observes this, rubbing lightly at the devil's upper bicep. "But night time sounds tasty and intoxicating, which makes sense given the current circumstances." A pause, gamely following the leapfrogging ADHD celestial down his path of LSD scrambled mental cabling.

"I believe they're affiliated with the agency S.H.I.E.L.D. too, though don't quote me on that. My intelligence these days can sometimes be skewed by my giving a damn."
Lucifer has posed:
"We really do have the most exciting friends and acquaintances. Your pal Rogue is a mutant, right?" Lucifer asks this, lifting a hand to brush through Sinister's hair a bit as a response to the bicep rubbing. "You've claim to have a file with S.H.I.E.L.D., this guy is an Avenger, Nick walks in dream scapes, Doctor Strange and his help. Juggernaut... yes. As I've likely said before...quite the collection..."

Then he sighs, and nestles up a bit more. "Askante may pay a visit here soon as well. I figured it and Hope could use some more bonding time. It also has a...job? But doesn't know the value of money in this economy. Keeps all it's hundred dollar bills in a goldfish cracker tin."
Sinister has posed:
"Well, we do move in global circles. When you want to control the destiny of mankind, you have to. And in the shadows, of course -- although I don't know if I'd label you with that aspiration, you're more about.... watching them make idiots out of themselves and/or finding where you fit in the grand scheme of freelancing independent Celestial being. Right?" Leaning into the scalp stroking, Sin pauses a moment to close his eyes and just enjoy it. Then he presses lips into hairline and pulls back enough to peer protractedly at his love.

"You're a beautiful lunatic, you know that? Of course you do. Your friend is always welcome, I'll just observe from a distance, less I get tempted."
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer nods his head, but doesn't really say much in the moment. Except he was asked a question. "Mmn, yes. Quite." Because Sinister wasn't wrong, obviously, otherwise what point would Lucifer have being on Earth? It would be boring otherwise!

"Maybe I am. But I am /your/ beautiful lunatic. So that must count for something. I appreciate the sentiment, but at some point I would like for you and Askante to at least meet. It always asks if I am mated, and says that I am happy when I am such. I would like for it to meet the one who makes me happy."
Sinister has posed:
Sinister chuckles a little and exhales, a contented kind of sound, albeit. He reaches then, releasing one half of the support around Lucifer, in order that he might cup the devil's cheek and turn his face to look up, admiring the billion-dollar cosmetic surgery perfection that goes into making the devil one of the most attractive beings on the face of the earth. So much poured into one package, the lightbringer is usually just not what people expect. A stroke to the cheekbone, a smoothing beneath the bottom lip with his thumb and he nods. "Alright, although you will have to give me leeway if I get obnoxiously fascinated and give me some kind of signal. Deal?"
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer of course allows his cheek to be cupped, his face turned upwards so he could be admired. There's something different in how a lover admires someone, and a soft smile crosses Lucifer's face. His lover, this man of many faces, of such power in many forms, and Lucifer's lucky enough to have nabbed him. "Mmn. Of course. Though I doubt it will come to that, but if it does we'll nip it. So, deal." He then shifts just enough to push himself up a bit in order to be able to press his forehead to Sinister's own. "I love you."
Sinister has posed:
Sinister's hand translates then, from cheek cupping to full on holding the back of the skull in support at the forehead to forehead touching. The jewel, warm as it is, presses against both their 'third eyes'. "And I you, more than I have adequate words to say. I still have to sit back and think about that from time to time, it doesn't seem real." He nudges nose to nose, then gives a single kiss, before swinging himself up enough to sit beside instead of suppine. "Right. Lets have a look at you. See if there's any signs of physical altered states," -- which for him, involves nothing so much as looking, when he can make his eyesight far, far more acute, at whim. "Pupilary response is good, not overly dilated. Although, I will note that they -are- dilated... there could be other reasons for that." Sly grin.
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer smiles, accepting those words as they are, for they are always ever enough and then some for the Devil to hear. As Sinister wishes to take more of a look at the Devil, yes the eyes are dialated - and likely for more than one reason. Overall, he would seem as...normal as he's ever seemed... "This is kinda like...I think Nick described it as someone being on LSD. But it's a magical LSD and therefore - for some reason - affects me." Then there's the pinky to consider. He holds up his hand and grins, letting Sinister watch as it changes from yellow-green to pink. "I just have to think of the color and it becomes it. Which is kinda cool..."
Sinister has posed:
"Yes, I suppose that it is. In an astute observation if this was anyone BUT you, that's what you'd classically call a 'Spot on the wall' power. Fundamentally useless, except to get out of schoolwork, because your pinky is the colour of a livid gangrenous bruise." Sin chuckles, snaking the pinky with his own. "I imagine that that will fade in a short spell, along with the trippy feeling. Altered states of consciousness are good tools sometimes though. For the purpose of realigning the brain, so it's worth knowing that this particular ink... does that to you."

