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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/04/18 |Location=Dilapatated Church, Bludhaven |Synopsis=Lucifer gives Askante a friendly visit and invites Nick Drago along to meet the Daemon of Fear. |Cast of Characters=735, 9039, 10052 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:735|Lucifer (735)}} has posed:'''<br>Lucifer has been here, there, and everywhere except for the one where that he tends to leave alone for the most part. Once in a while there's a check in, a follow up, just to...")
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Latest revision as of 09:54, 21 April 2023

Where the Shadows Grow
Date of Scene: 18 April 2023
Location: Dilapatated Church, Bludhaven
Synopsis: Lucifer gives Askante a friendly visit and invites Nick Drago along to meet the Daemon of Fear.
Cast of Characters: Lucifer, Phantasm (Drago), Askante

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer has been here, there, and everywhere except for the one where that he tends to leave alone for the most part. Once in a while there's a check in, a follow up, just to see if - perhaps - Fear has decided to nope all the way to somewhere else or still lingers within these dank, dark hallways.

At least the church is somewhat fixed up. In very specific places to give a very specific shadow crawler an also very specific nest home. Though it didn't mind the occassional dripping noise from pipes long busted but still somehow leaking or the distant flickering of a light that just doesn't want to give up the ghost. What would be unsettling for most seems to be homely for them.

Enter Lucifer. Though he's on his phone texting Nick, "Meet me at that church on the corner of Rothschilde and Fifth. Got someone I want you to meet. Oh, and bring something shiny that you don't mind parting ways with. ~L.M."

He doesn't call, or really say much of anything out loud. Lucifer just waits, while playing with something that shines every so often when it catches a source of light.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Well Nick has received some odd text messages before but that particular request was not something he remembers getting ever before.

Bring something shiny?

Okay. Lucifer's been to his apartment. It was pre-furnished. WHAT something shiny?

Whelp. It takes a bit longer than one would think for Nick to show up. But he does, dressed in his Goodwill's finest, hair pulled back and carrying a white plastic bag with a yellow smiley face on the side.

The door to the church thunks shut. The sound echoes in the mostly empty structure to announce the musician's arrival. And if that wasn't unstealthy enough, Nick looks over to the waiting Lucifer, "Why something shiny?"
Askante has posed:
There IS a nest in here. It looks like the old delapidated church has been used by homeless people -- except that there is not a single pile of filth anywhere, no discarded beer cans, no junk that would suggest there's a community here. And although the place is peaceful there's a distinct creepiness to it all, which bodes for there to be little children singing in Latin or somesuch thing. Walls have been shored up with corrugated iron here and there, patches have ben applied by dawbing multiple layers of plastic bags mixed with wallpaper paste and old newspapers, like a papier mache ... plastering job. And oddly, it all works, holds together and is integrous.

There are lights though, strung around a complicated little pile of blankets and old rags tucked into the furthest, cosiest corner. Old christmas lights, half of them missing, arranged like little fairies in the darkness.

And then there's the books and objects. Little box-cart shelves have been arranged, displaying items that really, really should be in a museum of antiquity. They sit in amongst rubber duckies, small squished aluminum cans that just came out looking kind of funky when the railroad had a go at them and ... charms. There's a lot of those, making it seem rather like the Blair Witch has moved to New York City. Wicker charms, evil eyes, odd glyphs painted on pieces of cardboard, strung up all over the place and occasionally chiming softly with the stir of air. Wind chimes.

Up above, something skitters along a beam, black on black and it startles a pigeon.

And that's when both of them get marshmallows lobbed at them rather accurately.
Lucifer has posed:
"Because it likes shiny things..." Lucifer offers this to Nick as well as a smile in greeting. "Hello my friend. Thanks for coming. I'm hoping it's around so I can introduce you properly..." This as he gives the place a closer look, noticing the corrugated iron, the faux paper mache wallpaper job. The shelves that hold most of the trinkets it's collected in all the years of existing here, there, and everywhere.

Lucifer is about to say something else when he's then suddenly pelted by a marshmallow. A blink as he looks down at the white gob of sugar confection now on the ground and then looks up, and then UP. "Ah. So you are home. I do like what you've done to the place... it's a lot more homey than before... but then you've been spending time here." He offers this and then lifts up the shiny coin he brought - likely not the only thing he's brought either - but it's attention might be faster gained by the shiny. "Askante? Will you come down? I'd like to introduce you to someone. A friend."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick arches a brow to the explanation. "It?" He repeats. With a shake of his head, he reaches into the shopping bag to pull out his most recent purchase from an all night corner store that was most definitely not located in Bludhaven. A large 'I Love New York' snow globe is pulled out with silver and gold glitter fluttering around in the swirl of water, catching what light there is in the church to cause for a twinkle.

Thup. Thup. "Wha-" Nick glances up in time to get the third marshmallow landing in his now open mouth. "MPHH! - Hhhk" The globe is lowered as Nick rushes over to a spare pew to give himself the heimlich.


Askante has posed:
"It just takes time. Time and finding it all -- ooooooooh...." the voice is neither masculine, nor feminine, it hovers somewhere between both. There's a rattle, a soft chitter and clicking like a predator from one of the movies, then the skitter along the rafter moves so fast, it bounces off the wall and lands on all sixes by the old pew, peering over the top of it with large black eyes at Nick and his self-heimliching. "You were not meant to inhale it. They're or swallowing, melty over bits of broken bisquit..." it whispers this, looks beyond at Lucifer and back at Nick. "Is he ok? They are not meant to turn funny colours."

And in the meantime, it attempts with one arm to surruptitiously sneak the snowglobe away, with inching spidery fingers. Wot? You don't see nuffin.
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer blinks, and tries his best to not laugh until after Nick has dislodged the marshmallow from his throat. "Are you alright, Nick? Here..." He pulls a bottle of water from a backpack behind him and offers it over. "Take a drink. Collect yourself." Then he glances, watching the creature move as it catches the sight of shinies. Or maybe just one shiny for now.

"I'm sure he'll be fine. We aren't used to not breathing even for short periods of time. The funny color will go away." Lucifer says this and then watches further as those fingers reach for the snow globe that's on the floor. Lucifer doesn't say anything, and it's likely Nick will be too hoarse to stop it for the time being. "Why did you pelt us with marshmallows anyway? Did you think me an intruder at first, my friend?"
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick does not appear to mind as he's relieved of the, likely overpriced, snow globe. Instead, he is more focused on the bottle that has reached his line of sight. He moves back, having at least the foresight to make sure there's an actual bench to sit on before his butt goes in for a landing.

The seal on the bottle is cracked open. "th-ks." Nick coughs out. He holds up a finger begging for a moment before he starts drinking the water.

There's likely a good chance that some things will need to be repeated once he's done managing his coughing fit.
Askante has posed:
"I thought it would be funny? Worst projectile weapon ever invented, unless you inhale it..." Askante whispers that, then swiftly is behind Lucifer, leaning over the man's shoulder to eye the coin in hand. "That is... what is that?" Caught in examining the thing in hand, it stands to its full height, reaching with one hand, coveting the snowglobe with another two and proffering the bag of Staypuff'd with the fourth, flicking the side with its pinky digit to make the inviting flumps of candy jiggle in the container. "I've been reading. I've also been... talking. Talking sometimes doesn't go quite right still and a man with a bow and arrow said he might be able to help there. I got flustered."

It looks over at Nick, keeping an eye there. "He feels strange. Odd. Nice odd... but odd. Are you still mated?" And it also apparently has some things in common with a gas molecule as it looks sidelong at Lucifer and back to the recovering not-quite-a-human-any-more.
Lucifer has posed:
"Well you were just tossing them, right? Perhaps I can introduce you to something that will make marshmallows as ammunition a bit more fun." Lucifer says this while keeping an eye on Nick just in case the man needs any further help than what's been given. Though while he recovers, Lucifer is being questioned by Askante. "This? Oh. This is a piece of the oldest currency known to mankind. A Lydian Stater. It's not quite as shiny as freshly made, but it still carries a sheen. I thought you might like to add it to your trinkets..." He says this and then listens further.