A handy little side effect, which might have an unexpected bonus.
Lucifer has posed:
"Perhaps. And I'm sure the affects will slake off...slowly but surely. I am finding, however, that perhaps my mentality of what could possibly go wrong is beginning to kick me in the ass." Lucifer chuckles at this and then takes a slow breath before nuzzling into Sinister again as he can. "My brain....might be aligned in odd ways right now....but I still have congniscant power over my attributes. Or something like that..."
Sinister has posed:
"You're borrowing me speak, now I /know/ your head is all trippy," Sinister mock-ducks at that, sliding arms around for a moment, then with a loud kiss, standing up and miandering out of the bedroom. Before he even leaves, the sound of things moving around in the kitchen area can be heard. "I'm going to make you a hot chocolate with baileys and grab my cigarette case."
Lucifer has posed:
"You had doubt?" Lucifer asks with another giggle before he's being repositioned so that Sinister can get up. When he states his purpose of leaving, the Devil nods and watches that ass while it departs. A moment is then taken to just revel in the feeling of tasting color, listening as it vibrates within the mind. Certainly a very trippy inkwell - but as he stated before - he's done worse. "Don't take too long. I might be a bit scared of my brain all by myself."
Sinister has posed:
"Well, we all know how long it takes a kettle to boil, I'll be precisely -that- long..." is called merrily back. It's a nice ass. It has a good shape. It fits well in tight pants. And there is a return, with a case of cigarettes, two dangling from the corner of his mouth side by side and a large mug of hot chocolate, with a dab of cream and a dollop of baileys to boot. That's proffered handle first, his grip around the rim. "Here. That will probably taste like kitten purring, in your current state."

Observation though: The cigarettes are already lit. Perhaps he doesn't quite trust the combustable one, to light smokes when skyhigh.
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer takes the mug with a grin, shifting to settle back against the headboard so he can enjoy a few sips of the chocolate goodness before he takes one of the cigarettes from Sinister. He takes a drag off that cigarette and exhales smoke into the air. "Mmn, chocolate tastes like chocolate...smoke tastes like....mmmn...fire. If fire had a taste...it tastes like a fire smells..." Another sip of the chocolate is taken before he looks half-lidded over at Sinister. "Join me?"
Sinister has posed:
"So, cigarettes taste like cigarettes then. Ok, you are coming off of it," Sinister laughs, settling on the other side of the bed with a flip of the sheets to a triangle, so he can slip in neat as you please. He draws on his own smoke, exhaling toward the ceiling as he settles. "With pleasure, my dear. Next time there's a magical component to something, try sniffing it instead, eh?" -- which will be a whole OTHER thing, knowing their luck. A couple of months down the line, there will be the lament of 'I only took your advice!' after accidental mayhem ensues. But for now?

There will be wings. There will be .gentled. care. And there will be a morning to come, some time from now. What happens between now and then? Well. Love is made of this.