"A man with a bow and arrow? Where did you meet this person?" He asks gently and then nods. "I am glad that you are reading, and talking. You are also...working? Am I wrong or have you been coming out over radio waves some nights of the week?" A pause. "And yes. I am still mated. Nick here is a friend of mine and Sinister's. He helps us solve things when we get stuck being a different mystical type than I am." Saying this much more and then he looks back to Nick finally. "Nick. Meet Askante. It...well, quite frankly, it is the Daemon of fear."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Upon recovering from the coughing fit, Nick caps the bottle and takes a deep breath before releasing it slowly. "Ahhm.. okay." Nick starts to glance up, "Sorry about that."

He pauses for a moment, looking to the multiple appendaged scaled...Well, he had dinner with a Hyena last night so this seems on par. When Lucifer makes the introductions, he glances over to the devil for a moment before looking back to the church resident. "Hi Askante." He greets, making sure to repeat the name. "Daemon of Fear..." He considers, "Do you crossover into nightmares as well?"

Nick blinks "Wait-"

Bow and Arrow?

What are the odds?

Considering his week?

"Did the archer go by the name of Clint?" Nick asks,
Askante has posed:
"I do not remember the place. I was following the fear -- but there was one of the Old Gods of Chaos, tromping around and shaking the earth. It did not quite seem right, but a lot of people were in danger..." Askante replies this, then grins with a nice set of double rowed teeth, sharp of canine, but otherwise only mildly pointy and bitey. They sit one behind the other, the second set pointed just a little backwards. It's possible that those grow out like a sharks does when time comes. "That IS a shiny. I remember when it was pieces of shell and pebbles and things traded." The coin is considered with some care, then it delicately takes it, looking at what is basically a flattened piece of metal like a plectrum. It sighs soft, almost nostaligically. "Thank you." Then it looks up again.

"Good. You are happy when you are mated..."

And it then considers Nick, hopping up onto one of the other broken pews and balancing as if it did not weigh more than a whisper, on the very back of the seat, hunched over. "Nick," it nods, saying the name very solemnly. "Nicholas, or Nicodemus? Or maybe it is another. Silly you for asking that... ahh..." it blinks a nictating membrane over those black eyes. "Yes. Yes that man was called Clint. I heard them talking through the communications thing and there was a ship in the sky about to arrive. I did not think they would appreciate my presence. Not a lot of things tend to."

Pausing, it nods though. At the question regarding Nightmare. "I travel."
Lucifer has posed:
"You and I both, my friend." Lucifer offers. In truth, Askante is likely literally the oldest friend that Lucifer has - and can say that in the true meaning of friendship. Not just given by people who want him around for what he can do. There's a handful of those types in Luci's life. Askante was just the first.

There's a smile as that comment about him being happy when he's mated comes, and he just nods. Though having listened to the other thing that Askante spoke of, Lucifer chimes in. "Oh... I think I know about this. The bow and arrow man, was he with someone else? A woman? Red hair, white streak, would have likely been injured?" Then he thinks on it some more. "Nathaniel helped out a sort-of friend of his. She's a mutant. She got hurt by Juggernaut - who I have also had the pleasure of meeting."

There's a pause and a chuckle. "Hell of a small world."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Nicholas." The musician clarifies, "...My middle name." Nick tilts his head back to look to the one looming over. "Well, Nightmares are also dreams. I was just curious to if I've ever encountered your work when traveling. Or if you did more of the waking fear thing."

Nick looks over to Lucifer as he provides more information, giving a blank look to the description of the redhead with a white streak. But the mention of Juggernaut gets a blink. "...I'm guessing this lady is not the only one Juggernaut hurt during all this." A guess, but judging from the questioning tone, there might be a request for confirmation on that in there somewhere.
Askante has posed:
"You might have done. I do not know. I do not often do Nightmares, they tend to be too confusing... but occasionally they are the only way to express the necessity to see the Fear for what it is. Sometimes, they grow very powerful in their own right, particularly if they have been tainted by the other realms." It shrugs its shoulders, tilting an ear up to listen to Lucifer's words. "Yes, I remember the red haired woman. She flew. A mutant? That would explain why the old god did not destroy her. Is that what it now calls itself, the Juggernaut? It seems appropriate. But yes. You have heard me on the radio.. waves... thing... sometimes. I help a small station, people talk. I can hear the fears, I can help to sooth them. It is odd, that people do that."

It chuckles musically. "It was always a small world, when you consider her brothers and sisters."

And lastly, back to Nick. "Fewer than might have been. I was able to get there in time to do ahh... what is it called? Damage control? People are panicky creatures, but it is possible to panic them away from running into the collapsing building."
Lucifer has posed:
"Yes. I believe she is a mutant. Nathaniel calls her by the name of Rogue. He's apparently been helping her with a few things as of late." Lucifer provides at least that much more before looking back to Askante. "Ah. Yes. You listen, to them and to their fears, I can sometimes hear things in their voices. It's...interesting...but I am glad that you have found something to do. A sort of...purpose? In this moment of your existence?" There's a smile then. "Do they...give you any sort of compensation? Paper money or coins for such? Or do you just...give your time for free?"

There's a glance to Nick once more then. "I never heard any official reports of what happened, so it's likely there weren't any civilian casualties and a group covered it up. Which might be a good thing, but could also be a bad thing." A pause. "I...may still have access to a police scanner. And radio. So. I hear about things all the time. Sometimes still go and give them help...much to their chagrin usually..."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick nods slightly, considering the things mentioned. "Probably the best thing to do when dealing with a situation involving him is what you did." Nick agrees, looking to Askante. "Removing the potential casualties from the scene. Slowing him down is a bit hard to do. Especially when dealing with that shockwave attack."

Nick looks over to Lucifer to the mention of the police scanner. Clint is kind of a mixed bag of possibilities. If he was there as an Avenger, Yep. police chatter's a possibility but if it was as the other guy. Well.- "I guess I could call and ask. Where was this incident?"
Askante has posed:
"They saw me talking to a person on the street and it was quite good. They give me a green sheet of cloth money every time, but I really don't know what to do with it. I keep it in a tin that had fish in it." The Daemon takes a couple of steps away and rummages in one of its box crate shelves, producing a novelty tin of goldfish crackers. "They're happy fish..." it opens the tin. It's been a while. That's quite a number of Benjamins right there. Nothing when you're a multimillionaire, but when you live in a delapidated church and have no concept of what this is all about, that's probably a recipe for a very brave thief to lose body parts.

It glances up at Nick, giving another of those Predator chitters. "I did not like the thought of squish. That takes a lot out of me. I... do not understand what you are meaning though." It looks from the musician to the OTHER musician, its expression blank. "Don't know where that was. A place in the city where there were ... in... uh... it was New York?" well, that's helpful.
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer gives a nod of his head when Askante explains that they give it cloth money, and then watches as it brings out the tin where it has been keeping said money. "Very happy fish. People use this to buy things. Like hot dogs and candy, or even pay to live in apartments. Like where I live. Only often times smaller." He smiles then. "But I know you're quite comfortable here. You could use the money to buy some things to decorate this place more...if you truly wanted. Or, you could donate the money to a place who could use it." He explains as simply as he can. "Or you can just save it in your fish tin. Just...don't show it to any random person who may walk in here..." Though, most people would likely step one foot in the church, feel the presence of Fear and run the hell away.

After a moment, he looks back to Nick. "Nathaniel didn't mention a place, and it's likely because either Rogue never said it or he just didn't think it important. He usually only gives me the reason why he comes home late or was held up downstairs in the club." Offering that much before, "You might just have to go to the source. I find it rather funny that we're so connected in ways we never really imagined." A pause before he looks back at Askante. "Also, you should come by the penthouse sometime. Pay another visit to Hope. I bet she would like to see you again."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Yeah I uh, had a few occasions of speaking with him over the past year when dealing with some stuff." Nick doesn't go much further in explanation at the moment but instead gives a sigh, "Ok, I might have to ask Nathaniel for more info before I go asking Clint to add on to it. I'd probably get more from him if I had an actual location to tag to the 'Do you know about that Juggernaut thing that happened in ... question."
Askante has posed:
"Oh, may I? I shall then. It is good to not be alone," This a statement on two fronts, Askante hops up again on the back of a pew, balancing with its long tail acting like a prop, flat to the ground. It nods regarding money. "It seems as if money became a lot more dangerous over the years. It was becoming so when the men hunted for gold in the rivers and slaughtered the native peoples..." it leans down, hunkers with the snowglobe still in hand, resting its chin on the knuckles that covet the novelty souvenir. "It makes very little sense, it has no value, not even to blow the nose with..." A glance here and there, as if contemplating modernization of its nest, then it fixes on Nick.

"I could hunt down the woman, see if she will speak. Or the man. He said he would teach me language skills..." it muses, quiet a moment. "Is he a spy? It is usually only spies that tell a story that goes through the countryside, or one who does not wish the truth to be told. Rulers of the city are often like that."
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer nods. "Of course you may. You really have an open invitation whenever you wish to come see myself, or her. Or both. It is good not to be alone...it's just unfortunate that I have to keep her locked in the box." Pandora's Box, to be precise. Nick might even remember seeing a box on one of his bookshelves. Fear used to be in the box, before it was opened the first time. There's a little smile as Askante looks over the snowglobe. "Quite interesting that Nick got you a snowglobe. I have one as well, a trinket gift that Nathaniel got for me on our first date. It only serves to be looked at, shaken to make the inside glitter flutter all around, but that's it." Then Askante is talking to Nick again and Lucifer doesn't really have a say in that part of the conversation anymore so he wanders closer to the full nest and decor Askante has made for itself.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Well, you told me to bring something shiny." Nick points out, "Not much shinier than glitter. And is easy to locate in a store this time of night."

The spy question triggers a thoughtful expression on his face. "Well, he used to live in a circus." The musician allows, "So he knows some interesting people. For all we know he might have more than one story about the Juggernaut, so best be specific."
Askante has posed:
"A circus? I liked those. I went to one once, where the tent was the size of a barn. They juggled knives and breathed fire..." Askante watches Lucifer for a couple of seconds, then points an arm at the newest of things. They look like personal nick-nacks from this day and age, with the exception of a matroshka doll that looks turn of the century. That tingles very slightly to the awareness.

It looksk back to Nick. "Many of the things that I have, have no real value other than that they shine. But they do not always shine in a way people can see. Would you like to see some?"
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer tilts his head at the modern nick nacks that have been acquired, all of them new. At least new to him, he has no idea when they were acquired by Askante itself. The matroshka doll catches his eye, mostly because of the tingle he feels from it and so he reaches to place his hand on the doll, pick it up, look it over. Perhaps ascertain what makes or why it tingles so.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
With the topic changing from whether or not one of his friends is a spy to come look at the shiny stuff. Nick cracks a slight smile to the offer. "Sure." He agrees, starting to shift to his feet, allowing for Askante to direct him towards the particular items they wanted to to show off.
Askante has posed:
The matroshka seems to be ordinary enough, until you take the top lady off. There's another lady. And another. And another, as is normal. But there comes a point where the littlest matroshka should've been reached and where she should be, she is actually a tiny ink well and she holds a stylus in her hands that can be removed. Odd. That tingles, too.

It actually leads to a cluster of things, in the heart of its nesting area. One looks to be a human fingerbone, went around with gutting and with glyphs painted on it. It hangs from a leather cord, to be worn about the neck, it looks native australian in design, or mauri. Another is a plain earthenware bowl ancient looking with a faded glaze to it. It has a couple of washers and a hand ful of small change in it. Another is a dreamcatcher. This, it actually plucks up and hands to Nick. "I think you need this."
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer begins the opening ceremony of doll, doll, doll, doll, do--wait. Not a doll. An inkwell and stylus which also tingles. Lucifer is careful in setting things down so he can pick up the inkwell then. "You really do obtain the strangest of things, my friend..." Offering this as he looks the inkwell over, sniffs at it, and because Lucifer is Lucifer, he even dips a pinky into the inkwell. Should it come back with a bit of ink on the tip, he'll lick it!

What's the Worst That Could Happen?
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick's brows raise at the fingerbone, partly wondering how old the bone was. Considering the effort to decorate it, it's definitely not a newly acquired item. Old collectors pieces?

When the dreamcatcher is offered to him, Nick looks to it. Quietly, he reaches over to take the item, turning it over to see the other side of the knotting. He gives a slight smile, chuckling. "A reference to what I do?"

Lucifer's comments draw his attention away as he watches the devil reach into something. But being the musician doesn't read minds, he is not aware of the potential problem in the making. "What's that?"
Askante has posed:
Only Lucifer. ONLY Lucifer would -taste- the ink. He'd have been the child in the corner eating the crayons and having a very interesting poop later, in technicolour. His fingertip comes out black. It -tastes- like... uh.. well, ink? Except that then there's a strange aftertaste like skittles? Veritably sweet, yes. But when he takes his finger out of his mouth, his fingertip is now electric blue. Sky blue. Cerulean blue. Baby blue? Nope. Navy blue. Midnight blue! And powder, too!

And because that really wasn't meant for EATING, ooooh. Pretty colours. You know how Spike fed on a flower person at Woodstock and spent the rest of the concert watching his hand move? That. Pretty PRETTY colours, and they dance, dance, dance!

"Perhaps. But more, a blessing for the darker half. It must live in the moonlight, for six nights. On the seventh night, it will give blessedly peaceful sleep. I think this trinket should get use again. I do not need it, so much." It looks up then at the address to Lucifer and blinks. "Oh, by the fallen stars..."
Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer is at least conscious enough to set the inkwell back down where he got it from even while fixated on his finger. "My finger keeps changing colors..." Is offered. "I feel...weird. Why do I feel weird? I'm an Angel for fucks sake I don't get...weird..." A pause, he waves his hand. Colors dance. There's likely a cartoony type event in his head where they even sing! "...I should probably sit down..."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
To the mention of a darker half, pale eyes shift over to Askante quickly. Quietly he considers the scaled one, debating on what to say before his hand closes on the dreamcatcher. "...Thank you." He replies, leaving at this.

Lucifer's newfound predicament draws the attention back to him. The general comments made by the angel would be a bit concerning to most but then again, while Nick may not act like it most of the time.

He is technically a rockstar. And before that accident-

Nick walks over towards Lucifer, trying to get a glance to his eyes. "Yeah, sit down... Might want to ride this out. So, how is your breathing?"
Askante has posed:
To be fair, Lucifer's fingertip really IS changing colours, in a variety of blues. But the ink is meant for inking. When ingested, whatever odd little magics are in it are doing colours to the life-form!

"You are not meant to eat it. Honestly, what person sees ink and thinks I should eat that?" Askante is chuckling though as it knuckle-crawls on four limbs (it's still got the snowglobe held in hands to fondle and make dance with glitter) to sit on the floor in front of Lucifer, looking to the more skilled at the head-trippin' than it. "You are welcome..." it proffers, though it considers the angel in their midst with its head cocked doglike.

"You are impetuous and take risks, my friend. But you fear nothing in a bottle at least..."
Lucifer has posed:
"The same person who takes stones of somewhat mythical or prophetic origin and eats those as well. It's not the worst thing I've eaten in my time..." Lucifer is overall fine. A finger that's changing color and a bit of a ride in the brain never did him any harm. He then smirks. "It's also going to be one hell of a story to tell Nathaniel later... how'd your day go? ... it went great. I tasted ink. My finger turned blue and I tripped for a little while. Yours?..." He has to laugh at himself then, shaking his head some. "So, Nick, now you have a new friend of the Daemons. How doth that make thee feel?"
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As Lucifer lists the things he's eaten, Nick's jaw drops slightly, "Are you also the type to lick toads?" When Askante is reference he looks back over to them. "Well, it's nice to make new friends." He responds, "Even better when they stick around. Although, I don't think some of my friends would get along with other friends."
Askante has posed:
"Language is a strange thing, it changes and grows with the ones that speak it. What do you think when he says I am a Daemon?" Askante asks, tilting its head the other way. "He has licked toads and consumed far worse things. That is his nature, to devour sin. The church made a caste just in his honour, though he never really thought about it that way. They are scions of Samael." They are? They are!

It pats its pockets then, and fishes out an array of treats, all of which are in various states of being opened and consumed -- lemon drops, gummy worms, some peanuts. Slightly fluffy chocolate and with some reverence, it takes out three separate halves of hotdogs. It's all laid out in offering.
Lucifer has posed:
"Such is the way it goes with some people. All from various walks of life and sometimes those paths collide be it for good or bad." Lucifer offers, looking at his ever-changing-color pinky to maybe see if it's stopped changing colors yet. "How do you think some of those ideas became popular? Some random person just picked up a toad and licked it? Plucked a mushroom off a tree stump and thought it'd be a tasty morsel? No, my friend, the idea always started from something a bit more..." Then he glances to the offers that Asktane lays out and gives a little smile. "You really are a fan of hot dogs, aren't you?"
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick tilts his head in thought to the question. "Generally something of the supernatural." He answers, "I know there are a lot of various spellings and stuff but I haven't really gotten to telling them all apart." He pauses, "I need to get back to reading up on the stuff. I've just been distracted for the past few years."

He looks to the spread of items. "...Have you been to Fred's Diner? They've got some good food. And it's in an old style diner design so the decor's pretty shiny."
Askante has posed:
Askante's quills rattle as it shakes its head. "No, I have never been to eat with anyone," which is a sad thing to say, but it's a truth, though it looks up at Lucifer with a chuckle, raspy and strangely two-toned. "I do not like to see things wasted. And they taste good. You can put things on them -- red sauce and green sauce and yellow sauce and crunchy bits and pickled vegetables." It thinks about this, then adds "And they are everywhere. I thought this was significant." And it can get caught up in significance, can it!

But then it hunkers up on its haunches, wrapping its tail around its toes. "I am not supernatural..." it thinks about that, too "...well. I don't think that I am. There are not many of us left. I know only of myself and of Hope, although I think Paranoia is probably around, also. There used to be many of us, born when minds that thought beyond the body, needed us. One by one, we vanished. I remain. Mankind cannot let go of Fear. As it cannot let go of Hope; we are Earthbound spirits, to some. Anthropomorphic personifications, to others that like long words. I was born when the monkey at the fire, did not know that there were eyes on it in the dark and in the sky and in the shadows in the world beyond. i have died a thousand times, but I keep coming back, because they need me. Maybe one day, I will die. I do not know what that means though, when the world turns."
Lucifer has posed:
"In all truth I think Hope might die before you do, my friend. Hope will die eventually and you will then grow because without Hope all the people will have is Fear." Lucifer says this in a very matter of fact sort of way. "We could probably go out to Fred's Diner if you want. Or I could pick up some things from there that I think you might like and bring it here..." Askante takes a form, but the form varies from person to person.

"Ah, in all truth I should be getting home for now. Need to go make sure that Nathaniel has taken care of himself..." He chuckles then. "Askante. Please come visit soon. You remember where I live, yes?" Asking and then he looks to Nick. "You're welcome to remain, I'm sure, and look over its stuff...unless you have matters to attend to as well." He says this and then waits for the answer from Askante before, likely, heading off to leave the church and get home.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Hmm. Well, I can see that. Fear is in a lot of places. A lot of my travels end up saturated in it." He pauses, "Come to think of those are usually the ones I am pulled towards when traveling alone." He pauses, mouth about to part to offer another bit of insight before Lucifer speaking up draws his attention.

Nick looks to the pile of food. "As for the diner, they do have some very flexible hours. And I know when it's at its emptiest. The food is slower coming out but you have more time to enjoy it and the view without having to rush. Maybe we could try that?"
Askante has posed:
"To be invited to dine!" The two free arms come together to clattemr long claws together, excitably. "I look forward to it!" it states this with a nod. The prophecy from Lucifer though, leaves it gazing at the devil, then looking away. Truth can be a stark, harsh mistress; but that leads to apocryphal thinking and it churs softly to itself. A declaration is then made: "Use the fetish. It should be used." Whoever knows what 'Nathaniel taking care of himself' entails, but it doesn't make to stop the devil.

"Thank you for the visit," it takes up half a hotdog and presses it to Nick, insistant in the gesture. "I must go, also. Night is in full and this area becomes Dark in the darkness." Somehow the capitalization can be heard in the tone. "If at any time you need me, burn or consume a dandilion. I will know." And with that, it hops to the wall, runs along it on four legs, puts the snowglobe high and out of reach on a beam above, then literally vanishes in a skitter of black creepy crawly shadows!